91 research outputs found

    Inter-generational effects of CO2-induced stream acidification in the Trinidadian Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

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    Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are driving decreases in aquatic pH. As a result, there has been a surge in the number of studies examining the impact of acidification on aquatic fauna over the past decade. Thus far, both positive and negative impacts on the growth of fish have been reported, creating a disparity in results. Food availability and single‐generation exposure have been proposed as some of the reasons for these variable results, where unrealistically high food treatments lead to fish overcoming the energetic costs associated with acclimating to decreased pH. Likewise, exposure of fish to lower pH for only one generation may not capture the likely ecological response to acidification that wild populations might experience over two or more generations. Here we compare somatic growth rates of laboratory populations of the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) exposed to pH levels that represent the average and lowest levels observed in streams in its native range. Specifically, we test the role of maternal acclimation and resource availability on the response of freshwater fishes to acidification. Acidification had a negative impact on growth at more natural, low food treatments. With high food availability, fish whose mothers were acclimated to the acidified treatment showed no reduction in growth, compared to controls. Compensatory growth was observed in both control–acidified (maternal–natal environment) and acidified–control groups, where fish that did not experience intergenerational effects achieved the same size in response to acidification as those that did, after an initial period of stunted growth. These results suggest that future studies on the effects of shifting mean of aquatic pH on fishes should take account of intergenerational effects and compensatory growth, as otherwise effects of acidification may be overestimated

    Memorandum of Understanding between the Commissioner for Soil and Land Conservation, Environmental Protection Authority, Department of Environmental Protection, Agriculture Western Australia, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Water and Rivers Commission for the protection of remnant vegetation on private land in the agricultural region of Western Australia

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    Memorandum -- Schedule 1. Statutory requirements -- Schedule 2. Area covered by this memorandum -- Schedule 3. Assessment critieria -- Schedule 4. Assessment manuals: Supporting manual 4.2. Deprtment of Environmental Protection. Environmental evaluation of native vegetation in the wheatbelt of Western Australia -- Supporting manual 4.3. Agriculture Western Australia. Procedures for the administration of clearing and protection of native vegetation in Western Australia -- Supporting manual 4.4. Water and Ronmental impact assessment -- Schedule 8. Adjustment measures

    Environmental Systems and Local Actors: Decentralizing Environmental Policy in Uganda

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    In Uganda, environmental and natural resource management is decentralized and has been the responsibility of local districts since 1996. This environmental management arrangement was part of a broader decentralization process and was intended to increase local ownership and improve environmental policy; however, its implementation has encountered several major challenges over the last decade. This article reviews some of the key structural problems facing decentralized environmental policy in this central African country and examines these issues within the wider framework of political decentralization. Tensions have arisen between technical staff and politicians, between various levels of governance, and between environmental and other policy domains. This review offers a critical reflection on the perspectives and limitations of decentralized environmental governance in Uganda. Our conclusions focus on the need to balance administrative staff and local politicians, the mainstreaming of local environmental policy, and the role of international donors

    Prediction of the visual impact of motorways using GIS

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    Large scale transportation projects can adversely affect the visual perception of environmental quality and require adequate visual impact assessment. In this study, we investigated the effects of the characteristics of the road project and the character of the existing landscape on the perceived visual impact of motorways, and developed a GIS-based prediction model based on the findings. An online survey using computer-visualised scenes of different motorway and landscape scenarios was carried out to obtain perception-based judgements on the visual impact. Motorway scenarios simulated included the baseline scenario without road, original motorway, motorways with timber noise barriers, transparent noise barriers and tree screen; different landscape scenarios were created by changing land cover of buildings and trees in three distance zones. The landscape content of each scene was measured in GIS. The result shows that presence of a motorway especially with the timber barrier significantly decreases the visual quality of the view. The resulted visual impact tends to be lower where it is less visually pleasant with more buildings in the view, and can be slightly reduced by the visual absorption effect of the scattered trees between the motorway and the viewpoint. Based on the survey result, eleven predictors were identified for the visual impact prediction model which was applied in GIS to generate maps of visual impact of motorways in different scenarios. The proposed prediction model can be used to achieve efficient and reliable assessment of visual impact of motorways

    Effectiveness of waste minimisation projects in reducing water demand by UK industry

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    There is growing interest in managing water demand in the UK. A series of waste minimization clubs have been set up within the country and this paper identifies the effectiveness of these clubs in reducing the demand for water within industry. Membership of these clubs is voluntary and the only incentive for industry to reduce water consumption, and consequently the production of effluent, is the almost immediate financial saving made by the company, often achieved by accounting for the water consumption and loss within site from the point of input from the water supplier to output in the form of effluent. On average, companies are able to reduce water consumption by up to 30 percent. If the entire industrial sector within the UK were to achieve this degree of savings, it is possible that approximately 1300Ml/d could be saved

    Historical atmospheric pollution trends in Southeast Asia inferred from lake sediment records

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    Fossil fuel combustion leads to increased levels of air pollution, which negatively affects human health as well as the environment. Documented data for Southeast Asia (SEA) show a strong increase in fossil fuel consumption since 1980, but information on coal and oil combustion before 1980 is not widely available. Spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) and heavy metals, such as mercury (Hg), are emitted as by-products of fossil fuel combustion and may accumulate in sediments following atmospheric fallout. Here we use sediment SCP and Hg records from several freshwater lentic ecosystems in SEA (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore) to reconstruct long-term, region-wide variations in levels of these two key atmospheric pollution indicators. The age-depth models of Philippine sediment cores do not reach back far enough to date first SCP presence, but single SCP occurrences are first observed between 1925 and 1950 for a Malaysian site. Increasing SCP flux is observed at our sites from 1960 onward, although individual sites show minor differences in trends. SCP fluxes show a general decline after 2000 at each of our study sites. While the records show broadly similar temporal trends across SEA, absolute SCP fluxes differ between sites, with a record from Malaysia showing SCP fluxes that are two orders of magnitude lower than records from the Philippines. Similar trends in records from China and Japan represent the emergence of atmospheric pollution as a broadly-based inter-region environmental problem during the 20th century. Hg fluxes were relatively stable from the second half of the 20th century onward. As catchment soils are also contaminated with atmospheric Hg, future soil erosion can be expected to lead to enhanced Hg flux into surface waters

    Exploring the planetary boundary for chemical pollution

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    Ecological modernization versus sustainable development: the case of genetic modification regulation in New Zealand

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    Ecological modernization and sustainable development are the two dominant paradigms in environmental policy. This paper assesses the implications of competing understandings of ecological modernization and sustainable development using the case of genetic modification regulation in New Zealand. Although the New Zealand regulatory framework embraces the symbolic language of sustainability, it ultimately adheres to a narrow notion of ecological modernization. By adopting a technically driven risk management process and a diluted precautionary approach, alongside limiting public input into decision-making on genetic modification, it undercuts its commitment to sustainable development definitionally and procedurally. Analysis of the New Zealand biotechnology policy regulatory framework, which consists of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act and the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA), shows how institutionalization of a narrow conception of ecological modernization can preempt real commitment to sustainable development. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.ecological modernization , sustainable development , genetic modification , New Zealand ,
