57 research outputs found

    Multiplicação in vitro e aclimatização de Melocactus sergipensis

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    Melocactus sergipensis é uma espécie recém-descoberta, endêmica do estado de Sergipe e criticamente ameaçada de extinção. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estabelecer um protocolo para micropropagação e aclimatização de plantas de M. sergipensis . O experi - mento foi instalado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos, 10 repetições e em cada unidade experimental foi introduzido um explante. Os explantes foram obtidos de seções medianas do caule com aproximadamente 5 mm. O meio nutritivo foi ½ sais de MS suplementado com 30 g L -1 de sacarose, gelificado com 7 g L -1 de ágar e com as seguintes concentrações de fitorreguladores: 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) [0,0; 1,5; 3,0 e 6,0 mg L -1 ] e ácido naftalenoaético (ANA) [0,0; 1,5; 3,0 e 6,0 mg L -1 ] e as combinações BAP/ANA [0,0; 1,0/0,5; 2,0/1,0 e 4,0/2,0 mg L -1 ]. Foram avaliadas as médias de (brotos por explante, altura do caule e diâmetro do caule) e a porcentagem de calogênese, enraiza - mento explantes, sobrevivência dos explantes e brotos e peso da matéria fresca. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, 5% de significância. Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos em relação a formação de brotos, calos, sobrevivência dos brotos e explantes, altura do caule, diâmetro do caule, e peso matéria fresta. A suplementação no meio nutritivo com 1,0/0,5 BAP/ANA mg L -1 promoveu maior formação de brotos. Durante a fase ex vitro 70% dos brotos normais e 0,1% dos brotos hiperídricos sobreviveram

    Melocactus (Cactaceae) no estado de Sergipe (Brasil) e aspectos de sua conservação

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    O gênero Melocactus da família Cactaceae, subfamília Cactoideae é composto por 38 espécies distribuídas no Brasil, América Central, Caribe e nos Andes, sendo que no Brasil ocorre a maior diversidade mundial deste gênero (23 espécies). No estado de Sergipe, o ecossistema Caatinga ocupa quase 50% de seu território, vegetação, onde ocorre o maior número de espécies do gênero Melocactus no Brasil. Este estudo teve por objetivo fazer um levantamento florístico do gênero Melocactus no estado de Sergipe e analisar aspectos de sua conservação. Os resultados foram obtidos através de levantamento na base de dados do herbário (ASE), SpeciesLink e coletas de campo, onde foram registradas coordenadas geográ - ficas e altitude. Espécimes em fase reprodutiva, foram coletados para registro e identificação no herbário (ASE). Foi identificado o domínio fitogeográfico das espécies nas macrorregiões do estado, o qual possibilitou o registro da ocorrência de cinco espécies deste gênero, e destas, uma nova ( Melocactus sergipensis ) a qual encontra-se criticamente ameaçado de extinção

    Resultado precoce e tardio da anastomose íleoanal com reservatório ileal na retocolite ulcerativa

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    Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis was an important advancement in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. The aim of this study was to determine whether early complications of ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in patients with ulcerative colitis are associated with poor late functional results. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eighty patients were operated on from 1986 to 2000, 62 patients with ileostomy and 18 without. The early and late complications were recorded. Specific emphasis has been placed on the incidence of pouchitis with prolonged follow-up. RESULTS: The ileostomy was closed an average of 9.2 months after the first operation. Fourteen patients were excluded from the long-term evaluation; 6 patients were lost to regular follow-up, 4 died, and 4 patients still have the ileostomy. Of the 4 patients that died, 1 died from surgical complications. Early complications after operation (41) occurred in 34 patients (42.5%). Late complications (29) occurred in 25 patients as follows: 16 had pouchitis, 3 associated with stenosis and 1 with sexual dysfunction; 5 had stenosis; and there was 1 case each of incisional hernia, ileoanal fistula, hepatic cancer, and endometriosis. Pouchitis occurred in 6 patients (9.8%) 1 year after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, 9 (14.8%) after 3 years, 13 (21.3%) after 5 years, and 16 (26.2%) after more than 6 years. The mean daily stool frequency was 12 before and 5.8 after operation. One pouch was removed because of fistulas that appeared 2 years later. CONCLUSIONS: Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis is associated with a considerable number of early complications. There was no correlation between pouchitis and severe disease, operation with or without ileostomy, or early postoperative complications. The incidence of pouchitis was directly proportional to duration of time of follow-up.A anastomose íleo-anal com reservatório ileal foi um importante avanço no tratamento da retocolite ulcerativa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar se os maus resultados funcionais tardios estariam relacionados às complicações precoces da anastomose íleo-anal com reservatório ileal em doentes com retocolite ulcerativa. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Oitenta doentes foram operados entre 1986 e 2000, 60 com ileostomia de proteção e 18 sem. Os doentes foram avaliados quanto a incidência de complicações pós-operatórias precoces e tardias. Enfatizou-se a incidência de bolsite no pós-operatório prolongado. RESULTADO: A ileostomia foi fechada em média 9,2 meses após a primeira operação. Quatorze doentes foram excluídos da avaliação tardia: seis perderam o seguimento e quatro faleceram. Quatro doentes permanecem com a ileostomia. Trinta e quatro doentes (42,5%) apresentaram 41 complicações precoces. Vinte e cinco apresentaram 29 complicações tardias: 16 bolsites, três associadas a estenose e uma a disfunção erétil; cinco estenoses e uma de cada das seguintes: hérnia incisional, fístula íleoanal, câncer hepático e endometriose. Seis doentes apresentaram bolsite um ano após a anastomose íleoanal com reservatório ileal (9,8%), nove (14,8%) após três anos, 13 (21,3%), após cinco anos e 16 (26,2%) após seis anos.A freqüência diária média de evacuação era de 12 antes e de 5,8 após a operação.Um reservatório foi removido devido ao aparecimento de fístulas dois anos depois. CONCLUSÃO: A anastomose íleoanal com reservatório ileal está associada com número considerável de complicações. Não há correlação entre bolsite e doença grave, operação com ou sem ileostomia ou complicações pós-operatórias imediatas. A incidência de bolsite foi diretamente proporcional ao tempo de seguimento

    Vitimização por homicídios segundo características de raça no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever a tendência temporal da mortalidade por homicídio no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo de série temporal dos homicídios no Brasil de 2000 a 2009. As variáveis explicativas foram raça/cor, sexo e escolaridade. Os óbitos foram provenientes do Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade. A análise de tendência foi realizada por meio de regressão polinomial para séries históricas (p < 0,05; intervalo de 95% de confiança). RESULTADOS: A população negra representou 69% das vítimas de homicídios em 2009. O número de homicídios aumentou entre a população negra e diminuiu entre a branca, com tendência de crescimento da taxa nos negros e de redução nos brancos no período. As taxas aumentaram nos grupos de maior e menor escolaridade entre negros, enquanto, entre brancos, reduziram para os de menor nível escolar e mantiveram-se estáveis no grupo com maior nível de escolaridade. Em 2009 negros tiveram maior risco de morte por homicídios do que a população branca, independentemente do nível de escolaridade. Entre 2004 e 2009, as taxas de homicídios na população branca diminuíram e aumentaram na negra. CONCLUSÕES: O risco relativo de homicídios cresce na população negra, sugerindo o aumento das desigualdades. A repercussão das medidas antiarmas no Brasil, implantada em 2004, foi positiva na população branca e discreta na população negra. Raça/cor pode predizer a ocorrência de homicídio.OBJETIVO: Describir la tendencia temporal de la mortalidad por homicidio en Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudio de serie temporal de los homicidios en Brasil de 2000 a 2009. Las variables explicativas fueron raza/color, sexo y escolaridad. Los óbitos fueron provenientes del Sistema de Informaciones de Mortalidad. El análisis de tendencia fue realizada por medio de regresión polinomial para series históricas (pOBJECTIVE: To describe the temporal patterns of mortality by homicide in Brazil. METHODS: A series of homicides in Brazil from 2000 to 2009 were studied. The explanatory variables were race/skin color, gender and education. The death statistics were obtained from the Mortality Information System. A trend analysis was performed by means of a polynomial regression for a historic time series (p < 0.05, 95% confidence interval). RESULTS: The black population represented 69% of the homicide victims in 2009. The homicide rate increased in the black population, while it decreased in the white population in the period studied. The homicide rate increased in groups with both higher and lower education among blacks; among whites, the rate decreased for those with the lowest level of schooling and remained stable in the group with higher educational levels. In 2009, blacks had a higher risk of death than whites from homicide, regardless of education level. Between 2004 and 2009, the homicide rate decreased in the white population, while it increased in the black population. CONCLUSIONS: The relative risk of falling victim to homicide increased in the black population, suggesting an increase in inequality. The effect of the anti-gun measures implemented in Brazil in 2004 was positive in the white population and less pronounced in the black population. Overall, race/skin color predicted the occurrence of homicide

    Complex Transition to Cooperative Behavior in a Structured Population Model

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    Cooperation plays an important role in the evolution of species and human societies. The understanding of the emergence and persistence of cooperation in those systems is a fascinating and fundamental question. Many mechanisms were extensively studied and proposed as supporting cooperation. The current work addresses the role of migration for the maintenance of cooperation in structured populations. This problem is investigated in an evolutionary perspective through the prisoner's dilemma game paradigm. It is found that migration and structure play an essential role in the evolution of the cooperative behavior. The possible outcomes of the model are extinction of the entire population, dominance of the cooperative strategy and coexistence between cooperators and defectors. The coexistence phase is obtained in the range of large migration rates. It is also verified the existence of a critical level of structuring beyond that cooperation is always likely. In resume, we conclude that the increase in the number of demes as well as in the migration rate favor the fixation of the cooperative behavior

    Burden of injury along the development spectrum : associations between the Socio-demographic Index and disability-adjusted life year estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    Background The epidemiological transition of non-communicable diseases replacing infectious diseases as the main contributors to disease burden has been well documented in global health literature. Less focus, however, has been given to the relationship between sociodemographic changes and injury. The aim of this study was to examine the association between disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) from injury for 195 countries and territories at different levels along the development spectrum between 1990 and 2017 based on the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 estimates. Methods Injury mortality was estimated using the GBD mortality database, corrections for garbage coding and CODEm-the cause of death ensemble modelling tool. Morbidity estimation was based on surveys and inpatient and outpatient data sets for 30 cause-of-injury with 47 nature-of-injury categories each. The Socio-demographic Index (SDI) is a composite indicator that includes lagged income per capita, average educational attainment over age 15 years and total fertility rate. Results For many causes of injury, age-standardised DALY rates declined with increasing SDI, although road injury, interpersonal violence and self-harm did not follow this pattern. Particularly for self-harm opposing patterns were observed in regions with similar SDI levels. For road injuries, this effect was less pronounced. Conclusions The overall global pattern is that of declining injury burden with increasing SDI. However, not all injuries follow this pattern, which suggests multiple underlying mechanisms influencing injury DALYs. There is a need for a detailed understanding of these patterns to help to inform national and global efforts to address injury-related health outcomes across the development spectrum.Peer reviewe

    Global, regional, and national burden of traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016.

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI) are increasingly recognised as global health priorities in view of the preventability of most injuries and the complex and expensive medical care they necessitate. We aimed to measure the incidence, prevalence, and years of life lived with disability (YLDs) for TBI and SCI from all causes of injury in every country, to describe how these measures have changed between 1990 and 2016, and to estimate the proportion of TBI and SCI cases caused by different types of injury. METHODS: We used results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors (GBD) Study 2016 to measure the global, regional, and national burden of TBI and SCI by age and sex. We measured the incidence and prevalence of all causes of injury requiring medical care in inpatient and outpatient records, literature studies, and survey data. By use of clinical record data, we estimated the proportion of each cause of injury that required medical care that would result in TBI or SCI being considered as the nature of injury. We used literature studies to establish standardised mortality ratios and applied differential equations to convert incidence to prevalence of long-term disability. Finally, we applied GBD disability weights to calculate YLDs. We used a Bayesian meta-regression tool for epidemiological modelling, used cause-specific mortality rates for non-fatal estimation, and adjusted our results for disability experienced with comorbid conditions. We also analysed results on the basis of the Socio-demographic Index, a compound measure of income per capita, education, and fertility. FINDINGS: In 2016, there were 27·08 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 24·30-30·30 million) new cases of TBI and 0·93 million (0·78-1·16 million) new cases of SCI, with age-standardised incidence rates of 369 (331-412) per 100 000 population for TBI and 13 (11-16) per 100 000 for SCI. In 2016, the number of prevalent cases of TBI was 55·50 million (53·40-57·62 million) and of SCI was 27·04 million (24·98-30·15 million). From 1990 to 2016, the age-standardised prevalence of TBI increased by 8·4% (95% UI 7·7 to 9·2), whereas that of SCI did not change significantly (-0·2% [-2·1 to 2·7]). Age-standardised incidence rates increased by 3·6% (1·8 to 5·5) for TBI, but did not change significantly for SCI (-3·6% [-7·4 to 4·0]). TBI caused 8·1 million (95% UI 6·0-10·4 million) YLDs and SCI caused 9·5 million (6·7-12·4 million) YLDs in 2016, corresponding to age-standardised rates of 111 (82-141) per 100 000 for TBI and 130 (90-170) per 100 000 for SCI. Falls and road injuries were the leading causes of new cases of TBI and SCI in most regions. INTERPRETATION: TBI and SCI constitute a considerable portion of the global injury burden and are caused primarily by falls and road injuries. The increase in incidence of TBI over time might continue in view of increases in population density, population ageing, and increasing use of motor vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles. The number of individuals living with SCI is expected to increase in view of population growth, which is concerning because of the specialised care that people with SCI can require. Our study was limited by data sparsity in some regions, and it will be important to invest greater resources in collection of data for TBI and SCI to improve the accuracy of future assessments