10 research outputs found
Sibling Rivalry: Bagaimana Pola Asuh dan Kecerdasan Emosi Menjelaskan Fenomena Persaingan Antar Saudara?
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola asuh demokrasi, pola asuh permisif, pola asuh otoriter, dan kecerdasan emosi terhadap sibling rivalry pada anak. Subjek penelitian ini adalah orangtua anak dengan kriteria mempunyai anak usia 7-8 tahun yang memiliki saudara kandung. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 116 orangtua. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain skala pola asuh demokrasi, pola asuh permisif, pola asuh otoriter, kecerdasan emosi, dan sibling rivalry. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda, yang diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS for Windows 17.0.Hasil analisis menunjukkan: 1) Ada hubungan negatif antara pola asuh demokrasi dengan sibling rivalry, rxy= -0.196, p=0,017 (p< 0,05). 2) Ada hubungan positif antara pola asuh permisif dengan sibling rivalry, rxy= 0,240, p=0,005 (p< 0,05). 3) Ada hubungan negatif antara kecerdasan emosi terhadap sibling rivalry rxy= -0,293, p=0,001 (p< 0,05). 4) Ada hubungan antara pola asuh dan kecerdasan emosi terhadap sibling rivalry, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi F=3,051, p= 0,02 (p< 0,05) yang berarti signifikan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi pola asuh demokrasi dan kecerdasan emosi, maka akan semakin rendah sibling rivalry pada anak
Pressure and temperature effects on deep‐sea hydrocarbon‐degrading microbial communities in subarctic sediments
Funding information: Natural Environment Research Council, Grant/Award Number: NE/I023465/1. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LJP was funded through MarCRF funds for a PhD project designed by UW, JA, and AG and awarded to LJP. The crew and scientific staff of the RRS Discovery are thanked for assistance in sample collection. Kathrin Vossen and Val Johnston are thanked for assistance with hydrocarbon extractions and DNA sampling. Michael Mcgibbon and Annette Raffan are thanked for assistance with sediment characterization. DY051 and pressure chambers were funded through NERC grant no. NE/I023465/1 to UW. Evina Gontikaki was funded by the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland), and their support is gratefully acknowledged. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions. DATA ACCESSIBILITY The raw sequencing data are available in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the accession number PRJEB25365.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
The microbiome of the gastrointestinal tract of a range-shifting marine herbivorous fish
Globally, marine species' distributions are being modified due to rising ocean temperatures. Increasing evidence suggests a circum-global pattern of poleward extensions in the distributions of many tropical herbivorous species, including the ecologically important rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens. Adaptability of a species to such new environments may be heavily influenced by the composition of their gastrointestinal microbe fauna, which is fundamentally important to animal health. Siganus fuscescens thus provides an opportunity to assess the stability of gastrointestinal microbes under varying environmental conditions. The gastrointestinal microbial communities of S. fuscescens were characterized over 2,000 km of Australia's western coast, from tropical to temperate waters, including near its current southern distributional limit. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene demonstrated that each population had a distinct hindgut microbial community, and yet, 20 OTUs occurred consistently in all samples. These OTUs were considered the 'core microbiome' and were highly abundant, composing between 31 and 54% of each population. Furthermore, levels of short chain fatty acids, an indicator of microbial fermentation activity, were similar among tropical and temperate locations. These data suggest that flexibility in the hindgut microbiome may play a role in enabling such herbivores to colonize new environments beyond their existing range
Reduced TCA cycle rates at high hydrostatic pressure hinder hydrocarbon degradation and obligate oil degraders in natural, deep-sea microbial communities
Petroleum hydrocarbons reach the deep-sea following natural and anthropogenic factors. The process by which they enter deep-sea microbial food webs and impact the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and other elements is unclear. Hydrostatic pressure (HP) is a distinctive parameter of the deep sea, although rarely investigated. Whether HP alone affects the assembly and activity of oil-degrading communities remains to be resolved. Here we have demonstrated that hydrocarbon degradation in deep-sea microbial communities is lower at native HP (10 MPa, about 1000 m below sea surface level) than at ambient pressure. In long-term enrichments, increased HP selectively inhibited obligate hydrocarbon-degraders and downregulated the expression of beta-oxidation-related proteins (i.e., the main hydrocarbon-degradation pathway) resulting in low cell growth and CO2 production. Short-term experiments with HP-adapted synthetic communities confirmed this data, revealing a HP-dependent accumulation of citrate and dihydroxyacetone. Citrate accumulation suggests rates of aerobic oxidation of fatty acids in the TCA cycle were reduced. Dihydroxyacetone is connected to citrate through glycerol metabolism and glycolysis, both upregulated with increased HP. High degradation rates by obligate hydrocarbon-degraders may thus be unfavourable at increased HP, explaining their selective suppression. Through lab-scale cultivation, the present study is the first to highlight a link between impaired cell metabolism and microbial community assembly in hydrocarbon degradation at high HP. Overall, this data indicate that hydrocarbons fate differs substantially in surface waters as compared to deep-sea environments, with in situ low temperature and limited nutrients availability expected to further prolong hydrocarbons persistence at deep sea
Tuberculosis and conditions of life: an analysis of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 2000 to 2002
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Previous issue date: 2008Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.A tuberculose é uma enfermidade conhecida tradicionalmente como um marcador de condições de vida precárias das populações. Assim, acreditava-se que com o desenvolvimento sócio-econômico das sociedades, a doença seria controlada. Contudo, a endemia no Brasil se constitui em problema de grande magnitude, um desafio para os serviços de saúde, para o conhecimento científico e para as políticas públicas. No estado do Rio de Janeiro (ERJ), a incidência da doença, de 80 por 100.000 habitantes em 2005, é uma das taxas mais elevadas registradas no país, e quase o dobro da média nacional (43,8 por 100.000 hab). No entanto, dados relativos a indicadores de condições econômicas, de vida e mortalidade demonstram situação favorável deste estado em relação a outros estados do Brasil. O ERJ registrou, em 2005, um dos maiores PIB p/c do Brasil (R$ 16.052,00). No que tange a indicadores de condição de vida, classificou-se na 5ª melhor posição no ranking do IDH (Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano) no ano 2000. Dados relativos à mortalidade também apontam o estado em melhor situação. Enquanto o coeficiente de mortalidade infantil no ERJ em 2004 era de 17,24/1000 hab nascidos vivos, no estado de Alagoas este coeficiente era de 47,1. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a distribuição espacial da tuberculose no ERJ relacionada com as condições de vida, no período 2000-2002, buscando compreender, no nível coletivo, a distribuição espacial desta endemia nesta unidade territorial.Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo ecológico no qual as unidades territoriais de análise foram os 91 municípios do ERJ no ano 2000. Para algumas análises preliminares estes municípios foram agrupados segundo áreas de concentração populacional. Os dados coletados são provenientes do SINAN/RJ, DATASUS, Censo demográfico de 2000 (IBGE), CIDE/RJ , IPEA e PNUD. Foram selecionados alguns indicadores de condição de vida (IDH-M, proporção de pobres, índice de Gini e densidade de pobres).
Para analisar a relação entre a incidência média de tuberculose e as condições de vida, no nível agregado de município, foram utilizadas técnicas de análise de regressão linear simples, e múltipla e, também de geoprocessamento.Os resultados preliminares apontam as áreas MRJ e RM como aquelas em que a doença mais incide. No que se refere aos resultados relativos a associação entre tuberculose e indicadores de condição de vida e AIDS, observou-se correlações significativas entre tuberculose e proporção de pobres, índice de Gini Renda, Log da densidade de pobres, e incidência média de AIDS 2000-02. A análise de regressão linear simples apontou que a AIDS explica cerca de um terço da variação total da tuberculose neste período, enquanto os resultados da análise de regressão linear múltipla demonstram que 50 por cento da variação da incidência da tuberculose pôde ser explicada por um conjunto de indicadores (índice de Gini, densidade de pobres e taxa de incidência média de AIDS). Nos resultados da análise espacial verifica-se que a tuberculose no período estudado, esteve mais concentrada nas áreas MRJ e RM. A distribuição espacial da densidade de pobres por sua vez , mostrou um padrão de distribuição de justaposição em relação à tuberculose, no que tange as áreas MRJ e RM. Estes resultados demonstram que, a dinâmica de transmissão da tuberculose no ERJ, no intervalo analisado, se constitui em um problema de saúde de áreas urbanas, com alta concentração populacional, mas, sobretudo, com alta densidade de pobres, onde a presença de indivíduos suscetíveis à doença é muito acentuada. O padrão epidemiológico evidenciado aponta indiretamente o segmento dos vulneráveis, como o grupo social que está mais exposto à doença
Fasca, Carina Y. Students Registered Number. 12203173003. 2021. The Effectiveness
of Using Scattergories Game on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of the Second
Grade Students at Mts Darul Hikmah Mojokerto. Thesis. English Education
Department. Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty. State Islamic Institute
(IAIN) of Tulungagung. Advisor: Dr. Susanto, S.S., M.Pd.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Scattergories game, Vocabulary mastery
Vocabulary is one of English components in the context of EFL or ESL that is
needed to learn. Having sufficient mastery of vocabulary enables the learners to be able
to use language appropriately in terms of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Otherwise, the students will have difficulty in expressing their ideas if they have lack
of vocabulary. Because of the importance of vocabulary mastery, the teaching activity
should attract students’ interest and participation in learning vocabulary by employing
a certain game. One of games that stimulates the students’ participation in learning
vocabulary is Scattergries. This study aims to test the effectiveness of the Scategories
game on students’ vocabulary mastery.
The formulation of the research was “Is there are significant difference score
on students’ vocabulary mastery by using Scattergories game of the second grade at
Mts Darul Hikmah Mojokerto?”
The method used in this research is quasi-experimental with a quantitative
approach. A population of second grade students at Mts Darul Hikmah Mojokerto. The
sample of this research was class VIII-A consisted of 30 students and VIII-C consisted
of 30 students. They were selected by using a purposive sampling. The instrument used
was a vocabulary test in the form of a puzzle. Data collected through pre-test and posttest and they were analyzed using Paired Sample T-test with SPPS version 23.
The results of a statistical computation revealed that Scattergories game was
effective used to improve vocabulary mastery. This can be shown through of statistical
calculations of post-test experimental results and control group. The T-test result show
that the significant value was 0.000 and it was smaller than 0.05. It mean that there was
significant difference score between experimental and control group. The result
implied that Scattergories game was effectively used to help students improve their
vocabulary mastery. The effectiveness of the Scattergories game was also supported
by difference improvement of mean score from pre-test to post-test between
experimental and control group. The mean score of pre-test experimental group was 90.20 and the mean score of post-test was 95.93. So the improvement was 5.73.
Meanwhile, the mean score of pre-test control group was 93.87 and the mean score of
post-test was 94.13. So the improvement was 0.26. The data above indicate that the
improvement mean score of pre-test to post-test experimental group was bigger than
that control group
Grinding of silicon wafers: a review from historical perspectives
The majority of semiconductor devices are built on silicon wafers. Manufacturing of high quality silicon wafers involves several machining processes including grinding. This review paper discusses historical perspectives on grinding of silicon wafers, impacts of wafer size progression on applications of grinding in silicon wafer manufacturing, and interrelationships between grinding and two other silicon machining processes (slicing and polishing). It is intended to help readers to gain a more comprehensive view on grinding of silicon wafers, and to be instrumental for research and development in grinding of wafers made from other materials (such as gallium arsenide, germanium, lithium niobate, sapphire, and silicon carbide)