197 research outputs found

    Structural transitions in the RNA 7SK 5' hairpin and their effect on HEXIM binding.

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    7SK RNA, as part of the 7SK ribonucleoprotein complex, is crucial to the regulation of transcription by RNA-polymerase II, via its interaction with the positive transcription elongation factor P-TEFb. The interaction is induced by binding of the protein HEXIM to the 5' hairpin (HP1) of 7SK RNA. Four distinct structural models have been obtained experimentally for HP1. Here, we employ computational methods to investigate the relative stability of these structures, transitions between them, and the effects of mutations on the observed structural ensembles. We further analyse the results with respect to mutational binding assays, and hypothesize a mechanism for HEXIM binding. Our results indicate that the dominant structure in the wild type exhibits a triplet involving the unpaired nucleotide U40 and the base pair A43-U66 in the GAUC/GAUC repeat. This conformation leads to an open major groove with enough potential binding sites for peptide recognition. Sequence mutations of the RNA change the relative stability of the different structural ensembles. Binding affinity is consequently lost if these changes alter the dominant structure

    Modeling the structure of RNA molecules with small-angle X-ray scattering data

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    We propose a novel fragment assembly method for low-resolution modeling of RNA and show how it may be used along with small-angle X-ray solution scattering (SAXS) data to model low-resolution structures of particles having as many as 12 independent secondary structure elements. We assessed this model-building procedure by using both artificial data on a previously proposed benchmark and publicly available data. With the artificial data, SAXS-guided models show better similarity to native structures than ROSETTA decoys. The publicly available data showed that SAXS-guided models can be used to reinterpret RNA structures previously deposited in the Protein Data Bank. Our approach allows for fast and efficient building of de novo models of RNA using approximate secondary structures that can be readily obtained from existing bioinformatic approaches. We also offer a rigorous assessment of the resolving power of SAXS in the case of small RNA structures, along with a small multimetric benchmark of the proposed method

    Sequence-specific cleavage of RNA by Type II restriction enzymes

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    The ability of 223 Type II restriction endonucleases to hydrolyze RNA–DNA heteroduplex oligonucleotide substrates was assessed. Despite the significant topological and sequence asymmetry introduced when one strand of a DNA duplex is substituted by RNA we find that six restriction enzymes (AvaII, AvrII, BanI, HaeIII, HinfI and TaqI), exclusively of the Type IIP class that recognize palindromic or interrupted-palindromic DNA sequences, catalyze robust and specific cleavage of both RNA and DNA strands of such a substrate. Time-course analyses indicate that some endonucleases hydrolyze phosphodiester bonds in both strands simultaneously whereas others appear to catalyze sequential reactions in which either the DNA or RNA product accumulates more rapidly. Such strand-specific variation in cleavage susceptibility is both significant (up to orders of magnitude difference) and somewhat sequence dependent, notably in relation to the presence or absence of uracil residues in the RNA strand. Hybridization to DNA oligonucleotides that contain endonuclease recognition sites can be used to achieve targeted hydrolysis of extended RNA substrates produced by in vitro transcription. The ability to ‘restrict’ an RNA–DNA hybrid, albeit with a limited number of restriction endonucleases, provides a method whereby individual RNA molecules can be targeted for site-specific cleavage in vitro

    RNase T1 mimicking artificial ribonuclease

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    Recently, artificial ribonucleases (aRNases)—conjugates of oligodeoxyribonucleotides and peptide (LR)4-G-amide—were designed and assessed in terms of the activity and specificity of RNA cleavage. The conjugates were shown to cleave RNA at Pyr-A and G–X sequences. Variations of oligonucleotide length and sequence, peptide and linker structure led to the development of conjugates exhibiting G–X cleavage specificity only. The most efficient catalyst is built of nonadeoxyribonucleotide of unique sequence and peptide (LR)4-G-NH2 connected by the linker of three abasic deoxyribonucleotides (conjugate pep-9). Investigation of the cleavage specificity of conjugate pep-9 showed that the compound is the first single-stranded guanine-specific aRNase, which mimics RNase T1. Rate enhancement of RNA cleavage at G–X linkages catalysed by pep-9 is 108 compared to non-catalysed reaction, pep-9 cleaves these linkages only 105-fold less efficiently than RNase T1 (kcat_RNase T1/kcat_pep-9 = 105)

    Nucleic Acids Res

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    The non-coding RNA 7SK is the scaffold for a small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (7SKsnRNP) which regulates the function of the positive transcription elongation factor P-TEFb in the control of RNA polymerase II elongation in metazoans. The La-related protein LARP7 is a component of the 7SKsnRNP required for stability and function of the RNA. To address the function of LARP7 we determined the crystal structure of its La module, which binds a stretch of uridines at the 3'-end of 7SK. The structure shows that the penultimate uridine is tethered by the two domains, the La-motif and the RNA-recognition motif (RRM1), and reveals that the RRM1 is significantly smaller and more exposed than in the La protein. Sequence analysis suggests that this impacts interaction with 7SK. Binding assays, footprinting and small-angle scattering experiments show that a second RRM domain located at the C-terminus binds the apical loop of the 3' hairpin of 7SK, while the N-terminal domains bind at its foot. Our results suggest that LARP7 uses both its N- and C-terminal domains to stabilize 7SK in a closed structure, which forms by joining conserved sequences at the 5'-end with the foot of the 3' hairpin and has thus functional implications

    Uneven spread of cis- and trans-editing aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase domains within translational compartments of P. falciparum

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    Accuracy of aminoacylation is dependent on maintaining fidelity during attachment of amino acids to cognate tRNAs. Cis- and trans-editing protein factors impose quality control during protein translation, and 8 of 36 Plasmodium falciparum aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS) assemblies contain canonical putative editing modules. Based on expression and localization profiles of these 8 aaRSs, we propose an asymmetric distribution between the parasite cytoplasm and its apicoplast of putative editing-domain containing aaRSs. We also show that the single copy alanyl- and threonyl-tRNA synthetases are dually targeted to parasite cytoplasm and apicoplast. This bipolar presence of two unique synthetases presents opportunity for inhibitor targeting their aminoacylation and editing activities in twin parasite compartments. We used this approach to identify specific inhibitors against the alanyl- and threonyl-tRNA synthetases. Further development of such inhibitors may lead to anti-parasitics which simultaneously block protein translation in two key parasite organelles, a strategy of wider applicability for pathogen control

    Modular pathways for editing non-cognate amino acids by human cytoplasmic leucyl-tRNA synthetase

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    To prevent potential errors in protein synthesis, some aminoacyl-transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases have evolved editing mechanisms to hydrolyze misactivated amino acids (pre-transfer editing) or misacylated tRNAs (post-transfer editing). Class Ia leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) may misactivate various natural and non-protein amino acids and then mischarge tRNALeu. It is known that the fidelity of prokaryotic LeuRS depends on multiple editing pathways to clear the incorrect intermediates and products in the every step of aminoacylation reaction. Here, we obtained human cytoplasmic LeuRS (hcLeuRS) and tRNALeu (hctRNALeu) with high activity from Escherichia coli overproducing strains to study the synthetic and editing properties of the enzyme. We revealed that hcLeuRS could adjust its editing strategy against different non-cognate amino acids. HcLeuRS edits norvaline predominantly by post-transfer editing; however, it uses mainly pre-transfer editing to edit α-amino butyrate, although both amino acids can be charged to tRNALeu. Post-transfer editing as a final checkpoint of the reaction was very important to prevent mis-incorporation in vitro. These results provide insight into the modular editing pathways created to prevent genetic code ambiguity by evolution

    HEXIM1 targets a repeated GAUC motif in the riboregulator of transcription 7SK and promotes base pair rearrangements

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    7SK snRNA, an abundant RNA discovered in human nucleus, regulates transcription by RNA polymerase II (RNAPII). It sequesters and inhibits the transcription elongation factor P-TEFb which, by phosphorylation of RNAPII, switches transcription from initiation to processive elongation and relieves pauses of transcription. This regulation process depends on the association between 7SK and a HEXIM protein, neither isolated partner being able to inhibit P-TEFb alone. In this work, we used a combined NMR and biochemical approach to determine 7SK and HEXIM1 elements that define their binding properties. Our results demonstrate that a repeated GAUC motif located in the upper part of a hairpin on the 5′-end of 7SK is essential for specific HEXIM1 recognition. Binding of a peptide comprising the HEXIM Arginine Rich Motif (ARM) induces an opening of the GAUC motif and stabilization of an internal loop. A conserved proline-serine sequence in the middle of the ARM is shown to be essential for the binding specificity and the conformational change of the RNA. This work provides evidences for a recognition mechanism involving a first event of induced fit, suggesting that 7SK plasticity is involved in the transcription regulation