67 research outputs found

    Level-biases in estimated breeding values due to the use of different SNP panels over time in ssGBLUP

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    International audienceAbstractBackgroundThe main aim of single-step genomic predictions was to facilitate optimal selection in populations consisting of both genotyped and non-genotyped individuals. However, in spite of intensive research, biases still occur, which make it difficult to perform optimal selection across groups of animals. The objective of this study was to investigate whether incomplete genotype datasets with errors could be a potential source of level-bias between genotyped and non-genotyped animals and between animals genotyped on different single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels in single-step genomic predictions.ResultsIncomplete and erroneous genotypes of young animals caused biases in breeding values between groups of animals. Systematic noise or missing data for less than 1% of the SNPs in the genotype data had substantial effects on the differences in breeding values between genotyped and non-genotyped animals, and between animals genotyped on different chips. The breeding values of young genotyped individuals were biased upward, and the magnitude was up to 0.8 genetic standard deviations, compared with breeding values of non-genotyped individuals. Similarly, the magnitude of a small value added to the diagonal of the genomic relationship matrix affected the level of average breeding values between groups of genotyped and non-genotyped animals. Cross-validation accuracies and regression coefficients were not sensitive to these factors.ConclusionsBecause, historically, different SNP chips have been used for genotyping different parts of a population, fine-tuning of imputation within and across SNP chips and handling of missing genotypes are crucial for reducing bias. Although all the SNPs used for estimating breeding values are present on the chip used for genotyping young animals, incompleteness and some genotype errors might lead to level-biases in breeding values

    Kontroversen rundt bruken av søkevinkler i skredsøk i Norge - en analyse

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    I artikkelen presenteres resultatene av en historisk undersøkelse av kontroversen rundt bruken av søkevinkler til skredsøk i norsk redningstjeneste. Forskningsspørsmålene i artikkelen er: Når og hvordan kom bruken av søkevinkler inn i norsk redningstjeneste, og hvordan ble bruken legitimert? Hvordan ble bruken av søkevinkler debattert og kritisert? Hvor lenge var søkevinklene i bruk og hvordan foregikk utfasingen? Teoretisk har vi benyttet Weber og hans perspektiver på «avfortrylling». Metodisk har vi anvendt hermeneutisk tekstanalyse av historisk skredlitteratur, avisartikler, magasinartikler, debattinnlegg og andre kilder, som har resultert i en deskriptiv redegjørelse av hendelsesforløpet.The article presents the results of a historical study of the controversy surrounding the use of L-rods in the Norwegian avalanche-rescue service. The research questions in the article are: When and how did the use of L-rods enter the Norwegian rescue service, and how was the use legitimized? How was the use of L-rods debated and criticized? How long were the L-rods in use and how did the phasing out take place? Theoretically, we have made use of Webber’s disenchantment perspective. Methodologically, hermeneutic text analysis of historical avalanche literature, newspaper articles, magazine articles, debate contributions, and other sources have been used, which has resulted in a descriptive account of the course of events. The use of L-rods gradually entered the service since the 1970s, and quickly gained foothold in central rescue-services. L-rods have probably been in use in the Norwegian rescue service until the end of the 1990s. They are also described as useful in several sources well into the 2000s, and it cannot be ruled out that L-rods have also been used in recent times. However, the phasing out of the use of L-rods began with criticism and debate about the practice already during the second half of the 1980s. The "death blow" for the practice was two standardized and controlled experiments with divining rods, under the auspices of the Norwegian Army Shooting and Winter School for the Infantry in May 1987

    Identification and Characterization of Skin Biomolecules for Drug Targeting and Monitoring by Vibrational Spectroscopy

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    The article discusses the application of vibrational spectroscopy techniques for in vivo identification and characterization of glucose biomolecules monitored in the skin of healthy, prediabetes and diabetes subjects; for molecular characterization of water and proteins in in vivo monitored patch tested inflamed skin of the patients with contact dermatitis; for description of nucleic acids and proteins at the molecular level with progression to malignancy in skin cancerous lesions. The results of the studies show new possibilities to assess activity levels of glucose metabolism in the skin tissue of healthy, prediabetes and diabetes subjects; activity and severity of inflammation; activity of the processes of carcinogenesis with regard to benign, premalignant and malignant transformation. Based on our findings, we suggest that vibrational spectroscopy might be a rapid screening tool with sufficient sensitivity and specificity to identify and characterize skin biomolecules in described diseases for drug targeting and monitoring by the pharmacological community

    Impact of two myostatin (MSTN) mutations on weight gain and lamb carcass classification in Norwegian White Sheep (Ovis aries)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our aim was to estimate the effect of two <it>myostatin </it>(<it>MSTN</it>) mutations in Norwegian White Sheep, one of which is close to fixation in the Texel breed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The impact of two known <it>MSTN </it>mutations was examined in a field experiment with Norwegian White Sheep. The joint effect of the two <it>MSTN </it>mutations on live weight gain and weaning weight was studied on 644 lambs. Carcass weight gain from birth to slaughter, carcass weight, carcass conformation and carcass fat classes were calculated in a subset of 508 lambs. All analyses were carried out with a univariate linear animal model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The most significant impact of both mutations was on conformation and fat classes. The largest difference between the genotype groups was between the wild type for both mutations and the homozygotes for the c.960delG mutation. Compared to the wild types, these mutants obtained a conformation score 5.1 classes higher and a fat score 3.0 classes lower, both on a 15-point scale.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both mutations reduced fatness and increased muscle mass, although the effect of the frameshift mutation (c.960delG) was more important as compared to the 3'-UTR mutation (c.2360G>A). Lambs homozygous for the c.960delG mutation grew more slowly than those with other <it>MSTN </it>genotypes, but had the least fat and the largest muscle mass. Only c.960delG showed dominance effects.</p

    Correlation of p16INK4A Expression and HPV Copy Number with Cellular FTIR Spectroscopic Signatures of Cervical Cancer Cells

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    Cervical cancer, a potentially preventable disease, has its main aetiology in infection by high risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV). Approaches to improving cervical cancer screening and diagnostic methodologies include molecular biological analysis, targeting of biomarker proteins, but also exploration and implementation of new techniques such as vibrational spectroscopy. This study correlates the biomarker protein p16INK4A expression levels dependent on HPV copy number with the infrared absorption spectral signatures of the cervical cancer cell lines, HPV negative C33A, HPV-16 positive SiHa and CaSki and HPV-18 positive HeLa. Confocal fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that p16INK4A is expressed in all investigated cell lines in both nuclear and cytoplasmic regions, although predominantly in the cytoplasm. Flow cytometry was used to quantify the p16INK4A expression levels and demonstrated a correlation, albeit nonlinear, between the reported number of integrated HPV copies and p16INK4A expression levels. CaSki cells were found to have the highest level of expression, HeLa intermediate levels, and SiHa and C33A the lowest levels. FTIR spectra revealed differences in nucleic acid, lipid and protein signatures between the cell lines with varying HPV copy number. Peak intensities exhibited increasing tendency in nucleic acid levels and decreasing tendency in lipid levels with increasing HPV copy number, and although they were found to be nonlinearly correlated with the HPV copy number, their dependence on p16INK4A levels was found to be close to linear. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the Infrared absorption spectra revealed differences between nuclear and cytoplasmic spectroscopic signatures for all cell lines, and furthermore clearly differentiated the groups of spectra representing each cell line. Finally, Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis was employed to construct a model which can predict the p16INK4A expression level based on a spectral fingerprint of a cell line, demonstrating the diagnostic potential of spectroscopic techniques

    Raman spectroscopy: techniques and applications in the life sciences

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    Raman spectroscopy is an increasingly popular technique in many areas including biology and medicine. It is based on Raman scattering, a phenomenon in which incident photons lose or gain energy via interactions with vibrating molecules in a sample. These energy shifts can be used to obtain information regarding molecular composition of the sample with very high accuracy. Applications of Raman spectroscopy in the life sciences have included quantification of biomolecules, hyperspectral molecular imaging of cells and tissue, medical diagnosis, and others. This review briefly presents the physical origin of Raman scattering explaining the key classical and quantum mechanical concepts. Variations of the Raman effect will also be considered, including resonance, coherent, and enhanced Raman scattering. We discuss the molecular origins of prominent bands often found in the Raman spectra of biological samples. Finally, we examine several variations of Raman spectroscopy techniques in practice, looking at their applications, strengths, and challenges. This review is intended to be a starting resource for scientists new to Raman spectroscopy, providing theoretical background and practical examples as the foundation for further study and exploration

    Skiftarbeid og sykefravær ved Hydro Aluminium Karmøy

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    Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i økningen i sykefraværet generelt ved Hydro Aluminium Karmøy, men går dypere inn i problematikken i deler av bedriften. Sykefraværsprosenten i de ulike skiftene i elektrolysehallene Søderberg er ulik til tross for like arbeidsforhold. Skiftene som er med i kartleggingen er skift A, D og F. Målsetningen var å finne mulige sammenhenger mellom ulike forhold på arbeidsplassen og mengden av sykefravær i de ulike skiftene. Kartleggingen ble utført ved hjelp av spørreundersøkelse. Denne metoden ble valgt blant annet fordi den er anonym og når ut til mange. • I undersøkelsen kom det frem at arbeiderne i F - skiftet trives best og har lavest sykefravær. Resultatene viser at det er en er nedgang i antall fraværsdager når trivselen øker. • Opp i mot 60 % av de ansatte i alle tre skiftene mener at fraværet ikke kan relateres til arbeidsforholdene. F-skiftet har lavest prosentandel som mener fraværet kan relateres til arbeidsforholdene. Altså kan se ut som arbeidsforholdene har lite å si i fraværssammenheng i dette skiftet. • Det ble funnet en klar sammenheng mellom å føle seg nyttig i jobben og antall fraværsdager. Antall fraværsdager går ned når følelsen av å være nyttig øker. Dette gjelder for alle tre skiftene. • Undersøkelsen gir ingen indikasjoner på at sykefraværet går ned når arbeidstakerne er mer uthvilte. • Det er kommet frem i undersøkelsen at det er en sammenheng mellom antall fraværsdager og følelsen av å bli hørt. Dette gjelder for alle tre skiftene. • Resultatene antyder at det er ulik holdning fra skift til skift i forhold til bruk av egenmeldinger. Tiltak som flere av arbeiderne foreslo for å redusere sykefraværet var: • Bedre kontroll på bruk av egenmeldinger. • Sette fokus på trivsel og sosialt samvær. • Bedre samarbeid og kommunikasjon i linjen. • Subsidiert trening. • Heller oppbemanne enn nedbemanne. Det er viktig for Hydro Aluminium Karmøy å ta spesielt hensyn til arbeidernes forslag til tiltak når det gjelder arbeidet videre med å redusere sykefraværet. Samtidig som det er viktig for bedriften å se på tiltakene som kommer frem i oppgavens diskusjonsdel