11,853 research outputs found

    Domain Formation in Finite-Time Quenches

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    We study the formation of domains in a continuous phase transition with a finite-temperature quench. The model treated is the Ί4\Phi^4 theory in two spatial dimensions with global O(2) symmetry. We investigate this using real-time thermal field theory, following Boyanovsky and collaborators, and find that domain sizes appear to be smaller than those produced in an instantaneous quench in the tree-level approximation. We also propose that a more physical picture emerges by examining the two-point functions which do not involve any cutoff on the short wavelength Goldstone modes.Comment: Revtex, 16 pages, 5 figures, Minor change

    Reversal or no reversal: the evolution of the star formation rate-density relation up to z~1.6

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    We investigate the evolution of the star formation rate (SFR)-density relation in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) and the Great Observatories Origin Deep Survey (GOODS) fields up to z~1.6. In addition to the "traditional method", in which the environment is defined according to a statistical measurement of the local galaxy density, we use a "dynamical" approach, where galaxies are classified according to three different environment regimes: group, "filament-like", and field. Both methods show no evidence of a SFR-density reversal. Moreover, group galaxies show a mean SFR lower than other environments up to z~1, while at earlier epochs group and field galaxies exhibit consistent levels of star formation (SF) activity. We find that processes related to a massive dark matter halo must be dominant in the suppression of the SF below z~1, with respect to purely density-related processes. We confirm this finding by studying the distribution of galaxies in different environments with respect to the so-called Main Sequence (MS) of star-forming galaxies. Galaxies in both group and "filament-like" environments preferentially lie below the MS up to z~1, with group galaxies exhibiting lower levels of star-forming activity at a given mass. At z>1, the star-forming galaxies in groups reside on the MS. Groups exhibit the highest fraction of quiescent galaxies up to z~1, after which group, "filament-like", and field environments have a similar mix of galaxy types. We conclude that groups are the most efficient locus for star-formation quenching. Thus, a fundamental difference exists between bound and unbound objects, or between dark matter haloes of different masses.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Nonequilibrium perturbation theory for spin-1/2 fields

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    A partial resummation of perturbation theory is described for field theories containing spin-1/2 particles in states that may be far from thermal equilibrium. This allows the nonequilibrium state to be characterized in terms of quasiparticles that approximate its true elementary excitations. In particular, the quasiparticles have dispersion relations that differ from those of free particles, finite thermal widths and occupation numbers which, in contrast to those of standard perturbation theory evolve with the changing nonequilibrium environment. A description of this kind is essential for estimating the evolution of the system over extended periods of time. In contrast to the corresponding description of scalar particles, the structure of nonequilibrium fermion propagators exhibits features which have no counterpart in the equilibrium theory.Comment: 16 pages; no figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Evolution of Galaxy Mergers and Morphology at z<1.2 in the Extended Groth Strip

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    We present the quantitative rest-frame B morphological evolution and galaxy merger fractions at 0.2 < z < 1.2 as observed by the All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). We use the Gini coefficent and M_20 to identify major mergers and classify galaxy morphology for a volume-limited sample of 3009 galaxies brighter than 0.4 L_B^*, assuming pure luminosity evolution of 1.3 M_B per unit redshift. We find that the merger fraction remains roughly constant at 10 +/- 2% for 0.2 < z < 1.2. The fraction of E/S0/Sa increases from 21+/- 3% at z ~ 1.1 to 44 +/- 9% at z ~ 0.3, while the fraction of Sb-Ir decreases from 64 +/- 6% at z ~ 1.1 to 47 +/- 9% at z ~ 0.3. The majority of z 10^11 L_sun are disk galaxies, and only ~ 15% are classified as major merger candidates. Edge-on and dusty disk galaxies (Sb-Ir) are almost a third of the red sequence at z ~ 1.1, while E/S0/Sa makeup over 90% of the red sequence at z ~ 0.3. Approximately 2% of our full sample are red mergers. We conclude (1) the galaxy merger rate does not evolve strongly between 0.2 < z < 1.2; (2) the decrease in the volume-averaged star-formation rate density since z ~ 1 is a result of declining star-formation in disk galaxies rather than a disappearing population of major mergers; (3) the build-up of the red sequence at z < 1 can be explained by a doubling in the number of spheroidal galaxies since z ~ 1.2.Comment: 24 pages, including 3 tables and 18 color figures; accepted to the Astrophysical Journal; high resolution version available at http://www.noao.edu/noao/staff/lotz/lotz_mergers.pd

    Anomalous Pseudoscalar-Photon Vertex In and Out of Equilibrium

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    The anomalous pseudoscalar-photon vertex is studied in real time in and out of equilibrium in a constituent quark model. The goal is to understand the in-medium modifications of this vertex, exploring the possibility of enhanced isospin breaking by electromagnetic effects as well as the formation of neutral pion condensates in a rapid chiral phase transition in peripheral, ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. In equilibrium the effective vertex is afflicted by infrared and collinear singularities that require hard thermal loop (HTL) and width corrections of the quark propagator. The resummed effective equilibrium vertex vanishes near the chiral transition in the chiral limit. In a strongly out of equilibrium chiral phase transition we find that the chiral condensate drastically modifies the quark propagators and the effective vertex. The ensuing dynamics for the neutral pion results in a potential enhancement of isospin breaking and the formation of π0\pi^0 condensates. While the anomaly equation and the axial Ward identity are not modified by the medium in or out of equilibrium, the effective real-time pseudoscalar-photon vertex is sensitive to low energy physics.Comment: Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. 42 pages, 4 figures, uses Revte

    The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: The build-up of the colour-density relation

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    We investigate the redshift and luminosity evolution of the galaxy colour-density relation using the data from the First Epoch VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). The size (6582 galaxies), depth (I_AB<=24) and redshift sampling rate of the survey enable us to reconstruct the 3D galaxy environment on relatively local scales (R=5 Mpc) up to z~1.5. Particular attention has been devoted to calibrate a density reconstruction scheme, which factors out survey selection effects and reproduces in an unbiased way the underlying `real' galaxy environment. While at lower redshift we confirm the existence of a steep colour-density relation, with the fraction of the reddest(/bluest) galaxies of the same luminosity increasing(/decreasing) as a function of density, this trend progressively disappears in the highest redshift bins investigated. The rest frame u*-g' colour-magnitude diagram shows a bimodal pattern in both low and high density environments up to z~1.5. We find that the bimodal distribution is not universal but strongly depends upon environment: at lower redshifts the colour-magnitude diagrams in low and high density regions are significantly different while the progressive weakening of the colour-density relation causes the two bimodal distributions to nearly mirror each other in the highest redshift bin investigated. Both the colour-density and the colour-magnitude-density relations appear to be a transient, cumulative product of genetic and environmental factors operating over at least a period of 9 Gyr. These findings support an evolutionary scenario in which star formation/gas depletion processes are accelerated in more luminous objects and in high density environments: star formation activity is shifting with cosmic time towards lower luminosity (downsizing), and out of high density environments.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, figures added, accepted by A&

    Out of equilibrium O (N) linear-sigma system - Construction of perturbation theory with gap- and Boltzmann-equations

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    We establish from first principles a perturbative framework that allows us to compute reaction rates for processes taking place in nonequilibrium O(N)O (N) linear-sigma systems in broken phase. The system of our concern is quasiuniform system near equilibrium or nonequilibrium quasistationary system. We employ the closed-time-path formalism and use the so-called gradient approximation. No further approximation is introduced. In the course of construction of the framework, we obtain the gap equation that determines the effective masses of π\pi and of σ\sigma, and the generalized Boltzmann equation that describes the evolution of the number-density functions of π\pi and of σ\sigma.Comment: 18 page

    Star Formation in AEGIS Field Galaxies since z=1.1 : The Dominance of Gradually Declining Star Formation, and the Main Sequence of Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We analyze star formation (SF) as a function of stellar mass (M*) and redshift z in the All Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). For 2905 field galaxies, complete to 10^10(10^10.8) Msun at z<0.7(1), with Keck spectroscopic redshifts out to z=1.1, we compile SF rates (SFR) from emission lines, GALEX, and Spitzer MIPS 24 micron photometry, optical-NIR M* measurements, and HST morphologies. Galaxies with reliable signs of SF form a distinct "main sequence (MS)", with a limited range of SFR at a given M* and z (1 sigma < +-0.3 dex), and log(SFR) approximately proportional to log(M*). The range of log(SFR) remains constant to z>1, while the MS as a whole moves to higher SFR as z increases. The range of SFR along the MS constrains the amplitude of episodic variations of SF, and the effect of mergers on SFR. Typical galaxies spend ~67(95)% of their lifetime since z=1 within a factor of <~ 2(4) of their average SFR at a given M* and z. The dominant mode of the evolution of SF since z~1 is apparently a gradual decline of the average SFR in most individual galaxies, not a decreasing frequency of starburst episodes, or a decreasing factor by which SFR are enhanced in starbursts. LIRGs at z~1 seem to mostly reflect the high SFR typical for massive galaxies at that epoch. The smooth MS may reflect that the same set of few physical processes governs star formation prior to additional quenching processes. A gradual process like gas exhaustion may play a dominant role.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, emulateapj; ApJ Letters, accepted; AEGIS special issue; proof-level corrections added; title change

    The zCOSMOS Redshift Survey: the role of environment and stellar mass in shaping the rise of the morphology-density relation from z~1

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    For more than two decades we have known that galaxy morphological segregation is present in the Local Universe. It is important to see how this relation evolves with cosmic time. To investigate how galaxy assembly took place with cosmic time, we explore the evolution of the morphology-density relation up to redshift z~1 using about 10000 galaxies drawn from the zCOSMOS Galaxy Redshift Survey. Taking advantage of accurate HST/ACS morphologies from the COSMOS survey, of the well-characterised zCOSMOS 3D environment, and of a large sample of galaxies with spectroscopic redshift, we want to study here the evolution of the morphology-density relation up to z~1 and its dependence on galaxy luminosity and stellar mass. The multi-wavelength coverage of the field also allows a first study of the galaxy morphological segregation dependence on colour. We further attempt to disentangle between processes that occurred early in the history of the Universe or late in the life of galaxies. The zCOSMOS field benefits of high-resolution imaging in the F814W filter from the Advanced Camera for Survey (ACS). We use standard morphology classifiers, optimised for being robust against band-shifting and surface brightness dimming, and a new, objective, and automated method to convert morphological parameters into early, spiral, and irregular types. We use about 10000 galaxies down to I_AB=22.5 with a spectroscopic sampling rate of 33% to characterise the environment of galaxies up to z~1 from the 100 kpc scales of galaxy groups up to the 100 Mpc scales of the cosmic web. ABRIDGEDComment: 23 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Vimos VLT Deep Survey: Stellar mass segregation and large-scale galaxy environment in the redshift range 0.2<z<1.4

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    Hierarchical models of galaxy formation predict that the properties of a dark matter halo depend on the large-scale environment surrounding the halo. As a result of this correlation, we expect massive haloes to be present in larger number in overdense regions than in underdense ones. Given that a correlation exists between a galaxy stellar mass and the hosting dark matter halo mass, the segregation in dark matter halo mass should then result in a segregation in the distribution of stellar mass in the galaxy population. In this work we study the distribution of galaxy stellar mass and rest-frame optical color as a function of the large-scale galaxy distribution using the VLT VIMOS Deep Survey sample, in order to verify the presence of segregation in the properties of the galaxy population. We use the VVDS redshift measurements and multi-band photometric data to derive estimates of the stellar mass, rest-frame optical color, and of the large-scale galaxy density, on a scale of approximately 8 Mpc, for a sample of 5619 galaxies in the redshift range 0.2<z<1.4. We observe a significant mass and optical color segregation over the whole redshift interval covered by our sample, such that the median value of the mass distribution is larger and the rest-frame optical color is redder in regions of high galaxy density. The amplitude of the mass segregation changes little with redshift, at least in the high stellar mass regime that we can uniformely sample over the 0.2<z<1.4 redshift interval. The color segregation, instead, decreases significantly for z>0.7. However, when we consider only galaxies in narrow bins of stellar mass, in order to exclude the effects of the stellar mass segregation on the galaxy properties, we do not observe any more any significant color segregation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
