11 research outputs found

    Multimode solutions of first-order elliptic quasilinear systems obtained from Riemann invariants

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    Two new approaches to solving first-order quasilinear elliptic systems of PDEs in many dimensions are proposed. The first method is based on an analysis of multimode solutions expressible in terms of Riemann invariants, based on links between two techniques, that of the symmetry reduction method and of the generalized method of characteristics. A variant of the conditional symmetry method for constructing this type of solution is proposed. A specific feature of that approach is an algebraic-geometric point of view, which allows the introduction of specific first-order side conditions consistent with the original system of PDEs, leading to a generalization of the Riemann invariant method for solving elliptic homogeneous systems of PDEs. A further generalization of the Riemann invariants method to the case of inhomogeneous systems, based on the introduction of specific rotation matrices, enables us to weaken the integrability condition. It allows us to establish a connection between the structure of the set of integral elements and the possibility of constructing specific classes of simple mode solutions. These theoretical considerations are illustrated by the examples of an ideal plastic flow in its elliptic region and a system describing a nonlinear interaction of waves and particles. Several new classes of solutions are obtained in explicit form, including the general integral for the latter system of equations

    Superscaling of Inclusive Electron Scattering from Nuclei

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    We investigate the degree to which the concept of superscaling, initially developed within the framework of the relativistic Fermi gas model, applies to inclusive electron scattering from nuclei. We find that data obtained from the low energy loss side of the quasielastic peak exhibit the superscaling property, i.e., the scaling functions f(\psi') are not only independent of momentum transfer (the usual type of scaling: scaling of the first kind), but coincide for A \geq 4 when plotted versus a dimensionless scaling variable \psi' (scaling of the second kind). We use this behavior to study as yet poorly understood properties of the inclusive response at large electron energy loss.Comment: 33 pages, 12 color EPS figures, LaTeX2e using BoxedEPSF macros; email to [email protected]

    Experimental and Theoretical Challenges in the Search for the Quark Gluon Plasma: The STAR Collaboration's Critical Assessment of the Evidence from RHIC Collisions

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    We review the most important experimental results from the first three years of nucleus-nucleus collision studies at RHIC, with emphasis on results from the STAR experiment, and we assess their interpretation and comparison to theory. The theory-experiment comparison suggests that central Au+Au collisions at RHIC produce dense, rapidly thermalizing matter characterized by: (1) initial energy densities above the critical values predicted by lattice QCD for establishment of a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP); (2) nearly ideal fluid flow, marked by constituent interactions of very short mean free path, established most probably at a stage preceding hadron formation; and (3) opacity to jets. Many of the observations are consistent with models incorporating QGP formation in the early collision stages, and have not found ready explanation in a hadronic framework. However, the measurements themselves do not yet establish unequivocal evidence for a transition to this new form of matter. The theoretical treatment of the collision evolution, despite impressive successes, invokes a suite of distinct models, degrees of freedom and assumptions of as yet unknown quantitative consequence. We pose a set of important open questions, and suggest additional measurements, at least some of which should be addressed in order to establish a compelling basis to conclude definitively that thermalized, deconfined quark-gluon matter has been produced at RHIC.Comment: 101 pages, 37 figures; revised version to Nucl. Phys.

    Physics with the KLOE-2 experiment at the upgraded DAϕ\phiNE

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    Investigation at a ϕ\phi--factory can shed light on several debated issues in particle physics. We discuss: i) recent theoretical development and experimental progress in kaon physics relevant for the Standard Model tests in the flavor sector, ii) the sensitivity we can reach in probing CPT and Quantum Mechanics from time evolution of entangled kaon states, iii) the interest for improving on the present measurements of non-leptonic and radiative decays of kaons and eta/eta^\prime mesons, iv) the contribution to understand the nature of light scalar mesons, and v) the opportunity to search for narrow di-lepton resonances suggested by recent models proposing a hidden dark-matter sector. We also report on the e+ee^+ e^- physics in the continuum with the measurements of (multi)hadronic cross sections and the study of gamma gamma processes.Comment: 60 pages, 41 figures; added affiliation for one of the authors; added reference to section

    Materials to the knowledge of molluscs of Wielkopolska (West Central Poland) IV: Families: Neritidae, Viviparidae, Thiaridae, Bithyniidae, Hydrobiidae and Valvatidae

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    The paper presents data on 13 freshwater snail species: Theodoxus fluviatilis, Viviparus contectus, V. viviparus, Melanoides tuberculata, Bithynia tentaculata, B. leachii, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Lithoglyphus naticoides, Marstoniopsis insubrica, Valvata cristata, V. pulchella, V. piscinalis and Borysthenia naticina, recorded over the last fifty years in the Wielkopolska district (W. Poland). Their distribution is shown on UTM/MGRS grid maps, and habitat information is provided. Among the discussed species, B. tentaculata (447 sites) and V. contectus (210 sites) are the most frequent in the region. Two alien species – M. tuberculata (two sites) and L. naticoides (seven sites) and the native B. naticina, recorded from five sites, are the least frequent