69 research outputs found

    Planck intermediate results. XXIII. Galactic plane emission components derived from Planck with ancillary data

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    Planck data when combined with ancillary data provide a unique opportunity to separate the diffuse emission components of the inner Galaxy. The purpose of the paper is to elucidate the morphology of the various emission components in the strong star-formation region lying inside the solar radius and to clarify the relationship between the various components. The region of the Galactic plane covered is l = 300\ub0 \u2192 0\ub0 \u2192 60\ub0 wherestar-formation is highest and the emission is strong enough to make meaningful component separation. The latitude widths in this longitude range lie between 1 and 2, which correspond to FWHM z-widths of 100-200 pc at a typical distance of 6 kpc. The four emission components studied here are synchrotron, free-free, anomalous microwave emission (AME), and thermal (vibrational) dust emission. These components are identified by constructing spectral energy distributions (SEDs) at positions along the Galactic plane using the wide frequency coverage of Planck (28.4-857GHz) in combination with low-frequency radio data at 0.408-2.3 GHz plus WMAP data at 23-94 GHz, along with far-infrared (FIR) data from COBE-DIRBE and IRAS. The free-free component is determined from radio recombination line (RRL) data. AME is found to be comparable in brightness to the free-free emission on the Galactic plane in the frequency range 20-40 GHz with a width in latitude similar to that of the thermal dust; it comprises 45 \ub1 1% of the total 28.4 GHz emission in the longitude range l = 300\ub0 \u2192 0\ub0 \u2192 60\ub0. The free-free component is the narrowest, reflecting the fact that it is produced by current star-formation as traced by the narrow distribution of OB stars. It is the dominant emission on the plane between 60 and 100 GHz. RRLs from this ionized gas are used to assess its distance, leading to a free-free z-width of FWHM 48 100 pc. The narrow synchrotron component has a low-frequency brightness spectral index \u3b2synch 48 -2.7 that is similar to the broad synchrotron component indicating that they are both populated by the cosmic ray electrons of the same spectral index. The width of this narrow synchrotron component is significantly larger than that of the other three components, suggesting that it is generated in an assembly of older supernova remnants that have expanded to sizes of order 150 pc in 3 7 105 yr; pulsars of a similar age have a similar spread in latitude. The thermal dust is identified in the SEDs with average parameters of Tdust = 20.4 \ub1 0.4 K, \u3b2FIR = 1.94 \ub1 0.03 (> 353 GHz), and \u3b2mm = 1.67 \ub1 0.02 (< 353 GHz). The latitude distributions of gamma-rays, CO, and the emission in high-frequency Planck bands have similar widths, showing that they are all indicators of the total gaseous matter on the plane in the inner Galaxy. \ua9 ESO, 2015

    Quelle formation en réanimation pour les étudiants du DESC de médecine d'urgence? (Bilan national à propos d'une promotion)

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    Introduction : Les étudiants en DESC-MU, crée en 2004, effectuent un stage de Réanimation-Soins Intensifs dont nous avons souhaité évaluer la qualité. Méthodes : Un formulaire électronique de 67 questions a été proposé à la promotion 2007-2009 nationale du DESC, portant sur le stage ainsi que sur les lacunes persistant à son issue. Nous avons calculé les distributions des variables recueillies et les corrélations retrouvées au moyen d'un test de 2 avec correction de Yates au besoin. Résultats : La participation est de 82,6%. 100% sont issus du DES de MG Encadrement et apprentissages sont très appréciés bien qu'1/4 seulement ait eu un maitre de stage spécifié, sensible aux objectifs pédagogiques du DESC. Plus de 50% pratiquent plus de 10 IOT, VVC et cathétérismes artériels. 72,7% étaient IMG pendant le stage mais effectuaient moins de gestes (IOT, prise en charge d'ACR, échographies ; p<0,05) qu'assistants ou FFI. 65% exercent en SMUR et déclarent plus de lacunes pratiques (p<0,05).Pour les 43% dont le stage était en CHU, on note davantage de moyens pédagogiques (p<0,05).Seuls 10% étaient en Soins Intensifs mais ont plus souvent des difficultés qu'à l'issue d'un service de Réanimation Polyvalente (p<0,05) Beaucoup réclament une amélioration de la communication entre les différents responsables hospitaliers et universitaires, surtout sur les objectifs du stage. Discussion : La qualité de la formation dispensée est plébiscitée, mais semble meilleure en post-internat et en service de Réanimation Polyvalente. Beaucoup l'estiment trop courte. Les médecins exerçant en SMUR pourraient bénéficier d'une formation complémentaire pratique spécifique. Une meilleure communication entre université et services est nécessaire, avec formalisation des objectifs pédagogiques au moyen d'un portfolio.TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Rupture de l'auricule droite lors d'un traumatisme fermé du thorax (à propos d'un cas et revue de la littérature )

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    L'étude du cas clinique d'un patient présentant une rupture d'auricule droite avec hémothorax lors d'un traumatisme fermé, en le comparant à l'étude des six autres cas de rupture atriale droite les plus récents ainisi qu'aux cas de rupture d'autres cavités cardiaques rapportés dans la littérature mondiale permet de proposer une innovation technique dans la réanimation pré opératoire d'un cas de traumatisme thoracique fermé avec hémothorax important : la prise en charge sera basée sur l'équilibre entre la levée de l'effet tamponnade de l'hémothorax par le drainage thoracique et le fait d'éviter le désamorçage par hypovolémie en clampant le drain thoracique dès l'effet tamponnade levé.ST QUENTIN EN YVELINES-BU (782972101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Explanation-Based Generalization of Infeasible Path

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    Abstract—Recent code-based test input generators based on dynamic symbolic execution increase path coverage by solving path condition with a constraint or an SMT solver. When the solver considers path condition produced from an infeasible path, it tries to show unsatisfiability, which is a useless timeconsuming process. In this paper, we propose a new method that takes opportunity of the detection of a single infeasible path to generalize to a (possibly infinite) family of infeasible paths, which will not have to be considered in further path conditions solving. The method exploits non-intrusive constraint-based explanations, a technique developed in Constraint Programming to explain unsatisfiability. Experimental results obtained with our prototype tool IPEG show that, whatever is the underlying constraint solving procedure (IC, Colibri and the SMT solver Z3), this approach can save considerable computational time. Index Terms—Dynamic symbolic execution; constraint-based explanation; test input generation I

    Une extension probabiliste pour Event-B

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    National audienc

    Introducing Probabilistic Reasoning within Event-B

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    International audienceEvent-B is a proof-based formal method used for discrete systems modelling. Several works have previously focused on the extension of Event-B for the description of probabilistic systems. In this paper, we propose an extension of Event-B that allows designing fully probabilistic systems as well as systems containing both probabilistic and non-deterministic choices. Compared to existing approaches which only focus on probabilistic assignments, our approach allows expressing probabilistic choices in all places where non-deterministic choices originally appear in a standard Event-B model: in the choice between enabled events, event-parameter values and in probabilistic assignments. Furthermore, we introduce novel and adapted proof-obligations for the consistency of such systems and introduce two key aspects to incremental design: probabilisation of existing events and refinement through the addition of new probabilistic events. In particular, we provide proof-obligations for the almost-certain convergence of a set of new events, which is a required property in order to prove standard refinement in this context. Finally, we propose a fully detailed case study, which we use throughout the paper to illustrate our new constructions

    Généralisation de chemins infaisables pour l'exécution symbolique

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    La vérification du logiciel est désormais incontournable de par l'ubiquité et la complexité des systèmes informatiques. Le test étant la pratique de vérification la plus courante, son automatisation est intéressante. L'exécution symbolique est une technique à la base de nombreux outils et méthodes de génération automatique de données de test. Inspectant le code des programmes, cette technique est sensible aux nombres de chemins infaisables, pour lesquels aucune donnée de test n'existe. Lorsque l'exécution symbolique rencontre un tel chemin, elle prouve le chemin infaisable ce qui est une perte de temps vis-à-vis de la génération de tests. Cette thèse présente une méthode de généralisation de chemins infaisables et son intégration à la génération de données de test. À partir d'un chemin infaisable découvert par exemple par la génération de données de test, cette méthode calcule une famille (potentiellement infinie) de chemins infaisables. Parce que les chemins infaisables sont souvent similaires, la méthode recherche la raison de l'infaisabilité du chemin considéré et trouve une famille de chemins dont l'infaisabilité découle de cette même raison. Cette méthode a été intégrée dans un processus de génération de tests, qui combine exécution symbolique et exécution concrète du programme sous test, appelé exécution symbolique dynamique. Un prototype a été développé pour évaluer cette approche expérimentalement. Cette évaluation indique que la généralisation déduit des chemins infaisables plus rapidement que l'exécution symbolique et que la génération de données de test est bien accélérée par cette méthode.Software verification is nowadays unavoidable due to the inherent ubiquity and complexity of current software systems. As testing is the primary mean of software verification, automating this task is important. Symbolic execution is the base of numerous tools and techniques to generate automatically test inputs. Symbolic execution inspects program code and, as such, is particularly sensitive to infeasible paths, for which no test input exists. When confronted to such a path, symbolic execution proves that the path is indeed infeasible. This is a waste of time for test input generation. This thesis presents a method to generalize infeasible paths and an integration of this method into test input generation. From a known infeasible path, this method computes a (possibly infinite) family of infeasible paths. Since infeasible paths are often similar, this method finds the reason a path is infeasible and infers a family of paths that are infeasible for the same reason. This method was integrated into a test input generation process that combines symbolic and concrete execution of the program under test, called dynamic symbolic execution. A prototype was developed to evaluate this approach experimentally. Experimental results show that generalization infers path infeasibility more efficiently than symbolic execution and that the speed of test input generation may be improved by this method.RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    MuTIL: Mutation-based Statistical Test Inputs Generation for Automatic Fault Localization

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    Session: Software TestingInternational audienceAutomatic Fault Localization (AFL) is a process to locate faults automatically in software programs. Essentially, an AFL method takes as input a set of test cases including failed test cases, and ranks the statements of a program from the most likely to the least likely to contain a fault. As a result, the efficiency of an AFL method depends on the "quality" of the test cases used to rank statements. More specifically, in order to improve the accuracy of their ranking within test budget constraints, we have to ensure that program statements are executed by a reasonably large number of test cases which provide a coverage as uniform as possible of the input domain. This paper proposes ÎĽTIL, a new statistical test inputs generation method dedicated to AFL, based on constraint solving and mutation testing. Using mutants where the locations of injected faults are known, ÎĽTIL is able to significantly reduce the length of an AFL test suite while retaining its accuracy (i.e., the code size to examine before spotting the fault). In order to address the motivations stated above, the statistical generator objectives are two-fold: 1) each feasible path of the program is activated with the same probability, 2) the sub domain associated to each feasible path is uniformly covered. Using several widely used ranking techniques (i.e., Tarantula, Jaccard, Ochiai), we show on a small but realistic program that a proof-of-concept implementation of ÎĽTIL can generate test sets with significantly better fault localization accuracy than both random testing and adaptive random testing. We also show on the same program that using mutation testing enables a 75% length reduction of the AFL test suite without decrease in accuracy
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