29 research outputs found

    Importance du couplage océan-atmosphÚre sur la sensibilité au réchauffement climatique - Impact sur les ouragans.

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    Ocean-atmosphere interactions are essential for tropical cyclones. The ocean provides the energy required to sustain tropical cyclones. The simulation of interactions between the ocean and tropical cyclones is therefore crucial and is the focus of this thesis.The first section introduces the rotated-stretched and coupled version of the general circulation model ARPEGE-Climate, developed for this thesis. This rotated-stretched version achieves a spatial resolution between 60 and 100 km over the North Atlantic basin, resolution required to study tropical cyclones. The coupling of ARPEGE-Climate with oceanic general circulation model NEMO has also allowed taking in consideration ocean-atmosphere of tropical cyclones. Two types of simulations are performed, on the one hand coupled simulations and on the other hand simulations with prescribed sea surface temperatures from the coupled simulation.The second section focuses on the ability of general circulation models from the Intercomparison program, TC-MIP, to represent tropical cyclone activity and its precursors on the main development region of the North Atlantic Ocean. General circulation models have strong difficulties to represent tropical cyclone activity in this region, certainly related to their low spatial resolution, between 1° and 2.5°. Although, the following precursors of tropical cyclone activity have been identified in this region :‱ African easterly waves activity,‱ Sahelian rainfall and especially those that occurs over the Fouta-Djallon, 11 ° N,‱sea surface temperatures and vertical wind shear horizontal on the main development region,‱ tropospheric humidity over the African west coast.The third section of the thesis presents sensitivity tests that were performed on ARPEGE-Climate rotated-stretched and coupled with NEMO. These tests show the importance of the stretching pole position, the setting of the convection scheme parameters and the coupling frequency.In the fourth section, the configurations of ARPEGE-Climate coupled and forced are compared to assess the impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling on tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic basin. It appears that the coupling :‱ modifies the geographical distribution of cyclone activity over the North Atlantic basin;‱modifies the activity of African easterly waves, which in turn affects cyclone activity over the main development region;‱changes the seasonal cycle of tropical cyclone activity over the main development region, and thus on the entire North Atlantic basin.This section also presents the similarities and differences of the sensitivity to global warming of forced and coupled simulations. Both configurations present :‱ an overall decrease, although small, of tropical cyclone activity over the North Atlantic basin,‱ a decrease in tropical cyclone activity in the southern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea,‱ an increase of tropical cyclone activity in the Sargasso Sea,‱ an intensification of tropical cyclones in terms of pressure and maximum wind,‱ an increase in tropical cyclonic precipitations.The coupled and forced simulations also show some differences, especially regarding the evolution of the distribution of cyclone activity in the Sargasso Sea or the main development region. Another important difference is the nature of tropical cyclone in the future climate. The coupled configuration shows much greater differences on the changes of nature of tropical cyclones.Les interactions ocĂ©an-atmosphĂšre sont primordiales pour les cyclones tropicaux. L’ocĂ©an fourni aux cyclones tropicaux l’énergie thermique nĂ©cessaire a leur maintient. La simulation des interactions entre l’ocĂ©an et les cyclones tropicaux est donc cruciale et constitue le point central de cette thĂšse.La premiĂšre partie prĂ©sente la version basculĂ©e-Ă©tirĂ©e et couplĂ©e du modĂšle de circulation gĂ©nĂ©rale ARPEGE-Climat, dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour cette thĂšse. Cette version basculĂ©e-Ă©tirĂ©e sur le bassin Nord Atlantique permet d’atteindre une rĂ©solution spatiale comprise entre 60 et 100 km sur cette rĂ©gion, rĂ©solution nĂ©cessaire quand on souhaite Ă©tudier les cyclones tropicaux. Le couplage d’ARPEGE-Climat avec le modĂšle de circulation gĂ©nĂ©ral ocĂ©anique NEMO a de plus permis la prise en compte des interactions ocĂ©an-atmosphĂšre prĂ©sentes dans les cyclones tropicaux. Deux types de simulations ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es, d’une part des simulations couplĂ©es et d’autre part des simulations forcĂ©es par les tempĂ©ratures de surface de la mer de la configuration couplĂ©e.La seconde partie s’intĂ©resse Ă  la capacitĂ© des modĂšles de circulation gĂ©nĂ©rale du programme d’intercomparaison TC-MIP Ă  reprĂ©senter l’activitĂ© cyclonique et ses prĂ©curseurs sur la rĂ©gion principale de dĂ©veloppement (Main Development Region en anglais) de l’ocĂ©an Atlantique Nord. Les modĂšles de circulation gĂ©nĂ©rale Ă©prouvent de rĂ©elles difficultĂ©s Ă  reprĂ©senter les cyclones tropicaux dans cette rĂ©gion, certainement en partie Ă  cause de leur faible rĂ©solution spatiale, comprise entre 1° et 2.5°. Des prĂ©curseurs de l’activitĂ© cyclonique sur la main development region ont tout de mĂȘme pu ĂȘtre identifiĂ©s. Ainsi, on trouve : ‱ l’activitĂ© des ondes d’est Africaines,‱ les prĂ©cipitations sahĂ©liennes et plus particuliĂšrement celles qui se produisent sur le Fouta-Djallon, Ă  11°N, ‱ les tempĂ©ratures de surface de la mer et le cisaillement vertical du vent horizontal sur la main development region,‱ l’humiditĂ© troposphĂ©rique au niveau des cĂŽtes ouest Africaines.Dans la troisiĂšme partie de la thĂšse, des tests de sensibilitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s sur ARPEGE-Climat basculĂ©-Ă©tirĂ© et couplĂ© avec NEMO. Ces tests montrent l’importance de la position du pĂŽle d’étirement, du rĂ©glage des paramĂštres du schĂ©ma de convection et de la frĂ©quence de couplage. Dans la quatriĂšme partie de cette thĂšse, les configurations couplĂ©e et forcĂ©e d’ARPEGE-Climat sont comparĂ©es afin d’évaluer l’impact du couplage ocĂ©an-atmosphĂšre sur l’activitĂ© cyclonique dans le bassin Nord Atlantique. Il apparaĂźt que le couplage :‱modifie la distribution gĂ©ographique de l’activitĂ© cyclonique sur le bassin Nord Atlantique ;‱modifie l’activitĂ© des ondes d’est Africaines, qui elle-mĂȘme influe sur l’activitĂ© cyclonique sur la main development region ;‱modifie le cycle saisonnier de l’activitĂ© cyclonique sur la main development region et, par consĂ©quent, sur la totalitĂ© du bassin Nord Atlantique.Cette derniĂšre partie prĂ©sente aussi les points communs et les diffĂ©rences de sensibilitĂ© au rĂ©chauffement climatique des configurations couplĂ©e et forcĂ©e. Les deux configurations prĂ©sentent :‱une diminution gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e, bien que faible, de l’activitĂ© cyclonique sur le bassin Nord Atlantique,‱une diminution de l’activitĂ© cyclonique sur le sud du Golfe du Mexique et la mer des CaraĂŻbes,‱une augmentation de l’activitĂ© sur la mer des Sargasses,‱une intensification des cyclones tropicaux en termes de pression et de vent maximum,‱une augmentation des pluies cycloniques.Les configurations couplĂ©e et forcĂ©e prĂ©sentent aussi certaines diffĂ©rences, notamment en ce qui concerne l’évolution de la distribution de l’activitĂ© cyclonique sur la mer des Sargasses ou sur la main development region. Un autre point important est la diffĂ©rence de nature des cyclones tropicaux dans le futur. La configuration couplĂ©e montre des diffĂ©rences beaucoup plus marquĂ©es dans les changements de nature des cyclones tropicaux

    Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 2: The role of changing vegetation

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    International audienceAbstract. Land cover in sub-polar and alpine regions of northern and eastern Europe have already begun changing due to natural and anthropogenic changes such as afforestation. This will impact the regional climate and hydrology upon which societies in these regions are highly reliant. This study aims to identify the impacts of afforestation/reforestation (hereafter afforestation) on snow and the snow-albedo effect and highlight potential improvements for future model development. The study uses an ensemble of nine regional climate models for two different idealised experiments covering a 30-year period; one experiment replaces most land cover in Europe with forest, while the other experiment replaces all forested areas with grass. The ensemble consists of nine regional climate models composed of different combinations of five regional atmospheric models and six land surface models. Results show that afforestation reduces the snow-albedo sensitivity index and enhances snowmelt. While the direction of change is robustly modelled, there is still uncertainty in the magnitude of change. The greatest differences between models emerge in the snowmelt season. One regional climate model uses different land surface models which shows consistent changes between the three simulations during the accumulation period but differs in the snowmelt season. Together these results point to the need for further model development in representing both grass–snow and forest–snow interactions during the snowmelt season. Pathways to accomplishing this include (1) a more sophisticated representation of forest structure, (2) kilometre-scale simulations, and (3) more observational studies on vegetation–snow interactions in northern Europe

    Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 2: The role of changing vegetation

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    Land cover in sub-polar and alpine regions of northern and eastern Europe have already begun changing due to natural and anthropogenic changes such as afforestation. This will impact the regional climate and hydrology upon which societies in these regions are highly reliant. This study aims to identify the impacts of afforestation/reforestation (hereafter afforestation) on snow and the snow-albedo effect and highlight potential improvements for future model development. The study uses an ensemble of nine regional climate models for two different idealised experiments covering a 30-year period; one experiment replaces most land cover in Europe with forest, while the other experiment replaces all forested areas with grass. The ensemble consists of nine regional climate models composed of different combinations of five regional atmospheric models and six land surface models. Results show that afforestation reduces the snow-albedo sensitivity index and enhances snowmelt. While the direction of change is robustly modelled, there is still uncertainty in the magnitude of change. The greatest differences between models emerge in the snowmelt season. One regional climate model uses different land surface models which shows consistent changes between the three simulations during the accumulation period but differs in the snowmelt season. Together these results point to the need for further model development in representing both grass–snow and forest–snow interactions during the snowmelt season. Pathways to accomplishing this include (1) a more sophisticated representation of forest structure, (2) kilometre-scale simulations, and (3) more observational studies on vegetation–snow interactions in northern Europe

    Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX flagship pilot study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 1: Evaluation of the snow-albedo effect

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    Seasonal snow cover plays a major role in the climate system of the Northern Hemisphere via its effect on land surface albedo and fluxes. In climate models the parameterization of interactions between snow and atmosphere remains a source of uncertainty and biases in the representation of local and global climate. Here, we evaluate the ability of an ensemble of regional climate models (RCMs) coupled with different land surface models to simulate snow–atmosphere interactions over Europe in winter and spring. We use a previously defined index, the snow-albedo sensitivity index (SASI), to quantify the radiative forcing associated with snow cover anomalies. By comparing RCM-derived SASI values with SASI calculated from reanalyses and satellite retrievals, we show that an accurate simulation of snow cover is essential for correctly reproducing the observed forcing over middle and high latitudes in Europe. The choice of parameterizations, and primarily the choice of the land surface model, strongly influences the representation of SASI as it affects the ability of climate models to simulate snow cover accurately. The degree of agreement between the datasets differs between the accumulation and ablation periods, with the latter one presenting the greatest challenge for the RCMs. Given the dominant role of land surface processes in the simulation of snow cover during the ablation period, the results suggest that, during this time period, the choice of the land surface model is more critical for the representation of SASI than the atmospheric model

    Hurricanes and Climate: the U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Hurricanes

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    While a quantitative climate theory of tropical cyclone formation remains elusive, considerable progress has been made recently in our ability to simulate tropical cyclone climatologies and understand the relationship between climate and tropical cyclone formation. Climate models are now able to simulate a realistic rate of global tropical cyclone formation, although simulation of the Atlantic tropical cyclone climatology remains challenging unless horizontal resolutions finer than 50 km are employed. The idealized experiments of the Hurricane Working Group of U.S. CLIVAR, combined with results from other model simulations, have suggested relationships between tropical cyclone formation rates and climate variables such as mid-tropospheric vertical velocity. Systematic differences are shown between experiments in which only sea surface temperature is increases versus experiments where only atmospheric carbon dioxide is increased, with the carbon dioxide experiments more likely to demonstrate a decrease in numbers. Further experiments are proposed that may improve our understanding of the relationship between climate and tropical cyclone formation, including experiments with two-way interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere and variations in atmospheric aerosols

    A decentralized approach to model national and global food and land use systems

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    The achievement of several sustainable development goals and the Paris Climate Agreement depends on rapid progress towards sustainable food and land systems in all countries. We have built a flexible, collaborative modeling framework to foster the development of national pathways by local research teams and their integration up to global scale. Local researchers independently customize national models to explore mid-century pathways of the food and land use system transformation in collaboration with stakeholders. An online platform connects the national models, iteratively balances global exports and imports, and aggregates results to the global level. Our results show that actions toward greater sustainability in countries could sum up to 1 Mha net forest gain per year, 950 Mha net gain in the land where natural processes predominate, and an increased CO2 sink of 3.7 GtCO2e yr−1 over the period 2020-2050 compared to current trends, while average food consumption per capita remains above the adequate food requirements in all countries. We show examples of how the global linkage impacts national results and how different assumptions in national pathways impact global results. This modeling setup acknowledges the broad heterogeneity of socio-ecological contexts and the fact that people who live in these different contexts should be empowered to design the future they want. But it also demonstrates to local decision-makers the interconnectedness of our food and land use system and the urgent need for more collaboration to converge local and global priorities.Fil: Mosnier, Aline. Sustainable Development Solutions Network; FranciaFil: Javalera Rincon, Valeria. International Institute For Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg; AustriaFil: Jones, Sarah K. Alliance of Bioversity International; FranciaFil: Andrew, Robbie. Center for International Climate Research; NoruegaFil: Bai, Zhaohai. Chinese Academy of Sciences; RepĂșblica de ChinaFil: Baker, Justin. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Basnet, Shyam. Stockholm Resilience Centre; SueciaFil: Boer, Rizaldi. Bogor Agricultural University; IndonesiaFil: Chavarro, John. Geo-agro-environmental Sciences And Resources Research Center; ColombiaFil: Costa, Wanderson. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos ClimĂĄticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Daloz, Anne Sophie. Center for International Climate Research; NoruegaFil: DeClerck, Fabrice A.. Alliance of Bioversity International; Francia. Stockholm Resilience Centre; SueciaFil: Diaz, Maria. Sustainable Development Solutions Network; FranciaFil: Douzal, Clara. Sustainable Development Solutions Network; FranciaFil: Howe Fan, Andrew Chiah. Sunway University; MalasiaFil: Fetzer, Ingo. Stockholm Resilience Centre; SueciaFil: Frank, Federico. Instituto Nacional de TecnologĂ­a Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez Abraham, Charlotte E.. University of California at San Diego; Estados UnidosFil: Habiburrachman, A. H. F.. Universitas Indonesia; IndonesiaFil: Immanuel, Gito. Stockholm Resilience Centre; SueciaFil: Harrison, Paula A.. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Reino UnidoFil: Imanirareba, Dative. Uganda Martyrs University; UgandaFil: Jha, Chandan. Indian Institute Of Management Ahmedabad; IndiaFil: Monjeau, Jorge Adrian. FundaciĂłn Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Vittis, Yiorgos. International Institute For Applied Systems Analysis; AustriaFil: Wade, Chris. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Winarni, Nurul L.. Universitas Indonesia; IndonesiaFil: Woldeyes, Firew Bekele. Ethiopian Development Research Institute; EtiopĂ­aFil: Wu, Grace C.. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Zerriffi, Hisham. University of British Columbia; Canad

    Challenges in assessing and managing multi-hazard risks: a European stakeholders perspective

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    The latest evidence suggests that multi-hazards and their interrelationships (e.g., triggering, compound, and consecutive hazards) are becoming more frequent across Europe, underlying a need for resilience building by moving from single-hazard-focused to multi-hazard risk assessment and management. Although significant advancements were made in our understanding of these events, mainstream practice is still focused on risks due to single hazards (e.g., flooding, earthquakes, droughts), with a limited understanding of the stakeholder needs on the ground. To overcome this limitation, this paper sets out to understand the challenges for moving towards multi-hazard risk management through the perspective of European stakeholders. Based on five workshops across different European pilots (Danube Region, Veneto Region, Scandinavia, North Sea, and Canary Islands) and an expert workshop, we identify five prime challenges: i) governance, ii) knowledge of multi-hazards and multi-risks, iii) existing approaches to disaster risk management, iv) translation of science to policy and practice, and v) lack of data. These challenges are inherently linked and cannot be tackled in isolation with path dependency posing a significant hurdle in transitioning from single- to multi-hazard risk management. Going forward, we identify promising approaches for overcoming some of the challenges, including emerging approaches for multi-hazard characterisation, a common understanding of terminology, and a comprehensive framework for guiding multi-hazard risk assessment and management. We argue for a need to think beyond natural hazards and include other threats in creating a comprehensive overview of multi-hazard risks, as well as promoting thinking of multi-hazard risk reduction in the context of larger development goals

    D1.2 Handbook of multi-hazard, multi-risk definitions and concepts

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    This report is the first output of Work Package 1: Diagnosis of the MYRIAD-EU project: Handbook of Multi-hazard, Multi-Risk Definitions and Concepts. The aim of the task was to (i) acknowledge the differences and promote consistency in understanding across subsequent work packages in the MYRIAD-EU project, (ii) improve the accessibility of our work to a broad array of stakeholders and (iii) strengthen consensus across the hazard and risk community through a common understanding of multi-hazard, multi-risk terminology and concepts. The work encompassed a mixed-methods approach, including internal consultations and data-generating exercises; literature reviews; external stakeholder engagement; adopting and building on a rich existing body of established glossaries. 140 terms are included in the glossary, 102 related to multi-hazard, multi-risk, disaster risk management and an additional 38 due to their relevance to the project, acknowledging the need for a common understanding amongst an interdisciplinary project consortium. We also include extended definitions related to concepts particularly of relevance to this project deliverable, including ‘multi-hazard’, ‘hazard interrelationships’, ‘multi-risk’ and ‘direct and indirect loss and risk’. Underpinned by a literature review and internal consultation, we include a specific section on indicators, how these might be applied within a multi-hazard and multi-risk context, and how existing indicators could be adapted to consider multi-risk management. We emphasise that there are a number of established glossaries that the project (and risk community) should make use of to strengthen the impact of the work we do, noting in our literature review a tendency in papers and reports to define words afresh. We conclude the report with a selection of key observations, including terminology matters – for all aspects of disaster risk management, for example communication, data collection, measuring progress and reporting against Sendai Framework targets. At the same time, we discuss when is it helpful to include ‘multi-‘ as a prefix, questioning whether part of the paradigm shift needed to successfully address complex challenges facing an interconnected world is through inherently seeing vulnerability, exposure and disaster risk through the lens of multiple, interrelated hazards. We emphasise that there is likely to be an evolution of the terminology throughout the project lifetime as terms are emerge or shift as the project evolves. Finally, we propose a roadmap for developing and testing draft multi-risk indicators in MYRIAD-EU. The WP1 team would like to acknowledge all the contributions of the consortium on this task and the feedback from the External Advisory Board, in particular the chair of the board Virginia Murray, Head of Global Disaster Risk Reduction at the UK Health Security Agency, and the contribution of Jenty Kirsch-Wood, Head of Global Risk Management and Reporting at UNDRR, for her reflections on the findings of this work