60 research outputs found

    The rooting issue for a lattice fermion formulation similar to staggered fermions but without taste mixing

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    To investigate the viability of the 4th root trick for the staggered fermion determinant in a simpler setting, we consider a two taste (flavor) lattice fermion formulation with no taste mixing but with exact taste-nonsinglet chiral symmetries analogous to the taste-nonsinglet U(1)AU(1)_A symmetry of staggered fermions. M. Creutz's objections to the rooting trick apply just as much in this setting. To counter them we show that the formulation has robust would-be zero-modes in topologically nontrivial gauge backgrounds, and that these manifest themselves in a viable way in the rooted fermion determinant and also in the disconnected piece of the pseudoscalar meson propagator as required to solve the U(1) problem. Also, our rooted theory is heuristically seen to be in the right universality class for QCD if the same is true for an unrooted mixed fermion action theory.Comment: 22 revtex pages, to appear in PRD. v4: correction in the relation of the 2-flavor theory to twisted mass fermion

    (Borel) convergence of the variationally improved mass expansion and the O(N) Gross-Neveu model mass gap

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    We reconsider in some detail a construction allowing (Borel) convergence of an alternative perturbative expansion, for specific physical quantities of asymptotically free models. The usual perturbative expansions (with an explicit mass dependence) are transmuted into expansions in 1/F, where F1/g(m)F \sim 1/g(m) for mΛm \gg \Lambda while F(m/Λ)αF \sim (m/\Lambda)^\alpha for m \lsim \Lambda, Λ\Lambda being the basic scale and α\alpha given by renormalization group coefficients. (Borel) convergence holds in a range of FF which corresponds to reach unambiguously the strong coupling infrared regime near m0m\to 0, which can define certain "non-perturbative" quantities, such as the mass gap, from a resummation of this alternative expansion. Convergence properties can be further improved, when combined with δ\delta expansion (variationally improved perturbation) methods. We illustrate these results by re-evaluating, from purely perturbative informations, the O(N) Gross-Neveu model mass gap, known for arbitrary NN from exact S matrix results. Comparing different levels of approximations that can be defined within our framework, we find reasonable agreement with the exact result.Comment: 33 pp., RevTeX4, 6 eps figures. Minor typos, notation and wording corrections, 2 references added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Large-order NSPT for lattice gauge theories with fermions:the plaquette in massless QCD

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    Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT) allows for perturbative computations in quantum field theory. We present an implementation of NSPT that yields results for high orders in the perturbative expansion of lattice gauge theories coupled to fermions. The zero-momentum mode is removed by imposing twisted boundary conditions; in turn, twisted boundary conditions require us to introduce a smell degree of freedom in order to include fermions in the fundamental representation. As a first application, we compute the critical mass of two flavours of Wilson fermions up to order O(β7)O(\beta^{-7}) in a SU(3){\mathrm{SU}}(3) gauge theory. We also implement, for the first time, staggered fermions in NSPT. The residual chiral symmetry of staggered fermions protects the theory from an additive mass renormalisation. We compute the perturbative expansion of the plaquette with two flavours of massless staggered fermions up to order O(β35)O(\beta^{-35}) in a SU(3){\mathrm{SU}}(3) gauge theory, and investigate the renormalon behaviour of such series. We are able to subtract the power divergence in the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) for the plaquette and estimate the gluon condensate in massless QCD. Our results confirm that NSPT provides a viable way to probe systematically the asymptotic behaviour of perturbative series in QCD and, eventually, gauge theories with fermions in higher representations.Comment: 49 pages, 28 figures. Revised version, to be published in EPJC. Some references added, typos corrected, and improved discussion on finite-volume effect

    A Genome Scan for Positive Selection in Thoroughbred Horses

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    Thoroughbred horses have been selected for exceptional racing performance resulting in system-wide structural and functional adaptations contributing to elite athletic phenotypes. Because selection has been recent and intense in a closed population that stems from a small number of founder animals Thoroughbreds represent a unique population within which to identify genomic contributions to exercise-related traits. Employing a population genetics-based hitchhiking mapping approach we performed a genome scan using 394 autosomal and X chromosome microsatellite loci and identified positively selected loci in the extreme tail-ends of the empirical distributions for (1) deviations from expected heterozygosity (Ewens-Watterson test) in Thoroughbred (n = 112) and (2) global differentiation among four geographically diverse horse populations (FST). We found positively selected genomic regions in Thoroughbred enriched for phosphoinositide-mediated signalling (3.2-fold enrichment; P<0.01), insulin receptor signalling (5.0-fold enrichment; P<0.01) and lipid transport (2.2-fold enrichment; P<0.05) genes. We found a significant overrepresentation of sarcoglycan complex (11.1-fold enrichment; P<0.05) and focal adhesion pathway (1.9-fold enrichment; P<0.01) genes highlighting the role for muscle strength and integrity in the Thoroughbred athletic phenotype. We report for the first time candidate athletic-performance genes within regions targeted by selection in Thoroughbred horses that are principally responsible for fatty acid oxidation, increased insulin sensitivity and muscle strength: ACSS1 (acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 1), ACTA1 (actin, alpha 1, skeletal muscle), ACTN2 (actinin, alpha 2), ADHFE1 (alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1), MTFR1 (mitochondrial fission regulator 1), PDK4 (pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isozyme 4) and TNC (tenascin C). Understanding the genetic basis for exercise adaptation will be crucial for the identification of genes within the complex molecular networks underlying obesity and its consequential pathologies, such as type 2 diabetes. Therefore, we propose Thoroughbred as a novel in vivo large animal model for understanding molecular protection against metabolic disease

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    This work is on the Physics of the B Factories. Part A of this book contains a brief description of the SLAC and KEK B Factories as well as their detectors, BaBar and Belle, and data taking related issues. Part B discusses tools and methods used by the experiments in order to obtain results. The results themselves can be found in Part C

    Lattice QCD and Particle Physics

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    Contribution from the USQCD Collaboration to the Proceedings of the US Community Study on the Future of Particle Physics (Snowmass 2021)

    The Physics of the B Factories

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