262 research outputs found

    Isolde Schaad, Vom Einen. Literatur und Geschlecht. Elf Porträts aus der Gefahrenzone. 2004

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    Vom Einen. Oder nicht eigentlich von Zweien? Isolde Schaad zitiert Hannah Arendt: "Mann und Frau können [...] nur gleich menschlich sein, indem sie voneinander absolut verschieden sind." Das besage, "was die Frauenbewegung anstrebt" (S. 100). Wenn Mann und Frau absolut verschieden sind, wissen sie nichts voneinander, auch nichts von ihrer Verschiedenheit. Um sie zu erfahren, müssen Mann und Frau sie aufheben, sie in eine Bezugnahme verwandeln, deren Form von ihrem Inhalt verneint und verworfen wird. Ihre gemeinsame Menschlichkeit, in der allein Mann und Frau sich als Mann und Frau wahrnehmen und begreifen können, liegt also in einer Übereinkunft, deren Scheitern ihre Notwendigkeit immer von neuem bestätigt und hervorruf

    Martin Kiel, Nexus. Postmoderne Mythenbilder - Vexierbilder zwischen Spiel und Erkenntnis. Mit einem Kommentar zu Christoph Ransmayrs "Die letzte Welt". 1996 - Angela Fitz, "Wir blicken in ein ersonnenes Sehen". Wirklichkeits- und Selbstkonstruktion in zeitgenössischen Romanen. Sten Nadolny - Christoph Ransmayr - Ulrich Woelk. 1998 - Esther Felicitas Gehlhoff, Wirklichkeit hat ihren eigenen Ort. Lesarten und Aspekte zum Verständnis des Romans ‚Die letzte Welt‘ von Christoph Ransmayr. 1998 - Barbara Vollstedt, Ovids "Metamorphoses", "Tristia" und "Epistulae ex Ponto" in Christoph Ransmayrs Roman "Die letzte Welt". 1998

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    Es gibt Texte der Gegenwartsliteratur, an denen geht die Literaturwissenschaft vorbei, sie dem Vergessen oder der Wiederentdeckung überantwortend. Es gibt andere, an denen sie sofort Interesse nimmt, um sie, wie es scheint, ihrem Kanon einzuverleiben. Christoph Ransmayrs Roman Die letzte Welt. Mit einem Ovidischen Repertoire, Nördlingen 1988, gehört offenbar zur zweiten Art. Weshalb? Was reizt die Literaturwissenschaft an ihm, und zu welchen Reaktionen fordert sie dieser Reiz heraus

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    Exact Spin and Pseudo-Spin Symmetric Solutions of the Dirac-Kratzer Problem with a tensor potential via Laplace Transform Approach

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    Exact bound state solutions of the Dirac equation for the Kratzer potential in the presence of a tensor potential are studied by using the Laplace transform approach for the cases of spin- and pseudo-spin symmetry. The energy spectra is obtained in the closed form for the relativistic as well as non-relativistic cases including the Coulomb potential. It is seen that our analytical results are in agrement with the ones given in literature. The numerical results are also given in a table for different parameter values.Comment: 8 page

    On the solutions of the Schrodinger equation with some molecular potentials: wave function ansatz

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    Making an ansatz to the wave function, the exact solutions of the DD% -dimensional radial Schrodinger equation with some molecular potentials like pseudoharmonic and modified Kratzer potentials are obtained. The restriction on the parameters of the given potential, δ\delta and η\eta are also given, where η\eta depends on a linear combination of the angular momentum quantum number \ell and the spatial dimensions DD and δ\delta is a parameter in the ansatz to the wave function. On inserting D=3, we find that the bound state eigensolutions recover their standard analytical forms in literature.Comment: 14 page

    General energy bounds for systems of bosons with soft cores

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    We study a bound system of N identical bosons interacting by model pair potentials of the form V(r) = A sgn(p)r^p + B/r^2, A > 0, B >= 0. By using a variational trial function and the `equivalent 2-body method', we find explicit upper and lower bound formulas for the N-particle ground-state energy in arbitrary spatial dimensions d > 2 for the two cases p = 2 and p = -1. It is demonstrated that the upper bound can be systematically improved with the aid of a special large-N limit in collective field theory

    Measurement of e⁺e⁻-->e⁺e⁻ and e⁺e⁻-->gammagamma at energies up to 36.7 GeV

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    e+e- +- +- ... + e e und e e + yy wurden bel Energlen zwischen 33.0 und 36.7 GeV gemessen. Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit den Vorhersagen der Quantenelektrodynamik überein. Ein Vergleich mit dem Standardmodell der elektroschwachen Wechselwirkung liefert sin 20w= 0.25 ± 0.13

    Gauge symmetry, chirality and parity violation in four-particle systems: Coulomb's law as a universal molecular function

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    Following recent work in search of a universal function (Van Hooydonk, Eur J Inorg Chem, 1999, 1617), we test symmetric potentials for reproducing molecular potential energy curves (PECs). For a bond, a four-particle system, charge inversion is the key to explain this shape generically. A parity adapted Hamiltonian reduces from ten to two terms. The analytical perturbed Coulomb function scales attractive and repulsive branches of 13 PECs (HH, HF, LiH, KH, AuH, LiLi, LiF, KLi, NaCs, RbRb,RbCs, CsCs and II) in a single straight line. Turning points are reproduced with a deviation of 0.3 % (0.007 angstrom). At the repulsive side, the deviation is 0.2 % (0.003 angstrom). The ab initio zero molecular parameter function gives PECs of acceptable quality, just using atomic ionisation energies. The function can be used as a model potential for inverting energy levels. The theory may be tested with femtochemistry. Reactions between hydrogen and anti-hydrogen, feasible in the near future, will probably produce normal HH.Comment: 90 p., 5 tables, 35 figure

    Fine scale mapping of the 17q22 breast cancer locus using dense SNPs, genotyped within the Collaborative Oncological Gene-Environment Study (COGs)

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    Genome-wide association studies have found SNPs at 17q22 to be associated with breast cancer risk. To identify potential causal variants related to breast cancer risk, we performed a high resolution fine-mapping analysis that involved genotyping 517 SNPs using a custom Illumina iSelect array (iCOGS) followed by imputation of genotypes for 3,134 SNPs in more than 89,000 participants of European ancestry from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC). We identified 28 highly correlated common variants, in a 53 Kb region spanning two introns of the STXBP4 gene, that are strong candidates for driving breast cancer risk (lead SNP rs2787486 (OR = 0.92; CI 0.90–0.94; P = 8.96 × 10−15)) and are correlated with two previously reported risk-associated variants at this locus, SNPs rs6504950 (OR = 0.94, P = 2.04 × 10−09, r2 = 0.73 with lead SNP) and rs1156287 (OR = 0.93, P = 3.41 × 10−11, r2 = 0.83 with lead SNP). Analyses indicate only one causal SNP in the region and several enhancer elements targeting STXBP4 are located within the 53 kb association signal. Expression studies in breast tumor tissues found SNP rs2787486 to be associated with increased STXBP4 expression, suggesting this may be a target gene of this locus