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Hes-so: ArODES Open Archive (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland / Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale / FH Westschweiz)
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    12740 research outputs found

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    L'enseignement et l'apprentissage digital au supérieur ::l'histoire de quatre semestres exceptionnels

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    Avec l’arrivée du Covid-19, les institutions d’enseignement supérieur ont été confrontées à la nécessité de devoir recourir à des cours en ligne. Cet article examine les perceptions du personnel d’enseignement et des étudiant-e-s des HES à la lumière de ces circonstances vraiment exceptionnelles

    L’expérience d’un séminaire par les récits de vie

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    Cette communication témoigne d’une expérience réalisée dans le cadre d’une formation en travail social, en Suisse romande. Cette formation, qui aboutit à un bachelor en travail social, se déroule en deux temps ; un temps en école, avec un tronc commun puis une orientation (animation socioculturelle, éducation sociale, service social), des modules à choix, le mémoire1, ainsi qu'une période de formation pratique (stages). L’auteure a co-animé un séminaire de mémoire ayant pour thème les transitions, avec une approche compréhensive. « La démarche compréhensive s’appuie sur la conviction que les hommes ne sont pas de simples agents porteurs de structures mais des producteurs actifs du social, donc des dépositaires d’un savoir important qu’il s’agit de saisir de l’intérieur, par le biais du système de valeurs des individus » (Kaufmann, 2011, p. 24). La méthode se situe en réalité au carrefour d’une démarche compréhensive, d’une approche socio-clinique et d’une méthodologie du récit biographique. L’ensemble du processus et les résultats obtenus favorisent une manière singulière d’appréhender la réalité, qui vise à enrichir la posture de futur.e.s professionnel.le.s du travail social. Pour les enseignant.e.s, elle repose sur un accompagnement qui encadre l’approche d’un terrain en mettant à distance les idées préconçues. « Le risque est toujours grand de produire une théorie qui « fait dire » aux paroles, sans vraiment comprendre ce qu’elles disent véritablement » (Dubar et Demazière, 2004, p. 68). Cette approche est est aussi utile pour de futures professionnel.le.s, dans l’exercice quotidien de l’accompagnement. L’auteure souhaite partager l’expérience de ce séminaire, en évoquant le déroulement de quelques travaux

    Evaluating the effect of action-like video game play and of casual video game play on anxiety in adolescents with elevated anxiety ::protocol for a multi-center, parallel group, assessor-blind, randomized controlled trial

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    Background : Adolescence is a critical period for the onset and maintenance of anxiety disorders, which raises the importance of intervening early; one possibility of doing so is via digital interventions. Within that research field, at least two important research paths have been explored in the past years. On the one hand, the anxiolytic effect of casual video games has been tested as such gaming activity may distract away from anxious thoughts through the induction of flow and redirection of attention toward the game and thus away of anxious thoughts. On the other hand, the bidirectional link between weak attentional control and higher anxiety has led to the design of interventions aiming at improving attentional control such as working memory training studies. Taking stock that another genre of gaming, action video games, improves attentional control, game-based interventions that combines cognitive training and action-like game features would seem relevant. This three-arm randomized controlled trial aims to evaluate the feasibility and the efficacy of two video game interventions to document how each may potentially alleviate adolescent anxiety-related symptoms when deployed fully on-line. Methods : The study aims to recruit 150 individuals, 12 to 14 years of age, with high levels of anxiety as reported by the parents’ online form of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders questionnaire. This trial contrasts a child-friendly, “action-like” video game designed to improve attentional control abilities in a progressive and stepwise manner (Eco-Rescue), a casual puzzle video game selected to act as a positive distraction tool (Bejeweled) and finally a control group with no assigned training intervention to control for possible test-retest effects (No-training). Participants will be assigned randomly to one of the three study arms. They will be assessed for main (anxiety) and secondary outcomes (attentional control, affective working memory) at three time points, before training (T1), one week after the 6-week training (T2) and four months after completing the training (T3). Discussion : The results will provide evidence for the feasibility and the efficacy of two online video game interventions at improving mental health and emotional well-being in adolescents with high levels of anxiety. This project will contribute unique knowledge to the field, as few studies have examined the effects of video game play in the context of digital mental health interventions for adolescents

    Fe2.7Si, Fe50Ni and Fe50Co soft ferromagnetic materials by powder injection moulding

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    Powder injection moulding is an enabling technology for the production of soft ferromagnetic components, which bring solutions and open the way for new applications. In this work, square toroid parts have been injection moulded for three typical soft magnetic alloy compositions. Fe2.7Si, Fe50Ni and Fe50Co feedstocks were produced by mixing elemental powders and a multicomponent binder. The green parts were first solvent debinded in a heptane bath. Then, thermal debinding under nitrogen atmosphere and sintering under hydrogen atmosphere were performed in a single step in a retort furnace. The sintered parts were characterized by measurements of B‐H hysteresis cycles and optical metallography. The results were compared with literature values obtained from powder metallurgy processes

    Identification with opportunities ::exploring mechanisms of personal attachments to opportunity ideas

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    While prior studies on individuals’ recognition and pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities have pointed to the explanatory potential of identity-based approaches, still rather little is known about the specific identity-based mechanisms which may play a role at the nexus of individuals and entrepreneurial opportunities. We develop and test such an underlying mechanism – individuals’ cognitive identification with their ideas. More specifically, we explore the ‘resilience’ of individuals’ identification with their ideas over time when market feedback challenges the value of their ideas. This study thus contributes the notion of cognitive identification to the literature on ‘first person opportunities’. In a larger sense, we contribute micro-level, process-based insights, which further support that identity may be a root cause of entrepreneurial resilience

    Nichtbezug von Sozialleistungen ::was steckt dahinter?

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    Viele Menschen beziehen oder beantragen ihnen zustehende Leistungen nicht. Was sind die Gründe dafür


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    Hes-so: ArODES Open Archive (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland / Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale / FH Westschweiz) is based in Switzerland
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