1,168 research outputs found

    Genetic Analysis of Eight X-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeat Loci in Iraqi Population Using the Mentype® Argus X-UL PCR Amplification Kit

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    X-Chromosome short tandem repeat (STR) typing can complement existing DNA profiling protocols and can also offer useful information in cases of complex kinship analysis. This is the first population study of 8 X-linked STRs in Iraq. The purpose of this work was to provide a basic data of allele and haplotype frequency for x-linked markers and methods that are commonly used to analyze microsatellites, and the subsequent possibilities of using these specifities especially in forensic genetics. FTA® Technology (FTA™ paper DNA extraction) was utilized to extract DNA. Amplification was performed using the Mentype® Argus X-UL PCR amplification kit. Products were detected using ABI PRISMR 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Forensic efficiency parameters showed that DXS7132, DXS7423, DXS8378, HPRTB, DXS10074, DXS10101, DXS10134 and DXS10135 are suitable for forensic application in Iraq. All the analyzed markers were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE); therefore Hardy Weinberg laws could be applied for match probability calculation.Keywords: Allele Frequency, Haplotype Frequency, Iraq, Short Tandem Repeat (STR), X-chromosom

    Y-Chromosome short tandem repeat, typing technology, locus information and allele frequency in different population: A review

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    Chromosome Y microsatellites seem to be ideal markers to delineate differences between human populations. They are transmitted in uniparental and they are very sensitive for genetic drift. This review will highlight the importance of the Y- Chromosome as a tool for tracing human evolution and describes some details of Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) analysis. Among them are: microsatellites, amplification using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of STRs, separation and detection and advantages of X-chromosomal microsatellites.Key words: Forensic, population, review, STR, Y- chromosome

    Experience with impacted upper ureteral Stones; should we abandon using semirigid ureteroscopes and pneumatic lithoclast?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The AUA/EAU Ureteral Stones Guideline Panel reported that the stone free rate for the proximal ureteral stones is around 81% when treated by either SWL or ureteroscopy (URS).</p> <p>Complication rates, most notably ureteral perforation and long-term complications of URS such as stricture formation rates, have been reduced to < 5%. Moreover, impacted ureteral calculi are more difficult to fragment with SWL because of the lack of natural expansion space for stones, this result in a situation that is better managed by ureteroscopy. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy, safety, and complications of impacted upper ureteral stone disintegration using semirigid ureteroscopes and pneumatic lithotripsy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively analyzed the records of 267 consecutive patients with impacted upper ureteral stones (9–20 mm) who were treated by semirigid ureteroscopes and pneumatic disintegration. The efficacy of treatment was estimated using the stone-free rate and all treatment related complications were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Except for 24 cases where the stone migrated to the kidney, the stone was successfully treated ureteroscopically, with a low rate of minimal complications such as mild hematuria (18.4%), short term low grade fever (13.5%). Only 3 patients (1.1%) had high grade fever and none had post operative stricture.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The use of semirigid URS and pneumatic lithotripsy in impacted upper ureteral stones in experienced hands has very satisfactory results with minimal complications. When Holmium laser and flexible URS are not available, semirigid URS and pneumatic lithotripsy is a good alternative that shouldn't, yet, be abandoned.</p

    The Role of Ki-67 Immunoexpression in Diagnosis of Molar Pregnancy and Differentiating its Subtypes

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    الهدف:-&nbsp; لدراسة دور التعبير المناعي ل Ki-67 &nbsp;في تشخيص الحمل العنقودي وتمييزها عن الانواع الأخرى لأنواع اجهاض الحمل. العمليات:- ثمان وستون نموذج لنواتج الحمل المثبتة بالفورمالين والمطمورة بالفورمالين ، والتي شملت أجهاض الحمل في الأشهر الأولى (15 نموذج)، حمل عنقودي جزئي ( 24 نموذج)، حمل عنقودي كامل ( 24 نموذج)&nbsp; ومشيمة الحمل الكامل&nbsp; (5 نموذج). جميع النماذج تم جمعها من مختبرات فحص الأنسجة&nbsp; في مستشفى الولادة في اربيل / العراق خلال الفترة من ايلول 2012- ايلول 2013. تم استخدام التصبيغ المناعي الهيستوكيمياوي ل Ki-67 وباستعمال المضاد الأحادي MIB-1 وباستخدام الطريقة المعتادة . المؤشر التعريفي لKi-67 (عدد الأنوية المصبوغة/عدد الأنوية الكلي) لكل من الزغابات المشيمة&nbsp; والجذعة الغذائية الخلوية والجذعة الغذائية المخلاوية والخلايا السدوية تم حسابها بصورة منفصلة. الحسابات الأحصائية تم اجراءها بأستخدام مؤشر Fisher&nbsp; واذا كانت قيمة الp أقل من 0.05 تم اعتباره ذو قيمة أحصائية. النتائج:-&nbsp; أظهرت الدراسة أن مؤشر ال Ki-67 في كل امراض الزغابات المشيمية كان عالي وبصورة خاصة في الزغابات المشيمية للحمل العنقودي الكامل&nbsp; (&gt;50%&nbsp; ) ثم في الحمل العنقودي الجزئي (&gt;20%). كذلك تم ايجاد علاقة ذو قيمة احصائية&nbsp; للتعبير المناعي لل Ki-67 &nbsp;والتي كانت مفيدة في التمييز بين الأجهاض والحمل العنقودي الكامل ( p&lt;0.01) والحمل العنقودي الجزئي ( p&lt;0.05). الأستنتاج:- المؤشر التعريفي ل Ki-67&nbsp; في الزغابات المشيمية كان ذو قيمة في تشخيص وتمييز الحمل العنقودي من الأجهاض في الأشهر الأولى للحمل وكذلك في تمييز الحمل العنقودي الكامل من الحمل العنقودي الجزئي .Objectives: The study is intended to evaluate the role of Ki-67 immunoexpression in the diagnosis of molar pregnancy &amp; differential diagnosis of its subgroups from miscarriage. Methods: Sixty eight formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded specimens of products of conception , including 1st trimester miscarriage (n=15), partial hydatidiform mole PHM (n=24), complete hydatidiform CHM (n=24) and full term placenta (n=5), all were examined at Histopathology Department of Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil, Iraq during the period Sep.2012-Sep.2013. Ki-67 immunohistochemical staining was performed by using the monoclonal antibody MIB-1 and the standard streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method. The labeling index (number of positive nuclei/total number of nuclei) for villous, cytotrophoblasts , syncytiotrophoblasts and stromal cells were evaluated separately. Statistical analysis was carried out by Fisher’s exact test &amp; statistical significance was determined at p &lt; 0.05. Results: The study shows that all villous trophoblastic lesions showed high Ki-67 in all villous components especially cytotrophoblasts, being the highest in CHM mole(&gt;50%) followed by PHM (&gt;20%). Also found a statistically significant differences in immunoexpressins of Ki-67 that was useful in separating miscarriage from CHM, p&lt;0.01 (highly significant), and partial hydatidiform mole p&lt;0.05, (significant). Conclusion: Ki-67 labeling index of villous cells ,especially cytotrophoblasts, is valuable in diagnosis and differentiation of hydatidiform mole from 1st trimester miscarriage as well as between different subgroups of hydatidiformmoles (CHM &amp; PHM)

    Evaluation of the properties of modified local asphalt binder by using styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) or low-density polyethylene (LDPE)

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    The influence of styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) or low-density polyethylene (LDPE) polymers on the characteristics of local asphalt binder was analyzed to characterize the rheological properties. The results indicated that the SBR or LDPE increased the softening point. The softening point was enhanced by around 35% when 9% of SBR was used in comparison to the unmodified asphalt, while there was a 15% increment when LDPE was used. The results also indicated that the SBR or LDPE decreased the penetration rate. The penetration decreases by around 36% when 9% of SBR is used compared to the neat asphalt, while a significant increment was 89% when 9% of LDPE is used. Additionally, when 9% SBR was employed, the ductility of the asphalt binder rose by roughly 73%, but 64% less ductility was seen when 9% LDPE was utilized. Finally, the addition of the additive has improved the penetration index, thus reducing the temperature sensitivity. Due to said above, SBR and LDPE are practical and promising modifiers that will be useful in enhancing the performance of the asphalt binder straightforwardly and efficiently

    Consistent association of fungus Fusarium mangiferae Britz with mango malformation disease in Pakistan

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    Mango malformation disease (MMD) deforms the natural shape of panicles and shoots. The disease incitant is of great concern due to its complexity and mode of infection. Recently, a new species Fusarium mangiferae Britz was confirmed as the etiological agent of MMD in African and Asian clade. There was a need to confirm the fungus in other Asian countries. We investigated the association of F. mangiferae with malformed branches of five exotic and five indigenous cultivars of Mangifera indica L. in Pakistan. F. mangiferae proved to be the dominant fungus hosting majority of the malformed tissues. Among the indigenous cultivars, maximum tissue infection of 96.66% was found in cultivar Anwar Rataul and minimum was found in cultivar Late Chaunsa (48.33%). In exotic ones, maximum and minimum infections of 97.33 and 70.67% were noted in the cultivars Sensation and Pop, respectively. Light and transmission electron microscopy proved helpful in investigating the morphological matrix and ultrastructure of the propagules of fungus F. mangiferae.Key words: Mangifera indica, microconidium, Pakistan, tissue assay, transmission electron microscopy

    Security, usability, and biometric authentication scheme for electronic voting using multiple keys

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    We propose electronic voting authentication scheme, which is a key management mechanism for electronic voting system intended to limit the number of attacks on a polling station and strengthen the security control. The motivation is to diversify security requirements of messages exchanged between polling stations. There are different types of messages exchanged between polling stations and each type of message has different security needs. A security mechanism developed on the basis of a single key is not enough to ensure the diverse security needs of voting network. In electronic voting authentication scheme, every polling station is responsible to support three different types of keys. These are global key, pairwise key, and individual key. The global keys are public keys shared with all polling stations in the voting network. The pairwise key can be used for communication with polling stations. Individual keys will be used for communication with the server. To ensure authentication of local broadcast, electronic voting authentication scheme uses one-way key chains in a well-organized way. The support of source authentication is a visible advantage of this scheme. We examine the authentication of electronic voting authentication scheme on numerous attack models. The measurement demonstrates that electronic voting authentication scheme is very operative in protecting against numerous elegant attacks such as wormhole attack, Sybil attack, and HELLO Flood attack. The proposed system is evaluated and the results demonstrate that the proposed system is practical and secure as compared to the direct recording electronic and manual systems