6 research outputs found

    Eletrencefalograma digital com mapeamento em demência de Alzheimer e doença de Parkinson: estudo prospectivo controlado Digital EEG with brain mapping in Alzheimer's dementia and Parkinson's disease: a prospective controlled study

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    Com o intuito de estudar a atividade eletrencefalográfica em vigilia da demência senil de tipo Alzheimer (DA) e da doença de Parkinson (DP) foi iniciado estudo prospectivo e controlado. Foram comparados 6 pacientes com DA e 11 pacientes com DP, com um grupo controle composto por 12 pacientes com depressão maior crônica leve a moderada (DSM-III-R, 1987). Nos três grupos, através de análise espectral, foi obtida a mediana da frequência da energia da atividade dominante posterior. O grupo controle apresentou atividade posterior com frequência de 8,79 ± 0,52 (m±dp). No grupo com DA este valor foi 6,65 ± 0,80 (m±dp) e no grupo com DP 7,69± 1,39 (m±dp). A hipótese experimental de que pacientes com DA e DP diferem dos controles em relação à atividade de fundo (definida como anormal sendo In order to evaluate the EEG activity during wakefulness in senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD), a prospective controlled study was performed. We compared 6 AD and 11 PD patients with a control group of 12 patients with mild to moderate major chronic depression (DSM-III-R 1987). The median of the frequencies and the power of the posterior dominant activity was obtained in the three groups using spectral analysis. The posterior activity had a frequency of 8.79±0.52 (mean±sd) in the contrc group, 6.65+0.80 (mean+sd) in the AD group and 7.69+1.39 (mean±sd) in the PD group. The experimental hypothesis that patients with AD and PD differ from controls in relation to the background activity (defined a abnormal <8) was confirmed by the chi square test (p=0.0l) and the t test showed that the mean of the frequency of the posterior power was significantly lower in AD (p=0.01) and PD (p=0.05) patients, compared with the controls. The results indicate that this abnormality could be correlated with the degree of cortical damage and natural history of these disorders

    Anion-exchange membranes in electrochemical energy systems

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    Plant and bird communities at Phoenix valley

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    南投縣鹿谷鄉鳳凰谷地區植物茂盛, 野生鳥類眾多。本研究係就鳳凰谷地區生育地環 境概況、植物組成、野鳥種類及季節性變化, 飼養鳥籠之植栽, 生蛋月份及死亡率等 進行調查與探討。所得結果摘述如下: 1.鳳凰谷地區的維管束植物, 初步調查共計116 科376 種。以大戟科與樟科、菊科最 多。 2.本地區樹姿優美而能適應低海拔之鄉土植物, 在喬木有烏心石、南投黃肉楠、瓊楠 、五掌楠、牛樟、香桂、鳳凰山茶、大頭茶、重陽木、烏 、青剛櫟、九丁榕、青楓 、黃蓮木、黃杞、鵝掌柴、烏皮九芎等; 灌木有華八仙、野牡丹、山煙草、硃砂根、 通草、銳葉柃木、小葉桑、燈稱花、密毛冬青、水雞油、通條樹、十大功勞、台灣莢 等; 草木則有普剌特草、油點草、倒地蜈蚣、五節芒等。 3.鳳凰谷地區的野生鳥類, 初步調查共計有21科57種。以畫眉科與鶇科最多。其中以 大冠 、藍腹鷴、翡翠、五色鳥、巨嘴鴉、紅山椒鳥、紅嘴黑鴨、紫嘯鶇、鉛色水鶇 、白鶺鴒等10種較具特色。 4.由於冬候鳥加入以及高海拔鳥類往低海拔移棲避寒覓食, 鳳凰谷地區鳥類從九月到 第二年四月種類最多, 從五月起鳥類開始減少, 到七、八月種類最少。 5.野生鳥類從四月起開始有築巢行為, 一直到七月還可發現; 飼養鳥類在鳥籠中二月 底即有築巢行為, 一直延續到八月底。飼養鳥類從三月上旬還可以發現生蛋行為, 其 中以三、四、五、六四個月最多。 6.本地區可提供野生鳥類花蜜、果實或種子等食物的植物有冇骨消、監膚木、百香果 、木瓜、九丁榕、月橘、土蜜樹、蓮霧、小葉桑、構樹、桃、山黃麻、茄苳、樟樹、 朴樹、長果縣鉤子、番石榴、硃砂根、紅果苔、五節芒、龍葵、姑婆芋、長梗紫麻、 山櫻等