66 research outputs found

    Utilisation de systèmes d'étiquettes pour la fonctionnalisation d'un biopolymère : applications à la livraison de gène

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    Utilisation de sysstèmes d'étiquettes pour la fonctionnalisation d'un biopolymère -- Applications à la livraison de gène -- Le chitosane et la chitine -- Bibliographie sur la modification du chitosane -- Tyrosianase-catalyzed synthesis of a universal coil-chitosan bioconjugate for protein immobilization -- Formation contrôllée de complexes polyélectrolytes chitosane/protéines par l'intermédiaire d'une étiquette électrostatique -- Introduction sur l'utilisation des propriétés polyélectrolytes du chitosane -- Techniques expérimentales -- Développement d'une méthode de séparation des nanoparticules ADN/chitosane -- Résultats et discussion -- perte de fluorescence du chitosane marqué à la rhodamine lors des expériences d'ultracentrifugation

    Non linear flux flow in TiN superconducting thin film

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    We have studied the superconducting behavior of 100 nm Titanium Nitride (TiN) thin film in a perpendicular magnetic field. We found a zero field transition temperature of 4.6 K and a slope in the H-T plane of -0.745 T/K. At 4.2 K, we have performed careful transport measurements by measuring both the differential resistivity and voltage as a function of a DC current. Our results are analyzed in the framework of linear and non linear flux flow behavior. In particular, we have observed an electronic instability at high vortex velocities and from its dependence with respect to the applied magnetic field, we can exctract the inelastic scattering time and diffusion length of the quasiparticles

    Stress response to trace elements mixture of different embryo-larval stages of Paracentrotus lividus

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    peer reviewedThis study investigated for the first time the oxidative biomarkers responses in all larval stages of sea urchin. The contamination effects were reproduced by using contaminated seawater to concentrations measured in the area adjacent to an old asbestos mine at factors of 5 and 10. The results suggested that the concentrations were not sufficiently high to induce a major oxidative stress. The biometric differences make this method a more sensitive approach for assessing the effects on sea urchin larvae. Measurements of specific activities of antioxidant enzymes at each stage suggested a high capacity of the larvae to respond to oxidative stress. This normal activity of the organism must be considered in future research. This work also highlighted the importance of spawners provenance in ecotoxicological studies. These data are essential to better understand the stress responses of sea urchin larvae and provide baseline information for later environmental assessment research

    Socio-Emotional Competencies and School Performance in Adolescence: What Role for School Adjustment?

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    There is growing evidence in the literature of positive relationships between socio-emotional competencies and school performance. Several hypotheses have been used to explain how these variables may be related to school performance. In this paper, we explored the role of various school adjustment variables in the relationship between interpersonal socio-emotional competencies and school grades, using a weighted network approach. This network approach allowed us to analyze the structure of interrelations between each variable, pointing to both central and mediatory school and socio-emotional variables within the network. Self-reported data from around 3,400 French vocational high school students were examined. This data included a set of interpersonal socio-emotional competencies (cognitive and affective empathy, socio-emotional behaviors and collective orientation), school adjustment measures (adaptation to the institution, school anxiety, self-regulation at school, and self-perceived competence at school) as well as grades in mathematics and French language. The results showed that self-regulation at school weighted the most strongly on the whole network, and was the most important mediatory pathway. More specifically, self-regulation mediated the relationships between interpersonal socio-emotional competencies and school grades

    Social and Non-social Brain Areas in Risk Behaviour: The Role of Social Context

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness through a grant awarded (PSI2016-80558-R to A.Catena) and a postdoctoral contract of the University of Granada (to S. Baltruschat) .The human brain contains social areas that become active when interacting with another human. These are located in the ventral prefrontal and mediodorsal cortices, adjacent to areas involved in reward processing and cognitive control. Human behaviour is strongly influenced by the social context. This is particularly evident when observing greater risk propensity in the presence of a peer, particularly during adolescence and emerging adulthood. We explored the widely held view that enhanced risk propensity is the consequence of weak cognitive control. We used brain activity, estimated from EEG recordings in a sample of 114 emerging adult dyads whilst performing a risk perception task, to predict risk behaviour in a subsequent driving simulation task. Being with a peer reduced the ability to discriminate riskiness in images of traffic scenes, biased responses towards the perception of no-risk, and increased the rate of accidents in the driving simulation. Risk perception involved three sets of clusters showing activity only when being with a peer, only when being alone, and in both social contexts. Functional connectivity between the clusters accounted for the later driving simulation performance depending on the peer’s presence. In the light of our findings, greater risk-taking, when a peer is present, seems to be triggered by the activation of a different, less efficient brain network for risk-processing.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness PSI2016-80558-RUniversity of Granad

    Revisiting the Effects of Gender Diversity in Small Groups on Divergent Thinking: A Large-Scale Study Using Synchronous Electronic Brainstorming

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    Numerous studies have examined the effects of gender diversity in groups on creative performance, and no clear effect has been identified. Findings depend on situational cues making gender diversity more or less salient in groups. A large-scale study on two cohorts (N = 2,261) was conducted among business students to examine the impact of the gender diversity in small groups on divergent thinking in an idea-generation task performed by synchronous electronic brainstorming. Participants were automatically randomized in three- or four-member groups to generate ideas during 10 min on a gendered or neutral task. Then, five categories of groups where the proportion of men/women in groups varied from three/four men to three/four women were compared to examine creative performance on three divergent thinking measures (fluency, flexibility, and originality). A Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Model (mGLMM) showed greater fluency in all-women groups than in other groups (except mixed-gender groups composed of two men and two women), and more specifically “solo” groups composed of a single woman/man among a majority of men/women. For flexibility and originality, the superiority of all-women groups was found only in comparison to “solo” groups composed of a single woman. As gender differences are more salient in “solo” groups than in other groups faultlines may appear in groups, leading to a deleterious impact on creative performance

    Modulation of learning by the presence of conspecifics : behavioral and electrophysiological study

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    À l’interface des neurosciences et de la psychologie sociale expérimentale, nos travaux explorent les bases neuronales de la « facilitation sociale » (effet facilitateur de la présence d’un congénère sur la performance) chez le singe à partir d'enregistrements électrophysiologiques unitaires dans le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral et dans le cortex cingulaire antérieur. L'analyse de l’activité de 342 neurones liée au codage des résultats de l’action (signaux d'erreur et de succès) révèle que, dans leur grande majorité, les neurones de ces deux structures expriment une sensibilité différenciée à la présence du congénère. Trois populations de neurones sont découvertes: des neurones dits « sociaux », dont la décharge est plus ample en présence du congénère qu’en son absence, des neurones dits « asociaux », avec un pattern de décharge inverse, et une population plus minoritaire dite « neutre », dont l’amplitude de décharge est la même dans ces deux conditions. Il apparaît que les relations entre le comportement et l'activité neuronale lors du codage des signaux d’erreur dépendent de la nature plus ou moins compatible des populations neuronales identifiées avec les contextes de performance eux-mêmes. Nos résultats indiquent une implication majeure des neurones sociaux dans les effets de facilitation sociale étudiés depuis un siècle dans plusieurs espèces animales et offrent un nouveau regard sur le cerveau social. Sans nier l’idée de régions entières spécialisées dans le traitement des informations sociales, nos travaux suggèrent que des populations neuronales dotées d’une sensibilité plus ou moins sociale coexistent et probablement interagissent à l’échelle du cerveau entier.At the interface of neuroscience and experimental social psychology, our work explores the neural bases of « social facilitation » (the facilitating effect of the presence of a conspecific on performance) in monkeys using single-unit electrophysiological recordings in the dorsolateral part of the prefrontal cortex (PFDL) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The analysis of the activity of 574 neurons coding for error signals and successes reveals that the vast majority of neurons in both structures express a differential sensitivity to social presence. Three populations of neurons are discovered : neurons called « social », exhibiting higher discharge rate in the presence of a conspecific than alone, neurons called « asocial », exhibiting a reverse discharge pattern, and neurons called « neutral », whose discharge magnitude is the same in both conditions. More importantly, it appears that the relationship between behavior and neural activity when encoding error feedback depends on whether the neuronal populations at stake are compatible or incompatible with the performance contexts themselves. Overall, our results indicate a major role of social neurons in social facilitation effects studied for a century in several animal species and offer a new look at the « social brain ». Without denying the idea of entire regions involved in the processing of social information, our work suggests that neuronal populations with varying degrees of social sensitivity actually coexist and probably interact across the whole brain