2,659 research outputs found

    Dynamics and thermodynamics in spinor quantum gases

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    We discuss magnetism in spinor quantum gases theoretically and experimentally with emphasis on temporal dynamics of the spinor order parameter in the presence of an external magnetic field. In a simple coupled Gross-Pitaevskii picture we observe a dramatic suppression of spin dynamics due to quadratic Zeeman ''dephasing''. In view of an inhomogeneous density profile of the trapped condensate we present evidence of spatial variations of spin dynamics. In addition we study spinor quantum gases as a model system for thermodynamics of Bose-Einstein condensation. As a particular example we present measurements on condensate magnetisation due to the interaction with a thermal bath.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Epithelial Migration and Non-adhesive Periderm Are Required for Digit Separation during Mammalian Development.

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    The fusion of digits or toes, syndactyly, can be part of complex syndromes, including van der Woude syndrome. A subset of van der Woude cases is caused by dominant-negative mutations in the epithelial transcription factor Grainyhead like-3 (GRHL3), and Grhl3-/-mice have soft-tissue syndactyly. Although impaired interdigital cell death of mesenchymal cells causes syndactyly in multiple genetic mutants, Grhl3-/- embryos had normal interdigital cell death, suggesting alternative mechanisms for syndactyly. We found that in digit separation, the overlying epidermis forms a migrating interdigital epithelial tongue (IET) when the epithelium invaginates to separate the digits. Normally, the non-adhesive surface periderm allows the IET to bifurcate as the digits separate. In contrast, in Grhl3-/- embryos, the IET moves normally between the digits but fails to bifurcate because of abnormal adhesion of the periderm. Our study identifies epidermal developmental processes required for digit separation

    An empirical comparison of convertible bond valuation models

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    This paper empirically compares three convertible bond valuation models. We use an innovative approach where all model parameters are estimated by the Marquardt algorithm using a subsample of convertible bond prices. The model parameters are then used for out-of-sample forecasts of convertible bond prices. The mean absolute deviation is 1.86% for the Ayache-Forsyth-Vetzal model, 1.94% for the Tsiveriotis-Fernandes model, and 3.73% for the Brennan-Schwartz model. For this and other measures of fit, the Ayache-Forsyth-Vetzal and Tsiveriotis-Fernandes models outperform the Brennan-Schwartz model

    White Light Interferometry for Quantitative Surface Characterization in Ion Sputtering Experiments

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    White light interferometry (WLI) can be used to obtain surface morphology information on dimensional scale of millimeters with lateral resolution as good as ~1 {\mu}m and depth resolution down to 1 nm. By performing true three-dimensional imaging of sample surfaces, the WLI technique enables accurate quantitative characterization of the geometry of surface features and compares favorably to scanning electron and atomic force microscopies by avoiding some of their drawbacks. In this paper, results of using the WLI imaging technique to characterize the products of ion sputtering experiments are reported. With a few figures, several example applications of the WLI method are illustrated when used for (i) sputtering yield measurements and time-to-depth conversion, (ii) optimizing ion beam current density profiles, the shapes of sputtered craters, and multiple ion beam superposition and (iii) quantitative characterization of surfaces processed with ions. In particular, for sputter depth profiling experiments of 25Mg, 44Ca and 53Cr ion implants in Si (implantation energy of 1 keV per nucleon), the depth calibration of the measured depth profile curves determined by the WLI method appeared to be self-consistent with TRIM simulations for such projectile-matrix systems. In addition, high depth resolution of the WLI method is demonstrated for a case of a Genesis solar wind Si collector surface processed by gas cluster ion beam: a 12.5 nm layer was removed from the processed surface, while the transition length between the processed and untreated areas was 150 {\mu}m.Comment: Applied Surface Science, accepted: 7 pages and 8 figure

    Applicability of the Broken-Bond Rule to the Surface Energy of the fcc Metals

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    We apply the Green's function based full-potential screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method in conjunction with the local density approximation to study the surface energies of the noble and the fcc transition and spsp metals. The orientation dependence of the transition metal surface energies can be well described taking into account only the broken bonds between first neighbors, quite analogous to the behavior we recently found for the noble metals [see cond-mat/0105207]. The (111) and (100) surfaces of the spsp metals show a jellium like behavior but for the more open surfaces we find again the noble metals behavior but with larger deviation from the broken-bond rule compared to the transition metals. Finally we show that the use of the full potential is crucial to obtain accurate surface energy anisotropy ratios for the vicinal surfaces.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, to appear in July in Surface Science Vol. 511,1 (2002

    Evidence-Based Decompression in Malignant Biliary Obstruction

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    As recent advances in chemotherapy and surgical treatment have improved outcomes in patients with biliary cancers, the search for an optimal strategy for relief of their obstructive jaundice has become even more important. Without satisfactory relief of biliary obstruction, many patients would be ineligible for treatment. We review all prospective randomized trials and recent retrospective non-randomized studies for evidence that would support such a strategy. For distal malignant biliary obstruction, an optimal strategy would be insertion of metallic stents either endoscopically or percutaneously. Evidence shows that a metallic stent inserted percutaneously has better outcomes than plastic stents inserted endoscopically. For malignant hilar obstruction, percutaneous biliary drainage with or without metallic stents is preferred

    Dimensional and Temperature Crossover in Trapped Bose Gases

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    We investigate the long-range phase coherence of homogeneous and trapped Bose gases as a function of the geometry of the trap, the temperature, and the mean-field interactions in the weakly interacting limit. We explicitly take into account the (quasi)condensate depletion due to quantum and thermal fluctuations, i.e., we include the effects of both phase and density fluctuations. In particular, we determine the phase diagram of the gas by calculating the off-diagonal one-particle density matrix and discuss the various crossovers that occur in this phase diagram and the feasibility of their experimental observation in trapped Bose gases.Comment: One figure added, typos corrected, refernces adde

    Tweaking the spin-wave dispersion and suppressing the incommensurate phase in LiNiPO4 by iron substitution

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    Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering studies of Li(Ni1x_{1-x}Fex_{x})PO4_4 single crystals reveal anomalous spin-wave dispersions along the crystallographic direction parallel to the characteristic wave vector of the magnetic incommensurate phase. The anomalous spin-wave dispersion ({\it magnetic soft mode}) indicates the instability of the Ising-like ground state that eventually evolves into the incommensurate phase as the temperature is raised. The pure LiNiPO4_4 system (x=0x=0), undergoes a first-order magnetic phase transition from a long-range incommensurate phase to an antiferromagnetic ground state at {\it T}N_N = 20.8 K. At 20% Fe concentrations, although the AFM ground state is to a large extent preserved as that of the pure system, the phase transition is second-order, and the incommensurate phase is completely suppressed. Analysis of the dispersion curves using a Heisenberg spin Hamiltonian that includes inter- and in-plane nearest and next-nearest neighbor couplings reveals frustration due to strong competing interactions between nearest- and a next-nearest neighbor site, consistent with the observed incommensurate structure. The Fe substitution only slightly lowers the extent of the frustration, sufficient to suppress the IC phase. An energy gap in the dispersion curves gradually decreases with the increase of Fe content from \sim2 meV for the pure system (x=0x=0) to \sim0.9 meV for x=0.2x=0.2

    Resonantly-paired fermionic superfluids

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    We present a theory of a degenerate atomic Fermi gas, interacting through a narrow Feshbach resonance, whose position and therefore strength can be tuned experimentally, as demonstrated recently in ultracold trapped atomic gases. The distinguishing feature of the theory is that its accuracy is controlled by a dimensionless parameter proportional to the ratio of the width of the resonance to Fermi energy. The theory is therefore quantitatively accurate for a narrow Feshbach resonance. In the case of a narrow s-wave resonance, our analysis leads to a quantitative description of the crossover between a weakly-paired BCS superconductor of overlapping Cooper pairs and a strongly-paired molecular Bose-Einstein condensate of diatomic molecules. In the case of pairing via a p-wave resonance, that we show is always narrow for a sufficiently low density, we predict a detuning-temperature phase diagram, that in the course of a BCS-BEC crossover can exhibit a host of thermodynamically-distinct phases separated by quantum and classical phase transitions. For an intermediate strength of the dipolar anisotropy, the system exhibits a p_x + i p_y paired superfluidity that undergoes a topological phase transition between a weakly-coupled gapless ground state at large positive detuning and a strongly-paired fully-gapped molecular superfluid for a negative detuning. In two dimensions the former state is characterized by a Pfaffian ground state exhibiting topological order and non-Abelian vortex excitations familiar from fractional quantum Hall systems.Comment: 71 pgs, 28 eps figure

    Bar fraction in lenticular galaxies: dependence on luminosity and environment

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    We present a study of bars in lenticular galaxies based on a sample of 371 galaxies from the SDSS-DR 7 and 2MASS in optical and near-infrared bands, respectively. We found a bar in 15% of the lenticular galaxies in our sample, which is consistent with recent studies. The barred galaxy fraction shows a luminosity dependence, with faint lenticular galaxies (MK > -24.5, total absolute magnitude in K band) having a larger fraction of bars than bright lenticular galaxies (MK < -24.5). A similar trend is seen when Mr = -21.5, the total absolute magnitude in SDSS r band is used to divide the sample into faint and bright lenticular galaxies. We find that faint galaxies in clusters show a higher bar fraction than their counterparts in the field. This suggests that the formation of bars in lenticular galaxies not only depends on the total luminosity of galaxy but also on the environment of the host galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS: Letters, 5 pages, 4 figure