7 research outputs found

    Actividades Físicas en el Medio Natural en los centros de Educación Primaria de Huesca

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    En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, se ha realizado un estudio sobre cómo llevan a cabo los colegios de educación primaria de Huesca las Actividades Físicas en el Medio Natural, que se encuentran dentro del bloque 4 del currículo de la C.A de Aragón “Acciones motrices en el medio natural”. En primer lugar, se desarrolla el marco teórico y también se realiza un análisis de los datos obtenidos mediante un cuestionario rellenado por los docentes de los colegios de la ciudad de Huesca. En el marco teórico se profundiza sobre la historia, donde se muestra la evolución de estas actividades físicas. Además se desarrollan sus características propias, los beneficios que provocan en los alumnos y las limitaciones que llevan consigo las AFMN. Se ha profundizado en la aplicación de este modelo en el área de Educación Física.Posteriormente, en el marco práctico se realiza un análisis exhaustivo de los datos obtenidos en el cuestionario. Para corroborar la veracidad de estos datos, se han llevado a cabo comparaciones con estudios de diversos autores reconocidos en este tema.<br /

    Neandertal roots: Cranial and chronological evidence from Sima de los Huesos

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    Seventeen Middle Pleistocene crania from the Sima de los Huesos site (Atapuerca, Spain) are analyzed, including seven new specimens. This sample makes it possible to thoroughly characterize a Middle Pleistocene hominin paleodeme and to address hypotheses about the origin and evolution of the Neandertals. Using a variety of techniques, the hominin-bearing layer could be reassigned to a period around 430,000 years ago. The sample shows a consistent morphological pattern with derived Neandertal features present in the face and anterior vault, many of which are related to the masticatory apparatus. This suggests that facial modification was the first step in the evolution of the Neandertal lineage, pointing to a mosaic pattern of evolution, with different anatomical and functional modules evolving at different rates

    Fossil hominin radii from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)

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    Complete radii in the fossil record preceding recent humans and Neandertals are very scarce. Here we introduce the radial remains recovered from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) site in the Sierra de Atapuerca between 1976 and 2011 and which have been dated in excess of 430 ky (thousands of years) ago. The sample comprises 89 specimens, 49 of which are attributed to adults representing a minimum of seven individuals. All elements are described anatomically and metrically, and compared with other fossil hominins and recent humans in order to examine the phylogenetic polarity of certain radial features. Radial remains from SH have some traits that differentiate them from those of recent humans and make them more similar to Neandertals, including strongly curved shafts, anteroposterior expanded radial heads and both absolutely and relatively long necks. In contrast, the SH sample differs from Neandertals in showing a high overall gracility as well as a high frequency (80%) of an anteriorly oriented radial tuberosity. Thus, like the cranial and dental remains from the SH site, characteristic Neandertal radial morphology is not present fully in the SH radii. We also analyzed the cross-sectional properties of the SH radial sample at two different levels: mid-shaft and at the midpoint of the neck length. When standardized by shaft length, no difference in the mid-shaft cross-sectional properties were found between the SH hominins, Neandertals and recent humans. Nevertheless, due to their long neck length, the SH hominins show a higher lever efficiency than either Neandertals or recent humans. Functionally, the SH radial morphology is consistent with more efficient pronation-supination and flexion-extension movements. The particular trait composition in the SH sample and Neandertals resembles more closely morphology evident in recent human males

    Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19–Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study

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    Delaying surgery for patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection

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