9 research outputs found

    Wiedza i postawy wobec padaczki wśród mieszkańców województwa śląskiego. Badanie ankietowe

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    Background and purpose Epilepsy is one of the most frequent neurological diseases. Social acceptance is very important for people with epilepsy and their relatives. The aim of the study was to assess public knowledge and attitudes towards epilepsy in Silesia. Material and methods We examined 419 people, inhabitants of Silesia, at the mean age of 34 ± 15 years. The study was performed using a questionnaire containing 15 questions evaluating knowledge about epilepsy and attitudes towards people with epilepsy. Results 43.2% of the respondents knew an epileptic person themselves. 44.7% had witnessed an epileptic seizure; 68.8% would help a person during an epileptic seizure, but most of them (73.4%) would do it incorrectly (by putting an object into the mouth to prevent biting the tongue). 94.5% of respondents had nothing against friendship with an epileptic person, but 12.1% suggested that children with epilepsy should attend special schools. 85.9% of all those examined said that people with epilepsy should inform others about their disease, 81.9% would mention the existence of an epileptic person in their family. 40.5% of respondents believe that people with epilepsy can do the same jobs as healthy people, 75.3% would employ an epileptic person themselves. Conclusions The knowledge about epilepsy and first aid during epileptic seizure is still insufficient among inhabitants of Silesia. Most of the responders, especially better educated ones, declare acceptance and tolerance of people with epilepsy. More effort should be made to improve public knowledge of epilepsy by preparing wide-spread educational programmes.Wstęp i cel pracy Padaczka to jedna z najczęstszych przewlekłych chorób układu nerwowego. Społeczna akceptacja jest bardzo ważna dla osób chorujących na padaczkę i ich rodzin. Celem pracy była ocena wiedzy na temat padaczki oraz postaw wobec osób nią dotkniętych wśród mieszkańców województwa śląskiego. Materiał i metody W badaniu wzięło udział 419 mieszkańców województwa śląskiego, w średnim wieku 34 ± 15 lat. Zastosowano kwestionariusz składający się z 15 pytań dotyczących wiedzy i postaw wobec padaczki. Wyniki Spośród ankietowanych 43,5% stwierdziło, że zna lub znała osobę chorującą na padaczkę. 44,7% badanych była wcześniej świadkiem napadu padaczkowego. Większość (68,8%) deklarowała chęć udzielenia pomocy w trakcie napadu, lecz aż 73,4% uczyniłoby to niewłaściwie (poprzez włożenie jakiegoś przedmiotu między zęby osoby chorej). Aż 94,5% ankietowanych nie miałoby nic przeciwko temu, aby w grupie przyjaciół znalazła się osoba chora na padaczkę, a 12,1% uważało, że dzieci chore na padaczkę powinny chodzić do specjalnych szkół. 85,9% badanych twierdziło, że osoby chore na padaczkę powinny informować otoczenie o swojej chorobie, nieco mniej (81,9%) powiedziałoby innym, gdyby w rodzinie była osoba chora. 40,5% ankietowanych jest zdania, że chorujący na padaczkę mogą pracować w tych samych zawodach co osoby zdrowe, aż 70,5% zatrudniłoby taką osobę osobiście. Wnioski Wiedza na temat padaczki oraz znajomość zasad udzielania pierwszej pomocy osobie w trakcie napadu padaczkowego jest wciąż niedostateczna wśród mieszkańców Śląska. Większość badanych, zwłaszcza lepiej wykształconych, deklaruje postawę akceptacji oraz tolerancji wobec osób chorujących na padaczkę. Istnieje potrzeba przygotowania i rozpowszechnienia programu edukacyjnego, który zawierałby podstawowe informacje na temat choroby i postępowania z osobą chorą w trakcie napadu

    2015 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death the Task Force for the Management of Patients with Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Endorsed by: Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC)

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    European Society of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2019

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    Aims The 2019 report from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Atlas provides a contemporary analysis of cardiovascular disease (CVD) statistics across 56 member countries, with particular emphasis on international inequalities in disease burden and healthcare delivery together with estimates of progress towards meeting 2025 World Health Organization (WHO) non-communicable disease targets. Methods and results In this report, contemporary CVD statistics are presented for member countries of the ESC. The statistics are drawn from the ESC Atlas which is a repository of CVD data from a variety of sources including the WHO, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, and the World Bank. The Atlas also includes novel ESC sponsored data on human and capital infrastructure and cardiovascular healthcare delivery obtained by annual survey of the national societies of ESC member countries. Across ESC member countries, the prevalence of obesity (body mass index ≥30 kg/m2) and diabetes has increased two- to three-fold during the last 30 years making the WHO 2025 target to halt rises in these risk factors unlikely to be achieved. More encouraging have been variable declines in hypertension, smoking, and alcohol consumption but on current trends only the reduction in smoking from 28% to 21% during the last 20 years appears sufficient for the WHO target to be achieved. The median age-standardized prevalence of major risk factors was higher in middle-income compared with high-income ESC member countries for hypertension {23.8% [interquartile range (IQR) 22.5–23.1%] vs. 15.7% (IQR 14.5–21.1%)}, diabetes [7.7% (IQR 7.1–10.1%) vs. 5.6% (IQR 4.8–7.0%)], and among males smoking [43.8% (IQR 37.4–48.0%) vs. 26.0% (IQR 20.9–31.7%)] although among females smoking was less common in middle-income countries [8.7% (IQR 3.0–10.8) vs. 16.7% (IQR 13.9–19.7%)]. There were associated inequalities in disease burden with disability-adjusted life years per 100 000 people due to CVD over three times as high in middle-income [7160 (IQR 5655–8115)] compared with high-income [2235 (IQR 1896–3602)] countries. Cardiovascular disease mortality was also higher in middle-income countries where it accounted for a greater proportion of potential years of life lost compared with high-income countries in both females (43% vs. 28%) and males (39% vs. 28%). Despite the inequalities in disease burden across ESC member countries, survey data from the National Cardiac Societies of the ESC showed that middle-income member countries remain severely under-resourced compared with high-income countries in terms of cardiological person-power and technological infrastructure. Under-resourcing in middle-income countries is associated with a severe procedural deficit compared with high-income countries in terms of coronary intervention, device implantation and cardiac surgical procedures. Conclusion A seemingly inexorable rise in the prevalence of obesity and diabetes currently provides the greatest challenge to achieving further reductions in CVD burden across ESC member countries. Additional challenges are provided by inequalities in disease burden that now require intensification of policy initiatives in order to reduce population risk and prioritize cardiovascular healthcare delivery, particularly in the middle-income countries of the ESC where need is greatest

    Major Bleeding of Transjugular Native Kidney Biopsies. A French Nationwide Cohort Study

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    International audienc

    2019 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes

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    Actualización de las guías de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología (ESC) para el manejo de la fibrilación auricular de 2010 Elaborada en colaboración con la Asociación Europea del Ritmo Cardiaco.

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    2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with the European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS): 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with the European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS)

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    © 2020 European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved.Atrial fibrillation (AF) poses significant burden to patients, physicians, and healthcare systems globally. Substantial research efforts and resources are being directed towards gaining detailed information about the mechanisms underlying AF, its natural course and effective treatments (see also the ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine: CardioMed) and new evidence is continuously generated and published. The complexity of AF requires a multifaceted, holistic, and multidisciplinary approach to the management of AF patients, with their active involvement in partnership with clinicians. Streamlining the care of patients with AF in daily clinical practice is a challenging but essential requirement for effective management of AF. In recent years, substantial progress has been made in the detection of AF and its management, and new evidence is timely integrated in this third edition of the ESC guidelines on AF. The 2016 ESC AF Guidelines introduced the concept of the five domains to facilitate an integrated structured approach to AF care and promote consistent, guideline-adherent management for all patients. The Atrial Fibrillation Better Care (ABC) approach in the 2020 ESC AF Guidelines is a continuum of this approach, with the goal to further improve the structured management of AF patients, promote patient values, and finally improve patient outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    2012 focused update of the ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: an update of the 2010 ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation. Developed with the special contribution of the European Heart Rhythm Association.

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    2012 focused update of the ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation

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