209 research outputs found

    Breaking through boundaries with PAR – or not? A research project on the facilitation of participatory governance through Participatory Action Research (PAR)

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    In this paper, two researchers reflect on the institutional space for participatory governance in a participatory action research (PAR) process that was initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (ECS) in the Netherlands. It was implemented in two schools by researchers contracted by the ministry. The project’s aim was to explore possibilities for involving schools in policy processes using PAR. We conclude that PAR sheds light on the communication strategies, power and authority balances, and meaning of participation among the participants. The attempt to break through traditional hierarchies generated new insights into the institutional space at both the participating schools and the government institutions that can be used to create participatory approaches to governance. The researchers were the bridging actors between the schools and the government institutions. While previous research showed that a bridging actor can play a positive role as an objective party who is able to deliberate between the participants, we found that it impeded the creation of a participatory governance space

    "We are fine here": Ngäbe Perspectives on Urban Living, Poverty, and Well-being in Bocas del Toro, Panama

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    This dissertation explores urban indigenous notions of poverty and living well among Ngäbe residents of Bocas del Toro, Panama. I examine how these notions relate to Ngäbe urban living conditions and their endeavours to live well in the urban environment. Based on 16 months of ethnographic research among indigenous families in the mangrove neighbourhood of La Solución, I demonstrate that Ngäbe ideals of how to live well are based on indigenous notions of generosity, cooperation, hard work, and autonomy. The act of cultivating vegetables, in particular, embodies the values that underpin Ngäbe visions of the proper way to live and of what constitutes a good life. In the urban environment where cultivation is not possible, Ngäbe individuals express the ideals imbued in cultivation practices by emphasising household autonomy, by cooperating and sharing with neighbours, and by nostalgically invoking the finca (farmland) and the way of life it allows. My research contributes to the anthropology of indigenous urbanisation by analysing how urban Ngäbe residents' notions of poverty and living well shape and are shaped by their experiences and inter-ethnic encounters in the urban environment. As I demonstrate in this thesis, hierarchical inter-ethnic relations and discriminatory political approaches engender experiences of precarity, discrimination, and marginalisation among urban Ngäbe residents. These experiences challenge Ngäbe residents in their abilities to live well. Yet, while urban Ngäbe households are commonly reported to live in conditions of poverty, Ngäbe individuals themselves often reject the idea that this is the case. Although urban Ngäbe residents often lament about the urban inconveniences and challenges they face, they largely focus on their personal responsibility and endeavours to live well within their given circumstances. My ethnographic narrative offers an engagement with indigenous Ngäbe voices and perspectives that is often missing from government assessments of urban indigenous living conditions. I provide an account that prioritises local experiences and the political and social processes that structure local livelihoods. This perspective from the grassroots illustrates how conditions and understandings of poverty are socially and politically generated. In this respect, my dissertation contributes to key debates in development and post-development theory. I argue that an externally imposed identification of Ngäbe as poor disregards indigenous perspectives and masks the unequal power structures and political approaches that create their adverse conditions

    Exotic Invasive Elm Bark Beetle, \u3cem\u3eScolytus kirschii\u3c/em\u3e, Detected in South Africa

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    In February 2005, the exotic bark beetle, Scolytus kirschii (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), was detected infesting English elms (Ulmus procera) in Stellenbosch, South Africa. This appears to be the first report of an infestation of Scolytus species in this country. The presence of this beetle is of concern for several reasons. Scolytus kirschii is a serious pest of elms, capable of killing healthy trees, resulting in considerable economic impact. There also exists the possibility that the beetle may undergo a host switch to indigenous trees, with potentially serious ecological consequences. Furthermore, the beetle is capable of being the vector of the pathogens responsible for Dutch elm disease (DED), Ophiostoma ulmi and Ophiostoma novo-ulmi. None of the trees that we inspected in Stellenbosch exhibited symptoms or signs of DED. Isolations from infested host material likewise failed to detect these pathogens. Nonetheless, the damage to the trees by the beetles alone was sufficient to cause tree death. Future directions for research and management of the beetle in its new environment are discussed

    Platform for a Hydrocarbon Exhaust Gas Sensor Utilizing a Pumping Cell and a Conductometric Sensor

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    Very often, high-temperature operated gas sensors are cross-sensitive to oxygen and/or they cannot be operated in oxygen-deficient (rich) atmospheres. For instance, some metal oxides like Ga2O3 or doped SrTiO3 are excellent materials for conductometric hydrocarbon detection in the rough atmosphere of automotive exhausts, but have to be operated preferably at a constant oxygen concentration. We propose a modular sensor platform that combines a conductometric two-sensor-setup with an electrochemical pumping cell made of YSZ to establish a constant oxygen concentration in the ambient of the conductometric sensor film. In this paper, the platform is introduced, the two-sensor-setup is integrated into this new design, and sensing performance is characterized. Such a platform can be used for other sensor principles as well

    Lactic acid production from lime-treated wheat straw by Bacillus coagulans: neutralization of acid by fed-batch addition of alkaline substrate

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    Conventional processes for lignocellulose-to-organic acid conversion requires pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, and microbial fermentation. In this study, lime-treated wheat straw was hydrolyzed and fermented simultaneously to lactic acid by an enzyme preparation and Bacillus coagulans DSM 2314. Decrease in pH because of lactic acid formation was partially adjusted by automatic addition of the alkaline substrate. After 55 h of incubation, the polymeric glucan, xylan, and arabinan present in the lime-treated straw were hydrolyzed for 55%, 75%, and 80%, respectively. Lactic acid (40.7 g/l) indicated a fermentation efficiency of 81% and a chiral l(+)-lactic acid purity of 97.2%. In total, 711 g lactic acid was produced out of 2,706 g lime-treated straw, representing 43% of the overall theoretical maximum yield. Approximately half of the lactic acid produced was neutralized by fed-batch feeding of lime-treated straw, whereas the remaining half was neutralized during the batch phase with a Ca(OH)2 suspension. Of the lime added during the pretreatment of straw, 61% was used for the neutralization of lactic acid. This is the first demonstration of a process having a combined alkaline pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass and pH control in fermentation resulting in a significant saving of lime consumption and avoiding the necessity to recycle lime

    Parent-of-origin-specific allelic associations among 106 genomic loci for age at menarche.

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    Age at menarche is a marker of timing of puberty in females. It varies widely between individuals, is a heritable trait and is associated with risks for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and all-cause mortality. Studies of rare human disorders of puberty and animal models point to a complex hypothalamic-pituitary-hormonal regulation, but the mechanisms that determine pubertal timing and underlie its links to disease risk remain unclear. Here, using genome-wide and custom-genotyping arrays in up to 182,416 women of European descent from 57 studies, we found robust evidence (P < 5 × 10(-8)) for 123 signals at 106 genomic loci associated with age at menarche. Many loci were associated with other pubertal traits in both sexes, and there was substantial overlap with genes implicated in body mass index and various diseases, including rare disorders of puberty. Menarche signals were enriched in imprinted regions, with three loci (DLK1-WDR25, MKRN3-MAGEL2 and KCNK9) demonstrating parent-of-origin-specific associations concordant with known parental expression patterns. Pathway analyses implicated nuclear hormone receptors, particularly retinoic acid and γ-aminobutyric acid-B2 receptor signalling, among novel mechanisms that regulate pubertal timing in humans. Our findings suggest a genetic architecture involving at least hundreds of common variants in the coordinated timing of the pubertal transition

    Design and evaluation of a clinical competency committee

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    Introduction In postgraduate medical education, group decision-making has emerged as an essential too

    A genomic view on syntrophic versus non-syntrophic lifestyle in anaerobic fatty acid degrading communities

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    In sulfate-reducing and methanogenic environments complex biopolymers are hydrolyzed and degraded by fermentative micro-organisms that produce hydrogen, carbon dioxide and short chain fatty acids. Degradation of short chain fatty acids can be coupled to methanogenesis or to sulfate-reduction. Here we study from a genome perspective why some of these micro-organisms are able to grow in syntrophy with methanogens and others are not. Bacterial strains were selected based on genome availability and upon their ability to grow on short chain fatty acids alone or in syntrophic association with methanogens. Systematic functional domain profiling allowed us to shed light on this fundamental and ecologically important question. Extra-cytoplasmic formate dehydrogenases (InterPro domain number; IPR006443), including their maturation protein FdhE (IPR024064 and IPR006452) is a typical difference between syntrophic and non-syntrophic butyrate and propionate degraders. Furthermore, two domains with a currently unknown function seem to be associated with the ability of syntrophic growth. One is putatively involved in capsule or biofilm production (IPR019079) and a second in cell division, shape-determination or sporulation (IPR018365). The sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfobacterium autotrophicum HRM2, Desulfomonile tiedjei and Desulfosporosinus meridiei were never tested for syntrophic growth, but all crucial domains were found in their genomes, which suggests their possible ability to grow in syntrophic association with methanogens. In addition, profiling domains involved in electron transfer mechanisms revealed the important role of the Rnf-complex and the formate transporter in syntrophy, and indicate that DUF224 may have a role in electron transfer in bacteria other than Syntrophomonas wolfei as well. This article was invited for a Special Issue entitled: 18th European Bioenergetic Conference.This research was financed by grants of BE-Basic (project 7.2.3.), the Technology Foundation, the Applied Science Division (STW) (project 11603) and the Divisions CW and ALW (projects 700.55.343 and 819.02.014) of the Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO) and ERC (project 323009). Furthermore, this work was carried out on the Dutch national e-infrastructure with the support of

    Serological responses to prednisolone treatment in leprosy reactions: study of TNF-α, antibodies to phenolic glycolipid-1, lipoarabinomanan, ceramide and S100-B.

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    BACKGROUND: Corticosteroids have been extensively used in the treatment of immunological reactions and neuritis in leprosy. The present study evaluates the serological response to steroid treatment in leprosy reactions and neuritis. METHODS: Seven serological markers [TNF-α, antibodies to Phenolic glycolipid-1 (PGL-1 IgM and IgG), Lipoarabinomannan (LAM IgG1 and IgG3), C2-Ceramide and S100 B] were analyzed longitudinally in 72 leprosy patients before, during and after the reaction. At the onset of reaction these patients received a standard course of prednisolone. The levels of the above markers were measured by Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and compared with the individuals own value in the month prior to the reaction and presented as percentage increase. RESULTS: One month before the reaction individuals showed a varying increase in the level of different markers such as TNF-α (53%) and antibodies to Ceramide (53%), followed by to PGL-1 (51%), S100B (50%) and LAM (26%). The increase was significantly associated with clinical finding of nerve pain, tenderness and new nerve function impairment. After one month prednisolone therapy, there was a fall in the levels [TNF-α (60%), C2-Ceramide (54%), S100B (67%), PGL-1(47%) and LAM (52%)] with each marker responding differently to steroid. CONCLUSION: Reactions in leprosy are inflammatory processes wherein a rise in set of serological markers can be detected a month before the clinical onset of reaction, some of which remain elevated during their action and steroid treatment induces a variable fall in the levels, and this forms the basis for a variable individual response to steroid therapy

    2016 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of early arthritis

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    Objectives: Since the 2007 recommendations for the management of early arthritis have been presented, considerable research has been published in the field of early arthritis, mandating an update of the 2007 EULAR recommendations for management of early arthritis. Methods: In accordance with the 2014 EULAR Standardised Operating Procedures, the expert committee pursued an approach that was based on evidence in the literature and on expert opinion. The committee involved 20 rheumatologists, 2 patients and 1 health professional representing 12 European countries. The group defined the focus of the expert committee and target population, formulated a definition of “management” and selected the research questions. A systematic literature research (SLR) was performed by 2 fellows with the help of a skilled librarian. A set of draft recommendations was proposed on the basis of the research questions and the results of the SLR. For each recommendation the categories of evidence were identified, the strength of recommendations was derived and the level of agreement was determined through a voting process. Results: The updated recommendations comprise 3 overarching principles and 12 recommendations for managing early arthritis. The selected statements involve the recognition of arthritis, referral, diagnosis, prognostication, treatment (information, education, pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions), monitoring and strategy. Eighteen items were identified as relevant for future research. Conclusion: These recommendations provide rheumatologists, general practitioners, health professionals, patients and other stakeholders with an updated EULAR consensus on the entire management of early arthritis