285 research outputs found

    Dinâmica do estoque de carbono como serviço ambiental prestado por um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Montana localizada no sul do estado do Paraná

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Carlos Roberto SanquettaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa: Curitiba, 15/02/2011Bibliografia: fls. 94-102Área de concentração : Manejo FlorestalO presente estudo teve como tema a dinâmica do carbono florestal como serviço ambiental prestado pela Floresta Ombrófila Mista Montana, uma vez que existe uma carência de informações sobre o assunto. O objetivo geral do estudo foi quantificar a dinâmica do estoque de carbono no componente arbóreo acima do solo, analisando a dinâmica da diversidade florística e dos índices fitossociológicos, além de propor uma discussão do papel das florestas enquanto sumidouros de carbono. Foram utilizados dados de inventário florestal contínuo advindos de quatro parcelas permanentes de um hectare cada, localizadas em General Carneiro - PR. O período de coleta desses dados iniciou em 1999 e foi concluído em 2009. Além disso, utilizou-se um mecanismo conhecido como REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), empregando-se um cenário de linha de base que engloba uma área de 4.000 ha, durante um período de 50 anos, com taxa histórica de desmatamento de 0,55 % para a Mata Atlântica. Os resultados obtidos na análise da composição florística mostraram que no ano de 1999 a floresta era composta de 50 espécies arbóreas, distribuídos em 24 famílias botânicas, ocorrendo um leve aumento do número de espécies após onze anos, ou seja, com 53 espécies pertencentes a 25 famílias botânicas, no ano 2009. O índice de diversidade de Shannon observado foi de 2,79 para 2,83, demonstrando nriquecimento na diversidade florística. A densidade absoluta em 1999 foi de 629,25 Ind. ha-1, alterando-se para 629,50 Ind. ha-1 em 2009, influenciada pelas taxas anuais médias de recrutamento (1,83%) e de mortalidade (1,97%). A dominância absoluta iniciou com 32,61 m².ha-1 em 1999, concluindo o estudo em 2009 com 33,94 m².ha-1, tendo um modesto incremento periódico anual (IPA) de 0,12 m².ha-1.ano-1. O estoque de carbono estimado para 1999 foi de 74,07 t.ha-1, finalizando em 2009 com 77,53 t.ha-1, com um IPA de 0,31 t.ha-1.ano-1, ou 1,15 t.ha-1.ano-1 de CO2eq. Dentre os grupos estudados o grupo das Araucárias apresentou um IPA de 0,76 t.ha-1.ano-1 de CO2eq., seguido pelo grupo das Canelas com 0,45 t.ha-1.ano-1 de CO2eq. Já o grupo denominado "Brancas" (outras espécies) teve um IPA de CO2eq. com valor negativo de 0,05 t.ha-1.ano-1. A espécie Araucaria angustifolia foi responsável por mais de 65% do IPA nos estoques de carbono. Por meio do projeto de REDD estimou-se uma compensação ambiental ao proprietário superior a cinco milhões de reais (US1,00=R 1,00 = R 1,72) durante todo o período do projeto, ou seja, mais de 100 mil reais por ano, pela conservação dos maciços florestais, uma vez que, durante o projeto, estimou-se que 319.745 t de CO2eq. deixaram de ser emitidas pelo desmatamento evitado. Concluiu-se neste que a floresta estudada, mesmo com um baixo incremento anual de carbono, representa um importante sumidouro de carbono. Assim, por meio da aplicação do projeto REDD, o estoque de carbono pode ser considerado como produto do serviço prestado pela floresta, possibilitando ao proprietário receber compensação por serviços ambientais, podendo conservar seus remanescentes florestais obtendo uma compensação financeira por isso.This research has a main scientific issue the dynamics of forest carbon stocks as an environmental service provided by the Montane Mixed-Araucaria Forest, once studies on this subject are scarce. Hence, the general objective of the study was to quantify the dynamics of the aboveground carbon stocks of the forest, analyzing the changes in floristic diversity, phytossiological indexes, as well as to discuss the role of forests as carbon sinks and the payment for environmental services. Data from continuous forest inventory carried out at four 1.00hecatre permanent plots located in General Carneiro county, Parana State, southern Brazil. The first measurement of the plots was done in 1999 and the last in 2009. Besides that, the so-called REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), using a baseline scenario for 4,000 hectares of Mixed-Araucaria Forest, for a period of 50 years and a deforestation rate of 0.55% for the Atlantic Rain Forest. The results showed the occurrence of 50 tree species at the first inventory in 1999, distributed over 24 botany families, and a slight increase in number after 11 years, reaching 53 species and 25 families in 2009. Shannon diversity index shifted from 2.79 to 2.83, indicating an enrichment in floristic diversity. Absolute density in 1999 was 32.61 m².ha-1 at the beginning of the study (1999) and 33.94 m².ha-1 at the end (2009), with a slight periodic annual increment (PAI) of 0.12 ².ha-1.year-1. The estimated carbon stock for 1999 was 74.07 t.ha-1, increasing in 2009 to 77.53 t.ha-1, with a PAI of 0.31 t.ha-1.year-1, i.e. 1.15 t.ha-1.year-1 CO2eq. Among the species groups, "Araucarias" showed a PAI of 0.76 t.ha-1.year-1 CO2eq., followed by "Canelas", with 0.45 t.ha-1.year-1 CO2eq. The group "Brancas" (other species) performed a negative CO2eq.PAI of 0.05 t.ha-1.year-1. Araucaria angustifolia shared over 65% of the PAI in carbon stocks. A hypothetical REDD project would provide an environmental compensation to the land owner estimated at over R5million(US 5 million (US 1.00 = R1.72)throughouttheprojectdurationperiod,i.e.,overR 1.72) throughout the project duration period, i.e., over R 100 thousands/year. The conservation of the forest stand would mean an avoided emission of 319,745 t CO2eq. It was concluded by this study that the forest studied, even though shows a low annual carbon growth, it represents and important carbon sink. Therefore, by applying it to a REDD project, the carbon stock would be maintained, representing an environmental service provided by the forest. It would give to the land owner the possibility to earn an extra-money to protect the forest and maintain their ecological services

    Complex inferential processes are needed for implicature comprehension, but not for implicature production

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    Upon hearing “Some of Michelangelo’s sculptures are in Rome”, adults can easily generate a scalar implicature and infer that the intended meaning of the utterance corresponds to “Some but not all Michelangelo’s sculptures are in Rome”. Comprehension experiments show that preschoolers struggle with this kind of inference until at least five years of age. Surprisingly, the few studies having investigated children’s production of scalar expressions like 'some' and 'all' suggest that production is adult-like already in their third year of life. Thus, children’s production of implicatures seems to develop at least two years before their comprehension of implicatures. In this paper, we present a novel account of scalar implicature generation in the framework of Bidirectional Optimality Theory: the Asymmetry Account. We show that the production-comprehension asymmetry is predicted to emerge because the comprehension of 'some' requires the hearer to consider the speaker’s perspective, but the production of 'some' does not require the speaker to consider the hearer’s perspective. Hence, children’s comprehension of scalar expressions, but not their production of scalar expressions, is predicted to be related to their theory of mind development. Not possessing fully developed theory of mind abilities yet, children thus have difficulty in comprehending scalar expressions such as 'some' in an adult-like way. Our account also explains why variable performance is found in experimental studies testing children’s ability to generate scalar implicatures; moreover, it describes the differences between children’s and adults’ implicature generation in terms of their ability to recursively apply theory of mind; finally, it sheds new light on the question why the interpretation of numerals does not require implicatures generation

    Pragmatics is not a monolithic phenomenon, and neither is theory of mind:Response to Kissine

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    In this commentary, we emphasize the importance of the observations presented by Kissine (2021) in his target article for our understanding of the nonmonolithic nature of pragmatics. Our first aim is to complement Kissine's argument, discussing some critical cases of linguistic processes that demonstrate the need for a finer-grained characterization of pragmatic phenomena. In addition, we report some findings that suggest that perspective taking may emerge as atypical even in autistic individuals who appear to be able to pass the standard theory-of-mind tasks. Our second aim is thus to argue that, albeit difficult to spot in experimental settings, the atypical theory-of-mind profile of low- and high-functioning autistic individuals is mirrored in their difficulties in everyday sociocommunicative interactions. Moreover, we claim that subtle differences in perspective-taking abilities may explain the highly heterogeneous linguistic profile of autistic individuals. Ultimately, with this commentary we wish to highlight the need for an increased appreciation of the role of perspective taking in typical and atypical language acquisition. This is crucial to our understanding of the nature of language acquisition, and can shed more light on the interaction between language and other aspects of human cognition

    Sinterização de cermets sob altas pressões

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