31 research outputs found

    A generalized stoichiometric model of C3, C2, C2+C4, and C4 photosynthetic metabolism.

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    The goal of suppressing photorespiration in crops to maximize assimilation and yield is stimulating considerable interest among researchers looking to bioengineer carbon-concentrating mechanisms into C3 plants. However, detailed quantification of the biochemical activities in the bundle sheath is lacking. This work presents a general stoichiometric model for C3, C2, C2+C4, and C4 assimilation (SMA) in which energetics, metabolite traffic, and the different decarboxylating enzymes (NAD-dependent malic enzyme, NADP-dependent malic enzyme, or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) are explicitly included. The SMA can be used to refine experimental data analysis or formulate hypothetical scenarios, and is coded in a freely available Microsoft Excel workbook. The theoretical underpinnings and general model behaviour are analysed with a range of simulations, including (i) an analysis of C3, C2, C2+C4, and C4 in operational conditions; (ii) manipulating photorespiration in a C3 plant; (iii) progressively upregulating a C2 shuttle in C3 photosynthesis; (iv) progressively upregulating a C4 cycle in C2 photosynthesis; and (v) manipulating processes that are hypothesized to respond to transient environmental inputs. Results quantify the functional trade-offs, such as the electron transport needed to meet ATP/NADPH demand, as well as metabolite traffic, inherent to different subtypes. The SMA refines our understanding of the stoichiometry of photosynthesis, which is of paramount importance for basic and applied research

    Anatomical constraints to C4 evolution: light harvesting capacity in the bundle sheath.

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    In C4 photosynthesis CO2 assimilation and reduction are typically coordinated across mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells, respectively. This system consequently requires sufficient light to reach BS to generate enough ATP to allow ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration in BS. Leaf anatomy influences BS light penetration and therefore constrains C4 cycle functionality. Using an absorption scattering model (coded in Excel, and freely downloadable) we simulate light penetration profiles and rates of ATP production in BS across the C3 , C3 -C4 and C4 anatomical continua. We present a trade-off for light absorption between BS pigment concentration and space allocation. C3 BS anatomy limits light absorption and benefits little from high pigment concentrations. Unpigmented BS extensions increase BS light penetration. C4 and C3 -C4 anatomies have the potential to generate sufficient ATP in the BS, whereas typical C3 anatomy does not, except some C3 taxa closely related to C4 groups. Insufficient volume of BS, relative to M, will hamper a C4 cycle via insufficient BS light absorption. Thus, BS ATP production and RuBP regeneration, coupled with increased BS investments, allow greater operational plasticity. We propose that larger BS in C3 lineages may be co-opted for C3 -C4 and C4 biochemistry requirements

    Cell density and airspace patterning in the leaf can be manipulated to increase leaf photosynthetic capacity

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    The pattern of cell division, growth and separation during leaf development determines the pattern and volume of airspace in a leaf. The resulting balance of cellular material and airspace is expected to significantly influence the primary function of the leaf, photosynthesis, and yet the manner and degree to which cell division patterns affect airspace networks and photosynthesis remains largely unexplored. In this paper we investigate the relationship of cell size and patterning, airspace and photosynthesis by promoting and repressing the expression of cell cycle genes in the leaf mesophyll. Using microCT imaging to quantify leaf cellular architecture and fluorescence/gas exchange analysis to measure leaf function, we show that increased cell density in the mesophyll of Arabidopsis can be used to increase leaf photosynthetic capacity. Our analysis suggests that this occurs both by increasing tissue density (decreasing the relative volume of airspace) and by altering the pattern of airspace distribution within the leaf. Our results indicate that cell division patterns influence the photosynthetic performance of a leaf, and that it is possible to engineer improved photosynthesis via this approach

    Computer Reconstruction of Plant Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Emission in Three Spatial Dimensions

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    Plant leaves grow and change their orientation as well their emission of chlorophyll fluorescence in time. All these dynamic plant properties can be semi-automatically monitored by a 3D imaging system that generates plant models by the method of coded light illumination, fluorescence imaging and computer 3D reconstruction. Here, we describe the essentials of the method, as well as the system hardware. We show that the technique can reconstruct, with a high fidelity, the leaf size, the leaf angle and the plant height. The method fails with wilted plants when leaves overlap obscuring their true area. This effect, naturally, also interferes when the method is applied to measure plant growth under water stress. The method is, however, very potent in capturing the plant dynamics under mild stress and without stress. The 3D reconstruction is also highly effective in correcting geometrical factors that distort measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence emission of naturally positioned plant leaves

    Evaluation of a High Throughput Starch Analysis Optimised for Wood

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    Starch is the most important long-term reserve in trees, and the analysis of starch is therefore useful source of physiological information. Currently published protocols for wood starch analysis impose several limitations, such as long procedures and a neutralization step. The high-throughput standard protocols for starch analysis in food and feed represent a valuable alternative. However, they have not been optimised or tested with woody samples. These have particular chemical and structural characteristics, including the presence of interfering secondary metabolites, low reactivity of starch, and low starch content. In this study, a standard method for starch analysis used for food and feed (AOAC standard method 996.11) was optimised to improve precision and accuracy for the analysis of starch in wood. Key modifications were introduced in the digestion conditions and in the glucose assay. The optimised protocol was then evaluated through 430 starch analyses of standards at known starch content, matrix polysaccharides, and wood collected from three organs (roots, twigs, mature wood) of four species (coniferous and flowering plants). The optimised protocol proved to be remarkably precise and accurate (3%), suitable for a high throughput routine analysis (35 samples a day) of specimens with a starch content between 40 mg and 21 µg. Samples may include lignified organs of coniferous and flowering plants and non-lignified organs, such as leaves, fruits and rhizomes

    A generalised dynamic model of leaf-level C3 photosynthesis combining light and dark reactions with stomatal behaviour

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    Global food demand is rising, impelling us to develop strategies for improving the efficiency of photosynthesis. Classical photosynthesis models based on steady state assumptions are inherently unsuitable for assessing biochemical and stomatal responses to rapid variations in environmental drivers. To identify strategies to increase photosynthetic efficiency, we need models that account for the timing of CO2 assimilation responses to dynamic environmental stimuli. Herein, I present a dynamic process-based photosynthetic model for C3 leaves. The model incorporates both light and dark reactions, coupled with a hydro-mechanical model of stomatal behaviour. The model achieved a stable and realistic rate of light-saturated CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance. Additionally, it replicated complete typical assimilatory response curves (stepwise change in CO2 and light intensity at different oxygen levels) featuring both short lag times and full photosynthetic acclimation. The model also successfully replicated transient responses to changes in light intensity (light flecks), CO2 concentration, and atmospheric oxygen concentration. This dynamic model is suitable for detailed ecophysiological studies and has potential for superseding the long-dominant steady-state approach to photosynthesis modelling. The model runs as a stand-alone workbook in Microsoft® Excel® and is freely available to download along with a video tutorial.H2020 MSCA individual fellowship (DILIPHO, ID: 702755

    A generalised dynamic model of leaf-level C3 photosynthesis combining light and dark reactions with stomatal behaviour

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    [eng] Global food demand is rising, impelling us to develop strategies for improving the efficiency of photosynthesis. Classical photosynthesis models based on steady state assumptions are inherently unsuitable for assessing biochemical and stomatal responses to rapid variations in environmental drivers. To identify strategies to increase photosynthetic efficiency, we need models that account for the timing of CO2 assimilation responses to dynamic environmental stimuli. Herein, I present a dynamic process-based photosynthetic model for C3 leaves. The model incorporates both light and dark reactions, coupled with a hydro-mechanical model of stomatal behaviour. The model achieved a stable and realistic rate of light-saturated CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance. Additionally, it replicated complete typical assimilatory response curves (stepwise change in CO2 and light intensity at different oxygen levels) featuring both short lag times and full photosynthetic acclimation. The model also successfully replicated transient responses to changes in light intensity (light flecks), CO2 concentration, and atmospheric oxygen concentration. This dynamic model is suitable for detailed ecophysiological studies and has potential for superseding the long-dominant steady-state approach to photosynthesis modelling. The model runs as a stand-alone workbook in Microsoft® Excel® and is freely available to download along with a video tutorial