67 research outputs found

    I am my bag. My bag is me.

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    This bachelor thesis studies the relationship between the luxury bag and young female consumers, in order to explore how this relationship affects the usage of the luxury bag. Four interviews with females between ages of 20-30 were held, according to an ethnographic method, to examine the purchase experience, the relationship and its influencing factors and also the usage of the luxury bag. This analysis was based on the empirical research, complemented with theories regarding emotional value, the extended self, the individual value- and relationship creation, the cultural and social contexts influences, goods ascribed with human attributes and interpreted on the basis of a hermeneutic method. The study shows that the purchase experience contributes an additional emotional value that affects how the respondents perceive their relationship to the luxury bag. The purchase experience contributes with emotions, which in turn is applied as an extra value to the luxury bag. The study has shown that there is a personal and human relationship between the interviewees and their luxury bag. The interviewees see the luxury bag as a part of the self, which makes the relationship personal, and the interviewees ascribe human attributes, in form of love, identity and solidarity to the luxury bag, which makes the relationship human. The cultural and social context has an influence on the earlier described relationship in forms of the social norms and social acceptance, which limits the interviewees in their relationship and feelings to the luxury bag. Because of the feelings, identity and solidarity that are ascribed to the luxury bag, the bag is more special and valuable to the interviewees. As a result; the luxury bag has a special place in the interviewees' homes; the interviewees are more concerned about their luxury bags; and the interviewees feel a certain way when they use the luxury bag. This shows that the personal and human relationship contributes with values to the luxury bag, which makes it more special. As follows; the usage of the luxury bag has a central role in the interviewee’s lives

    Informationsosäkerhet i en komplex miljö

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    Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur svenska medelstora företag i en föränderlig omgivning hanterar situationer där det krävs information, direktiv och beslut från kinesiska myndigheter. Studien grundar sig på en kvalitativ metod. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med valt fallföretag och utvalda experter. Vidare har litteraturstudier givit oss en teoretisk referensram. Uppsatsen har resulterat i ett praktiskt och ett teoretiskt bidrag. Det praktiska bidraget består av en manual rörande tillvägagångssätt för att erhålla information och direktiv från kinesiska myndigheter. Det teoretiska bidraget gestaltar en ”metodbrygga” mellan två teorier

    Interactions between Glutathione S-Transferase P1, Tumor Necrosis Factor, and Traffic-Related Air Pollution for Development of Childhood Allergic Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Air pollutants may induce airway inflammation and sensitization due to generation of reactive oxygen species. The genetic background to these mechanisms could be important effect modifiers. OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to assess interactions between exposure to air pollution and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the beta2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2), glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) genes for development of childhood allergic disease. METHODS: In a birth cohort originally of 4,089 children, we assessed air pollution from local traffic using nitrogen oxides (traffic NO(x)) as an indicator based on emission databases and dispersion modeling and estimated individual exposure through geocoding of home addresses. We measured peak expiratory flow rates and specific IgE for inhalant and food allergens at 4 years of age, and selected children with asthma symptoms up to 4 years of age (n = 542) and controls (n = 542) for genotyping. RESULTS: Interaction effects on allergic sensitization were indicated between several GSTP1 SNPs and traffic NO(x) exposure during the first year of life (p(nominal) < 0.001-0.06). Children with Ile105Val/Val105Val genotypes were at increased risk of sensitization to any allergen when exposed to elevated levels of traffic NO(x) (for a difference between the 5th and 95th percentile of exposure: odds ratio = 2.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.0-5.3). In children with TNF-308 GA/AA genotypes, the GSTP1-NO(x) interaction effect was even more pronounced. We observed no conclusive interaction effects for ADRB2. CONCLUSION: The effect of air pollution from traffic on childhood allergy appears to be modified by GSTP1 and TNF variants, supporting a role of genes controlling the antioxidative system and inflammatory response in allergy

    Functional mechanisms underlying pleiotropic risk alleles at the 19p13.1 breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility locus

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    A locus at 19p13 is associated with breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC) risk. Here we analyse 438 SNPs in this region in 46,451 BC and 15,438 OC cases, 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers and 73,444 controls and identify 13 candidate causal SNPs associated with serous OC (P=9.2 × 10-20), ER-negative BC (P=1.1 × 10-13), BRCA1-associated BC (P=7.7 × 10-16) and triple negative BC (P-diff=2 × 10-5). Genotype-gene expression associations are identified for candidate target genes ANKLE1 (P=2 × 10-3) and ABHD8 (P<2 × 10-3). Chromosome conformation capture identifies interactions between four candidate SNPs and ABHD8, and luciferase assays indicate six risk alleles increased transactivation of the ADHD8 promoter. Targeted deletion of a region containing risk SNP rs56069439 in a putative enhancer induces ANKLE1 downregulation; and mRNA stability assays indicate functional effects for an ANKLE1 3′-UTR SNP. Altogether, these data suggest that multiple SNPs at 19p13 regulate ABHD8 and perhaps ANKLE1 expression, and indicate common mechanisms underlying breast and ovarian cancer risk

    Functional mechanisms underlying pleiotropic risk alleles at the 19p13.1 breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility locus

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    A locus at 19p13 is associated with breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC) risk. Here we analyse 438 SNPs in this region in 46,451 BC and 15,438 OC cases, 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers and 73,444 controls and identify 13 candidate causal SNPs associated with serous OC (P = 9.2 x 10(-20)), ER-negative BC (P = 1.1 x 10(-13)), BRCA1-associated BC (P = 7.7 x 10(-16)) and triple negative BC (P-diff = 2 x 10(-5)). Genotype-gene expression associations are identified for candidate target genes ANKLE1 (P = 2 x 10(-3)) and ABHD8 (PPeer reviewe

    MOBILE MONEY AS A FINANCIAL INCLUSION TOOL FOR POVERTY REDUCTION A cross-country analysis of low- and middle-income countries

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    This thesis aims to examine if mobile money can act as a financial inclusion tool to reduce poverty levels in low- and middle-income countries. In contrast to the majority of the literature within its research field, this thesis observes the relationship on an aggregate cross-country level instead of using data on an individual or household level, in order to fully examine the impacts on national poverty levels. The research question is analyzed through theory about how financial market imperfections hinder investments for the poor and consequently complicate their capital accumulation, which is necessary for poverty reduction. Furthermore does the study build on theory of how technical innovations in the private sector can produce new financial services that in turn enables financial inclusion, leading to a reduction in poverty levels. The overall results do not find support for my hypothesis of reduced poverty levels as an effect of mobile money, suggesting that further research is required

    Is the effect of access to electricity on employment greater for women with higher levels compared to lower levels of education

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    This paper aims to examine if the probability of being employed can be affected by having access to electricity and also a higher level of education. In line with previous research it focuses primarily on rural areas but observes to some extent also urban areas. The research question will be examined based on theory about reallocation of time, as an effect of electricity that could increase the probability of being employed, together with theory about higher levels of education positively influencing chances of employment. The overall results do not support the notion of a combined effect of having electricity and being more educated on the chances of being employed in rural areas. In urban areas, potential indications of secondary education that jointly with having access to electricity would make it more likely to be employed proved to only be due to regional differences

    Extra vitamin supplements to newborn beef cattle calves : evaluation of impact on growth and survival during the first two months after birth

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    Antalet dikor i Sverige har ökat de senaste åren samtidigt som antalet besättningar minskar. Att bedriva dikoproduktion innebär att korna ofta kalvar på tidig vår och går ihop med sina kalvar ute på bete under sommaren för att sedan avvänja sina kalvar på hösten. Det finns många faktorer som påverkar kalven fram till avvänjning. Det är viktigt att kalven föds i en ren och smittfri kalvningsmiljö för att minimera risken för att den får i sig bakterier som hämmar råmjölksupptag eller bakterier som kan leda till andra sjukdomar. En kalv föds helt utan immunförsvar och det är därför det är så viktigt att den får i sig råmjölk med en hög nivå utav näring och vitaminer. Även om en kalv får i sig bra råmjölk kan den bli sjuk. De vanligaste sjukdomarna är diarré, luftvägsproblem och navelinfektioner men för att minska riskerna är det viktigt att kalven kan uppnå en god passiv immunitet under det första dygnet, genom råmjölkens immunoglobuliner som tas upp via tarmväggen. Den passiva immuniteten hjälper kalvarna i början av livet tills det förvärvade immunförsvaret utvecklats och tar vid för resten av livet. Ett enkelt sätt att veta hur bra råmjölk korna har är att mäta dess kvalité med en råmjölksmätare och få ut ett BRIX-värde som ger en indikation på råmjölkens innehåll utav protein. Är värdet över 22 procent anses den som godkänd för kalven att dricka under första dygnet och är proteinvärdet högt brukar även vitaminnivån vara hög. Dikor har generellt 2,5 gånger mer immunoglobuliner i sin råmjölk jämfört med mjölkkor och har därför ofta även en högre kvalité på sin råmjölk. Kalvar får förlita sig på råmjölkens vitamininnehåll som är en återspegling av hur kon mår. Om man inte har uppfyllt kons näringsmässiga behov inför kalvning så kan hon inte heller utfodra sin kalv med en vitaminrik råmjölk. Flera studier visar på fördelarna med att förse högdräktiga kor med mycket vitaminer och att det återspeglar friska och välväxta kalvar i gengäld. Kor som saknar vitaminer löper vid kalvning risk för komplikationer som kan hämma kon i början utav laktationen med kvarbliven efterbörd och dyra veterinärbesök. Kalvar som inte får sina vitaminbehov tillgodosedda kan få bristsymptom och inte kunna gå, mer diarréer och fler kalvar som dör vilket påverkar företagets ekonomi och lantbrukarens inställning och motivation till sin produktion negativt. Fördelen med flertalet vitaminer är att de kan lagras i kroppen vid överutfodring och användas vid behov. I denna studie har vi gett en försöksgrupp med 10 nyfödda kalvar, 5 kvigor och 5 tjurar, tillskott utav flytande vitaminer oralt i 15 dagar och jämfört deras vikt med en kontrollgrupp som inte fick vitaminer och studerat skillnader mellan grupperna. I samband med födsel registrerades kalvarnas kroppstemperatur, moderns råmjölkskvalité och kalvens vikt. Alla kalvar har sedan vägts i ytterligare åtta veckor. Studiens resultat visade inte på några signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna vad gäller tillväxt men hittade heller inga nackdelar med att ge nyfödda kalvar tillskott utav extra vitaminer. Resultatet visar en svag positiv trend för att extra vitaminer gynnar tillväxten på tjurkalvar men inte på kvigkalvar. Det tar mycket tid att ge kalvar tillskott av vitaminer och man sparar mycket tid och pengar på att istället förse högdräktiga kor med mycket vitaminer som de sedan kan överföra till sina kalvar.The interest for Swedish beef cattle production have increased under the last years while the number of herds has decreased. A beef cattle production depends on the fact that cows calve during the spring season, then graze grass together with their calves and other cows on pasture, followed up by weaning period during the autumn. Sadly, four percent of all newborn beef calves that were registered in KAP during 2020 died, which is the lowest number in 40 years. There is a lot of factors that affect the survival and growth of the newborn calves until they are weaned. The calving environment must be clean to reduce the risk of bacteria. A newborn calf has no developed immune system and that’s why it is so important that they receive colostrum of a good quality and get a complementary vitamins and minerals. Even if a calf ingests good colostrum, it can still become ill, and the most common diseases are diarrhea, respiratory problems and umbilical cord infections. That is why it is so important that the calf can develop a good passive immunity response during the first days, through the ingestion of immunoglobulins present in colostrum. The passive immunity helps the calves at the beginning of life until the acquired immune system develops and takes over for the rest of life. An easy way to know how good the colostrum cow has is to measure it`s quality with a colostrum meter and get a BRIX value that gives an indication of the protein content in colostrum. Beef cattle cows generally have 2.5 times more immunoglobulins in their colostrum compared to dairy cows. Calves rely heavily on the vitamin content of colostrum during the early stage of life. If you have not met the cow's nutritional needs before calving, she cannot feed her calf with a vitamin-rich colostrum. Several studies show the benefits of providing highly pregnant cows with a lot of vitamins and that it results in healthy and well-grown calves. Calves that do not have their vitamin needs met, may have deficiency symptoms and might not be able to walk, have more diarrhea cases and even die, which affects the company's finances and the farmer's attitude and motivation to his production negatively. In this study, an experimental group of 10 newborn calves, 5 heifers and 5 bulls were tested, supplemented with liquid vitamins orally for 15 days and their weight compared with a matching control group that did not receive extra vitamins. In connection with birth, the calves body temperature, the mother's colostrum quality and the calf's weight were registered. All calves have since been weighed for another eight weeks. The results of the study did not show any significant differences between the groups in terms of growth, but also found no disadvantages in giving newborn calves supplements of extra vitamins. The result shows a slight positive trend that extra vitamins stimulate growth of bull calves but not of heifer calves. It takes a lot of time to give calves supplements of vitamins and you save a lot of time and money by instead providing highly pregnant cows with a lot of vitamins which they can then transfer to their calves

    Is the effect of access to electricity on employment greater for women with higher levels compared to lower levels of education? The case of Sub-Saharan Africa

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    ABSTRACT This paper aims to examine if the probability of being employed can be affected by having access to electricity and also a higher level of education. In line with previous research it focuses primarily on rural areas but observes to some extent also urban areas. The research question will be examined based on theory about reallocation of time, as an effect of electricity that could increase the probability of being employed, together with theory about higher levels of education positively influencing chances of employment. The overall results do not support the notion of a combined effect of having electricity and being more educated on the chances of being employed in rural areas. In urban areas, potential indications of secondary education that jointly with having access to electricity would make it more likely to be employed proved to only be due to regional differences

    Important activities in an early ERP implementation phase : A case study at Valmet

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    Research about implementing an ERP system has been investigated for many years but is still a current issue. This is due to the large number of implementations that fail. The purpose of this paper is to identify important activities in an early phase of an ERP implementation. The thesis is based on a literature study to create a foundation of understanding of earlier research and the struggles implementing an ERP system. The study was composed from the five most important critical success factors as a framework. To identify the activities in an early phase, interviews with people from different layers in an implementation organization were conducted. From the interviews, several survey questions were designed to rank the activities. The result of the interviews shows several activities performed in an early phase in an ERP implementation. The result from the survey shows that many of the identified activities from the interviews are important since several of the respondents consider these critical. Some of the most important activities in an early phase of an ERP implementation are:   • Conducting workshops to explain the changes to come when implementing a new ERP system. • Make sure the people working in the project are able to work and focus on the project fulltime in the phase where their role is critical for the implementation. • Involve the key-users in an early phase of the implementation. • Communicate the vision to all the employees in the organization. • Have a local super-user that is available to support and help.   This research provides a less general framework for what activities are important to perform in an early phase of an ERP implementation to achieve the critical success factors. The study can help companies facing an ERP implementation to do the right things to succeed with the implementation