84 research outputs found

    Rapid ascent and emplacement of basaltic lava during the 2005–06 eruption of the East Pacific Rise at ca. 9°51′N as inferred from CO2 contents

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 453 (2016): 152-160, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.08.007.Eruption rates at the mid–ocean ridges (MORs) are believed to strongly control the morphology and length of lava flows emplaced along the ridge axis, and thus the structure and porosity of the upper oceanic crust. Eruption rate also represents one of the few tools to gain insight into the driving pressures within sub-ridge magmatic systems. As eruption rate is inferred to vary systematically along the global mid-ocean ridge, understanding of how to assess eruption rate in submarine systems and how it maps to observable features of the ridge axis would provide a powerful tool to understand Earth's largest magmatic system. Eruption rates at MORs are poorly constrained, however, because of a lack of direct observations, preventing the duration of an eruption to be quantified. This study uses decompression experiments of MORB samples and numerical modeling of CO2 degassing to reconstruct the timescales for magma ascent and lava emplacement during the 2005–06 eruption of the East Pacific Rise at ca. 9°51’N. Samples collected from the lava flow are all supersaturated in dissolved CO2 contents, but CO2 decreases with distance from the vent, presumably as a consequence of progressive CO2 diffusion into growing bubbles. Samples collected at the vent contain ~105 vesicles per cm3. Pieces of these samples were experimentally heated to 1225°C at high pressure and then decompressed at controlled rates. Results, plus those from numerical modeling of diffusive bubble growth, indicate that magma rose from the axial magma chamber to the seafloor in ≤1 hour and at a rate of ≥2–3 km hr-1. Our modeling, as validated by experimental decompression of MORB samples with ~106 vesicles cm-3, also suggests that CO2 degassed from the melt within ~10–100 minutes as the vesicular lava traveled ~ 1.7 km along the seafloor, implying a volumetric flow rate on order of 103–4 m3 s-1. Given an ascent rate of ≥0.2 m s-1, the width of a rectangular dike feeding the lava would have been ~1–2 meters wide. MORB samples from the Pacific ridge are generally more supersaturated in dissolved CO2 than those from slower spreading Atlantic and Indian ridges. Our results suggest that Pacific MORBs ascend to the seafloor faster than Atlantic or Indian MORBsThis project was partially funded by a grant to J.E.G. from the U.S. National Science Foundation (OCE-1333882).2017-08-2

    Spatial Analysis of Expression Patterns Predicts Genetic Interactions at the Mid-Hindbrain Boundary

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    The isthmic organizer mediating differentiation of mid- and hindbrain during vertebrate development is characterized by a well-defined pattern of locally restricted gene expression domains around the mid-hindbrain boundary (MHB). This pattern is established and maintained by a regulatory network between several transcription and secreted factors that is not yet understood in full detail. In this contribution we show that a Boolean analysis of the characteristic spatial gene expression patterns at the murine MHB reveals key regulatory interactions in this network. Our analysis employs techniques from computational logic for the minimization of Boolean functions. This approach allows us to predict also the interplay of the various regulatory interactions. In particular, we predict a maintaining, rather than inducing, effect of Fgf8 on Wnt1 expression, an issue that remained unclear from published data. Using mouse anterior neural plate/tube explant cultures, we provide experimental evidence that Fgf8 in fact only maintains but does not induce ectopic Wnt1 expression in these explants. In combination with previously validated interactions, this finding allows for the construction of a regulatory network between key transcription and secreted factors at the MHB. Analyses of Boolean, differential equation and reaction-diffusion models of this network confirm that it is indeed able to explain the stable maintenance of the MHB as well as time-courses of expression patterns both under wild-type and various knock-out conditions. In conclusion, we demonstrate that similar to temporal also spatial expression patterns can be used to gain information about the structure of regulatory networks. We show, in particular, that the spatial gene expression patterns around the MHB help us to understand the maintenance of this boundary on a systems level

    Oceanic Residual Depth Measurements, the Plate Cooling Model and Global Dynamic Topography

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    Convective circulation of the mantle causes deflections of the Earth's surface that vary as a function of space and time. Accurate measurements of this dynamic topography are complicated by the need to isolate and remove other sources of elevation, arising from flexure and lithospheric isostasy. The complex architecture of continental lithosphere means that measurement of present-day dynamic topography is more straightforward in the oceanic realm. Here, we present an updated methodology for calculating oceanic residual bathymetry, which is a proxy for dynamic topography. Corrections are applied that account for the effects of sedimentary loading and compaction, for anomalous crustal thickness variations, for subsidence of oceanic lithosphere as a function of age, and for non-hydrostatic geoid height variations. Errors are formally propagated to estimate measurement uncertainties. We apply this methodology to a global database of 1,936 seismic surveys located on oceanic crust and generate 2,297 spot measurements of residual topography, including 1,161 with crustal corrections. The resultant anomalies have amplitudes of ±1 km and wavelengths of ∼1,000 km. Spectral analysis of our database using cross-validation demonstrates that spherical harmonics up to and including degree 30 (i.e. wavelengths down to 1,300 km) are required to accurately represent these observations. Truncation of the expansion at a lower maximum degree erroneously increases the amplitude of inferred long-wavelength dynamic topography. There is a strong correlation between our observations and free-air gravity anomalies, magmatism, ridge seismicity, vertical motions of adjacent rifted margins, and global tomographic models. We infer that shorter wavelength components of the observed pattern of dynamic topography may be attributable to the presence of thermal anomalies within the shallow asthenospheric mantle.This research is supported by a BP-Cambridge collaboration

    The ocean adventure ; science explores the depths of the sea

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    ix, 278 p. ; 21 cm

    Undersea Frontiers ; exploring by deep diving submarines

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    253 p. ; 22 cm

    The Ocean Adventure

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    Use of hormones.

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    In the lamb-feeding tests at the Garden City Branch Station during the 1953-54 feeding season, one lot of 48 lambs was given stilbestrol implants of varying sizes at the beginning of the feeding period. Another lot of 48 lambs was given stilbestrol-progesterone implants at two different dosage levels at the beginning of the feeding period. The performance of these lambs was compared with those in another group of 48 receiving a similar ration of ground sorghum fodder, sorghum grain, protein supplement, and limestone-but no hormone treatment. The preliminary results of the feedlot studies were presented in the 41st Annual Livestock Feeders' Day report of May 1, 1964. Additional feedlot, slaughter, and carcass data were obtained from these lambs and are presented in Table 4