92 research outputs found

    Reduced Data Volumes through Hybrid Machine Learning Compared to Conventional Machine Learning Demonstrated on Bearing Fault Classification

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    n some real-world problems, machine learning is faced with little data due to limited resources such as sensors, time, and budget. In this case, the conventional machine learning approach may fail or perform badly. To develop a well-functioning model with a small training set the hybrid machine learning approach, the combination of different methods can be applied. Especially in the machine industry where Industry 4.0 is one of the most important topics—including condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, and automated data analyses—data are limited and costly. In this work, the conventional and hybrid approach are compared to the application of ball bearing fault classification. The dataset contains 12 different classes (11 with faults and 1 undamaged). For each approach, two different LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) models are developed and trained on various training sets (different sensors). The hybrid model is realised by adding physical knowledge through applying fast Fourier transformation and frequency selection to the raw data. This study shows that the additional physical knowledge in the hybrid model results in a better performance of the hybrid machine learning than the conventional

    In meso crystal structure of a novel membrane-associated octaheme cytochrome c from the Crenarchaeon Ignicoccus hospitalis

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    The Crenarchaeon Ignicoccus hospitalis lives in symbiosis with Nanoarchaeum equitans providing essential cell components and nutrients to its symbiont. Ignicoccus hospitalis shows an intriguing morphology that points toward an evolutionary role in driving compartmentalization. Therefore, the bioenergetics of this archaeal host–symbiont system remains a pressing question. To date, the only electron acceptor described for I. hospitalis is elemental sulfur, but the organism comprises genes that encode for enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism, e.g., one nitrate reductase and two octaheme cytochrome c, Igni_0955 (IhOCC) and Igni_1359. Herein, we detail functional and structural studies of the highly abundant IhOCC, including an X-ray crystal structure at 1.7 Å resolution, the first three-dimensional structure of an archaeal OCC. The trimeric IhOCC is membrane associated and exhibits significant structural and functional differences to previously characterized homologs within the hydroxylamine oxidoreductases (HAOs) and octaheme cytochrome c nitrite reductases (ONRs). The positions and spatial arrangement of the eight hemes are highly conserved, but the axial ligands of the individual hemes 3, 6 and 7 and the protein environment of the active site show significant differences. Most notably, the active site heme 4 lacks porphyrin-tyrosine cross-links present in the HAO family. We show that IhOCC efficiently reduces nitrite and hydroxylamine, with possible relevance to detoxification or energy conservation

    Calcium phosphate particles stimulate interleukin-1β release from human vascular smooth muscle cells: A role for spleen tyrosine kinase and exosome release

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    Aims: Calcium phosphate (CaP) particle deposits are found in several inflammatory diseases including atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. CaP, and other forms of crystals and particles, can promote inflammasome formation in macrophages leading to caspase-1 activation and secretion of mature interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Given the close association of small CaP particles with vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in atherosclerotic fibrous caps, we aimed to determine if CaP particles affected pro-inflammatory signalling in human VSMCs. Methods and results: Using ELISA to measure IL-1β release from VSMCs, we demonstrated that CaP particles stimulated IL-1β release from proliferating and senescent human VSMCs, but with substantially greater IL-1β release from senescent cells; this required caspase-1 activity but not LPS-priming of cells. Potential inflammasome agonists including ATP, nigericin and monosodium urate crystals did not stimulate IL-1β release from VSMCs. Western blot analysis demonstrated that CaP particles induced rapid activation of spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) (increased phospho-Y525/526). The SYK inhibitor R406 reduced IL-1β release and caspase-1 activation in CaP particle-treated VSMCs, indicating that SYK activation occurs upstream of and is required for caspase-1 activation. In addition, IL-1β and caspase-1 colocalised in intracellular endosome-like vesicles and we detected IL-1β in exosomes isolated from VSMC media. Furthermore, CaP particle treatment stimulated exosome secretion by VSMCs in a SYK-dependent manner, while the exosome-release inhibitor spiroepoxide reduced IL-1β release. Conclusions: CaP particles stimulate SYK and caspase-1 activation in VSMCs, leading to the release of IL-1β, at least in part via exosomes. These novel findings in human VSMCs highlight the pro-inflammatory and procalcific potential of microcalcification

    Star Formation in the Central 400 pc of the Milky Way: Evidence for a Population of Massive YSOs

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    The central kpc of the Milky Way might be expected to differ significantly from the rest of the Galaxy with regard to gas dynamics and the formation of YSOs. We probe this possibility with mid-infrared observations obtained with IRAC and MIPS on Spitzer and with MSX. We use color-color diagrams and SED fits to explore the nature of YSO candidates (including objects with 4.5 micron excesses possibly due to molecular emission). There is an asymmetry in the distribution of the candidate YSOs, which tend to be found at negative Galactic longitudes; this behavior contrasts with that of the molecular gas, approximately 2/3 of which is at positive longitudes. The small scale height of these objects suggests that they are within the Galactic center region and are dynamically young. They lie between two layers of infrared dark clouds and may have originated from these clouds. We identify new sites for this recent star formation. The methanol masers appear to be associated with young, embedded YSOs characterized by 4.5 micron excesses. We use the SEDs of these sources to estimate their physical characteristics. Within the central 400x50 pc (|l|<1.3\degr and |b|<10') the star formation rate based on the identification of Stage I evolutionary phase of YSO candidates is about 0.14 solar mass/yr. We suggest that a recent burst of star formation took place within the last 10^5 years. This suggestion is also consistent with estimates of star formation rates within the last ~10^7 years showing a peak around 10^5 years ago. Lastly, we find that the Schmidt-Kennicutt Law applies well in the central 400 pc of the Galaxy. This implies that star formation does not appear to be dramatically affected by the extreme physical conditions in the Galactic center region.Comment: 96 pages, ten tables, 35 figures, ApJ (in press), replaced by a revised versio

    Acidification increases abundances of Vibrionales and Planctomycetia associated to a seaweed-grazer system: potential consequences for disease and prey digestion efficiency

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    Ocean acidification significantly affects marine organisms in several ways, with complex interactions. Seaweeds might benefit from rising CO2 through increased photosynthesis and carbon acquisition, with subsequent higher growth rates. However, changes in seaweed chemistry due to increased CO2 may change the nutritional quality of tissue for grazers. In addition, organisms live in close association with a diverse microbiota, which can also be influenced by environmental changes, with feedback effects. As gut microbiomes are often linked to diet, changes in seaweed characteristics and associated microbiome can affect the gut microbiome of the grazer, with possible fitness consequences. In this study, we experimentally investigated the effects of acidification on the microbiome of the invasive brown seaweed Sargassum muticum and a native isopod consumer Synisoma nadejda. Both were exposed to ambient CO2 conditions (380 ppm, pH 8.16) and an acidification treatment (1,000 ppm, pH 7.86) for three weeks. Microbiome diversity and composition were determined using high-throughput sequencing of the variable regions V5-7 of 16S rRNA. We anticipated that as a result of acidification, the seaweed-associated bacterial community would change, leading to further changes in the gut microbiome of grazers. However, no significant effects of elevated CO2 on the overall bacterial community structure and composition were revealed in the seaweed. In contrast, significant changes were observed in the bacterial community of the grazer gut. Although the bacterial community of S. muticum as whole did not change, Oceanospirillales and Vibrionales (mainly Pseudoalteromonas) significantly increased their abundance in acidified conditions. The former, which uses organic matter compounds as its main source, may have opportunistically taken advantage of the possible increase of the C/N ratio in the seaweed under acidified conditions. Pseudoalteromonas, commonly associated to diseased seaweeds, suggesting that acidification may facilitate opportunistic/pathogenic bacteria. In the gut of S. nadejda, the bacterial genus Planctomycetia increased abundance under elevated CO2. This shift might be associated to changes in food (S. muticum) quality under acidification. Planctomycetia are slow-acting decomposers of algal polymers that could be providing the isopod with an elevated algal digestion and availability of inorganic compounds to compensate the shifted C/N ratio under acidification in their food. In conclusion, our results indicate that even after only three weeks of acidified conditions, bacterial communities associated to ungrazed seaweed and to an isopod grazer show specific, differential shifts in associated bacterial community. These have potential consequences for seaweed health (as shown in corals) and isopod food digestion. The observed changes in the gut microbiome of the grazer seem to reflect changes in the seaweed chemistry rather than its microbial composition.Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Programme MARES on Marine Ecosystem Health Conservation [MARES_13_08]; FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal) [SFRH/BPD/63703/2009, SFRH/BPD/107878/2015, SFRH/BPD/116774/2016]; EU SEAS-ERA project INVASIVES [SEAS-ERA/0001/2012]; [CCMAR/Multi/04326/2013

    Barriers and drivers of public engagement in palliative care, Scoping review

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    Background The integral model of Palliative Care recognizes the community as essential element in improving quality of life of patients and families. It is necessary to find a formula that allows the community to have a voice. The aim of this scoping review is to identify barriers and facilitators to engage community in PC.Methods Systematic search was conducted in NICE, Cochrane Library, Health Evidence, CINAHL and PubMed database. Keywords: Palliative care, End of life care, community networks, community engagement, public engagement, community participation, social participation, barriers and facilitators.Results Nine hundred seventy-one results were obtained. Search strategy and inclusion criteria yielded 13 studies that were read in detail to identify factors influencing community engagement in palliative care, categorized into: Public health and public engagement; Community attitudes towards palliative care, death and preferences at the end of life; Importance of volunteers in public engagement programs; Compassionate communities.Conclusion Societal awareness must be a facilitated process to catalyse public engagement efforts. National policy initiatives and regional system support provide legitimacy and focus is essential for funding. The first step is to get a sense of what is important to society, bearing in mind cultural differences and to channel those aspects through health care professionals; connecting the most assistential part with community resources. The process and long-term results need to be systematically evaluated

    Barriers and drivers of public engagement in palliative care, Scoping review

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    Background The integral model of Palliative Care recognizes the community as essential element in improving quality of life of patients and families. It is necessary to find a formula that allows the community to have a voice. The aim of this scoping review is to identify barriers and facilitators to engage community in PC.Methods Systematic search was conducted in NICE, Cochrane Library, Health Evidence, CINAHL and PubMed database. Keywords: Palliative care, End of life care, community networks, community engagement, public engagement, community participation, social participation, barriers and facilitators.Results Nine hundred seventy-one results were obtained. Search strategy and inclusion criteria yielded 13 studies that were read in detail to identify factors influencing community engagement in palliative care, categorized into: Public health and public engagement; Community attitudes towards palliative care, death and preferences at the end of life; Importance of volunteers in public engagement programs; Compassionate communities.Conclusion Societal awareness must be a facilitated process to catalyse public engagement efforts. National policy initiatives and regional system support provide legitimacy and focus is essential for funding. The first step is to get a sense of what is important to society, bearing in mind cultural differences and to channel those aspects through health care professionals; connecting the most assistential part with community resources. The process and long-term results need to be systematically evaluated

    Functional evolution of nuclear structure

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    The evolution of the nucleus, the defining feature of eukaryotic cells, was long shrouded in speculation and mystery. There is now strong evidence that nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) and nuclear membranes coevolved with the endomembrane system, and that the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) had fully functional NPCs. Recent studies have identified many components of the nuclear envelope in living Opisthokonts, the eukaryotic supergroup that includes fungi and metazoan animals. These components include diverse chromatin-binding membrane proteins, and membrane proteins with adhesive lumenal domains that may have contributed to the evolution of nuclear membrane architecture. Further discoveries about the nucleoskeleton suggest that the evolution of nuclear structure was tightly coupled to genome partitioning during mitosis