277 research outputs found

    Sassi di Matera. Per una nuova stagione

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    La pubblicazione raccoglie i contributi dei relatori intervenuti nel confronto pubblico di approfondimento dal titolo “Sassi: per un nuovo dialogo in città”, tenutosi a Matera il 14 e 15 dicembre 2018 e organizzato dalla Cattedra UNESCO dell’Università della Basilicata (UniBas) (nel programma ERT-Educazione Ricerca Territorio) e dalla Fondazione Sassi in occasione del venticinquesimo anniversario dell’iscrizione dei Sassi nella Lista UNESCO del Patrimonio Mondiale. In Appendice si trova una Nota di sintesi delle giornate di studio, confronto e partecipazione, che si sono tenute a Matera, in forma di tre eventi, in occasione del venticinquesimo anniversario dell’iscrizione dei Sassi alla lista del patrimonio UNESCO, e come edizione pilota del programma “ERT-Educazione Ricerca Territorio” della Cattedra UNESCO. In tale ambito si inserisce la conversazione pubblica “Sassi: per un nuovo dialogo in citta”, di cui il libro raccoglie i contributi dei relatori intervenuti. Oltre alla Nota di sintesi, è riportato per esteso anche il Report, redatto da Paolo Ceccarelli, di uno dei tre eventi, quello titolato “Patrimonio e sviluppo sostenibile: per una conoscenza circolare”, per i richiami contenuti al progetto dell’Osservatorio Sassi e per il sostegno dichiarato al progetto da parte della rete di Cattedre UNESCO TEST, in virtù dell’interesse metodologico ravvisato in tale prospettiva di lavoro scientifico e di pratica partecipativa

    Farmaci oppioidi e Cannabis nella terapia del dolore

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    [English]:“Opioid and Cannabis in Pain Control” is the result of studies performed by the Pharmacy Department and the “Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca in Farmacoeconomia e Farmacoutilizzazione” (CIRFF) of the University of Naples, “Federico II”. This book is aimed to those who work in a pharmacy and who, scholars, teachers or students, are interested in delve into the issue. The text analyzes different topics with an interdisciplinary approach. A large part is devoted to the chemical and pharmacological aspects related to this topic. Subsequently, the text focuses the theme, still very debated, of using opioids and Cannabis in therapy through an exhaustive analysis of the entire existing legislation: from the first laws promulgated by the Kingdom of Italy until the last ministerial circulars by Italian republic. Finally yet importantly, an important part of the book focuses on medical and therapeutic interpretation with regard to the effects on pain control, where opioids and Cannabis are not only a fruitful frontier of research, but also a consolidated and effective tool to counteract some types of pain / [Italiano]: “Farmaci oppioidi e Cannabis nella terapia del dolore” rappresenta il frutto di alcuni studi, condotti per almeno tre lustri nel Dipartimento di Farmacia e nel Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca in Farmacoeconomia e Farmacoutilizzazione (CIRFF) della Federico II, e si rivolge sia a chi presta servizio ogni giorno in una farmacia, sia a chi, studioso, docente o studente, è interessato ad approfondire l’argomento. Il testo, utilizzando un approccio interdisciplinare, si muove su piani euristici differenti. Naturalmente, ampio spazio è stato dedicato alla parte farmaceutica, analizzando tutti gli aspetti chimici e farmacologici connessi a questo tema. Un secondo punto di rilievo riguarda la problematica normativa legata alla dibattuta questione dell’utilizzo in terapia degli oppioidi e della Cannabis. In tal senso, si è cercato di offrire una prospettiva chiara ed esauriente del complesso quadro legislativo vigente: a partire dalle prime leggi promulgate dal Regno d’Italia, fino ad arrivare alle ultime circolari ministeriali in materia, è stata rivista ed esaminata l’intera normativa sulle sostanze stupefacenti, spiegandone anche i passaggi più delicati e controversi. Infine, soprattutto per ciò che concerne le ricadute sulla terapia del dolore, una parte significativa del libro si è concentrata sull’interpretazione medica e terapeutica, dove i farmaci oppioidi e la Cannabis costituiscono non solo una feconda frontiera di ricerca, ma anche un consolidato ed efficace strumento per contrastare alcune tipologie di dolore

    Alcune storie di biotecnologia

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    Questo saggio intende delineare una storia delle biotecnologie, una conoscenza per molti aspetti antica che tuttavia negli ultimi decenni del Secolo Ventesimo ha vissuto un incredibile sviluppo scientifico, intersecando ambiti differenti e culturalmente distanti, da quello etico e bioetico a quello tecnico e tecnologico. L’articolo è introdotto da una breve ricognizione tesa a collocare le biotecnologie all’interno del concetto di “natura” per poi affrontare, seguendo un criterio cronologico, un’analisi delle tappe più importanti che ne hanno contraddistinto la storia. Una parte considerevole di questo lavoro è stata dedicata agli avvenimenti che hanno scandito il successo delle biotecnologie nel settore farmaceutico

    "Chemical" composition of the Quark Gluon Plasma

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    In this article we discuss the issue of the quark to gluon ratio in the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). Our model to describe the QGP evolution is based on transport theory including the mean field dynamics described by a quasi-particle model.The last is able to take into account for the lattice QCD thermodynamics and implies a "chemical" equilibrium ratio between quarks and gluons strongly increasing as T approaches to the temperature of the phase transition Tc. We present first the tests performed in a fixed box to check that our code is able to reproduce the equilibrium ratio and then the results obtained for the simulations of ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (uRHIC's) at RHIC and LHC energies. We observe a rapid evolution from a gluon dominated initial state to a quark dominated plasma and we see that near Tc almost 80% of the particles composing the plasma are quarks. This has potentially a strong impact on several quantitative aspects of QGP probes and furnishes a justification to the coalescence hadronization model

    Shear viscosity and chemical equilibration of the QGP

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    We have investigated, in the frame work of the transport approach, different aspects of the QGP created in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC and LHC energies. The shear viscosity η\eta has been calculated by using the Green-Kubo relation at the cascade level. We have compared the numerical results for η\eta obtained from the Green-Kubo correlator with the analytical formula in both the Relaxation Time Approximation (RTA) and the Chapman-Enskog approximation (CE). From this comparison we show that in the range of temperature explored in a Heavy Ion collision the RTA underestimates the viscosity by about a factor of 2, while a good agreement is found between the CE approximation and Gree-Kubo relation already at first order of approximation. The agreement with the CE approximation supplies an analytical formula that allows to develop kinetic transport theory at fixed shear viscosity to entropy density ratio, η/s\eta/s. We show some results for the build up of anisotropic flows v2v_{2} in a transport approach at fixed shear viscosity to entropy density ratio, η/s\eta/s. We study the impact of a T-dependent η/s(T)\eta/s(T) on the generation of the elliptic flows at both RHIC and LHC. We show that the transport approach provides, in a unified way, a tool able to naturally describe the v2(pT)v_{2}(p_{T}) in a wide range of pTp_{T}, including also the description of the rise and fall and saturation of the v2(pT)v_{2}(p_{T}) observed at LHC. Finally, we have studied the evolution of the quark-gluon composition employing a Boltzmann-Vlasov transport approach that include: the mean fields dynamics, associated to the quasi-particle model, and the elastic and inelastic collisions for massive quarks and gluons. Following the chemical evolution from an initial gluon dominated plasma we predict a quark dominance close to TCT_{C} paving the way to an hadronization via quark coalescence.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, Invited Talk given by S. Plumari at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Outcome Comparison of 600- and 300-mg Loading Doses of Clopidogrel in Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Results From the ARMYDA-6 MI (Antiplatelet therapy for Reduction of MYocardial Damage during Angioplasty-Myocardial Infarction) Randomized Study

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    ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to compare 600- and 300-mg clopidogrel loading doses in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).BackgroundGiven the high thrombotic risk of patients with STEMI, greater platelet inhibition may improve outcome in those patients receiving percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Although observational data suggest that pretreatment with a 600-mg clopidogrel loading dose may be more effective than the 300-mg regimen in primary PCI, this hypothesis has never been tested in a randomized study.MethodsA total of 201 patients undergoing primary PCI for STEMI randomly received a 600-mg (n = 103) or 300-mg (n = 98) clopidogrel loading dose before the procedure. The primary endpoint was the evaluation of the infarct size, defined as the area under the curve of cardiac markers.ResultsInfarct size was significantly lower in the high-dose regimen: median creatine kinase-myocardial band 2,070 ng/ml (interquartile range [IQR]: 815 to 2,847 ng/ml) versus 3,049 ng/ml (IQR: 1,050 to 7,031 ng/ml) in the 300-mg group, p = 0.0001; troponin-I 255 ng/ml (IQR: 130 to 461 ng/ml) versus 380 ng/ml (IQR: 134 to 1,406 ng/ml), p < 0.0001. In the 600-mg arm, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction flow grade <3 after PCI was less frequent (5.8% vs. 16.3%, p = 0.031), left ventricular ejection fraction at discharge was improved (52.1 ± 9.5% vs. 48.8 ± 11.3%, p = 0.026), 30-day major adverse cardiovascular events were fewer (5.8% vs. 15%, p = 0.049), and bleeding/entry site complications were not increased (secondary endpoints).ConclusionsIn STEMI patients, pre-treatment with a 600-mg clopidogrel loading dose before primary PCI was associated with a reduction of the infarct size compared with a 300-mg loading dose, as well as with improvement of angiographic results, residual cardiac function, and 30-day major adverse cardiovascular events; further studies are warranted to evaluate impact of such strategy on survival

    In vivo expression of natural killer cell inhibitory receptors by human melanoma-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes.

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    Natural killer (NK) receptor signaling can lead to reduced cytotoxicity by NK cells and cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in vitro. Whether T cells are inhibited in vivo remains unknown, since peptide antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells have so far not been found to express NK receptors in vivo. Here we demonstrate that melanoma patients may bear tumor-specific CTLs expressing NK receptors. The lysis of melanoma cells by patient-derived CTLs was inhibited by the NK receptor CD94/NKG2A. Thus, tumor-specific CTL activity may be decreased through NK receptor triggering in vivo

    Il farmaco: ricerca, sviluppo e applicazione in terapia

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    [Italiano]:Il farmaco: ricerca, sviluppo e applicazione in terapia si propone l’obiettivo di offrire una panoramica sul processo di Ricerca e Sviluppo che un farmaco compie a partire dal momento in cui viene progettato fino alla sua pratica utilizzazione. Quando una molecola è ritenuta potenzialmente adatta per creare un medicinale, si attiva un lungo percorso che ha come traguardo la realizzazione di un nuovo mezzo terapeutico e la sua approvazione per l’immissione in commercio. Un percorso scandito dalla rigorosa osservanza di regolamenti e leggi che si sono evoluti nel tempo di pari passo con il progresso scientifico e tecnologico, ma spesso anche a seguito di reazioni avverse o eventi dannosi irreversibili che hanno innescato processi di revisione delle norme e dei protocolli sperimentali. Questo libro parte con una densa ricognizione sulla storia della farmacologia occidentale, al fine di agevolare la comprensione del coacervo di vicende e circostanze che nel tempo hanno fatto da sfondo a tutte quelle dinamiche attraverso cui il processo di Ricerca e Sviluppo si è gradualmente affermato e consolidato. Notevole attenzione è stata poi dedicata ad alcuni risvolti divenuti oramai cruciali all’interno dell’articolato universo normativo in cui il farmaco è collocato, quali le terapie avanzate e i nuovi approcci per la ricerca clinica. Inoltre, gli autori si sono concentrati sulla prescrizione dei cosiddetti off-label e sulle tematiche di farmacoutilizzazione e farmacovigilanza che, nel giro di pochi decenni, sono assurte a sfere di conoscenza sempre più significative e influenti nelle prospettive presenti e future, non solo delle scienze farmaceutiche ma dell’intera società. Lo sforzo compiuto per redigere questo volume trova la sua ragion d’essere proprio nel voler mettere a disposizione dei lettori uno sguardo d’insieme sul farmaco e sulle complesse sfide che ancora lo attendono./ [English]:“The drug: research, development and application in therapy” is an in-depth study on the Research and Development process that a drug performs from the moment it is designed up to its practical use. When a molecule is considered suitable for a medicine, a long process is activated which has as its goal the creation of a new therapeutic tool and its approval for marketing. A path marked by the strict observance of regulations and laws that have evolved over time in step with scientific and technological progress. A path that however has often been determined also by tragic events following damaging adverse reactions that have triggered processes of revision of the norms and experimental protocols. This book starts with a summary on the history of Western pharmacology, written to allow the reader to understand the circumstances that have been the background to those dynamics through which the Research and Development process has gradually consolidated. An important part of the book is dedicated to some aspects that are crucial in the normative universe in which the drug is placed, such as the advanced therapies and new approaches for clinical research. The authors also focused on the prescriptions of off-label drugs and on the issues of pharmacoutilization and pharmacovigilance, two disciplines that, in a few years, have become increasingly influential in the present and future perspectives, not only of the pharmaceutical sciences but of the entire society

    Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays

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    The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47 microns to 243 microns. The efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per layer is approximately 5 ns