227 research outputs found

    Bandlimited approximations to the truncated Gaussian and applications

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    In this paper we extend the theory of optimal approximations of functions f:RRf: \R \to \R in the L1(R)L^1(\R)-metric by entire functions of prescribed exponential type (bandlimited functions). We solve this problem for the truncated and the odd Gaussians using explicit integral representations and fine properties of truncated theta functions obtained via the maximum principle for the heat operator. As applications, we recover most of the previously known examples in the literature and further extend the class of truncated and odd functions for which this extremal problem can be solved, by integration on the free parameter and the use of tempered distribution arguments. This is the counterpart of the work \cite{CLV}, where the case of even functions is treated.Comment: to appear in Const. Appro

    Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis, III

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    We obtain the best approximation in L1(R)L^1(\R), by entire functions of exponential type, for a class of even functions that includes eλxe^{-\lambda|x|}, where λ>0\lambda >0, logx\log |x| and xα|x|^{\alpha}, where 1<α<1-1 < \alpha < 1. We also give periodic versions of these results where the approximating functions are trigonometric polynomials of bounded degree.Comment: 26 pages. Submitte

    Single cell analyses reveal contrasting life strategies of the two main nitrifiers in the ocean

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    Nitrification, the oxidation of ammonia via nitrite to nitrate, is a key process in marine nitrogen (N) cycling. Although oceanic ammonia and nitrite oxidation are balanced, ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) vastly outnumber the main nitrite oxidizers, the bacterial Nitrospinae. The ecophysiological reasons for this discrepancy in abundance are unclear. Here, we compare substrate utilization and growth of Nitrospinae to AOA in the Gulf of Mexico. Based on our results, more than half of the Nitrospinae cellular N-demand is met by the organic-N compounds urea and cyanate, while AOA mainly assimilate ammonium. Nitrospinae have, under in situ conditions, around four-times higher biomass yield and five-times higher growth rates than AOA, despite their ten-fold lower abundance. Our combined results indicate that differences in mortality between Nitrospinae and AOA, rather than thermodynamics, biomass yield and cell size, determine the abundances of these main marine nitrifiers. Furthermore, there is no need to invoke yet undiscovered, abundant nitrite oxidizers to explain nitrification rates in the ocean

    Cobalt containing glass fibres and their synergistic effect on the HIF-1 pathway for wound healing applications

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    Introduction and Methods: Chronic wounds are a major healthcare problem, but their healing may be improved by developing biomaterials which can stimulate angiogenesis, e.g. by activating the Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) pathway. Here, novel glass fibres were produced by laser spinning. The hypothesis was that silicate glass fibres that deliver cobalt ions will activate the HIF pathway and promote the expression of angiogenic genes. The glass composition was designed to biodegrade and release ions, but not form a hydroxyapatite layer in body fluid. Results and Discussion: Dissolution studies demonstrated that hydroxyapatite did not form. When keratinocyte cells were exposed to conditioned media from the cobalt-containing glass fibres, significantly higher amounts of HIF-1α and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) were measured compared to when the cells were exposed to media with equivalent amounts of cobalt chloride. This was attributed to a synergistic effect of the combination of cobalt and other therapeutic ions released from the glass. The effect was also much greater than the sum of HIF-1α and VEGF expression when the cells were cultured with cobalt ions and with dissolution products from the Co-free glass, and was proven to not be due to a rise in pH. The ability of the glass fibres to activate the HIF-1 pathway and promote VEGF expression shows the potential for their use in chronic wound dressings

    Antimicrobial Footprints, Fairness, and Collective Harm

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    This chapter explores the question of whether or not individual agents are under a moral obligation to reduce their ‘antimicrobial footprint’. An agent’s antimicrobial footprint measures the extent to which her actions are causally linked to the use of antibiotics. As such, it is not necessarily a measure of her contribution to antimicrobial resistance. Talking about people’s antimicrobial footprint in a way we talk about our carbon footprint may be helpful for drawing attention to the global effects of individual behaviour and for highlighting that our choices can collectively make a real difference. But can we be morally obligated to make a contribution to resolving a collective action problem when our individual contributions by themselves make no discernible difference? I will focus on two lines of argument in favour of such obligations: whether a failure to reduce one’s antimicrobial footprint is unfair and whether it constitutes wrongdoing because it is harmful. I conclude by suggesting that the argument from collective harm is ultimately more successful

    Chapter 9 Moral Responsibility and the Justification of Policies to Preserve Antimicrobial Effectiveness

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    Restrictive policies that limit antimicrobial consumption, including therapeutically justified use, might be necessary to tackle the problem of antimicrobial resistance. We argue that such policies would be ethically justified when forgoing antimicrobials constitutes a form of easy rescue for an individual. These are cases of mild and self-limiting infections in otherwise healthy patients whose overall health is not significantly compromised by the infection. In such cases, restrictive policies would be ethically justified because they would coerce individuals into fulfilling a moral obligation they independently have. However, to ensure that such justification is the strongest possible, states also have the responsibility to ensure that forgoing antimicrobials is as easy as possible for patients by implementing adequate compensation measures

    Optimizing design of research to evaluate antibiotic stewardship interventions: consensus recommendations of a multinational working group.

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    BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial stewardship interventions and programmes aim to ensure effective treatment while minimizing antimicrobial-associated harms including resistance. Practice in this vital area is undermined by the poor quality of research addressing both what specific antimicrobial use interventions are effective and how antimicrobial use improvement strategies can be implemented into practice. In 2016 we established a working party to identify the key design features that limit translation of existing research into practice and then to make recommendations for how future studies in this field should be optimally designed. The first part of this work has been published as a systematic review. Here we present the working group's final recommendations. METHODS: An international working group for design of antimicrobial stewardship intervention evaluations was convened in response to the fourth call for leading expert network proposals by the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). The group comprised clinical and academic specialists in antimicrobial stewardship and clinical trial design from six European countries. Group members completed a structured questionnaire to establish the scope of work and key issues to develop ahead of a first face-to-face meeting that (a) identified the need for a comprehensive systematic review of study designs in the literature and (b) prioritized key areas where research design considerations restrict translation of findings into practice. The working group's initial outputs were reviewed by independent advisors and additional expertise was sought in specific clinical areas. At a second face-to-face meeting the working group developed a theoretical framework and specific recommendations to support optimal study design. These were finalized by the working group co-ordinators and agreed by all working group members. RESULTS: We propose a theoretical framework in which consideration of the intervention rationale the intervention setting, intervention features and the intervention aims inform selection and prioritization of outcome measures, whether the research sets out to determine superiority or non-inferiority of the intervention measured by its primary outcome(s), the most appropriate study design (e.g. experimental or quasi- experimental) and the detailed design features. We make 18 specific recommendation in three domains: outcomes, objectives and study design. CONCLUSIONS: Researchers, funders and practitioners will be able to draw on our recommendations to most efficiently evaluate antimicrobial stewardship interventions

    Oxygen minimum zone cryptic sulfur cycling sustained by offshore transport of key sulfur oxidizing bacteria

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    Members of the gammaproteobacterial clade SUP05 couple water column sulfide oxidation to nitrate reduction in sulfidic oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). Their abundance in offshore OMZ waters devoid of detectable sulfide has led to the suggestion that local sulfate reduction fuels SUP05-mediated sulfide oxidation in a so-called “cryptic sulfur cycle”. We examined the distribution and metabolic capacity of SUP05 in Peru Upwelling waters, using a combination of oceanographic, molecular, biogeochemical and single-cell techniques. A single SUP05 species, UThioglobus perditus, was found to be abundant and active in both sulfidic shelf and sulfide-free offshore OMZ waters. Our combined data indicated that mesoscale eddy-driven transport led to the dispersal of UT. perditus and elemental sulfur from the sulfidic shelf waters into the offshore OMZ region. This offshore transport of shelf waters provides an alternative explanation for the abundance and activity of sulfide-oxidizing denitrifying bacteria in sulfide-poor offshore OMZ waters

    Wissenschaftliche Begründung zur COVID-19-Impfempfehlung der STIKO für Personen mit durchgemachter SARS-CoV-2-Infektion und bisher unvollständiger Immunität

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    Die STIKO geht davon aus, dass erst eine mehrmalige Auseinandersetzung mit dem SARS-CoV-2-Spikeprotein einen soliden Schutz vor einer SARS-CoV-2-Infektion und einer schweren COVID-19-Erkrankung bietet. Dies kann durch eine 3-malige Impfung oder durch eine Kombination von natürlicher Infektion und Impfung (hybride Immunität) erreicht werden. Daher sollen auch Personen mit zurückliegenden SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen geimpft werden. Zwischen den jeweiligen Ereignissen muss jedoch ein zeitlicher Mindestabstand bestehen. Der Beitrag gibt eine Übersicht über die Impfempfehlungen bei unterschiedlichen Impfanamnesen und nach durchgemachten SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen.Peer Reviewe