4 research outputs found

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos de Huila y Tolima

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    Partiendo de los conocimientos adquiridos a través de los relatos tomados del libro voces: historias de violencia y esperanza en Colombia. Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer de forma narrativa por medio del relato de la víctima, la situación de conflicto armado por el que tuvo que afrontar el señor Modesto Pacayá luego de haber sido reclutado por las FARC y vivir momentos de mucho dolor, angustia y desesperación. De igual importancia, y desde el relato del señor Modesto se busca reflejar las injusticias de este país y su respectiva desigualdad, ya que muchas personas no cuentan con la oportunidad de estudiar y poder salir adelante, es allí cuando las personas inescrupulosas terminan aprovechándose de la situación para reclutarnos. Así mismo las circunstancias de dolor experimentadas por la víctima, en donde se resalta el sufrimiento por la ausencia de su familia, permitieron que se enfrentará a retos que lo fueron fortaleciendo y preparando para aquel momento en donde decidido escapar y volver a la vida civil, preparándose para aportar cosas positivas tanto en la vida familiar como en sociedad. Por otra parte, se aprecia desde lo narrado en esta historia, los impactos psicosociales que allí dieron lugar en donde se refleja el sentimiento de perder a su esposa e hijos, el miedo a perder la vida y el no poder volver a visitar su familia. Además del impacto tanto en la parte individual como grupal, ya que la sociedad en su mayoría tiende a discriminar a los desmovilizados, a verlos como los culpables de todos los hechos violentos ocurridos en el país; es por ello por lo que resulta importante analizar todos los eventos traumáticos desde los hechos violentos, las emociones, los emergentes psicosociales entre otros aspectos más.Based on the knowledge acquired through the stories taken from the book voices: stories of violence and hope in Colombia. This work aims to make known in a narrative way through the victim's story, the situation of armed conflict that Mr. Modesto Pacayá had to face after being recruited by the FARC and living moments of great pain, anguish and despair. Equally important, and from the account of Mr. Modesto it is sought to reflect the injustices of this country and its respective inequality, since many people do not have the opportunity to study and be able to get ahead, it is there when unscrupulous people end up taking advantage of the situation to recruit us. Likewise, the circumstances of pain experienced by the victim, where the suffering due to the absence of his family is highlighted, allowed him to face challenges that were strengthening and preparing him for that moment when he decided to escape and return to civil life, preparing to contribute positive things both in family life and in society. On the other hand, it is appreciated from what is narrated in this story, the psychosocial impacts that gave rise there where the feeling of losing his wife and children, the fear of losing his life and not being able to visit his family again is reflected. In addition to the impact on both the individual and the group, since the majority of society tends to discriminate against the demobilized, to see them as the culprits of all the violent acts that occurred in the country; That is why it is important to analyze all traumatic events from violent events, emotions, psychosocial emergencies, among other aspects

    Phosphorylation of Zona Occludens-2 by Protein Kinase Cε Regulates Its Nuclear Exportation

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    Here, we have analyzed the subcellular destiny of newly synthesized tight junction protein zona occludens (ZO)-2. After transfection in sparse cells, 74% of cells exhibit ZO-2 at the nucleus, and after 18 h the value decreases to 17%. The mutation S369A located within the nuclear exportation signal 1 of ZO-2 impairs the nuclear export of the protein. Because Ser369 represents a putative protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation site, we tested the effect of PKC inhibition and stimulation on the nuclear export of ZO-2. Our results strongly suggest that the departure of ZO-2 from the nucleus is regulated by phosphorylation at Ser369 by novel PKCε. To test the route taken by ZO-2 from synthesis to the plasma membrane, we devised a novel nuclear microinjection assay in which the nucleus served as a reservoir for anti-ZO-2 antibody. Through this assay, we demonstrate that a significant amount of newly synthesized ZO-2 goes into the nucleus and is later relocated to the plasma membrane. These results constitute novel information for understanding the mechanisms that regulate the intracellular fate of ZO-2

    Enhancer hijacking determines extrachromosomal circular MYCN amplicon architecture in neuroblastoma

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    MYCN amplification drives one in six cases of neuroblastoma. The supernumerary gene copies are commonly found on highly rearranged, extrachromosomal circular DNA (ecDNA). The exact amplicon structure has not been described thus far and the functional relevance of its rearrangements is unknown. Here, we analyze the MYCN amplicon structure using short-read and Nanopore sequencing and its chromatin landscape using ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq and Hi-C. This reveals two distinct classes of amplicons which explain the regulatory requirements for MYCN overexpression. The first class always co-amplifies a proximal enhancer driven by the noradrenergic core regulatory circuit (CRC). The second class of MYCN amplicons is characterized by high structural complexity, lacks key local enhancers, and instead contains distal chromosomal fragments harboring CRC-driven enhancers. Thus, ectopic enhancer hijacking can compensate for the loss of local gene regulatory elements and explains a large component of the structural diversity observed in MYCN amplification. MYCN amplification is common in neuroblastomas. Here the authors analyse the MYCN amplicon structure and its epigenetic regulation by integrating short- and longread genomic and epigenomic data and find two classes of MYCN amplicons in neuroblastomas, one driven by local enhancers and the other by hijacking of distal regulatory elements

    Crosstalk of tight junction components with signaling pathways

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