9 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT: The disposition of L-694,458, a potent monocyclic ␤-lactam inhibitor of human leukocyte elastase, was studied in male SpragueDawley rats and rhesus monkeys. After iv dosing, L-694,458 exhibited similar pharmacokinetic parameters in rats and rhesus monkeys. The mean values for its plasma clearance, terminal halflife, and volume of distribution at steady state were 27 ml/min/kg, 1.8 hr, and 4.0 liters/kg in rats and 34 ml/min/kg, 2.3 hr, and 5 liters/kg in rhesus monkeys. The bioavailability of a 10 mg/kg oral dose was higher in rats (65%) than in rhesus monkeys (39%). In both species, concentrations of L-694,458 in plasma increased more than proportionally when the oral dose was increased from 10 mg/kg to 40 mg/kg. In monkeys a protracted plasma concentration-time profile was observed at 40 mg/kg, characterized by a delayed T max (8-24 hr) and a long terminal half-life (6 hr). [ 3 H]L-694,458 was well absorbed after oral dosing to rats at 10 mg/kg, as indicated by the high recovery of radioactivity in bile (83%) and urine (6%) of bile duct-cannulated rats. Only ϳ5% or less of the radioactivity in bile, urine, and feces was a result of intact L-694,458, indicating that the compound was being eliminated by metabolism, followed by excretion of the metabolites in feces, via bile. Demethylenation of the methylenedioxyphenyl group resulting in the catechol was the primary metabolic pathway in human and rhesus monkey liver microsomes. In rat liver microsomes, the major metabolite was the N-oxide of the methyl-substituted piperazine nitrogen. In rats dosed iv and orally with [ 3 H]L-694,458, concentrations of radioactivity were highest in the lung (the primary target tissue), adrenals, and liver. L-694,458 was unstable in rat blood and plasma, degrading via a pathway believed to be catalyzed by B-esterases and to involve cleavage of the ␤-lactam ring and loss of the methylpiperazine phenoxy group. In vitro studies indicated that in human liver, L-694,458 was metabolized by CYP3A and 2C isozymes, and in both monkey and human liver microsomes the compound acted as an inhibitor of testosterone 6␤-hydroxylation. Leukocyte elastase is a serine protease capable of proteolytic degradation of a variety of substrates, including elastin and collagen, which are components of connective tissue. Specific inhibitors of leukocyte elastase are being explored as potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and rheumatoid arthritis where high amounts of extracellular elastase, either free or bound to its natural inhibitors, ␣ 1 -proteinase inhibitor and secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor, have been detected extracellularly (1-3). Several classes of inhibitors of elastase have been synthesized and evaluated to date (4 -19). L-694,458 Materials and Methods Chemicals. L-694,458 ( Microsomes. Fresh rat liver and frozen human and rhesus monkey liver tissue were used for the preparation of microsomes. Microsomes containing 1 Abbreviations used are: L-694,458, N-[1(R)-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl

    The organisation and delivery of health improvement in general practice and primary care: a scoping study

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    Background This project examines the organisation and delivery of health improvement activities by and within general practice and the primary health-care team. The project was designed to examine who delivers these interventions, where they are located, what approaches are developed in practices, how individual practices and the primary health-care team organise such public health activities, and how these contribute to health improvement. Our focus was on health promotion and ill-health prevention activities. Aims The aim of this scoping exercise was to identify the current extent of knowledge about the health improvement activities in general practice and the wider primary health-care team. The key objectives were to provide an overview of the range and type of health improvement activities, identify gaps in knowledge and areas for further empirical research. Our specific research objectives were to map the range and type of health improvement activity undertaken by general practice staff and the primary health-care team based within general practice; to scope the literature on health improvement in general practice or undertaken by health-care staff based in general practice and identify gaps in the evidence base; to synthesise the literature and identify effective approaches to the delivery and organisation of health improvement interventions in a general practice setting; and to identify the priority areas for research as defined by those working in general practice. Methods We undertook a comprehensive search of the literature. We followed a staged selection process involving reviews of titles and abstracts. This resulted in the identification of 1140 papers for data extraction, with 658 of these papers selected for inclusion in the review, of which 347 were included in the evidence synthesis. We also undertook 45 individual and two group interviews with primary health-care staff. Findings Many of the research studies reviewed had some details about the type, process or location, or who provided the intervention. Generally, however, little attention is paid in the literature to examining the impact of the organisational context on the way services are delivered or how this affects the effectiveness of health improvement interventions in general practice. We found that the focus of attention is mainly on individual prevention approaches, with practices engaging in both primary and secondary prevention. The range of activities suggests that general practitioners do not take a population approach but focus on individual patients. However, it is clear that many general practitioners see health promotion as an integral part of practice, whether as individual approaches to primary or secondary health improvement or as a practice-based approach to improving the health of their patients. Our key conclusion is that there is currently insufficient good evidence to support many of the health improvement interventions undertaken in general practice and primary care more widely. Future Research Future research on health improvement in general practice and by the primary health-care team needs to move beyond clinical research to include delivery systems and be conducted in a primary care setting. More research needs to examine areas where there are chronic disease burdens – cancer, dementia and other disabilities of old age. Reviews should be commissioned that examine the whole prevention pathway for health problems that are managed within primary care drawing together research from general practice, pharmacy, community engagement, etc