56 research outputs found

    Voix d’élèves sur l’apprentissage à l’entrée et à la sortie de l’université : un regard phénoménographique

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    Cette étude, organisée dans une perspective phénoménographique, décrit les conceptions d’apprentissage d’élèves de terminale et d’étudiants de maîtrise, recueillies à l’aide d’entrevues semi-directives. Les principaux résultats se réfèrent, d’une part, à la connaissance des diverses conceptions des étudiants et, d’autre part, aux similitudes et différences entre les conceptions émergentes des élèves des deux niveaux de scolarité. Apprendre est quelque chose d’extensif et de diversifié ; c’est un acte d’acquisition, d’incorporation et d’application de quelque chose d’extérieur au sujet et, en même temps, un acte transformateur de la pensée propre du sujet qui traverse toute l’existence et tous les contextes de vie. Les résultats présentés seront discutés en tenant compte de leurs implications dans le processus d’enseignement et d’apprentissage.This study, using a phenomenography perspective, describes students’ conceptions of learning at the “terminal” and at the master level, as obtained through the use of semi-structured interviews. The principal results are related to students’ knowledge of various conceptions, and on the other hand, to similarities and differences between students’ developing conceptions at these two levels of schooling. Learning is both an object that is extensive and diversified, it is an activity of acquisition, of incorporation, and of application of something outside of the individual and at the same time an activity that transforms an individual’s own thinking as he traverses life and all life’s contexts. The authors discuss the results in the light of their involvement in the teaching and learning process.Este estudio, organizado en una perspectiva fenomenográfica, describe las concepciones de aprendizaje de alumnos de Terminal y de estudiantes de Maestría, recolectadas por medio de entrevistas semidirectivas. Los principales resultados hacen referencia, por un lado, al conocimiento de las diversas concepciones de los estudiantes y, por otro lado, a las similitudes y diferencias entre las concepciones emergentes de los alumnos de los dos niveles de escolaridad. Aprender es algo extensivo y diversificado; es un acto de adquisición, de incorporación y de aplicación de algo exterior al sujeto y, al mismo tiempo, un acto transformador del pensamiento propio del sujeto que atraviesa toda la existencia y todos los contextos de vida. Los resultados presentados serán analizados tomando en cuenta sus implicaciones en el proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje

    Cultura política, capital social e percepções sobre corrupção: uma investigação quantitativa em nível mundial

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    Nos anos 1990, teóricos do capital social passaram a estabelecer uma conexão direta entre cultura política e desempenho de instituições governamentais. Se tal relação causal existe, então deve ser possível identificar fatores culturais associados à corrupção. Neste artigo testamos essa hipótese em nível mundial. Usando métodos quantitativos, desenvolvemos uma série de modelos multivariados que visam medir o efeito de fatores culturais - tais como tradição religiosa, confiança interpessoal e obediência às leis - sobre o nível de corrupção em vários países, usando a avaliação reputacional da organização não-governamental Transparência Internacional como a variável dependente. O artigo mostra que o nível de corrupção em um determinado país é essencialmente uma função do tipo de regime político e do nível de desenvolvimento econômico. Entretanto, algumas características culturais agregam poder explicativo aos modelos, contextualizando as interpretações macroeconômicas e macropolíticas da corrupção. Abstract In the 1990's, theorists of social capital were led to establishing a direct connection between political culture and the performance of governmental institutions. If such a causal relationship does in fact exist, then it should be possible to identify the cultural factors that are associated with corruption. In this article we test this hypothesis at a world level. Using quantitative methods, we develop a series of multi-variate models meant to measure the effect of cultural factors - such as religious tradition, interpersonal confidence and law abidance - on levels of corruption in several countries, using non-governmental organizations' reputational evaluation of "International Transparency" as a dependent variable. This article shows that the level of corruption in a particular country is essentially an attribute of the type of political regime and level of economic development. However, certain cultural characteristics lend explanatory power to these models, thus contextualizing macroeconomic and macropolitical interpretations of corruption. Résumé Dans les années 1990, des théoriciens du capital social commencèrent à établir des liens directs entre culture politique et performance des instituitions gouvernementales. Si tel lien causal existe, il est donc possible d'identifier les facteurs culturels associés à la corruption. Dans cet article, nous vérifions cette hypothèse à l'échelle mondiale. En nous servant des méthodes quantitatives, nous développons des modèles multivariés visant à mésurer l'effet de facteurs culturels - tels que la tradition religieuse, la confiance interpersonnelle et l'obéissance aux lois - sur le niveau de corruption dans plusieurs pays. A cet effet nous utilisons l'évaluation de la renommée de l'organisation non-gouvernementale Transparence Internationale en variable dépendante. L'article montre que le niveau de corruption dans un pays existe notamment en fonction du type de système politique et du niveau de développement économique. Néanmoins, certaines caractéristiques culturelles permettent aux modèles de mieux expliquer le phénomène lorsqu'elles créent un contexte aux interprétations macro-économiques et macropolitiques de la corruption

    Cultura política, capital social e percepções sobre corrupção: uma investigação quantitativa em nível mundial

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    Nos anos 1990, teóricos do capital social passaram a estabelecer uma conexão direta entre cultura política e desempenho de instituições governamentais. Se tal relação causal existe, então deve ser possível identificar fatores culturais associados à corrupção. Neste artigo testamos essa hipótese em nível mundial. Usando métodos quantitativos, desenvolvemos uma série de modelos multivariados que visam medir o efeito de fatores culturais - tais como tradição religiosa, confiança interpessoal e obediência às leis - sobre o nível de corrupção em vários países, usando a avaliação reputacional da organização não-governamental Transparência Internacional como a variável dependente. O artigo mostra que o nível de corrupção em um determinado país é essencialmente uma função do tipo de regime político e do nível de desenvolvimento econômico. Entretanto, algumas características culturais agregam poder explicativo aos modelos, contextualizando as interpretações macroeconômicas e macropolíticas da corrupção. Abstract In the 1990's, theorists of social capital were led to establishing a direct connection between political culture and the performance of governmental institutions. If such a causal relationship does in fact exist, then it should be possible to identify the cultural factors that are associated with corruption. In this article we test this hypothesis at a world level. Using quantitative methods, we develop a series of multi-variate models meant to measure the effect of cultural factors - such as religious tradition, interpersonal confidence and law abidance - on levels of corruption in several countries, using non-governmental organizations' reputational evaluation of "International Transparency" as a dependent variable. This article shows that the level of corruption in a particular country is essentially an attribute of the type of political regime and level of economic development. However, certain cultural characteristics lend explanatory power to these models, thus contextualizing macroeconomic and macropolitical interpretations of corruption. Résumé Dans les années 1990, des théoriciens du capital social commencèrent à établir des liens directs entre culture politique et performance des instituitions gouvernementales. Si tel lien causal existe, il est donc possible d'identifier les facteurs culturels associés à la corruption. Dans cet article, nous vérifions cette hypothèse à l'échelle mondiale. En nous servant des méthodes quantitatives, nous développons des modèles multivariés visant à mésurer l'effet de facteurs culturels - tels que la tradition religieuse, la confiance interpersonnelle et l'obéissance aux lois - sur le niveau de corruption dans plusieurs pays. A cet effet nous utilisons l'évaluation de la renommée de l'organisation non-gouvernementale Transparence Internationale en variable dépendante. L'article montre que le niveau de corruption dans un pays existe notamment en fonction du type de système politique et du niveau de développement économique. Néanmoins, certaines caractéristiques culturelles permettent aux modèles de mieux expliquer le phénomène lorsqu'elles créent un contexte aux interprétations macro-économiques et macropolitiques de la corruption

    Hábitos alimenticios y aspectos poblacionales del salmonete manchado, Pseudupeneus maculatus (Perciformes: Mullidae) sobre la plataforma continental del noreste de Brasil

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    This study provides information about the feeding habits, population aspects and spatial distribution of the spot­ted goatfish, Pseudupeneus maculatus, along the coast of the tropical Brazilian continental shelf. Distribution patterns are described using length frequencies and catch rates. Stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N), along with stomach contents, were analysed to determine the diet of the spotted goatfish. Multivariate analysis and numerical indicators of the diet, such as numerical frequency, frequency of occurrence and weight percentage, were computed to evaluate the diet composition. The mean trophic position was defined using both stable isotope ratios and stomach content analysis. The length at first maturity for the species was determined as 13.7 cm. A slight pattern in size distribution was observed, with mean size increasing with depth along the shelf. The diet was mainly composed of crustaceans, teleosts and Polychaeta. No clear dietary difference was found between habitat types, water depth or latitude. Both trophic positions estimated by stable isotopes and stomach contents analysis ranged between levels 3 and 4. P. Maculatus was found to be feeding on many rare and infrequent prey items, classifying it as a generalist zoobenthivorous predator, probably due to its efficient search strategy.En este estudio se analizaron los hábitos alimenticios y aspectos biológicos del salmonete manchado (Pseudu­peneus maculatus) frente a la costa brasileña. Para describir los patrones de distribución se analizó la estructura de tallas y las tasas de captura. El nivel trófico y la dieta alimenticia se determinaron mediante análisis isotópicos de carbono (δ13C) y nitrógeno (δ15N), además del contenido estomacal. La composición de la dieta fue determinada con análisis multivariados e indicadores numéricos, como la frecuencia numérica, frecuencia de ocurrencia y el porcentaje del peso. Los resultados indicaron que la talla de primera madurez se encuentra en 13.7 cm. Se observó que la talla media incrementó en relación con el fondo. Por otro lado, la dieta estuvo compuesta por crustáceos, teleósteos y poliquetos, asimismo no se evidenciaron diferencias significativas por tipo de hábitats, profundidad y grado de latitud. Los niveles tróficos estimados oscilaron entre 3 y 4, determinándose que P. Maculatus se alimentó de diversas presas, probablemente debido a su eficiente estrategia de búsqueda, clasificándose como depredador zoobentívoro generalista

    Seleção de genótipos de aveia-branca para condições contrastantes de manejo de fungicida

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    The objective of this work was to select white oat (Avena sativa) genotypes for environments with and without fungicide application, as well as to identify relationships between meteorological variables and agronomic traits. Two experiments were carried out: one without and the other with the use of the tebuconazole fungicide. In each experiment, 26 genotypes were evaluated, conducted during ten years in the same experimental area; cultivation years were considered as one environment. The methodologies of genotype and of the genotypes x environments interaction were used to define the ideal genotype. 'URS Corona' is considered an ideal genotype due to its excellent responses in the environment with tebuconazole. The 'Brisasul', 'IPR Aphrodite', and 'URS Taura' genotypes respond better in the environment without the fungicide. However, based on multitraits, the 'URS Taura' and 'IPR Afrodite' genotypes can be positioned in environments with or without the use of tebuconazole. Genotypes with a rust incidence lower than 15% and a height higher than 93 cm in an environment with a relative humidity lower than 70.75% have a higher grain yield regardless of fungicide use. Greater magnitudes of air temperature and solar radiation result in a higher grain yield of white oat, regardless of fungicide use.O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar genótipos de aveia-branca (Avena sativa) para ambientes com e sem aplicação de fungicidas, bem como identificar relações entre variáveis meteorológicas e características agronômicas. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos: um sem e outro com o uso do fungicida tebuconazole. Em cada experimento, foram avaliados 26 genótipos, conduzidos durante dez anos na mesma área experimental; os anos de cultivo foram considerados como um ambiente. As metodologias de genótipos e da interação genótipos x ambientes foram utilizadas para definir o genótipo ideal. 'URS Corona' é considerado um genótipo ideal devida às suas ótimas respostas em ambiente com uso de tebuconazole. Já os genótipos 'Brisasul', 'IPR Afrodite' e 'URS Taura'  respondem melhor em ambiente sem o fungicida. Contudo, com base em multicaracterísticas, os genótipos 'URS Taura' e 'IPR Afrodite' podem ser posicionados em ambientes com ou sem o uso de tebuconazole. Genótipos com incidência de ferrugem menor que 15% e altura maior que 93 cm, em ambiente com umidade relativa menor que 70,75%, apresentam maior produtividade de grãos independentemente do uso de fungicida. Maiores magnitudes de temperatura do ar e radiação solar resultam em maior produtividade de grãos de aveia-branca, independentemente do uso de fungicida

    The application of omics in ruminant production: a review in the tropical and sub-tropical animal production context

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    The demand for animal products (e.g. dairy and beef) in tropical regions is expected to increase in parallel with the public demand for sustainable practices, due to factors such as population growth and climate change. The necessity to increase animal production output must be achieved with better management and production technologies. For this to happen, novel research methodologies, animal selection and postgenomic tools play a pivotal role. Indeed, improving breeder selection programs, the quality of meat and dairy products as well as animal health will contribute to higher sustainability and productivity. This would surely benefit regions where resource quality and quantity are increasingly unstable, and research is still very incipient, which is the case of many regions in the tropics. The purpose of this review is to demonstrate how omics-based approaches play a major role in animal science, particularly concerning ruminant production systems and research associated to the tropics and developing countriesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio