1,747 research outputs found

    Extra-planar gas in the spiral galaxy NGC 4559

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    We present 21-cm line observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 4559, made with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. We have used them to study the HI distribution and kinematics, the relative amount and distribution of luminous and dark matter in this galaxy and, in particular, the presence of extra-planar gas. Our data do reveal the presence of such a component, in the form of a thick disk, with a mass of 5.9 x 10^8 Mo (one tenth of the total HI mass) and a mean rotation velocity 25-50 km/s lower than that of the thin disk. The extra-planar gas may be the result of galactic fountains but accretion from the IGM cannot be ruled out. With this study we confirm that lagging, thick HI layers are likely to be common in spiral galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Solutions to the Optical Cascading Equations

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    Group theoretical methods are used to study the equations describing \chi^{(2)}:\chi^{(2)} cascading. The equations are shown not to be integrable by inverse scattering techniques. On the other hand, these equations do share some of the nice properties of soliton equations. Large families of explicit analytical solutions are obtained in terms of elliptic functions. In special cases, these periodic solutions reduce to localized ones, i.e., solitary waves. All previously known explicit solutions are recovered, and many additional ones are obtainedComment: 21 page

    Molecular clouds in the center of M81

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    We investigate the molecular gas content and the excitation and fragmentation properties in the central region of the spiral galaxy Messier 81 in both the ^{12}CO(1-0) and ^{12}CO(2-1) transitions. We have recently observed the two transitions of CO in the M~81 center with A, B, and HERA receivers of the IRAM 30-m telescope. We find no CO emission in the inner \sim 300 pc and a weak molecular gas clump structure at a distance of around 460 pc from the nucleus. Observations of the first two CO transitions allowed us to compute the line ratio, and the average I_{21}/I_{10} ratio is 0.68 for the M~81 center. This low value, atypical both of the galactic nuclei of spiral galaxies and of interacting systems, is probably associated to diffuse gas with molecular hydrogen density that is not high enough to excite the CO molecules. After analyzing the clumping properties of the molecular gas in detail, we identify very massive giant molecular associations (GMAs) in CO(2-1) emission with masses of \sim 105^{5} M_\odot and diameters of \sim 250 pc. The deduced N(H_{2})/I_{CO} ratio for the individually resolved GMAs, assumed to be virialized, is a factor of \sim 15 higher than the \textit{standard} Galactic value, showing - as suspected - that the X ratio departs significantly from the mean for galaxies with an unusual physics of the molecular gas.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for pubblication in A&

    The Energetics of Molecular Gas in NGC 891 from H2 and FIR Spectroscopy

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    We have studied the molecular hydrogen energetics of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC\,891, using a 34-position map in the lowest three pure rotational H2_2 lines observed with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph. The S(0), S(1), and S(2) lines are bright with an extinction corrected total luminosity of 2.8×107\sim2.8 \times 10^{7} L_{\odot}, or 0.09\% of the total-infrared luminosity of NGC\,891. The H2_2 line ratios are nearly constant along the plane of the galaxy -- we do not observe the previously reported strong drop-off in the S(1)/S(0) line intensity ratio in the outer regions of the galaxy, so we find no evidence for the very massive cold CO-free molecular clouds invoked to explain the past observations. The H2_2 level excitation temperatures increase monotonically indicating more than one component to the emitting gas. More than 99\% of the mass is in the lowest excitation (Tex_{ex} \sim125 K) ``warm'' component. In the inner galaxy, the warm H2_2 emitting gas is \sim15\% of the CO(1-0)-traced cool molecular gas, while in the outer regions the fraction is twice as high. This large mass of warm gas is heated by a combination of the far-UV photons from stars in photo-dissociation regions (PDRs) and the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy. Including the observed far-infrared [OI] and [CII] fine-structure line emission and far-infrared continuum emission in a self-consistent manner to constrain the PDR models, we find essentially all of the S(0) and most (70\%) of the S(1) line arises from low excitation PDRs, while most (80\%) of the S(2) and the remainder of the S(1) line emission arises from low velocity microturbulent dissipation.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Figure 10 available at http://www.physics.uoc.gr/~vassilis/papers/ngc891.pd

    Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) XIV. The barred LINER/Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3627

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    We present CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) maps of the interacting barred LINER/Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3627 obtained with the IRAM interferometer at resolutions of 2.1" x 1.3" and 0.9" x 0.6", respectively. The molecular gas emission shows a nuclear peak, an elongated bar-like structure of ~18" (~900 pc) diameter in both CO maps and, in CO(1-0), a two-arm spiral feature from r~9" (~450 pc) to r~16" (~800 pc). The inner ~18" bar-like structure, with a north/south orientation (PA = 14{\deg}), forms two peaks at the extremes of this elongated emission region. The kinematics of the inner molecular gas shows signatures of non-circular motions associated both with the 18" bar-like structure and the spiral feature detected beyond it. The 1.6 micron H-band 2MASS image of NGC 3627 shows a stellar bar with a PA = -21{\deg}, different from the PA (= 14{\deg}) of the CO bar-like structure, indicating that the gas is leading the stellar bar. The torques computed with the HST-NICMOS F160W image and our PdBI maps are negative down to the resolution limit of our images, ~60 pc in CO(2-1). If the bar ends at ~3 kpc, coincident with corotation (CR), the torques are negative between the CR of the bar and the nucleus, down to the resolution limit of our observations. This scenario is compatible with a recently-formed rapidly rotating bar which has had insufficient time to slow down because of secular evolution, and thus has not yet formed an inner Lindblad resonance (ILR). The presence of molecular gas inside the CR of the primary bar, where we expect that the ILR will form, makes NGC 3627 a potential smoking gun of inner gas inflow. The gas is fueling the central region, and in a second step could fuel directly the active nucleus.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The motion of the 2D hydrodynamic Chaplygin sleigh in the presence of circulation

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    We consider the motion of a planar rigid body in a potential flow with circulation and subject to a certain nonholonomic constraint. This model is related to the design of underwater vehicles. The equations of motion admit a reduction to a 2-dimensional nonlinear system, which is integrated explicitly. We show that the reduced system comprises both asymptotic and periodic dynamics separated by a critical value of the energy, and give a complete classification of types of the motion. Then we describe the whole variety of the trajectories of the body on the plane.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures. This article uses some introductory material from arXiv:1109.321

    Inference on periodicity of circadian time series

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    Estimation of the period length of time-course data from cyclical biological processes, such as those driven by the circadian pacemaker, is crucial for inferring the properties of the biological clock found in many living organisms. We propose a methodology for period estimation based on spectrum resampling (SR) techniques. Simulation studies show that SR is superior and more robust to non-sinusoidal and noisy cycles than a currently used routine based on Fourier approximations. In addition, a simple fit to the oscillations using linear least squares is available, together with a non-parametric test for detecting changes in period length which allows for period estimates with different variances, as frequently encountered in practice. The proposed methods are motivated by and applied to various data examples from chronobiology

    Transcription factor Pit-1 affects transcriptional timing in the dual-promoter human prolactin gene

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    Gene transcription occurs in short bursts interspersed with silent periods, and these kinetics can be altered by promoter structure. The effect of alternate promoter architecture on transcription bursting is not known. We studied the human prolactin (hPRL) gene that contains two promoters, a pituitary-specific promoter that requires the transcription factor Pit-1, and displays dramatic transcriptional bursting activity, and an alternate upstream promoter that is active in non-pituitary tissues. We studied large hPRL genomic fragments with luciferase reporters, and used bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) recombineering to manipulate critical promoter regions. Stochastic switch mathematical modelling of single-cell time-lapse luminescence image data revealed that the Pit-1-dependent promoter showed longer, higher-amplitude transcriptional bursts. Knockdown studies confirmed that the presence of Pit-1 stabilised and prolonged periods of active transcription. Pit-1 therefore plays an active role in establishing the timing of transcription cycles, in addition to its cell-specific functions

    Microscopic calculation of 6Li elastic and transition form factors

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    Variational Monte Carlo wave functions, obtained from a realistic Hamiltonian consisting of the Argonne v18 two-nucleon and Urbana-IX three-nucleon interactions, are used to calculate the 6Li ground-state longitudinal and transverse form factors as well as transition form factors to the first four excited states. The charge and current operators include one- and two-body components, leading terms of which are constructed consistently with the two-nucleon interaction. The calculated form factors and radiative widths are in good agreement with available experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, REVTeX, submitted to Physical Review Letters, with updated introduction and reference