105 research outputs found

    Acolhimento ao usuário na ESF

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo, analisar o acolhimento realizado na unidade de saúde Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica integrativa, em que os dados foram coletados na base de dados virtuais Scielo, foram utilizados artigos nacionais dos últimos dez anos. A análise e interpretação dos dados foram realizadas através da técnica de análise de Bardin (2011).Os resultados apontam que o acolhimento na ESF envolve escuta, a corresponsabilização, reformulação de rigidez dos serviços, vínculo, identificação das necessidades individuais, organização dos serviços na perspectiva do SUS, transversalização das ações no SUS. Além disso, inclui humanização do serviço de saúde, resolutividade, contato não programado, comunicação adequada, postura ética e reavaliação permanente. Como dificuldades na realização do acolhimento na ESF, foram encontradas: demanda excessiva, sobrecarga dos profissionais, problemas estruturais, compreensão pelos profissionais, acolhimento como triagem. Entende-se que o acolhimento pode ser considerado pilar da humanização do cuidado, possibilitando vínculo e resolutividade nas ações de cuidado na ESF

    Charge effect on the photoinactivation of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria by cationic meso-substituted porphyrins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent times photodynamic antimicrobial therapy has been used to efficiently destroy Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria using cationic porphyrins as photosensitizers. There is an increasing interest in this approach, namely in the search of photosensitizers with adequate structural features for an efficient photoinactivation process. In this study we propose to compare the efficiency of seven cationic porphyrins differing in <it>meso</it>-substituent groups, charge number and charge distribution, on the photodynamic inactivation of a Gram (+) bacterium (<it>Enterococcus faecalis</it>) and of a Gram (-) bacterium (<it>Escherichia coli</it>). The present study complements our previous work on the search for photosensitizers that might be considered good candidates for the photoinactivation of a large spectrum of environmental microorganisms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Bacterial suspension (10<sup>7 </sup>CFU mL<sup>-1</sup>) treated with different photosensitizers concentrations (0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 μM) were exposed to white light (40 W m<sup>-2</sup>) for a total light dose of 64.8 J cm<sup>-2</sup>. The most effective photosensitizers against both bacterial strains were the Tri-Py<sup>+</sup>-Me-PF and Tri-Py<sup>+</sup>-Me-CO<sub>2</sub>Me at 5.0 μM with a light fluence of 64.8 J cm<sup>-2</sup>, leading to > 7.0 log (> 99,999%) of photoinactivation. The tetracationic porphyrin also proved to be a good photosensitizer against both bacterial strains. Both di-cationic and the monocationic porphyrins were the least effective ones.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The number of positive charges, the charge distribution in the porphyrins' structure and the <it>meso</it>-substituent groups seem to have different effects on the photoinactivation of both bacteria. As the Tri-Py<sup>+</sup>-Me-PF porphyrin provides the highest log reduction using lower light doses, this photosensitizer can efficiently photoinactivate a large spectrum of environmental bacteria. The complete inactivation of both bacterial strains with low light fluence (40 W m<sup>-2</sup>) means that the photodynamic approach can be applied to wastewater treatment under natural light conditions which makes this technology cheap and feasible in terms of the light source.</p


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    This paper presents reflections on ethical dilemmas in the corporate world through a teaching case. It narrates the situation of the new Events Coordinator of a hotel located in the Copacabana neighborhood in the city of Rio de Janeiro – RJ; he was promoted and presented a behavior outside the standards defined by the Hotel Enterprise Conduct Standards. The purpose of this teaching case is to practice experienced situations that may occur in lodging facilities and to encourage the discussion of conflict resolution strategies, bringing to the academic environment a situation in which a hotel coordinator is directly involved. Thus, a discussion is proposed to enable the emergence of strategic ideas that can be used in resolving the situation revealed keeping the students connected and in tune with market situations and needs experienced in occupations in the hotel segment. The interdisciplinary conception of the use of teaching cases in the development of higher education courses in tourism and hospitality contributes to the quality differential in the educational offer. It is suggested, as a research agenda, that future investigations seek to identify and problematize dimensions associated with ethical dilemmas in the hospitality industry. It also contributes to studies on the relationship between ethics and hospitality. At the end of this study, it was suggested that the dissemination of teaching cases in the hotel industry should be expanded, given the scarcity of Brazilian studies on this theme

    In memoriam: José Marques (1937-2021), Maria Filomena Barros (1958-2021), Helena Avelar (1964-2021)

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    Houve demasiadas mortes em dias assim. No último ano, em dois números sucessivos da Medievalista, demos notícia do desaparecimento de três historiadores europeus: Francis Rapp e Michel Parisse, em Julho de 2020, Peter Linehan, já em Janeiro deste ano, todos com obra notável e que marcaram, por razões diversas, diferentes gerações de investigadores. As perdas, infelizmente, não ficaram por aí. Nos últimos meses, a lista de falecimentos parecia não ter fim, levando historiadores em diferentes fases das suas vidas, uns mais conhecidos e consagrados, outros em plena maturidade intelectual. Dia após dia, como se em todos fosse preciso recordar que o historiador morreu, desapareceram muitos dos que dedicaram a vida a esclarecer os assuntos do passado. Nomes em demasia, como os de Francesco Espósito, de Luís Espinha da Silveira, deAntónio Silva Pereira, deJosé Marques, de Maria Filomena Barros, de Francisco Contente Domingues e de Helena Avelar, ou de Pierre Guichard e de Pedro Laíns, estes dois já bem mais perto de nós

    Locke's legacy

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    A organização de um colóquio em torno da “herança de Locke” foi uma ideia que nasceu no Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa, no âmbito do núcleo de investigação dedicado aos estudos de cultura inglesa. Vários textos de Locke são regularmente incluídos nos programas de graduação e de pósgraduação em Estudos Anglísticos, além de objecto de estudo especializado no Centro de Estudos Anglísticos. Assim, fazia todo o sentido comemorar, no ano de 2004, a passagem de mais um centenário sobre a morte de Locke, e celebrar a vitalidade da sua obra ao longo de três séculos reunindo especialistas que, publicamente, apresentassem e discutissem aspectos dessa obra que continuam activos no presente. O volume que agora se publica reúne as comunicações apresentadas em Janeiro de 2004. A variedade dos temas abordados e a manifesta relevância de que se revestem para o estudo da modernidade demonstram que a herança de Locke continua a produzir riqueza, e que constitui património cultural a ser herdado por novas gerações.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy: Study of Bacterial Recovery Viability and Potential Development of Resistance after Treatment

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    Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) has emerged in the clinical field as a potential alternative to antibiotics to treat microbial infections. No cases of microbial viability recovery or any resistance mechanisms against it are yet known. 5,10,15-tris(1-Methylpyridinium-4-yl)-20-(pentafluorophenyl)-porphyrin triiodide (Tri-Py+-Me-PF) was used as photosensitizer. Vibrio fischeri and recombinant Escherichia coli were the studied bacteria. To determine the bacterial recovery after treatment, Tri-Py+-Me-PF (5.0 μM) was added to bacterial suspensions and the samples were irradiated with white light (40 W m−2) for 270 minutes. Then, the samples were protected from light, aliquots collected at different intervals and the bioluminescence measured. To assess the development of resistance after treatment, bacterial suspensions were exposed to white light (25 minutes), in presence of 5.0 μM of Tri-Py+-Me-PF (99.99% of inactivation) and plated. After the first irradiation period, surviving colonies were collected from the plate and resuspended in PBS. Then, an identical protocol was used and repeated ten times for each bacterium. The results suggest that aPDT using Tri-Py+-Me-PF represents a promising approach to efficiently destroy bacteria since after a single treatment these microorganisms do not recover their viability and after ten generations of partially photosensitized cells neither of the bacteria develop resistance to the photodynamic process

    Photodynamic inactivation of mammalian viruses and bacteriophages

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    Photodynamic inactivation (PDI) has been used to inactivate microorganisms through the use of photosensitizers. The inactivation of mammalian viruses and bacteriophages by photosensitization has been applied with success since the first decades of the last century. Due to the fact that mammalian viruses are known to pose a threat to public health and that bacteriophages are frequently used as models of mammalian viruses, it is important to know and understand the mechanisms and photodynamic procedures involved in their photoinactivation. The aim of this review is to (i) summarize the main approaches developed until now for the photodynamic inactivation of bacteriophages and mammalian viruses and, (ii) discuss and compare the present state of the art of mammalian viruses PDI with phage photoinactivation, with special focus on the most relevant mechanisms, molecular targets and factors affecting the viral inactivation process.publishe

    Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemotherapy in Aquaculture: Photoinactivation Studies of Vibrio fischeri

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    BACKGROUND: Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) combines light, a light-absorbing molecule that initiates a photochemical or photophysical reaction, and oxygen. The combined action of these three components originates reactive oxygen species that lead to microorganisms' destruction. The aim was to evaluate the efficiency of PACT on Vibrio fischeri: 1) with buffer solution, varying temperature, pH, salinity and oxygen concentration values; 2) with aquaculture water, to reproduce photoinactivation (PI) conditions in situ. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To monitor the PI kinetics, the bioluminescence of V. fischeri was measured during the experiments. A tricationic meso-substituted porphyrin (Tri-Py(+)-Me-PF) was used as photosensitizer (5 µM in the studies with buffer solution and 10-50 µM in the studies with aquaculture water); artificial white light (4 mW cm(-2)) and solar irradiation (40 mW cm(-2)) were used as light sources; and the bacterial concentration used for all experiments was ≈10(7) CFU mL(-1) (corresponding to a bioluminescence level of 10(5) relative light units--RLU). The variations in pH (6.5-8.5), temperature (10-25°C), salinity (20-40 g L(-1)) and oxygen concentration did not significantly affect the PI of V. fischeri, once in all tested conditions the bioluminescent signal decreased to the detection limit of the method (≈7 log reduction). The assays using aquaculture water showed that the efficiency of the process is affected by the suspended matter. Total PI of V. fischeri in aquaculture water was achieved under solar light in the presence of 20 µM of Tri-Py(+)-Me-PF. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: If PACT is to be used in environmental applications, the matrix containing target microbial communities should be previously characterized in order to establish an efficient protocol having into account the photosensitizer concentration, the light source and the total light dose delivered. The possibility of using solar light in PACT to treat aquaculture water makes this technology cost-effective and attractive

    Phage Therapy and Photodynamic Therapy: Low Environmental Impact Approaches to Inactivate Microorganisms in Fish Farming Plants

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    Owing to the increasing importance of aquaculture to compensate for the progressive worldwide reduction of natural fish and to the fact that several fish farming plants often suffer from heavy financial losses due to the development of infections caused by microbial pathogens, including multidrug resistant bacteria, more environmentally-friendly strategies to control fish infections are urgently needed to make the aquaculture industry more sustainable. The aim of this review is to briefly present the typical fish farming diseases and their threats and discuss the present state of chemotherapy to inactivate microorganisms in fish farming plants as well as to examine the new environmentally friendly approaches to control fish infection namely phage therapy and photodynamic antimicrobial therapy