a b s t r a c t A continuous supply of water with defined stable concentrations of hydrophobic chemicals is a requirement in a range of laboratory tests such as the OECD 305 protocol for determining the bioconcentration factor in fish. Satisfying this requirement continues to be a challenge, particularly for hydrophobic chemicals. Here we present a novel solution based on equilibrium passive dosing. It employs a commercially available unit consisting of 16000polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)tubesconnectedtotwomanifolds.Thechemicalsareloadedintotheunitbyrepeatedlyperfusingitwithamethanolsolutionofthesubstancesthatisprogressivelydilutedwithwater.Thereaftertheunitisperfusedwithwaterandthechemicalspartitionfromtheunitintothewater.ThesystemwastestedwithninechemicalswithlogKOWrangingfrom4.1to6.3.Theaqueousconcentrationsgeneratedwereshowntobelargelyindependentofthewaterflowrate,andtheunittounitreproducibilitywaswithinafactorof2. In continuous flow experiments the aqueous concentrations of most of the study chemicals remained constant over 8 d. A model was assembled that allows prediction of the operating characteristics of the system from the log K OW or PDMS/water partition coefficient of the chemical. The system is a simple, safe, predictable and flexible tool that generates stable aqueous concentrations of hydrophobic chemicals
a b s t r a c t A continuous supply of water with defined stable concentrations of hydrophobic chemicals is a requirement in a range of laboratory tests such as the OECD 305 protocol for determining the bioconcentration factor in fish. Satisfying this requirement continues to be a challenge, particularly for hydrophobic chemicals. Here we present a novel solution based on equilibrium passive dosing. It employs a commercially available unit consisting of 16000polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)tubesconnectedtotwomanifolds.Thechemicalsareloadedintotheunitbyrepeatedlyperfusingitwithamethanolsolutionofthesubstancesthatisprogressivelydilutedwithwater.Thereaftertheunitisperfusedwithwaterandthechemicalspartitionfromtheunitintothewater.ThesystemwastestedwithninechemicalswithlogKOWrangingfrom4.1to6.3.Theaqueousconcentrationsgeneratedwereshowntobelargelyindependentofthewaterflowrate,andtheunittounitreproducibilitywaswithinafactorof2. In continuous flow experiments the aqueous concentrations of most of the study chemicals remained constant over 8 d. A model was assembled that allows prediction of the operating characteristics of the system from the log K OW or PDMS/water partition coefficient of the chemical. The system is a simple, safe, predictable and flexible tool that generates stable aqueous concentrations of hydrophobic chemicals