109 research outputs found

    Temperature crossover of decoherence rates in chaotic and regular bath dynamics

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    The effect of chaotic bath dynamics on the decoherence of a quantum system is examined for the vibrational degrees of freedom of a diatomic molecule in a realistic, constant temperature collisional bath. As an example, the specific case of I2_2 in liquid xenon is examined as a function of temperature, and the results compared with an integrable xenon bath. A crossover in behavior is found: the integrable bath induces more decoherence at low bath temperatures than does the chaotic bath, whereas the opposite is the case at the higher bath temperatures. These results, verifying a conjecture due to Wilkie, shed light on the differing views of the effect of chaotic dynamics on system decoherence.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Recall accuracy for pre and post competition emotional states in athletes

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    Th e current study assessed athletes’ recall accuracy for pre and post competition emotions and their ability to differentiate between the two emotional states. Emotional states of 52 athletes were measured either before (condition 1). after (condition 2), or both before and after (condition 3) competition, and then recalled after a 72-hour delay. The Incredibly Short Profile of Mood States (ISP), Positive- Negative Affect Scale (PNA), and an open question about self-thoughts were used as measurement tools. RM MANOVA procedures revealed that athletes accurately differentiate between their pre and post competition emotional experiences. The results also show that pre-competition emotional states are accurately recalled while the intensity of post-competition negative feelings is underestimated. Several explanations for these findings are offered. Correlations between actual and retrospective measures of emotions are somewhat lower, mainly for the ISP items, than previously reported ones. It seems that scales yield higher correlations than single items. In light of these results, it is recommended to apply recall techniques with caution until the nature and stability of underestimations of negative feelings are better understood. It is further suggested that future research will examine the effects of competition importance and outcome quality on recall accuracy


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    Reactivity Computer merupakan modul elektronika yang digunakan untuk mengukur reaktivitas dari hasil pembelahan inti diteras reaktor. Sebelumnya sinyal keluaran reactivity computer diolah dan hanya ditampilkan pada layar reactivity computer, namun penunjukannya belum terintegrasi dengan sistem IRL. Sehingga saat praktikum pengukuran reaktivitas batang kendali, peserta kesulitan untuk mengambil data karena perhatian peserta terbagi antara tampilan IRL dan tampilan reactivity computer. Agar dapat diintegrasikan dalam sistem IRL, keluaran reactivity computer perlu dikonversi ke dalam besaran digital, baru kemudian diakuisisi ke dalam sistem IRL. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa tahap, pertama pembuatan rangkaian pengkondisi sinyal karena sinyal dari reactivity computer bernilai -10V sampai +10 Volt DC sementara analog digital converter (ADC) yang tersedia hanya mampu mengukur tegangan 0-5 Volt DC. Kedua pengujian rangkaian pengkondisi sinyal. Ketiga pembuatan sistem akuisisi data dari ADC ke IRL dan terakhir pengujian sistem secara keseluruhan. Setelah seluruh tahap dilakukan, nilai reaktivitas dapat ditampilkan di tampilan IRL, dengan perbedaan penunjukan antara display reactivity computer dengan tampilan di IRL sebesar 1.1%

    First-Principles Semiclassical Initial Value Representation Molecular Dynamics

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    A method for carrying out semiclassical initial value representation calculations using first-principles molecular dynamics (FP-SC-IVR) is presented. This method can extract the full vibrational power spectrum of carbon dioxide from a single trajectory providing numerical results that agree with experiment even for Fermi resonant states. The computational demands of the method are comparable to those of classical single-trajectory calculations, while describing uniquely quantum features such as the zero-point energy and Fermi resonances. By propagating the nuclear degrees of freedom using first-principles Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics, the stability of the method presented is improved considerably when compared to dynamics carried out using fitted potential energy surfaces and numerical derivatives.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, made stylistic and clarity change

    Emotional eating in adults:The role of socio-demographics, lifestyle behaviors, and self-regulation- Findings from a US national study

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    Background: Emotional eating, the tendency to overeat in response to negative emotions, has been linked to weight gain. However, scant evidence exists examining the prevalence and correlates of emotional eating among large samples of adults in the United States (U.S.). Hence, we examine the relationship among individual and socioeconomic factors, health behaviors, and self-regulation with emotional eating patterns among U.S. adults. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of 5863 Family Health Habits Survey participants. Multivariable, ordered, logistic regression was employed to examine the relationship between the frequency of the desire to eat when emotionally upset (never, rarely, sometimes, often, and very often) and the independent variables. Results: Analysis reveals that 20.5% of the sample tended to emotionally eat often or very often. Being female, non-Hispanic White, and of younger age were all related to a higher likelihood of emotional eating. Additionally, inability to delay gratification (impatience) was related to an 18% increased likelihood (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05–1.33) for emotional eating. Finally, emotional eating was significantly related to more frequent fast-food consumption. Conclusions: Program planners might need to develop targeted interventions aimed at enhancing emotional regulation skills while addressing these less healthful behaviors (e.g., fast-food intake) with the goal of obesity and chronic disease prevention


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    DISAIN KONSEP PERANGKAT UJI-BANDING KEANDALAN ANTARA LIMIT-SWITCH MENGGUNAKAN METODA MEKANIK DAN PROXIMITY PADA KOMPONEN CRDM DI REAKTOR KARTINI. Sebuah konsep desain untuk uji-banding dua buah saklar yang berbeda dalam hal teknik aktuasinya, yaitu secara sentuhan mekanik dan tanpa sentuh, telah dibuat. Desain ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan keandalan kerja dua saklar tersebut pada suatu kondisi kerja tertentu, yaitu bagian dari perangkat CRDM (Control Rod Drive Mechanism) di reaktor Kartini. Kedua jenis saklar tersebut sebenarnya sudah memenuhi persyaratan operasional dari sudut pandang industri dan keselamatan. Team perawatan reaktor Kartini menjalankan program proactive maintenace selalu berusaha mencari teknik lain agar keandalan sistem instrumentasi di reaktor Kartini selalu menjadi lebih baik. Konsep desain ini dapat digunakan sebagai langkah awal persiapan untuk memenuhi prosedur proses penggantian Limit Switch yang lebih handal pada komponen CRDM di Reaktor Kartini. Kata kunci : Limit-switch, Proximity-switch, uji-banding, CRDM, perawatan-proactiv


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    DISAIN KONSEP PERANGKAT UJI-BANDING KEANDALAN ANTARA LIMIT-SWITCH MENGGUNAKAN METODA MEKANIK DAN PROXIMITY PADA KOMPONEN CRDM DI REAKTOR KARTINI. Sebuah konsep desain untuk uji-banding dua buah saklar yang berbeda dalam hal teknik aktuasinya, yaitu secara sentuhan mekanik dan tanpa sentuh, telah dibuat. Desain ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan keandalan kerja dua saklar tersebut pada suatu kondisi kerja tertentu, yaitu bagian dari perangkat CRDM (Control Rod Drive Mechanism) di reaktor Kartini. Kedua jenis saklar tersebut sebenarnya sudah memenuhi persyaratan operasional dari sudut pandang industri dan keselamatan. Team perawatan reaktor Kartini menjalankan program proactive maintenace selalu berusaha mencari teknik lain agar keandalan sistem instrumentasi di reaktor Kartini selalu menjadi lebih baik. Konsep desain ini dapat digunakan sebagai langkah awal persiapan untuk memenuhi prosedur proses penggantian Limit Switch yang lebih handal pada komponen CRDM di Reaktor Kartini. Kata kunci : Limit-switch, Proximity-switch, uji-banding, CRDM, perawatan-proactiv

    RNA-controlled nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of mRNA decay factors regulates mRNA synthesis and a novel mRNA decay pathway

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    mRNA level is controlled by factors that mediate both mRNA synthesis and decay, including the 5' to 3' exonuclease Xrn1. Here we show that nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of several yeast mRNA decay factors plays a key role in determining both mRNA synthesis and decay. Shuttling is regulated by RNAcontrolled binding of the karyopherin Kap120 to two nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) in Xrn1, location of one ofwhich is conserved fromyeast to human. The decaying RNA binds and masks NLS1, establishing a link between mRNA decay and Xrn1 shuttling. Preventing Xrn1 import, either by deleting KAP120 or mutating the two Xrn1 NLSs, compromises transcription and, unexpectedly, also cytoplasmic decay, uncovering a cytoplasmic decay pathway that initiates in the nucleus.MostmRNAs are degraded by both pathways - the ratio between them represents a full spectrum. Importantly, Xrn1 shuttling is required for proper responses to environmental changes, e.g., fluctuating temperatures, involving proper changes in mRNA abundance and in cell proliferation rate

    Computational Methodologies and Physical Insights into Electronic Energy Transfer in Photosynthetic Light-Harvesting Complexes

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    We examine computational techniques and methodologies currently in use to explore electronic excitation energy transfer in the context of light-harvesting complexes in photosynthetic antenna systems, and comment on some new insights into the underlying physics. Advantages and pitfalls of these methodologies are discussed, as are some physical insights into the photosynthetic dynamics. By combining results from molecular modelling of the complexes (structural description) with an effective non-equilibrium statistical description (time evolution), we identify some general features, regardless of the particular distribution in the protein scaffold, that are central to light-harvesting dynamics and, that could ultimately be related to the high efficiency of the overall process. Based on these general common features, some possible new directions in the field are discussed.Comment: Invited Perspective Article for Phys. Chem. Chem. Phy
