531 research outputs found

    Surface plasmon and photonic mode propagation in gold nanotubes with varying wall thickness

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    Gold nanotube arrays are synthesized with a range of wall thicknesses (15 to >140 nm) and inner diameters of ∼200 nm using a hard-template method. A red spectral shift (>0.39 eV) with decreasing wall thickness is observed in dark-field spectra of nanotube arrays and single nanowire/nanotube heterostructures. Finite-difference-time-domain simulations show that nanotubes in this size regime support propagating surface plasmon modes as well as surface plasmon ring resonances at visible wavelengths (the latter is observed only for excitation directions normal to the nanotube long axis with transverse polarization). The energy of the surface plasmon modes decreases with decreasing wall thickness and is attributed to an increase in mode coupling between propagating modes in the nanotube core and outer surface and the circumference dependence of ring resonances. Surface plasmon mode propagation lengths for thicker-walled tubes increase by a factor of ∼2 at longer wavelengths (>700 nm), where ohmic losses in the metal are low, but thinner-walled tubes (30 nm) exhibit a more significant increase in surface plasmon propagation length (by a factor of more than four) at longer wavelengths. Additionally, nanotubes in this size regime support a photonic mode in their core, which does not change in energy with changing wall thickness. However, photonic mode propagation length is found to decrease for optically thin walls. Finally, correlations are made between the experimentally observed changes in dark-field spectra and the changes in surface plasmon mode properties observed in simulations for the various gold nanotube wall thicknesses and excitation conditions

    Correlates of Workplace Bullying, Depression, Anxiety, Narcissism, and Self-esteem

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    The following study examined the prevalence and impact of workplace bullying. To achieve this goal, a survey was administered through Amazon.com's Mechanical Turk (N = 122). To measure workplace bullying, the study used the Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ). Other aspects of emotional health including self-esteem, depression, and general health were assessed with corresponding scales in order to determine the impact workplace bullying has on its victims. Bivariate correlation analyses were conducted. The study found positive correlations among workplace bullying intensity, workplace incivility, and paranoia. Negative correlations were discovered between workplace bullying intensity and self-esteem. Further research on this topic should be undertaken in order to confirm these findings and examine the variables in greater detail.B.A. (Bachelor of Arts

    Gold electrode modified by self-assembled monolayers of thiols to determine DNA sequences hybridization

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    The process of immobilization of biological molecules is one of the most important steps in the construction of a biosensor. In the case of DNA, the way it exposes its bases can result in electrochemical signals to acceptable levels. The use of self-assembled monolayer that allows a connection to the gold thiol group and DNA binding to an aldehydic ligand resulted in the possibility of determining DNA hybridization. Immobilized single strand of DNA (ssDNA) from calf thymus pre-formed from alkanethiol film was formed by incubating a solution of 2-aminoethanothiol (Cys) followed by glutaraldehyde (Glu). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was used to characterize the self-assembled monolayer on the gold electrode and, also, to study the immobilization of ssDNA probe and hybridization with the complementary sequence (target ssDNA). The ssDNA probe presents a well-defined oxidation peak at +0.158 V. When the hybridization occurs, this peak disappears which confirms the efficacy of the annealing and the DNA double helix performing without the presence of electroactive indicators. The use of SAM resulted in a stable immobilization of the ssDNA probe, enabling the hybridization detection without labels. This study represents a promising approach for molecular biosensor with sensible and reproducible results

    1ES 1927+654: Persistent and rapid X-ray variability in an AGN with low intrinsic neutral X-ray absorption and narrow optical emission lines

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    We present X-ray and optical observations of the X-ray bright AGN 1ES 1927+654. The X-ray observations obtained with ROSAT and Chandra reveal persistent, rapid and large scale variations, as well as steep 0.1-2.4 keV (Gamma = 2.6 +/- 0.3) and 0.3-7.0 keV (Gamma = 2.7 +/- 0.2) spectra. The measured intrinsic neutral X-ray column density is approximately 7e20cm^-2. The X-ray timing properties indicate that the strong variations originate from a region, a few hundred light seconds from the central black hole, typical for type 1 AGN. High quality optical spectroscopy reveals a typical Seyfert 2 spectrum with some host galaxy contamination and no evidence of Fe II multiplets or broad hydrogen Balmer wings. The intrinsic optical extinction derived from the BLR and NLR are A_V >= 3.7 and A_V=1.7, respectively. The X-ray observations give an A_V value of less than 0.58, in contrast to the optical extinction values. We discuss several ideas to explain this apparent difference in classification including partial covering, an underluminous BLR or a high dust to gas ratio.Comment: 8 pages including 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    On the Absorption of X-rays in the Interstellar Medium

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    We present an improved model for the absorption of X-rays in the ISM intended for use with data from future X-ray missions with larger effective areas and increased energy resolution such as Chandra and XMM, in the energy range above 100eV. Compared to previous work, our formalism includes recent updates to the photoionization cross section and revised abundances of the interstellar medium, as well as a treatment of interstellar grains and the H2molecule. We review the theoretical and observational motivations behind these updates and provide a subroutine for the X-ray spectral analysis program XSPEC that incorporates our model.Comment: ApJ, in press, for associated software see http://astro.uni-tuebingen.de/nh

    Double Beta Decay: Historical Review of 75 Years of Research

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    Main achievements during 75 years of research on double beta decay have been reviewed. The existing experimental data have been presented and the capabilities of the next-generation detectors have been demonstrated.Comment: 25 pages, typos adde

    The Active Quiescence of HR Del (Nova Del 1967)

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    This new UV study of the ex-nova HR Del is based on all of the data obtained with the IUE satellite, and includes the important series of spectra taken in 1988 and 1992 that have not been analyzed so far. After the correction for the reddening (EB-V)=0.16), adopting a distance d =850 pc, we have derived a mean UV luminosity close to Luv ~ 56 Lsun, the highest value among classical novae in "quiescence". Also the "average" optical absolute magnitude Mv=+2.30 is indicative of a bright object. The UV continuum luminosity, the HeII 1640 A emission line luminosity, and the optical absolute magnitude all give a mass accretion rate Mdot very close to 1.4*10**(-7) Msun/yr, if one assumes that the luminosity of the old nova is due to a non-irradiated accretion disk. The continuum distribution is well fitted with either a black body of 33,900 K, or a power-law F(lambda) ~ lambda**(-2.20). We show that the "quiescent" optical magnitude at mv ~ 12 comes from the hot component and not from the companion star. Since most IUE observations correspond to the "quiescent" magnitude at mv ~ 12, the same as in the pre-eruption stage, we infer that the pre-nova, for at least 70 years prior to eruption, was also very bright at near the same Luv, Mv, Mdot and T values as derived in the present study for the ex-nova. The wind components in the P Cyg profiles of the CIV 1550 A and NV 1240 A resonance lines are strong and variable on short timescales, with vedge up to -5000 km/s, a remarkably high value. The phenomenology in the short-time variations of the wind indicates the presence of an inhomogeneous outflow. We discuss the nature of the strong UV continuum and wind features and the implications of the presence of a "bright" state a long time before and after outburst on our present knowledge of the pre-nova and post-nova behavior.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Obscuration of Supersoft X-ray Sources by Circumbinary Material - A Way to Hide Type Ia Supernova Progenitors?

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    The progenitors of supernovae (SNe) type Ia are usually assumed to be either a single white dwarf (WD) accreting from a non-degenerate companion (the SD channel) or the result of two merging WDs (DD channel). However, no consensus currently exists as to which progenitor scenario is the correct one, or whether the observed SN Ia rate is produced by a combination of both channels. Unlike a DD progenitor a SD progenitor is expected to emit supersoft X-rays for a prolonged period of time (~1 Myr) as a result of the burning of accreted matter on the surface of the WD. An argument against the SD channel as a significant producer of SNe type Ia has been the lack of observed supersoft X-ray sources (SSS) and the lower-than-expected integrated soft X-ray flux from elliptical galaxies. We wish to determine if it is possible to obscure the supersoft X-ray emission from a nuclear burning white dwarf in an accreting single degenerate binary system. In case of obscured systems we wish to determine their general observational characteristics. We examine the emergent X-ray emission from a canonical SSS system surrounded by a spherically symmetric configuration of material, assuming a black body spectrum with T_BB=50 eV and L=10^38 erg/s. The circumbinary material is assumed to be of solar chemical abundances, and we leave the mechanism behind the mass loss into the circumbinary region unspecified. If steadily accreting, nuclear burning WDs are canonical SSS our analysis suggests that they can be obscured by relatively modest circumbinary mass loss rates. This may explain the discrepancy of SSS compared to the SN Ia rate inferred from observations if the SD progenitor scenario contributes significantly to the SN Ia rate. Recycled emissions from obscured systems may be visible in other wavebands than X-rays. It may also explain the lack of observed SSS in symbiotic binary systems.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted A&

    Soft X-ray spectral variations of the narrow line Seyfert l galaxy Markarian 766

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    The X-ray variability of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 766 is studied using nine ROSAT PSPC data sets. The spectrum is well described by a power law combined with a blackbody (kT ∼ 70 eV) soft excess. Examination of flux ratio changes and variability amplitude in three X-ray bands shows that the power-law component varies continuously on time-scales of ∼ 5000 s and is steeper when it is brighter. In contrast, variability of the soft excess is not detected. Spectral modelling of 31 spectra from different observations and at a range of count rates is also consistent with a picture in which the power law is steeper when it is brighter, and in which the soft-excess component does not vary. The power-law variability can be explained if the power law is produced by variable thermal or non-thermal Comptonization of soft photons. This behaviour is similar to that of Galactic black hole candidates in the low state. The X-ray and multiwavelength properties of Markarian 766 are shown to be very similar to those of other narrow-line Seyfert 1s. This may mean that the rapid X-ray variability seen in other narrow-line Seyfert 1s may also not originate in their strong soft-excess components
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