6,424 research outputs found

    Condensate fragmentation as a sensitive measure of the quantum many-body behavior of bosons with long-range interactions

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    The occupation of more than one single-particle state and hence the emergence of fragmentation is a many-body phenomenon universal to systems of spatially confined interacting bosons. In the present study, we investigate the effect of the range of the interparticle interactions on the fragmentation degree of one- and two-dimensional systems. We solve the full many-body Schr\"odinger equation of the system using the recursive implementation of the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree for bosons method, R-MCTDHB. The dependence of the degree of fragmentation on dimensionality, particle number, areal or line density and interaction strength is assessed. It is found that for contact interactions, the fragmentation is essentially density independent in two dimensions. However, fragmentation increasingly depends on density the more long-ranged the interactions become. The degree of fragmentation is increasing, keeping the particle number NN fixed, when the density is decreasing as expected in one spatial dimension. We demonstrate that this remains, nontrivially, true also for long-range interactions in two spatial dimensions. We, finally, find that within our fully self-consistent approach, the fragmentation degree, to a good approximation, decreases universally as N1/2N^{-1/2} when only NN is varied.Comment: 8 pages of RevTex4-1, 5 figure

    The Prograde Orbit of Exoplanet TrES-2b

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    We monitored the Doppler shift of the G0V star TrES-2 throughout a transit of its giant planet. The anomalous Doppler shift due to stellar rotation (the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect) is discernible in the data, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 2.9, even though the star is a slow rotator. By modeling this effect we find that the planet's trajectory across the face of the star is tilted by -9 +/- 12 degrees relative to the projected stellar equator. With 98% confidence, the orbit is prograde.Comment: ApJ, in press [15 pages

    A Unified Framework for the Pareto Law and Matthew Effect using Scale-Free Networks

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    We investigate the accumulated wealth distribution by adopting evolutionary games taking place on scale-free networks. The system self-organizes to a critical Pareto distribution (1897) of wealth P(m)m(v+1)P(m)\sim m^{-(v+1)} with 1.6<v<2.01.6 < v <2.0 (which is in agreement with that of U.S. or Japan). Particularly, the agent's personal wealth is proportional to its number of contacts (connectivity), and this leads to the phenomenon that the rich gets richer and the poor gets relatively poorer, which is consistent with the Matthew Effect present in society, economy, science and so on. Though our model is simple, it provides a good representation of cooperation and profit accumulation behavior in economy, and it combines the network theory with econophysics.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Precise Estimates of the Physical Parameters for the Exoplanet System HD-17156 Enabled by HST FGS Transit and Asteroseismic Observations

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    We present observations of three distinct transits of HD 17156b obtained with the Fine Guidance Sensors (FGS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope} (HST). We analyzed both the transit photometry and previously published radial velocities to find the planet-star radius ratio R_p/R_s = 0.07454 +/- 0.00035, inclination i=86.49 +0.24/-0.20 deg, and scaled semi-major axis a/R = 23.19 +0.32/-0.27. This last value translates directly to a mean stellar density determination of 0.522 +0.021/-0.018 g cm^-3. Analysis of asteroseismology observations by the companion paper of Gilliland et al. (2009) provides a consistent but significantly refined measurement of the stellar mean density. We compare stellar isochrones to this density estimate and find M_s = 1.275 +/- 0.018 M_sun and a stellar age of $3.37 +0.20/-0.47 Gyr. Using this estimate of M_s and incorporating the density constraint from asteroseismology, we model both the photometry and published radial velocities to estimate the planet radius R_p= 1.0870 +/- 0.0066 Jupiter radii and the stellar radius R_s = 1.5007 +/- 0.0076 R_sun. The planet radius is larger than that found in previous studies and consistent with theoretical models of a solar-composition gas giant of the same mass and equilibrium temperature. For the three transits, we determine the times of mid-transit to a precision of 6.2 s, 7.6 s, and 6.9 s, and the transit times for HD 17156 do not show any significant departures from a constant period. The joint analysis of transit photometry and asteroseismology presages similar studies that will be enabled by the NASA Kepler Mission.Comment: Accepted for publication to Ap

    A binary merger origin for inflated hot Jupiter planets

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    We hypothesize that hot Jupiters with inflated sizes represent a separate planet formation channel,the merging of two low-mass stars. We show that the abundance and properties of W UMa stars and low mass detached binaries are consistent with their being possible progenitors. The degree of inflation of the transiting hot Jupiters correlates with their expected spiral-in life time by tidal dissipation, and this could indicate youth if the stellar dissipation parameter Q'* is sufficiently low. Several Jupiter-mass planets can form in the massive compact disk formed in a merger event. Gravitational scattering between them can explain the high incidence of excentric, inclined, and retrograde orbits. If the population of inflated planets is indeed formed by a merger process, their frequency should be much higher around blue stragglers than around T Tauri stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The social biography of antibiotic use in smallholder dairy farms in India

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    Background Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been identified as one of the major threats to global health, food security and development today. While there has been considerable attention about the use and misuse of antibiotics amongst human populations in both research and policy environments, there is no definitive estimate of the extent of misuse of antibiotics in the veterinary sector and its contribution to AMR in humans. In this study, we explored the drivers ofirrational usage of verterinary antibiotics in the dairy farming sector in peri-urban India. Methods and materials The study was conducted in the peri-urban belts of Ludhiana, Guwahati and Bangalore. A total of 54 interviews (formal and non-formal) were carried out across these three sites. Theme guides were developed to explore different drivers of veterinary antimicrobial use. Data was audio recorded and transcribed. Analysis of the coded data set was carried out using AtlasTi. Version 7. Themes emerged inductively from the set of codes. Results Findings were presented based on concept of ‘levels of analyses’. Emergent themes were categorised as individual, health systems, and policy level drivers. Low level of knowledge related to antibiotics among farmers, active informal service providers, direct marketing of drugs to the farmers and easily available antibiotics, dispensed without appropriate prescriptions contributed to easy access to antibiotics, and were identified to be the possible drivers contributing to the non-prescribed and self-administered use of antibiotics in the dairy farms. Conclusions Smallholding dairy farmers operated within very small margins of profits. The paucity of formal veterinary services at the community level, coupled with easy availability of antibiotics and the need to ensure profits and minimise losses, promoted non-prescribed antibiotic consumption. It is essential that these local drivers of irrational antibiotic use are understood in order to develop interventions and policies that seek to reduce antibiotic misuse

    Planet Occurrence within 0.25 AU of Solar-type Stars from Kepler

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    We report the distribution of planets as a function of planet radius (R_p), orbital period (P), and stellar effective temperature (Teff) for P < 50 day orbits around GK stars. These results are based on the 1,235 planets (formally "planet candidates") from the Kepler mission that include a nearly complete set of detected planets as small as 2 Earth radii (Re). For each of the 156,000 target stars we assess the detectability of planets as a function of R_p and P. We also correct for the geometric probability of transit, R*/a. We consider first stars within the "solar subset" having Teff = 4100-6100 K, logg = 4.0-4.9, and Kepler magnitude Kp < 15 mag. We include only those stars having noise low enough to permit detection of planets down to 2 Re. We count planets in small domains of R_p and P and divide by the included target stars to calculate planet occurrence in each domain. Occurrence of planets varies by more than three orders of magnitude and increases substantially down to the smallest radius (2 Re) and out to the longest orbital period (50 days, ~0.25 AU) in our study. For P < 50 days, the radius distribution is given by a power law, df/dlogR= k R^\alpha. This rapid increase in planet occurrence with decreasing planet size agrees with core-accretion, but disagrees with population synthesis models. We fit occurrence as a function of P to a power law model with an exponential cutoff below a critical period P_0. For smaller planets, P_0 has larger values, suggesting that the "parking distance" for migrating planets moves outward with decreasing planet size. We also measured planet occurrence over Teff = 3600-7100 K, spanning M0 to F2 dwarfs. The occurrence of 2-4 Re planets in the Kepler field increases with decreasing Teff, making these small planets seven times more abundant around cool stars than the hottest stars in our sample. [abridged]Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 22 pages, 10 figure

    The Anglo-Australian Planet Search XXIV: The Frequency of Jupiter Analogs

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    Robert A. Wittenmyer, et al, 'The Anglo-Australian planet search XXIV: The frequency of Jupiter analogs', The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 819 (1), first published online 24 February 2016. The version of record is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.3847/0004-637X/819/1/28 © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present updated simulations of the detectability of Jupiter analogs by the 17-year Anglo-Australian Planet Search. The occurrence rate of Jupiter-like planets that have remained near their formation locations beyond the ice line is a critical datum necessary to constrain the details of planet formation. It is also vital in our quest to fully understand how common (or rare) planetary systems like our own are in the Galaxy. From a sample of 202 solar-type stars, and correcting for imperfect detectability on a star-by-star basis, we derive a frequency of 6.21.6+2.8{6.2}_{-1.6}^{+2.8}% for giant planets in orbits from 3 to 7 au. When a consistent definition of "Jupiter analog" is used, our results are in agreement with those from other legacy radial-velocity surveys.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Multiplicities of charged pions and unidentified charged hadrons from deep-inelastic scattering of muons off an isoscalar target

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    Multiplicities of charged pions and unidentified hadrons produced in deep-inelastic scattering were measured in bins of the Bjorken scaling variable xx, the relative virtual-photon energy yy and the relative hadron energy zz. Data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam and an isoscalar target (6^6LiD). They cover the kinematic domain in the photon virtuality Q2Q^2 > 1(GeV/c)2)^2, 0.004<x<0.40.004 < x < 0.4, 0.2<z<0.850.2 < z < 0.85 and 0.1<y<0.70.1 < y < 0.7. In addition, a leading-order pQCD analysis was performed using the pion multiplicity results to extract quark fragmentation functions

    Transverse-momentum-dependent Multiplicities of Charged Hadrons in Muon-Deuteron Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    A semi-inclusive measurement of charged hadron multiplicities in deep inelastic muon scattering off an isoscalar target was performed using data collected by the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN. The following kinematic domain is covered by the data: photon virtuality Q2>1Q^{2}>1 (GeV/cc)2^2, invariant mass of the hadronic system W>5W > 5 GeV/c2c^2, Bjorken scaling variable in the range 0.003<x<0.40.003 < x < 0.4, fraction of the virtual photon energy carried by the hadron in the range 0.2<z<0.80.2 < z < 0.8, square of the hadron transverse momentum with respect to the virtual photon direction in the range 0.02 (GeV/c)2<PhT2<3c)^2 < P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} < 3 (GeV/cc)2^2. The multiplicities are presented as a function of PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} in three-dimensional bins of xx, Q2Q^2, zz and compared to previous semi-inclusive measurements. We explore the small-PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} region, i.e. PhT2<1P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} < 1 (GeV/cc)2^2, where hadron transverse momenta are expected to arise from non-perturbative effects, and also the domain of larger PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}, where contributions from higher-order perturbative QCD are expected to dominate. The multiplicities are fitted using a single-exponential function at small PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} to study the dependence of the average transverse momentum PhT2\langle P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}\rangle on xx, Q2Q^2 and zz. The power-law behaviour of the multiplicities at large PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} is investigated using various functional forms. The fits describe the data reasonably well over the full measured range.Comment: 28 pages, 20 figure