84 research outputs found

    Enhanced activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus in deaf and dyslexic adults during rhyming

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    Hearing developmental dyslexics and profoundly deaf individuals both have difficulties processing the internal structure of words (phonological processing) and learning to read. In hearing non-impaired readers, the development of phonological representations depends on audition. In hearing dyslexics, many argue, auditory processes may be impaired. In congenitally profoundly deaf individuals, auditory speech processing is essentially absent. Two separate literatures have previously reported enhanced activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus in both deaf and dyslexic adults when contrasted with hearing non-dyslexics during reading or phonological tasks. Here, we used a rhyme judgement task to compare adults from these two special populations to a hearing non-dyslexic control group. All groups were matched on non-verbal intelligence quotient, reading age and rhyme performance. Picture stimuli were used since this requires participants to generate their own phonological representations, rather than have them partially provided via text. By testing well-matched groups of participants on the same task, we aimed to establish whether previous literatures reporting differences between individuals with and without phonological processing difficulties have identified the same regions of differential activation in these two distinct populations. The data indicate greater activation in the deaf and dyslexic groups than in the hearing non-dyslexic group across a large portion of the left inferior frontal gyrus. This includes the pars triangularis, extending superiorly into the middle frontal gyrus and posteriorly to include the pars opercularis, and the junction with the ventral precentral gyrus. Within the left inferior frontal gyrus, there was variability between the two groups with phonological processing difficulties. The superior posterior tip of the left pars opercularis, extending into the precentral gyrus, was activated to a greater extent by deaf than dyslexic participants, whereas the superior posterior portion of the pars triangularis extending into the ventral pars opercularis, was activated to a greater extent by dyslexic than deaf participants. Whether these regions play differing roles in compensating for poor phonological processing is not clear. However, we argue that our main finding of greater inferior frontal gyrus activation in both groups with phonological processing difficulties in contrast to controls suggests greater reliance on the articulatory component of speech during phonological processing when auditory processes are absent (deaf group) or impaired (dyslexic group). Thus, the brain appears to develop a similar solution to a processing problem that has different antecedents in these two populations

    Patients’ and Clinicians’ Views of the Psychological Components of Tinnitus Treatment That Could Inform Audiologists’ Usual Care:A Delphi Survey

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine which components of psychological therapies are most important and appropriate to inform audiologists’ usual care for people with tinnitus. Design: A 39-member panel of patients, audiologists, hearing therapists, and psychologists completed a three-round Delphi survey to reach consensus on essential components of audiologist-delivered psychologically informed care for tinnitus. Results: Consensus (≥80% agreement) was reached on including 76 of 160 components. No components reached consensus for exclusion. The components reaching consensus were predominantly common therapeutic skills such as Socratic questioning and active listening, rather than specific techniques, for example, graded exposure therapy or cognitive restructuring. Consensus on educational components to include largely concerned psychological models of tinnitus rather than neurophysiological information. Conclusions: The results of this Delphi survey provide a tool to develop audiologists’ usual tinnitus care using components that both patients and clinicians agree are important and appropriate to be delivered by an audiologist for adults with tinnitus-related distress. Research is now necessary to test the added effects of these components when delivered by audiologists

    Lexical and sublexical orthographic processing: An ERP study with skilled and dyslexic adult readers

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    This ERP study investigated the cognitive nature of the P1-N1 components during orthographic processing. We used an implicit reading task with various types of stimuli involving different amounts of sublexical or lexical orthographic processing (words, pseudohomophones, pseudowords, nonwords, and symbols), and tested average and dyslexic readers. An orthographic regularity effect (pseudo-words-nonwords contrast) was observed in the average but not in the dyslexic group. This suggests an early sensitivity to the dependencies among letters in word-forms that reflect orthographic structure, while the dyslexic brain apparently fails to be appropriately sensitive to these complex features. Moreover, in the adults the N1-response may already reflect lexical access: (i) the N1 was sensitive to the familiar vs. less familiar orthographic sequence contrast; (ii) and early effects of the phonological form (words-pseudohomophones contrast) were also found. Finally, the later N320 component was attenuated in the dyslexics, suggesting suboptimal processing in later stages of phonological analysis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.national Portuguese through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia [SFRH/BPD/72974/2010, PTDC/PSI/110734/2009, PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013]; Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics; Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour; Rad-boud University Nijmegen; Swedish Dyslexia Foundationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anwendbarkeit von Verkehrsmodellen fuer die Planung regionaler Strassennetze in den Laendern Osteuropas: dargestellt am Beispiel Bulgariens

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    Hannover., Univ., Diss.Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel A 205586 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Osobliwości staropłanińskiej chaty bułgarskiej / ETNOGRAFIA POLSKA 1981 t.25 z.2

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    ETNOGRAFIA POLSKA 1981 t.25 z.2, s.123-13

    Turcisms in Bulgarian south-eastern dialects

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    We współczesnym języku bułgarskim funkcjonuje wiele zapożyczeń tureckich związanych z turecką kulturą materialną, organizacją wojskową i administracją, będących następstwem długotrwałych kontaktów językowych między Bułgarami a Turkami osmańskimi. Dotychczas uwaga badaczy koncentrowała się na wyrazach pochodzenia tureckiego, funkcjonujących w języku literackim. Niniejsza praca przyjmuje inną optykę, przyjmując za przedmiot badań zapożyczenia w bułgarskich dialektach południowo-wschodnich. Jej zasadniczą część stanowi słownik turcyzmów podzielony na grupy semantyczne, uzupełniony o analizę fonetyczną i morfologiczną. Celem było pokazanie bogactwa form i znaczeń wyrazów pochodzenia tureckiego zachowanych w dialektach, a zgromadzony materiał może stanowić podstawę do dalszych badań nad językiem bułgarskim i tureckim

    Balkan religious syncretism : "kurban"

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    A few remarks on the language of Turkish-speaking Bulgarian Roma in Poland

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    The Turkish-speaking Roma, also known as the Horahane Roma, represent various ethnographic groups who share the same religion, Islam. A portion of Bulgarian Muslim Roma have adopted the Turkish language. Representatives of these communities who are currently living and working in Poland and Germany speak an interesting language, which is a mixture of Turkish, Bulgarian and Romany, with some elements of Polish

    Demografiâ, migracionnye peredviženiâ i poseleniâ na bolgarskih zemlâh s XIV-go po pervuû polovinu XX-go veka

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    Pięćsetletnia obecność Turków na Półwyspie Bałkańskim pozostawiła wyraźne ślady na mapie etnicznej i językowej Bułgarii. Zróżnicowana historia sprawiła, że tereny wschodnie i zachodnie bardzo się od siebie różnią pod względem przebiegających tutaj procesów demograficznych i ruchów migracyjnych. Procesy migracyjne ludności bułgarskiej biegły w różnych kierunkach doprowadzając do sporego wymieszania dialektalnego i etnograficznego, szczególnie w regionach wschodnich objętych masowymi ruchami migracyjnymi i kolonizacją.The five-hundred year old Turkish presence on the Balkan Peninsula has left clear traces on the ethnic and linguistic map of Bulgaria. The diverse history has made the eastern and western areas very different in terms of demographic processes and migration flows. Migration processes of the Bulgarian population were carried out in different directions, especially in the eastern regions affected by mass migrations and colonisation.Пятисотлетнее присутствие турок на Балканском полуострове оставило четкие следы на этнической и языковой карте Болгарии. Разнообразная история привела к тому, что восточные и западные районы сильно отличались друг от друга с точки зрения демографических процессов и миграционных потоков. Миграционные процессы болгарского населения бегло протекали в разных направлениях, что привело к значительному диалектному и этнографическому смешению, особенно в восточных регионах, затронутых массовыми миграциями и колонизацией