307 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the UniCelℱ DxI 800 Immunoassay Analyzer in Measuring Five Tumor Markers

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    ∙ The authors have no financial conflicts of interest. © Copyright: Yonsei University College of Medicine 2012 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens

    Magneto-Optical Relaxation Measurements of Functionalized Nanoparticles as a Novel Biosensor

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    Measurements of magneto-optical relaxation signals of magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with biomolecules are a novel biosensing tool. Upon transmission of a laser beam through a nanoparticle suspension in a pulsed magnetic field, the properties of the laser beam change. This can be detected by optical methods. Biomolecular binding events leading to aggregation of nanoparticles are ascertainable by calculating the relaxation time and from this, the hydrodynamic diameters of the involved particles from the optical signal. Interaction between insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and its antibody was utilized for demonstration of the measurement setup applicability as an immunoassay. Furthermore, a formerly developed kinetic model was utilized in order to determine kinetic parameters of the interaction. Beside utilization of the method as an immunoassay it can be applied for the characterization of diverse magnetic nanoparticles regarding their size and size distribution

    Fabrication and evaluation of a micro(bio)sensor array chip for multiple parallel measurements of important cell biomarkers

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    © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This report describes the design and development of an integrated electrochemical cell culture monitoring system, based on enzyme-biosensors and chemical sensors, for monitoring indicators of mammalian cell metabolic status. MEMS technology was used to fabricate a microwell-format silicon platform including a thermometer, onto which chemical sensors (pH, O2) and screen-printed biosensors (glucose, lactate), were grafted/deposited. Microwells were formed over the fabricated sensors to give 5-well sensor strips which were interfaced with a multipotentiostat via a bespoke connector box interface. The operation of each sensor/biosensor type was examined individually, and examples of operating devices in five microwells in parallel, in either potentiometric (pH sensing) or amperometric (glucose biosensing) mode are shown. The performance characteristics of the sensors/biosensors indicate that the system could readily be applied to cell culture/toxicity studies

    Paper-based enzymatic microfluidic fuel cell: From a two-stream flow device to a single-stream lateral flow strip

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    This work presents a first approach towards the development of a cost-effective enzymatic paper-based glucose/O2 microfluidic fuel cell in which fluid transport is based on capillary action. A first fuel cell configuration consists of a Y-shaped paper device with the fuel and the oxidant flowing in parallel over carbon paper electrodes modified with bioelectrocatalytic enzymes. The anode consists of a ferrocenium-based polyethyleneimine polymer linked to glucose oxidase (GOx/Fc-C6-LPEI), while the cathode contains a mixture of laccase, anthracene-modified multiwall carbon nanotubes, and tetrabutylammonium bromide-modified Nafion (MWCNTs/laccase/TBAB-Nafion). Subsequently, the Y-shaped configuration is improved to use a single solution containing both, the anolyte and the catholyte. Thus, the electrolytes pHs of the fuel and the oxidant solutions are adapted to an intermediate pH of 5.5. Finally, the fuel cell is run with this single solution obtaining a maximum open circuit of 0.55 ± 0.04 V and a maximum current and power density of 225 ± 17 ÎŒA cm−2 and 24 ± 5 ÎŒW cm−2, respectively. Hence, a power source closer to a commercial application (similar to conventional lateral flow test strips) is developed and successfully operated. This system can be used to supply the energy required to power microelectronics demanding low power consumption.F. Javier del Campo acknowledges funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy through the DADDi2 project (TEC2013-48506-C3). Juan Pablo Esquivel would like to thank the support from Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (APPOCS-328144) within the 7th European Community Framework Programme. Shelley D. Minteer and Fabien Giroud would like to thank the National Science Foundation (CHE-1057597) for funding. Neus SabatĂ© acknowledges funding from the European H2020 Framework Programme (Grant Agreement 648518 - SUPERCELL - ERC 2014 CoG).Peer reviewe

    Microfluidic Lateral Flow Cytochrome P450 Assay on a Novel Printed Functionalized Calcium Carbonate-Based Platform for Rapid Screening of Human Xenobiotic Metabolism

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    Cytochrome P450 (CYP) is a superfamily of enzymes in charge of elimination of the majority of clinically used drugs and other xenobiotics. This study focuses on the development of a rapid microfluidic lateral flow assay to study human phase I metabolism reactions mediated by CYP2A6 isoenzyme, the major detoxification route for many known carcinogens and drugs, with coumarin 7-hydroxylation, as the prototype model reaction. Assay fabrication utilizes custom-designed porous functionalized calcium carbonate (FCC) coatings and inkjet-printed fluid barriers. All materials used are novel and carefully chosen to preserve biocompatibility. The design comprises separate zones for reaction, separation and detection, and an absorbent pad to keep the assay wet for extended periods (up to 10 min) even when heated to physiological temperature. The concept enables CYP assays to be made at lower cost than conventional well-plate assays, while providing increased selectivity at equally high speed, owing to the possibility for simultaneous chromatographic separation of the reaction products from the reactants on the FCC coating. The developed concept provides a viable rapid prediction of the interaction risks related to metabolic clearance of drugs and other xenobiotics, and exemplifies a novel coating technology illustrating the opportunity to broaden application functionality.Peer reviewe

    Electrode substrate innovation for electrochemical detection in microchip electrophoresis.

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    Microchip Electrophoresis (ME) represents the next generation of miniaturised electrophoretic devices and carry benefits such as significant improvement in analysis times, lower consumption of reagents and samples, flexibility, and procedural simplicity. The devices provide a separation method for complex sample matrices and an on-board detection method for the analytical determination of a target compound. The detection part of ME is increasingly leaning towards electrochemical methods, thus the selectivity and sensitivity of detection in ME is dependent upon the chosen working electrode composition in addition to operating conditions of the chip such as separation voltage. Given the current plethora of electrode materials that are available, there exists a possibility to creatively integrate electrodes into ME. This review will overview the application of several electrode materials, from the old through to the new. A particular recent focus has been the selectivity element of MEs overcome with the use of enzymes, carbon composites, and screen-printed technologies. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
