139 research outputs found

    Efectos de muestras de tallas erróneas sobre los valores estimados del crecimiento individual y la condición de los stocks

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    Despite its importance in fisheries studies, there is insufficient understanding on the effect of sampling error or bias on individual growth and other stock indicators. We show the influence of sample length distributions on parameter estimates, illustrating with an example. For the brown swimming crab, we simulated length samples in five configurations and estimated parameters of von Bertalanffy (k, L∞L∞ , t0), asymptotic weight ( W∞W∞ ), weight-length relationship (a, b), growth performance (ϕ’) and condition factor (Kn). Parameter estimates were compared with baseline values using relative bias, standard error and root mean square error. The results show that the accuracy and bias of parameter estimates depend on the lengths sampled. For example, the bias and accuracy of L∞L∞ and W∞W∞ vary inversely with sampled length, whereas combining length segments yields smaller biases of k and t0 than those of L∞L∞ and W∞W∞ . In general, the accuracy of parameter estimates does not always depend on sampling the entire length range, and errors are not the same for all parameters. These results are useful to guide sampling when resources are scarce. We discuss potential reasons for incomplete length sample structure and offer recommendations to obtain best estimates for parameters of interest.A pesar de su importancia en los estudios de pesquerías, aún no se comprende lo suficiente el efecto del error o del sesgo del muestreo en los parámetros de crecimiento individual y otros indicadores poblacionales. Utilizando un ejemplo, aquí se muestra la influencia de las distribuciones muestrales de longitud en las estimaciones de parámetros poblacionales. Para la jaiba café, simulamos muestreo de longitud en cinco configuraciones y estimamos parámetros de von Bertalanffy (k, L∞L∞ , t0), peso asintótico ( W∞W∞ ), relación peso-longitud (a, b), eficiencia de crecimiento (ϕ’), y factor de condición (Kn). Las estimaciones de los parámetros se compararon con valores de referencia utilizando el sesgo relativo, el error estándar y el error cuadrático medio. Los resultados muestran cómo la precisión y el sesgo de las estimaciones de parámetros dependen de las longitudes muestreadas. Por ejemplo, el sesgo y la precisión de L∞L∞ y W∞W∞ , varían inversamente con la longitud muestreada, mientras que la combinación de segmentos de longitud produce sesgos de k y t0 más pequeños que los de L∞L∞ y W∞W∞ . En general, la precisión de las estimaciones de los parámetros no siempre depende del muestreo de todo el rango de tallas disponible, y los errores no son los mismos para todos los parámetros. Estos resultados son útiles para guiar el muestreo cuando los recursos son escasos. Discutimos las posibles razones de la estructura de la muestra de longitud incompleta y ofrecemos recomendaciones para obtener las mejores estimaciones para los parámetros de interés

    Fisheries and Biodiversity in the Upper Gulf of California, Mexico

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    The Upper Gulf of California (UGC) has been recognized by its high primary productivity and abundant fishing (Aragon-Noriega & Calderon-Aguilera, 2000). Sediments and nutrients from the Colorado River, and complex hydrodynamics render this as an Important site for spawning, mating and nursing for numerous species of commercial and ecological importance (Cudney & Turk, 1998; Ramirez-Rojo & Aragón-Noriega 2006). Temperature, salinity and abundance of nutrients in this region vary depending on fresh water runoff from the Colorado River (Alvarez-Borrego et al., 1975; Hernández-Ayón et al., 1993; Lavín & Sánchez, 1999). Commercial fishing of high market value resources such as shrimp takes place in the UGC by artisanal or small scale, and industrial fishing. Artisanal fishing is done on relatively small (30 feet) fiber glass boats or artisanal boats with outboard motors, usually operated by two fishers; their primary fishing gear is drift gillnets, which they use to catch croakers, Spanish mackerel and even shrimp. This type of fishing is carried out by cooperatives and individual fishers from the three ports of the UGC: Puerto Peñasco and El Golfo de Santa Clara, in the State of Sonora, and San Felipe, in Baja California. Because marine resources in the region are migratory, fisheries are seasonal generating bursts of accumulated fishing effort over a few months depending on availability of species (see Cudney & Turk 1998). Increasing demand of economically important species has motivated a steady rise in fishing effort and use of gear and fishing practices jeopardizing critical species such as totoaba, Totoaba macdonaldi, an endemic croaker declared under risk of extinction (Cisneros-Mata et al., 1995), and the rare vaquita, Phocoena sinus. Vaquita are accidentally caught in all kinds of gillnets used in the Upper Gulf (D’Agrosa et al., 1995; Blanco 2002)

    The emerging impact of delirium tremens on the health of older adults

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    El delirium tremens (DT) en adultos mayores, como consecuencia de dejar de beber alcohol, plantea verdaderos desafíos tanto en el diagnóstico como en el tratamiento. Para diagnosticarlo, se parte de los síntomas que presenta la persona, como cambios en su estado mental, desorientación, agitación y alteraciones en su capacidad cognitiva. Es esencial diferenciar el DT de otras condiciones médicas que puedan tener síntomas parecidos, lo que demanda un cuidadoso proceso de diagnóstico diferencial para descartar otras causas. En cuanto al tratamiento, se hace énfasis en estabilizar al paciente médicamente y prevenir complicaciones graves. En la mayoría de los casos, es necesario hospitalizar al paciente para administrar tratamientos médicos, como benzodiazepinas, que ayudan a controlar los síntomas agudos. La duración del tratamiento varía según la gravedad de los síntomas y cómo responde cada paciente a la medicación que recibe. La frecuencia del DT en adultos mayores varía dependiendo de varios factores, incluyendo su historial de consumo de alcohol y las condiciones médicas previas que puedan tener. Sin embargo, debido a la dificultad que a menudo conlleva su diagnóstico y a las posibles complicaciones, se considera una condición médica grave que necesita atención inmediata y específica por parte del personal médico.Delirium Tremens (DT) in older adults resulting from alcohol withdrawal poses significant diagnostic and treatment challenges. Diagnosis relies on observing clinical symptoms like changes in mental state, disorientation, agitation, and cognitive function changes. It's crucial to distinguish DT from other medical conditions with similar symptoms, demanding careful differential diagnosis to rule out other causes. Treatment focuses on medical stabilization and preventing severe complications. Hospitalization is often necessary to administer medical therapies, such as benzodiazepines, to manage acute symptoms. The duration of treatment varies based on symptom severity and the patient's response to medication. The prevalence of DT in older adults varies due to factors like alcohol consumption history and pre-existing medical conditions. However, given the often challenging diagnosis and potential complications, it's considered a serious medical condition requiring immediate and specific medical attention

    Interfacial effects on the tunneling magnetoresistance in L a0.7 S r0.3Mn O3/MgO/Fe tunneling junctions

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    Galceran, Regina et al.© 2015 American Physical Society. We report on magnetotransport properties on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/MgO/Fe tunnel junctions grown epitaxially on top of (001)-oriented SrTiO3 substrates by sputtering. It is shown that the magnetoresistive response depends critically on the MgO/Fe interfacial properties. The appearance of an FeOX layer by the interface destroys the Δ1 symmetry filtering effect of the MgO/Fe system and only a small negative tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) (∼-3%) is measured. However, in annealed samples a switchover from positive TMR (∼+25% at 70 K) to negative TMR (∼-1%) is observed around 120 K. This change is associated with the transition from semiconducting at high T to insulating at low T taking place at the Verwey transition (TV∼120K) in Fe3O4, thus suggesting the formation of a very thin slab of magnetite at the MgO/Fe interface during annealing treatments. These results highlight the relevance of interfacial properties on the tunneling conduction process and how it can be substantially modified through appropriate interface engineering.We acknowledge financial support from the Spanish MINECO through grants (MAT2012-33207, MAT2011-27470-C02, MAT2012-37638 and Consolider Ingenio 2010 - CSD2009-00013 (Imagine)), from CAM through Grant No. S2009/MAT-1756 (Phama) and Basque Government (PI2011-1). Financial support from EC through FEDER program and Marie Curie Actions (256470-ITAMOSCINOM) is also acknowledged. C.M.B. thanks the Spanish MINECO for the financial support through the RyC programPeer Reviewe

    Refractive index sensing setup based on a taper and an intrinsic micro Fabry-Perot interferometer

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    In this work, a refractive index sensor setup based on a biconically tapered fiber (BTF) concatenated to an intrinsic all-fiber micro Fabry-Perot interferometer (MFPI) is presented. Here, the power of the MFPI spectral fringes decreases as the refractive index interacts with theevanescent field of the BTF segment. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the RI sensitivity can be enhanced by bending the BTF segment.Finally, it is shown that by using this sensing arrangement, at ~1.53 µm wavelength, it is possible to detect refractive index changeswithin the measurement range of 1.3 to 1.7 RIU, with a sensitivity of 39.92 dB/RIU and a RI resolution of 2.5 x 10^-3 RIU with a curvature of C = 18.02 m^-1

    Does sex matter? Gender-specific responses to forest fragmentation in Neotropical bats

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    Understanding the consequences of habitat modification on wildlife communities is central to the development of conservation strategies. However, albeit male and female individuals of numerous species are known to exhibit differences in habitat use, sex-specific responses to habitat modification remain little explored. Here, we used a landscape-scale fragmentation experiment to assess, separately for males and females, the effects of fragmentation on the abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Rhinophylla pumilio, two widespread Neotropical frugivorous bats. We predicted that sex-specific responses would arise from higher energetic requirements from pregnancy and lactation in females. Analyses were conducted independently for each season, and we further investigated the joint responses to local and landscape-scale metrics of habitat quality, composition, and configuration. Although males and females responded similarly to a fragmentation gradient composed by continuous forest, fragment interiors, edges, and matrix habitats, we found marked differences between sexes in habitat use for at least one of the seasons. Whereas the sex ratio varied little in continuous forest and fragment interiors, females were found to be more abundant than males in edge and matrix habitats. This difference was more prominent in the dry season, the reproductive season of both species. For both species, abundance responses to local-and landscape-scale predictors differed between sexes and again, differences were more pronounced in the dry season. The results suggest considerable sex-mediated responses to forest disruption and degradation in tropical bats and complement our understanding of the impacts of fragmentation on tropical forest vertebrate communities. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.Peer reviewe

    Efecto de la variabilidad ambiental en el reclutamiento y modelación bioeconómica en la pesquería de sardina del Pacífico (Sardinopssagax caerulea) de Bahía Magdalena, Baja California Sur, México

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    Ricker's stock-recruitment equation, including the multivariate ENSO index (MEI) as an environmental variable, was fitted to data of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax caerulea) fishery from Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The equation was then incorporated into an age-structured, bioeconomic model. Uncertainty was incorporated by using environmental fluctuations; seven-year projections, equivalent to one sardine generation, were computed. Five management options were considered in the projections: open access, effort at maximum sustainable economic yield (fMSE), catch at maximum sustainable yield (CMSY), equivalent effort level applied in the year 2004 (f2004), and an arbitrary catch quota of 40000 tons (CQ40000). Projection results were summarised by the indicator Net Present Value (NPV) of the fishery for the modelled period. The strategies that involved some regulation in the effort level (fMSE and f2004) yielded the largest NPV. On the other hand, the strategies that involved regulation of the catch predicted—in addition to a lower NPV—a substantial increase in the effort to achieve the desired catch level. This study is the first bioeconomic approach for a sardine fishery management plan in this region.La ecuación stock-reclutamiento de Ricker incorporándole el índice multivariado del ENSO(IME) como variable ambiental fue ajustada a datos de la pesquería de sardina (Sardinops sagax caerulea) de Bahía Magdalena, Baja California Sur, México. Esta ecuación fue incorporada a un modelo bioeconómico estructurado por edad. La incertidumbre fue considerada al incorporar la variabilidad ambiental, y se realizaron proyecciones de siete años de duración, que equivalen a una generación de sardina. En las proyecciones se consideraron cinco estrategias de gestión: acceso abierto, esfuerzo en máximo rendimiento económico (fMRE), captura en el máximo rendimiento sostenible (CMRS), esfuerzo igual al aplicado en el año 2004 (f2004), y una cuota de captura de 40000 toneladas métricas (CC40000). Las proyecciones fueron expresadas como el valor presente neto (VPN) de la pesquería para el período modelado. Las estrategias que involucraron alguna regulación en el nivel de esfuerzo pesquero (fMRE y f2004) presentaron el mayor VPN. No así las estrategias que involucraron regulación en la captura, debido a que éstas predijeron un fuerte incremento en el esfuerzo para lograr el nivel de captura deseado. Este estudio es la primera aproximación bioeconómica para la ordenación de la pesquería de sardina en esta área

    Post-mortem findings in Spanish patients with COVID-19; a special focus on superinfections

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    IntroductionWhole-body autopsies may be crucial to understand coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pathophysiology. We aimed to analyze pathological findings in a large series of full-body autopsies, with a special focus on superinfections. MethodsThis was a prospective multicenter study that included 70 COVID-19 autopsies performed between April 2020 and February 2021. Epidemiological, clinical and pathological information was collected using a standardized case report form. ResultsMedian (IQR) age was 70 (range 63.75-74.25) years and 76% of cases were males. Most patients (90%,) had at least one comorbidity prior to COVID-19 diagnosis, with vascular risk factors being the most frequent. Infectious complications were developed by 65.71% of the patients during their follow-up. Mechanical ventilation was required in most patients (75.71%) and was mainly invasive. In multivariate analyses, length of hospital stay and invasive mechanical ventilation were significantly associated with infections (p = 0.036 and p = 0.013, respectively). Necropsy findings revealed diffuse alveolar damage in the lungs, left ventricular hypertrophy in the heart, liver steatosis and pre-infection arteriosclerosis in the heart and kidneys. ConclusionOur study confirms the main necropsy histopathological findings attributed to COVID-19 in a large patient series, while underlining the importance of both comorbid conditions and superinfections in the pathology