7 research outputs found

    Contribuciones a los Entornos Personales de Enseñanza

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    one of the goals of this study is to define the concept of PTE, its structure, and its components (tools, connections and activities, data sources, and teaching methods). As well, to investigate the most popular non-traditional teaching methods, and to relate PTEs to these methods with applications’ examples. Therefore, this thesis is addressing some of the non-traditional teaching methods' advantages, frameworks, and successful implementation stories, and categorizes the tool types of the selected non-traditional teaching methods to serve PTE applications. However, there are numerous non-traditional teaching methods, and the teacher could not know which one is proper for a specific course. Just as important, each method may use different tools, or use the same tool in a different way. As a result, teachers need non-intrusive and automatic ways to get suggested new ways of teaching (e.g., non-traditional teaching methods). Likewise, tools to better follow the educational process and deliver the course structure effectively. And that could help the teachers with one of the most challenging tasks they have, assisting their students' learning of course concepts, and determining if they have met the course's objectives. As a response to these challenges, this thesis proposes the use of neural and collaborative filtering techniques to build a system that could recommend non-traditional teaching methodologies and tools for the teacher. The aim is to use this recommender system called Adaptive Neural Collaborative Recommender (ANCoR) in a personal teaching environment (PTE), to assist the learning process while using non-traditional teaching methods.un dos obxectivos deste estudo é definir o concepto de PTE, a súa estrutura e os seus compoñentes ( ferramentas, conexións e actividades, fontes de datos e métodos de ensino ). Ademais, para investigar os métodos de ensino non tradicionais máis populares e relacionar PTE con estes métodos con aplicacións ’ exemplos. Por iso, esta tese está a abordar algunhas das vantaxes, marcos e historias de implementación exitosas dos métodos de ensino non tradicionais, e categoriza os tipos de ferramentas dos métodos de ensino non tradicionais seleccionados para servir ás aplicacións PTE. Non obstante, hai numerosos métodos de ensino non tradicionais e o profesor non puido saber cal é adecuado para un curso específico. Igual importante, cada método pode usar diferentes ferramentas ou usar a mesma ferramenta doutro xeito. Como resultado, os profesores necesitan formas non intrusivas e automáticas de obter novas formas de ensinar suxeridas ( por exemplo, métodos de ensino non tradicionais ). Así mesmo, ferramentas para seguir mellor o proceso educativo e entregar a estrutura do curso de forma eficaz. E iso podería axudar aos profesores cunha das tarefas máis difíciles que teñen, axudando a aprendizaxe dos seus estudantes por conceptos de curso e determinando se cumpriron os obxectivos do curso. Como resposta a estes retos, esta tese propón o uso de técnicas de filtrado neural e colaborativo para construír un sistema que poida recomendar metodoloxías e ferramentas de ensino non tradicionais para o profesor. O obxectivo é usar este sistema de recomendadores chamado Recomendador Colaborativo Neural Adaptivo ( ANCoR ) nun ambiente de ensino persoal ( PTE ), para axudar ao proceso de aprendizaxe mentres usa métodos de ensino non tradicionais.Uno de los objetivos de este estudio es definir el concepto de PTE, su estructura y sus componentes ( herramientas, conexiones y actividades, fuentes de datos y métodos de enseñanza ). Además, investigar los métodos de enseñanza no tradicionales más populares y relacionar los PTE con estos métodos con ejemplos de aplicaciones ’. Por lo tanto, esta tesis aborda algunas de las ventajas, marcos e historias de implementación exitosas de los métodos de enseñanza no tradicionales, y clasifica los tipos de herramientas de los métodos de enseñanza no tradicionales seleccionados para atender las aplicaciones PTE. Sin embargo, existen numerosos métodos de enseñanza no tradicionales, y el maestro no podía saber cuál es el adecuado para un curso específico. Igual de importante, cada método puede usar diferentes herramientas o usar la misma herramienta de una manera diferente. Como resultado, los maestros necesitan formas no intrusivas y automáticas de obtener nuevas formas sugeridas de enseñanza (, por ejemplo, métodos de enseñanza no tradicionales ). Del mismo modo, herramientas para seguir mejor el proceso educativo y ofrecer la estructura del curso de manera efectiva. Y eso podría ayudar a los maestros con una de las tareas más desafiantes que tienen, ayudar a sus alumnos a aprender los conceptos del curso y determinar si han cumplido los objetivos del curso. Como respuesta a estos desafíos, esta tesis propone el uso de técnicas de filtrado neuronales y colaborativas para construir un sistema que pueda recomendar metodologías y herramientas de enseñanza no tradicionales para el maestro. El objetivo es utilizar este sistema de recomendación llamado Adaptive Neural Collaborative Recommender ( ANCoR ) en un entorno de enseñanza personal ( PTE ), para ayudar al proceso de aprendizaje mientras se utilizan métodos de enseñanza no tradicionales

    A Mixed Methods Study of the Preparedness of University Graduates for the Labour Market: The Case of Saudi Arabia

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    This study aims to measure the effectiveness of integrating a set of employability competences and skills into higher education curriculum on the preparedness of students and graduates for the Saudi labour market. It investigates this contemporary phenomenon within a higher education institution in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. A mixed methods case study approach with a concurrent triangulation convergence design was used to investigate to what extent and in what ways – from the perspectives of key stakeholders (students, alumni, faculty, and employers) – a higher education institution, through the integration of a competence-based framework into the university curricula, prepares its graduates to meet the skill demands of the labour market. In this study, surveys were collected from four group participants to measure their perceptions on the extent to which students’ development of a set of competences and skills increases graduates’ employability. Concurrently, qualitative data were collected through interviews and open-ended questionnaires from the same participants to confirm or refute the information gathered from the surveys. For the sake of methodological triangulation and to increase the validity of the findings, document analysis of the course syllabi of the participant university was conducted to identify to what extent and in what way the curriculum of the participant university emphasizes the integration of employability competences and skills. The qualitative document analysis of the syllabi aims at identifying the activities, assignments, and modes of teaching, learning, and assessment that enable students to develop and demonstrate employability competences. The study draws some insights and conclusions, through participant authentic voice, regarding the design, development, implementation and evaluation of a competence-based employability blueprint that can assist in establishing similar competence-based programs. It provides insight into the impact of a competency-based teaching, learning and assessment model on enhancing the integration of employability skills in a higher education setting where preparing skilled and qualified graduates represents a significant consideration to educators, decision makers and other stakeholders. The results of the study would assist educators, policy and decision makers in profiling graduate employability based on authentic and valuable input from key stakeholders

    Potential role of important nutraceuticals in poultry performance and health - A comprehensive review

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