43 research outputs found


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    Introduction: It is well known that exposure to different stressors caused a sequence of biochemical, physiological and behavioural changes including analgesia which is realised by activating multiple endogenous pain inhibitory systems. Although the existing data reveal the important role of the adenosine modulatory system in the processing of nociceptive information, scarce data are available for its role in stress-induced changes in nociception. Materials and Methods: Male ICR mice – controls and exposed to acute (120 minutes) restraint stress (RS) were used; Acetic acid-induced nociception (writhing test); Adenosine A1 receptor agonist N6-R phenylisopropil-adenosine (R-PIA, 0.5 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, IP), nonselective adenosine receptor antagonist theophylline (acute 75mg/kg, IP and chronic 75 mg/kg/day/14 days, IP). Results: RS and R-PIA decreased the visceral nociception in mice. Acute and chronic treatment with theophylline did not influence the pain reactions neither in nonstressed nor in stressed animals. R-PIA administered before restraint stress fully reversed stress–induced antinociception. Single dose of theophylline antagonized the effects of R-PIA both in nonstressed and stressed animals. Chronic theophylline did not antagonize the antinociceptive effect of R-PIA, but abolished R-PIA induced reversion of SIA. Conclusion: Endogenous adenosine is not able to change the RS-induced visceral antinociception, as theophylline did not show any effects on the stress. However, adenosine A1 receptors are involved both in the antinociception in the healthy mice and RS-induced antinociception, perhaps by different mechanism

    Genetic diversity in native Bulgarian grapevine germplasm (Vitis vinifera L.) based on nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite polymorphisms

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    Fifty one wild specimens collected in different areas in Bulgaria and nineteen native Bulgarian grapevine cultivars were genotyped with 7 nuclear and 5 chloroplast SSR markers. Based on the microsatellite allelic profile six wild samples, collected from the Danube Riverbank, were considered non vinifera genotypes. The genetic diversity for nuclear loci observed in the cultivated grapevines was comparable to that found in other cultivated collections. However, lower genetic diversity was observed in the set of wild samples. The dendrogram based on nuclear SSRs separated most of the cultivated grapevines from the wild samples. Four chlorotypes corresponding to previously determined chlorotypes A, B, C and D, were identified in the analyzed samples that occurred with different frequencies in groups of wild and cultivated plants. The most frequent chlorotype among wild samples was A, while it was C in the cultivated samples. The differentiation of Bulgarian grape chlorotypes in the context of differentiation of chlorotypes in Eurasian grape flora is discussed.

    Immunohistochemical study on distribution of cannabinoid cb1 receptors in the rat`s prefrontal cortex after cold stress procedure

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    The prefrontal cortex (PFC), which mediates the emotional coping response to different stressful paradigms, is composed of distinct parts depends on stimulus involved physical or psychological stress. It also plays a role in a number of neurological conditions. It`s known that neuroendocrine control of homeostatic and reproductive functions including stress response and energy metabolism is fulfils by important signaling molecules as endogenous cannabinoids. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of cold stress on distribution of CB1- receptors in PFC of rats. Immunohistochemical procedure for CB1-receptors was performed in adult male Wistar rats. The data were entered in the computer program, recorded automatically, calculated and compared by Student`s t-test. We found CB1-immunoreaction in axons and dendrites as well as in cell bodies where they presented as puncta on somata. The cells bodies were comprised of several distinct shapes: pyramidal, oval, fusiform and multipolar. Numerous fine-beaded fibers and puncta were seen on a handful of pyramidal large-sized neurons and many puncta were observed around the oval-shaped small- and medium-sized neurons.The PFC in cold stress rats demonstrated around 18% higher density of CB1-receptors compared with controls. In conclusion our results showed that cold stress exposure increased distribution of CB1-receptors in PFC of rats. These experimental data suggest that endocannabinoid system in this brain area may play an important role in the continuity of homeostasis in cold stress

    Identification and relationship of the autochthonous ‘Romé’ and ‘Rome Tinto’ grapevine cultivars

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    The ‘Romé’ variety is considered an Andalusian (southern region in Spain) autochthonous black grape cultivar. However, several white and black grapevine accessions are known by this name, according to Vitis International Variety Catalogue. The aim of the present work was to clarify the identity of the ‘Romé’ and ‘Rome Tinto’ as black grapevine cultivar. Eight accessions known as ‘Romé’ and two as ‘Rome Tinto’ were analyzed using 30 OIV descriptors and 22 SSR loci. The morphologic and genetic analysis showed that all accessions studied presented the same genotype and phenotype and grouped with South Spanish cultivars. This study helps to clarify the confusion over the identity of ‘Romé’ grapevine cultivar, and provides a solid basis to develop a germplasm collection to protect grapevine diversity and to recover cultivars that may be in danger of extinction

    Genetic diversity of wild and cultivated grapevine accessions from southeast Turkey

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    INRA UMR 1334 AGAP, Equipe DAVEM = Diversité et Adaptation de la Vigne et des EspÚces MéditerranéennesWild grapevine genetic diversity in southeast Turkey has not been documented to date. In the present work, in order to clarify the relationships between wild and cultivated grape accessions from southeastern Turkey, 22 nuclear and three chloroplast microsatellite loci were used on 21 wild grapevine Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sylvestris (Gmelin) and 13 cultivated grapevine Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa accessions. The number of alleles per SSR locus ranged from 4 (VVIn16) to 20 (VVIv67) and the mean allele number per locus was 10.09. Expected locus heterozygosity ranged from 0.586 (locus VVIb01) to 0.898 (locus (VVIv67)). The three cpSSR molecular markers presented variation in size both in cultivars and in wild Turkish accessions. Two size variants were detected for cpSSR3 (106 and 107 bp) for cpSSR5 (104 and 105 bp), and for cpSSR10 (115 and 116 bp). The six alleles in wild grapevines fell into three haplotypes B, C and D. A genetic structure according to accessions taxonomic status (wild or cultivated) was revealed by UPGMA analysis. This highlighted a clear separation between domesticated and wild accessions in Turkish germplasm. The results pointed out the need to further collect and characterize this wild and cultivated grapevine germplasm

    The Turks of Bulgaria: An Outlier Case of Forced Migration and Voluntary Return

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    The Turks of Bulgaria have a particular place in displacement scholarship. As the largest minority group in the country, they were subjected to ethnic cleansing in the 1980s. Anti-Turkish sentiments culminated in state-led systematic exclusion and more than 340,000 Turks were forcefully migrated to Turkey in 1989. After the collapse of Communism and the transition to democracy, almost 40 per cent of them voluntarily returned to Bulgaria, making it an outlier case in displacement literature. Drawing on 46 semi-structured interviews, this study contributes to the literature by offering a grounded conceptual framework which explains the macro-dynamics of voluntary and sustainable return through an in-depth study of the Bulgarian case. The findings suggest that three-factors account for the voluntary return: (i) the peaceful transition to inclusive democracy and power-sharing; (ii) the dual moderation between majority and minority representatives; and (iii) the enabling role of international actors, primarily the EU-anchor

    Challenges in the topic diagnosis of cerebrospinal leak rhinorrhea. Case report

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    Introduction: The leak of cerebrospinal fluid in the nose and paranasal cavities is a pathological condition, associated with defects in the skull base. The rhinoliquorrhea may occur spontaneously and may be hidden for a long time, wrongly treated due to the complexity and difficulty of diagnosis. This condition may be linked to serious life treating illnesses, with ascending bacterial infections from the non-sterile nasal cavity to the subarachnoid space – meningitis, meningoencephalitis, brain abscess, etc. The topical diagnosis of rhinoliquorrhea is truly important for the surgeon, because it defines the operative approach and the technic that will be used.Materials and methods: Seven cases of rhinoliquorrhea where diagnosedand treated from 2015 to 2017 in the ENT department in University Hospital St George, Plovdiv. Laboratory tests such as glucose test of the nasal secretion and beta 2 transferrin were made. Computer tomography (CT), Magnetic resonance (MRI) and cisternopgraphy were also performed. In one of the cases we localized endoscopically the CSF defect without imaging preoperative confirmation.Results: In six of the patients preoperatively was confirmed the presence and the localization of the defect. In one of the cases the topical diagnosis of the rhinoliquorrhea with positive beta 2 transferrin test wasn’t possible. A defect in the area of the olfactory rhyme was localized intra-operatively, via an endoscopic approach. The postoperative period lasted for 5 days without complications. In all of the patients an endoscopic repair of the defect was applied.Conclusion: The topical diagnostics of rhinoliquorrhea is a challenge. When the defects of rhino base are bigger, the timely diagnosis is of utmost importance given the risk of fatal consequences. The incorrect localization of the defect of the rhino base may cause difficulties for the surgeon when using endoscopic approach, given the complex anatomy of the nose and the sinuses, as well the complex structural communication and delicate sights(cribriform plate, the spheno-palatines arteries, the anterior etmoidals arteries, the carotid artery, optical nerv, etc). The diagnosis of a present rhynoliquorrhea and the topic of the defect are of utmost importance giving the fact of possible complications that may occur such as infections of central nerve system, disturbance in consciousness, persistant headache and it is also related to the precise surgical repair to the skull base

    Akute makulÀre Neuroretinopathie - Fallvorstellung

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