6,307 research outputs found

    Fractional Newton-Raphson Method Accelerated with Aitken's Method

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    The Newton-Raphson (N-R) method is characterized by the fact that generating a divergent sequence can lead to the creation of a fractal, on the other hand the order of the fractional derivatives seems to be closely related to the fractal dimension, based on the above, a method was developed that makes use of the N-R method and the fractional derivative of Riemann-Liouville (R-L) that has been named as the Fractional Newton-Raphson (F N-R) method. In the following work we present a way to obtain the convergence of the F N-R method, which seems to be at least linearly convergent for the case where the order α\alpha of the derivative is different from one, a simplified way to construct the fractional derivative and fractional integral operators of R-L is presented, an introduction to the Aitken's method is made and it is explained why it has the capacity to accelerate the convergence of iterative methods to finally present the results that were obtained when implementing the Aitken's method in F N-R method.Comment: Newton-Raphson Method, Fractional Calculus, Fractional Derivative of Riemann-Liouville, Method of Aitken. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1710.0763

    Intermediate Resolution Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of 36 late-M Dwarfs

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    We present observations of 36 late-M dwarfs obtained with the KeckII/NIRSPEC in the J-band at a resolution of \sim20,000. We have measured projected rotational velocities, absolute radial velocities, and pseudo-equivalent widths of atomic lines. 12 of our targets did not have previous measurements in the literature. For the other 24 targets, we confirm previously reported measurements. We find that 13 stars from our sample have vsini below our measurement threshold (12 km/s) whereas four of our targets are fast rotators (vsini > 30 km/s). As fast rotation causes spectral features to be washed out, stars with low projected rotational velocities are sought for radial velocity surveys. At our intermediate spectral resolution we have confirmed the identification of neutral atomic lines reported in Mclean et al. 2007. We also calculated pseudo-equivalent widths (p-EW) of 12 atomic lines. Our results confirm that the p-EW of K I lines are strongly dependent on spectral types. We observe that the p-EW of Fe I and Mn I lines remain fairly constant with later spectral type. We suggest that those lines are particularly suitable for deriving metallicities for late-M dwarfs.Comment: accepted in Astronomical Journal. 30 pages, 7 tables, and 7 figure

    The substellar mass function in sigma Orionis. II. Optical, near-infrared and IRAC/Spitzer photometry of young cluster brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects

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    We investigate the mass function in the substellar domain down to a few Jupiter masses in the young sigma Orionis open cluster (3+/-2 Ma, d = 360^+70_-60 pc). We have performed a deep IJ-band search, covering an area of 790 arcmin^2 close to the cluster centre. This survey was complemented with an infrared follow-up in the HKs- and Spitzer 3.6-8.0 mum-bands. Using colour-magnitude diagrams, we have selected 49 candidate cluster members in the magnitude interval 16.1 mag < I < 23.0 mag. Accounting for flux excesses at 8.0 mum and previously known spectral features of youth, 30 objects are bona fide cluster members. Four are first identified from our optical-near infrared data. Eleven have most probable masses below the deuterium burning limit and are classified as planetary-mass object candidates. The slope of the substellar mass spectrum (Delta N / Delta M = a M^-alpha) in the mass interval 0.11 Msol M < 0.006 Msol is alpha = +0.6+/-0.2. Any opacity mass-limit, if these objects form via fragmentation, may lie below 0.006 Msol. The frequency of sigma Orionis brown dwarfs with circumsubstellar discs is 47+/-15 %. The continuity in the mass function and in the frequency of discs suggests that very low-mass stars and substellar objects, even below the deuterium-burning mass limit, may share the same formation mechanism.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (12/04/2007). It has not been edited for language ye

    Implications of zoonotic and vector-borne parasites to free-roaming cats in central Spain

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    Cats are definitive hosts and reservoirs for several parasites, some of which are responsible for serious zoonotic diseases. We conducted a case-control study of data from a trap-neuter-return (TNR) programme (years 2014-2017) designed to examine the prevalence of zoonotic parasites in free-roaming cats living in urban areas of central Spain. In the animal population tested (n = 263), we detected a 29.2% prevalence of endoparasites, including high rates of cestodes (12.9%) and Toxocara cati (11.7%). While faecal samples showed no Toxoplasma gondii oocysts, the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection was 24.2%. Antibodies to Leishmania infantum were detected in 4.8% of the animals, though all skin and blood samples analyzed were PCR negative for this parasite. Ectoparasites (ticks and fleas) were found in 4.6% of the cat population, and 10.6% of the cats were detected with Otodectes cynotis. Finally, 6.3% and 7.9% cats tested positive for feline leukaemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus, respectively. Our study provides useful information for animal-welfare and public-health, as the parasites detected can affect native wild animals through predation, competition and disease transmission. Our detection of zoonotic parasites such as L. infantum, T. gondii, T. cati, Giardia duodenalis and several ectoparasites prompts an urgent need for health control measures in stray cats.S

    Apoptosis of peritoneal leucocytes during early stages of Fasciola hepatica infections in sheep

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    Several immunomodulatory properties have been described in Fasciola hepatica infections. Apoptosis has been shown to be an effective mechanism to avoid the immune response in helminth infections. The aim of the present work was to study apoptosis in peritoneal leucocytes of sheep experimentally infected with F. hepatica during the early stages of infection. Five groups (n = 5) of sheep were used. Groups 2–5 were orally infected with 200 metacercariae (mc) and sacrificed at 1, 3, 9 and 18 days post-infection (dpi), respectively. Group 1 was used as the uninfected control (UC). Apoptosis was detected using three different methods 1) immunocytochemistry (ICC) with a polyclonal antibody anti-active caspase-3; 2) an annexin V flow cytometry assay using the Annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide (PI); and 3) transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The differential leucocyte count revealed that the majority of peritoneal granulocytes were eosinophils, which increased significantly at 9 and 18 dpi with respect to the uninfected controls. The ICC study revealed that the percentage of caspase-3+ apoptotic peritoneal leucocytes increased significantly from 3 dpi onwards with respect to the uninfected controls. The flow cytometry annexin V assay detected a very significant (P < 0.001) increase of apoptotic peritoneal macrophages, lymphocytes and granulocytes, which remained higher than in the UC until 18 dpi. Transmission electron microscopy studies also confirmed the presence of apoptosis in peritoneal eosinophils at 18 dpi. This is the first report of apoptosis induced by F. hepatica in the peritoneal leucocytes of sheep in vivo. The results of this work suggest the importance of apoptosis induction for the survival of the juvenile parasites in the peritoneal migratory stages of infection.This work was supported by EU grants (H2020-635408-PARAGONE) and the Spanish Ministry of Science grant AGL2015-67023-C2-1-R. The TEM studies were carried out by the Central Research Services (SCAI) of the University of CórdobaAccepted manuscriptVeterinari

    Infrared and kinematic properties of the substellar object G 196-3B

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    We report unusual near- and mid-infrared photometric properties of G 196-3 B, the young substellar companion at 16 arcsec from the active M2.5-type star G 196-3 A, using data taken with the IRAC and MIPS instruments onboard Spitzer. G 196-3 B shows markedly redder colors at all wavelengths from 1.6 up to 24 micron than expected for its spectral type, which is determined at L3 from optical and near-infrared spectra. We discuss various physical scenarios to account for its reddish nature, and conclude that a low-gravity atmosphere with enshrouded upper atmospheric layers and/or a warm dusty disk/envelope provides the most likely explanations, the two of them consistent with an age in the interval 20-300 Myr. We also present new and accurate separate proper motion measurements for G 196-3 A and B confirming that both objects are gravitationally linked and share the same motion within a few mas/yr. After integration of the combined spectrophotometric spectral energy distributions, we obtain that the difference in the bolometric magnitudes of G 196-3 A and B is 6.15 +/- 0.10 mag. Kinematic consideration of the Galactic space motions of the system for distances in the interval 15-30 pc suggests that the pair is a likely member of the Local Association, and that it lay near the past positions of young star clusters like alpha Persei less than 85 Myr ago, where the binary might have originated. At these young ages, the mass of G 196-3 B would be in the range 12-25 Mjup, close to the frontier between planets and brown dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Proper motions of field L and T dwarfs -II

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    By using images taken with WFCAM on UKIRT and SofI on the NTT and combining them with 2MASS we have measured proper motions for 126 L and T dwarfs in the dwarf archive. Two of these L dwarfs appear to have M dwarf common proper motion companions, and 2 also appear to be high velocity dwarfs, indicating possible membership of the thick disc. We have also compared the motion of these 126 objects to that of numerous moving groups, and have identified new members of the Hyades, Ursa Major and Pleiades moving groups. These new objects, as well as those identified in Jameson et al. (2008) have allowed us to refine the L dwarf sequence for Ursa Major that was defined by Jameson et al. (2008).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 10 pages, 3 figure

    The ultracool-field dwarf luminosity-function and space density from the Canada-France Brown Dwarf Survey

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    Context. Thanks to recent and ongoing large scale surveys, hundreds of brown dwarfs have been discovered in the last decade. The Canada-France Brown Dwarf Survey is a wide-field survey for cool brown dwarfs conducted with the MegaCam camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope telescope. Aims. Our objectives are to find ultracool brown dwarfs and to constrain the field brown-dwarf luminosity function and the mass function from a large and homogeneous sample of L and T dwarfs. Methods. We identify candidates in CFHT/MegaCam i' and z' images and follow them up with pointed near infrared (NIR) imaging on several telescopes. Halfway through our survey we found ~50 T dwarfs and ~170 L or ultra cool M dwarfs drawn from a larger sample of 1400 candidates with typical ultracool dwarfs i' - z' colours, found in 780 square degrees. Results. We have currently completed the NIR follow-up on a large part of the survey for all candidates from mid-L dwarfs down to the latest T dwarfs known with utracool dwarfs' colours. This allows us to draw on a complete and well defined sample of 102 ultracool dwarfs to investigate the luminosity function and space density of field dwarfs. Conclusions. We found the density of late L5 to T0 dwarfs to be 2.0pm0.8 x 10-3 objects pc-3, the density of T0.5 to T5.5 dwarfs to be 1.4pm0.3 x 10-3 objects pc-3, and the density of T6 to T8 dwarfs to be 5.3pm3.1 x 10-3 objects pc-3 . We found that these results agree better with a flat substellar mass function. Three latest dwarfs at the boundary between T and Y dwarfs give the high density 8.3p9.0m5.1 x 10-3 objects pc-3. Although the uncertainties are very large this suggests that many brown dwarfs should be found in this late spectral type range, as expected from the cooling of brown dwarfs, whatever their mass, down to very low temperature.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
