10 research outputs found

    “Aqui nós participamos!” a participação das crianças na educação de infância

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    A participação das crianças tem assumido, nas últimas décadas, uma maior importância quer social quer cientificamente, uma vez que estas fazem parte de uma categoria social de tipo geracional que as caracteriza como um grupo minoritário cujo estatuto social é considerado (ainda) inferior em relação aos grupos dominantes. Por conseguinte, pode afirmar-se que estamos na presença de uma situação de exclusão da participação plena das crianças na vida social (Sarmento & Pinto, 1997). Ao longo deste trabalho pretendemos descodificar a imagem que está associada às crianças como hóspedes temporários, que habitam um espaço destinado ao mundo dos adultos: as instituições educativas (Tomás & Gama, 2011), ou no caso específico deste artigo, na Creche e no Jardim de Infância. O objetivo que se pretende alcançar é o de perceber se a realidade vivenciada na prática é a única existente ou se, por sua vez, concorrem outras versões contraditórias no que diz respeito à visão da criança como sujeito ativo na Educação de Infância. No decorrer da Prática Profissional Pedagógica, desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, confrontámo-nos com uma relação de parceria entre crianças e adultos, na qual era evidente o entrecruzar de olhares. Ao verificar que a sua voz era ouvida e que a necessidade e o direito à participação eram considerados como obrigatórios, afirmamos que o direito à educação poderá ser ampliado de forma a significar para todas as crianças uma educação com qualidade, em que reine o verdadeiro significado da palavra participar

    ATEIA, Uma rede de profissionais : relações e práticas reflexivas touchpoints

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    Dissertação Apresentada à Escola Superior De Educação De Lisboa para Obtenção de Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialidade Intervenção PrecoceA investigação indica que estabelecer e manter relações entre pais e educadores pode ser uma tarefa difícil, tanto por razões logísticas (tempo presencial e comunicação insuficientes) como por razões mais complexas (diferenças culturais, diferentes opiniões, desorganização parental e/ou insegurança profissional). Churchill (2003, p. 117) demonstra-nos a importância de se estabelecer uma relação entre cada pai, em particular, e educador, uma vez que são ambos responsáveis por desenvolver essa relação, centrada na criança. A abordagem Touchpoints preocupada com a qualidade das experiências das crianças, e sabendo que a mesma aumenta, na medida em que pais e educadores trabalham em parceria, vai empoderar famílias e profissionais (Singer, 2007). Este estudo de caso múltiplo sobre as histórias de vida de seis educadoras de infância procurou 1) identificar características, necessidades e estratégias individuais de autorreflexão, 2) conhecer como essas estratégias enformam a sua prática com as crianças e interação com as famílias, e 3) verificar se ao longo do projeto ATEIA, através do treino em práticas reflexivas Touchpoints, o foco nas suas atitudes (como ajo) evoluiu para o foco nos seus valores (quem quero ser) e respetivo processo transformativo (quem sou depois da participação no projeto). Os resultados desta investigação poderão ser úteis para o desenho de uma formação em práticas reflexivas guiadas pelos princípios e pressupostos orientadores do Modelo Touchpoints para estudantes e/ou profissionais a exercer em educação de infância. As descobertas sugerem que algumas das educadoras envolvidas neste estudo evoluíram na autoconsciência e capacidade autorreflexiva, modificando as suas práticas através da sistematização de estratégias (questionamento, autorreflexão, reflexão durante e após a ação, meta reflexão, W.A.I.T.1), da utilização de linguagem reflexiva, e foram capazes de integrar os princípios e pressupostos do Modelo Touchpoints, reconhecendo o seu impacto nas relações que estabelecem com as famílias. Este estudo tem implicações para a forma como os educadores aprendem o processo e a importância da autorreflexão, e integram as práticas reflexivas Touchpoints no seu Eu profissional.ABSTRACT Research has shown that establishing and maintaining relationships between parents and educators can be a difficult task, both for logistical reasons (insufficient time and communication) and for more complex reasons (cultural differences, different opinions, parental disorganization and / or professional insecurity). Churchill (2003, p. 117) shows us the importance of establishing a relationship between each parent, individually, and educator, since both are responsible for developing this relationship, centered on the child. The Touchpoints Approach, concerned with the quality of children's experiences, and knowing that it increases, as parents and educators work in partnership, will empower families and professionals (Singer, 2007). This multiple case study on the individual histories of six childhood educators sought to 1) identify individual characteristics, needs and strategies of self-reflection, 2) know how these strategies shape their practice with children and interaction with families, and 3) verify if throughout the ATEIA project, through training in reflexive Touchpoints practices, the focus on their attitudes (how I act) evolved to focus on their values (who I want to be) and their transformative process (who am I after participating in the project). The results of this research may be useful for the design of a training in reflective practices guided by the principles and guiding assumptions of the Touchpoints model for students and / or professionals in childhood education field. The findings suggest that some of the educators, involved in this study evolved in self-awareness and self-reflexive ability, modifying their practices through the systematization of strategies (questioning, self-reflection, reflection during and after action, meta reflection, WAIT2) could integrate the principles and assumptions of the Touchpoints model, recognizing their impact on the relationships they establish with families. This study has implications on how educators learn the process and importance of self-reflection and integrate reflexive Touchpoints into their professional self.N/

    Influenza severe cases in hospitals, between 2014 and 2016 in Portugal

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    Rede Portuguesa de Laboratórios para o Diagnóstico da GripeBackground: Since 2009, the Portuguese Laboratory Network (PLNID) for Influenza Diagnosis has integrated 15 Laboratories in mainland and Atlantic Islands of Azores and Madeira. This PLNID added an important contribute to the National Influenza Surveillance Program regarding severe and hospitalized influenza cases. The present study aims to describe influenza viruses detected in influenza like illness (ILI) cases: outpatients (Outp), hospitalized (Hosp), and intensive care units (ICU), between 2014 and 2016. Methods: The PLNID performs influenza virus diagnosis by biomolecular methodologies. Weekly reports to the National Influenza Reference Laboratory ILI cases tested for influenza. Reports include data on detecting viruses, hospital assistance, antiviral therapeutics, and information on death outcome. Were reported during two winter seasons 8059 ILI cases,being 3560 cases in 2014/15 (1024 in Outp, 1750 Hosp, and 606 in ICU) and 4499 cases in 2015/2016 (1933 in Outp, 1826 Hosp, and 740 in ICU). Results: The higher percentage of influenza positive cases were detected in Outp in both seasons, 18% during 2014/15 and 20% in 2015/16. In 2014/15,influenza cases were more frequent in individuals older than 65 years old and these required more hospitalizations,even in ICU. In 2015/16,the influenza cases were mainly detected in individuals between 15-64 years old. A higher proportion of influenza positive cases with hospitalization in ICU were observed in adults between 45-64 years old.During the study period,the predominant circulating influenza viruses were different in the two seasons: influenza B and A(H3) co-circulated in 2014/15,and influenza A(H1)pdm09 was predominant during 2015/16. Even when influenza A is notthe dominant virus, A(H3) and A(H1)pdm09 subtypes correlate with higher detection rate in hospitalized cases (Hosp and UCI), with higher frequencies in adults older than 45. Influenza B,detected in higher proportion in outpatients, was frequently relatedwith influenza cases in younger age groups: 0-4 and 5-14 years old. Conclusions: This study highlights the correlation of theinfluenza virus type/subtype that circulates in each season with the possible need for hospitalization and intensive care in special groups of the population. Circulation of influenza A subtypes can cause more frequentdisease in individuals older than 45, with need of hospitalization including intensive care. On the other hand, influenza B is more frequently associated with less severe cases and with infection in children and younger adults. Influenza B circulation might predict lower number of hospitalizations.The identification of influenza type in circulation,byPLNID ineach season, could guide action planning measures in population health care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Environments of professional nursing practice in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: Although COVID-19 attracted attention to the environments of professional nursing practice, triggering a series of responses to address some of the most pressing problems, it is important to identify the size and scope of other weaknesses that have emerged. Methods: In an observational and cross-sectional study, using the Scale for the Evaluation of the Environment of Professional Nursing Practice, 752 nurses from a Portuguese university hospital, provided socio-demographic and professional data about the components structure, process and outcome of their professional nursing environment. Data collection took place from June 1–30, 2020, immediately after the first critical period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal. Results: In the analysed environment of professional nursing practice, Process factors were favourable to the quality of care, while the Structure and Outcome factors had a moderately favourable effect. Structure factors related to work contexts (P < .001) and nursing functions in patient care areas with COVID-19 (P = .001). Process factors related significantly to work contexts (P < .001). A significant association was found between Outcome factors and work contexts (P < .001) and nursing functions in patient care areas with COVID-19 (P = .005). Conclusion: The environments of professional nursing practice in the hospital under study are moderately favourable to the quality of care. However, the need to invest in nurses’ participation, involvement and professional qualification is clear. Maintenance of a sustainable nursing workforce requires attention to be given to ensuring that practice environments are conducive to the quality of care and geared to promoting professional involvement and job satisfaction among nurses

    A investigação em fonologia do português Research in Portuguese phonology

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    Neste artigo pretende-se traçar uma panorâmica dos estudos de fonologia realizados em Portugal, com especial incidência nas análises formalizadas que se desenvolveram a partir da obra de Chomsky e Halle (1968). Na Introdução referem-se obras que marcaram a fonologia do Português Europeu antes dessa data, e apresentam-se os principais trabalhos de carácter dialectal e filológico, os estudos fonéticos e as obras que se integram na linguística estrutural. Na apresentação das análises formais distingue-se a fonologia generativa clássica das teorias que lhe sucederam O artigo tem um anexo que contém a bibliografia exaustiva dos livros e artigos publicados em Portugal a partir dos anos 70.<br>This paper is an overview of the phonological studies in Portuguese starting with the formal analyses developed in Portugal after the publication of The Sound Pattern of English (1968). The relevant works on European Portuguese published before Chomsky & Halle are included in the Introduction: the most important dialectal and philological works, phonetic studies as well as structural descriptions. Formal analyses are divided in two parts: those that follow standard generative phonology and those oriented by subsequent theories. The annex includes a comprehensive bibliography of all phonological books and papers published in Portugal after the seventies

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved