176 research outputs found

    An extracellular transglutaminase is required for apple pollen tube growth

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    An extracellular form of the calcium-dependent protein-crosslinking enzyme TGase (transglutaminase) was demonstrated to be involved in the apical growth of Malus domestica pollen tube. Apple pollen TGase and its substrates were co-localized within aggregates on the pollen tube surface, as determined by indirect immunofluorescence staining and the in situ cross-linking of fluorescently labelled substrates. TGase-specific inhibitors and an anti-TGase monoclonal antibody blocked pollen tube growth, whereas incorporation of a recombinant fluorescent mammalian TGase substrate (histidine-tagged green fluorescent protein:His6– Xpr–GFP) into the growing tube wall enhanced tube length and germination, consistent with a role of TGase as a modulator of cell wall building and strengthening. The secreted pollen TGase catalysed the cross-linking of both PAs (polyamines) into proteins (released by the pollen tube) and His6-Xpr-GFP into endogenous or exogenously added substrates. A similar distribution of TGase activitywas observed in planta on pollen tubes germinating inside the style, consistent with a possible additional role for TGase in the interaction between the pollen tube and the style during fertilization

    Frequency Selection to Improve the Performance of Microwave Breast Cancer Detecting Support Vector Model by Using Genetic Algorithm

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    This paper presents an innovative paradigm for breast cancer detection by leveraging a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based model fueled with numerical data obtained from the cutting-edge MammoWave device. Operating in the microwave spectrum between 1 to 9 GHz and boasting a 5 MHz sampling rate, MammoWave emerges as a groundbreaking solution, specifically addressing the limitations posed by conventional methods, particularly for women under 50. This technological advancement opens a promising avenue for more frequent and precise breast health monitoring. To enhance the efficacy of the SVM model, our research introduces a metaheuristic-based methodology, strategically navigating the selection of frequencies crucial for breast cancer detection within the MammoWave dataset. Overcoming the challenge of judicious frequency selection, our approach employs wrapper methods in metaheuristic algorithms. These algorithms iterate through subsets of frequencies, guided by the SVM model's performance, culminating in the identification of the optimal frequency subset that significantly refines precision in breast cancer detection. Moreover, a novel cost function is proposed to strike a balanced trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, ensuring an acceptable accuracy rate. The results exhibit a noteworthy 10% increase in specificity, a milestone achievement for the MammoWave device, yielding an overall detection rate of approximately 62%. This research underscores the potential of seamlessly integrating metaheuristic algorithms into frequency selection, thereby contributing significantly to the ongoing refinement of MammoWave's capabilities in breast cancer detection

    Far Ultraviolet Spectra of B Stars near the Ecliptic

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    Spectra of B stars in the wavelength range of 911-1100 A have been obtained with the EURD spectrograph onboard the Spanish satellite MINISAT-01 with ~5 A spectral resolution. IUE spectra of the same stars have been used to normalize Kurucz models to the distance, reddening and spectral type of the corresponding star. The comparison of 8 main-sequence stars studied in detail (alpha Vir, epsilon Tau, lambda Tau, tau Tau, alpha Leo, zeta Lib, theta Oph, and sigma Sgr) shows agreement with Kurucz models, but observed fluxes are 10-40% higher than the models in most cases. The difference in flux between observations and models is higher in the wavelength range between Lyman alpha and Lyman beta. We suggest that Kurucz models underestimate the FUV flux of main-sequence B stars between these two Lyman lines. Computation of flux distributions of line-blanketed model atmospheres including non-LTE effects suggests that this flux underestimate could be due to departures from LTE, although other causes cannot be ruled out. We found the common assumption of solar metallicity for young disk stars should be made with care, since small deviations can have a significant impact on FUV model fluxes. Two peculiar stars (rho Leo and epsilon Aqr), and two emission line stars (epsilon Cap and pi Aqr) were also studied. Of these, only epsilon Aqr has a flux in agreement with the models. The rest have strong variability in the IUE range and/or uncertain reddening, which makes the comparison with models difficult.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    A possible architecture of the planetary system HR 8799

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    HR8799 is a nearby A-type star with a debris disk and three planetary candidates recently imaged directly. We undertake a coherent analysis of various portions of observational data on all known components of the system. The goal is to elucidate the architecture and evolutionary status of the system. We try to further constrain the age and orientation of the system, orbits and masses of the companions, as well as the location of dust. From the high luminosity of debris dust and dynamical constraints, we argue for a rather young system's age of <50Myr. The system must be seen nearly, but not exactly, pole-on. Our analysis of the stellar rotational velocity yields an inclination of 13-30deg, whereas i>20deg is needed for the system to be dynamically stable, which suggests a probable inclination range of 20-30deg. The spectral energy distribution is naturally reproduced with two dust rings associated with two planetesimal belts. The inner "asteroid belt" is located at ~10AU inside the orbit of the innermost companion and a "Kuiper belt" at >100AU is just exterior to the orbit of the outermost companion. The dust masses in the inner and outer ring are estimated to be ~1E-05 and 4E-02 M_earth, respectively. We show that all three planetary candidates may be stable in the mass range suggested in the discovery paper by Marois et al. 2008 (between 5 and 13 Jupiter masses), but only for some of all possible orientations. Stable orbits imply a double (4:2:1) mean-motion resonance between all three companions. We finally show that in the cases where the companions themselves are orbitally stable, the dust-producing planetesimal belts are also stable against planetary perturbations.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, accepted to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics (May 20, 2009

    The Penn State-Torun Centre for Astronomy Planet Search stars. I. Spectroscopic analysis of 348 red giants

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    We present basic atmospheric parameters (Teff, logg, vt and [Fe/H]) as well as luminosities, masses, radii and absolute radial velocities for 348 stars, presumably giants, from the ~1000 star sample observed within the Penn State-Torun Centre for Astronomy Planet Search with the High Resolution Spectrograph of the 9.2m Hobby-Eberly Telescope. The stellar parameters are key ingredients in proper interpretation of newly discovered low-mass companions while a systematic study of the complete sample will create a basis for future statistical considerations concerning low-mass companions appearance around evolved low and intermediate-mass stars. The atmospheric parameters were derived using a strictly spectroscopic method based on the LTE analysis of equivalent widths of FeI and FeII lines. With existing photometric data and the Hipparcos parallaxes we estimated stellar masses and ages via evolutionary tracks fitting. The stellar radii were calculated from either estimated masses and the spectroscopic logg or from the spectroscopic Teff and estimated luminosities. The absolute radial velocities were obtained by cross-correlating spectra with a numerical template. We completed the spectroscopic analysis for 332 stars of which 327 were found to be giants. For the remaining 16 stars with incomplete data a simplified analysis was applied. The results show that our sample is composed of stars with Teff = 4055-6239 K, logg = 1.39-4.78 (5 dwarfs were identified), logL/Lo = -1.0-3, M = 0.6-3.4 Mo, R = 0.6-52 Ro. The stars in our sample are generally less metal abundant than the Sun with median [Fe/H] = -0.15. The estimated uncertainties in the atmospheric parameters were found to be comparable to those reached in other studies. However, due to lack of precise parallaxes the stellar luminosities and, in turn, the masses are far less precise, within 0.2 Mo in best cases, and 0.3 Mo on average.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figures, 10 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    CRIRES-POP: A library of high resolution spectra in the near-infrared

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    New instrumental capabilities and the wealth of astrophysical information extractable from the near-infrared wavelength region have led to a growing interest in the field of high resolution spectroscopy at 1-5 mu. We aim to provide a library of observed high-resolution and high signal-to-noise-ratio near-infrared spectra of stars of various types throughout the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. This is needed for the exploration of spectral features in this wavelength range and for comparison of reference targets with observations and models. High quality spectra were obtained using the CRIRES near-infrared spectrograph at ESO's VLT covering the range from 0.97 to 5.3 mu at high spectral resolution. Accurate wavelength calibration and correction for of telluric lines were performed by fitting synthetic transmission spectra for the Earth's atmosphere to each spectrum individually. We describe the observational strategy and the current status and content of the library which includes 13 objects. The first examples of finally reduced spectra are presented. This publication will serve as a reference paper to introduce the library to the community and explore the extensive amount of material.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A; see also the project webpage http://www.univie.ac.at/crirespo

    Detection of the 128 day radial velocity variations in the supergiant {\alpha} Persei. Rotational modulations, pulsations, or a planet?

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    Aims. In order to search for and study the nature of the low-amplitude and long-periodic radial velocity (RV) variations of massive stars, we have been carrying out a precise RV survey for supergiants that lie near or inside the Cepheid instability strip. Methods. We have obtained high-resolution spectra of {\alpha} Per (F5 Ib) from November 2005 to September 2011 using the fiber-fed Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO). Results. Our measurements reveal that {\alpha} Per shows a periodic RV variation of 128 days and a semi-amplitude of 70 m/s. We find no strong correlation between RV variations and bisector velocity span (BVS), but the 128-d peak is indeed present in the BVS variations among several other significant peaks in periodogram. Conclusions. {\alpha} Per may have an exoplanet, but the combined data spanning over 20 years seem to suggest that the 128-d RV variations have not been stable on long-term scale, which is somewhat difficult to reconcile with the exoplanet explanation. We do not exclude the pulsational nature of the 128-d variations in {\alpha} Per. Although we do not find clear evidence for surface activity or rotational modulations by spots, coupled with the fact that the expected rotation period is ~ 130 days the rotational modulation seems to be the most likely cause of the RV variations. More observational data and research are needed to clearly determine the origin of RV the variations in {\alpha} Per.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    SAM levels, gene expression of SAM synthetase, methionine synthase and ACC oxidase, and ethylene emission from N. suaveolens flowers

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    S′adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) is a ubiquitous methyl donor and a precursor in the biosynthesis of ethylene, polyamines, biotin, and nicotianamine in plants. Only limited information is available regarding its synthesis (SAM cycle) and its concentrations in plant tissues. The SAM concentrations in flowers of Nicotiana suaveolens were determined during day/night cycles and found to fluctuate rhythmically between 10 and 50 nmol g−1 fresh weight. Troughs of SAM levels were measured in the evening and night, which corresponds to the time when the major floral scent compound, methyl benzoate, is synthesized by a SAM dependent methyltransferase (NsBSMT) and when this enzyme possesses its highest activity. The SAM synthetase (NsSAMS1) and methionine synthase (NsMS1) are enzymes, among others, which are involved in the synthesis and regeneration of SAM. Respective genes were isolated from a N. suaveolens petal cDNA library. Transcript accumulation patterns of both SAM regenerating enzymes matched perfectly those of the bifunctional NsBSMT; maximum mRNA accumulations of NsMS1 and NsSAMS1 were attained in the evening. Ethylene, which is synthesized from SAM, reached only low levels of 1–2 ppbv in N. suaveolens flowers. It is emitted in a burst at the end of the life span of the flowers, which correlates with the increased expression of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (NsACO)