37 research outputs found

    Género y trabajo social : Reflexiones sobre la perspectiva de género en la intervención profesional

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    Este texto introduce en el análisis de la perspectiva de género en nuestra profesión, en particular en la intervención profesional y específicamente en el ámbito de las instituciones escolares donde se desempeña la mayoría del colectivo profesional. Intenta generar un espacio de reflexión no solo sobre los escenarios de actuación sino sobre nuestra profesión y el Magisterio como profesiones feminizadas.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Multilevel modelling of the draft force required by seeder-fertilizers

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    The high production costs in agriculture have guiding the adoption of farming systems and new management techniques as well as the sizing of agricultural machinery. In this regard, planning entails knowledge on the efficiency according to the energy requirements parameters, so the farmer shall consider the characteristics of the soil on which the implement operates. The performance assessment of sowing-fertilize machines shows the effect of some variables on the draft requirement, so the experimental conditions, which might lead to different outcomes of implement operation, must be regarded. Therefore, it is necessary obtain metanalytical estimates to integrate the results available in the literature. Grounded on systematic review, this study aimed to model the draft imposed by sowing-fertilizing machines considering fixed effects, mainly soil characteristics, and random effects associated to the selected experiments. It was found that the best models according to information criteria may not always meet the assumptions as normality of the distribution of residuals and homoscedasticity. The variables such as bulk density of soil, stubble conditions, depth of fertilizer placement, and speed could accurately explain the draft requirement with mean squared deviation of 2.93 whereas the referred evaluator for the ASABE standard was 63.51. Forthcoming works may analyze the repeatability of the models considering different seeders under diverse configurations and operation conditionsThe high production costs in agriculture have guiding the adoption of farming systems and new management techniques as well as the sizing of agricultural machinery. In this regard, planning entails knowledge on the efficiency according to the energy requirements parameters, so the farmer shall consider the characteristics of the soil on which the implement operates. The performance assessment of sowing-fertilize machines shows the effect of some variables on the draft requirement, so the experimental conditions, which might lead to different outcomes of implement operation, must be regarded. Therefore, it is necessary obtain metanalytical estimates to integrate the results available in the literature. Grounded on systematic review, this study aimed to model the draft imposed by sowing-fertilizing machines considering fixed effects, mainly soil characteristics, and random effects associated to the selected experiments. It was found that the best models according to information criteria may not always meet the assumptions as normality of the distribution of residuals and homoscedasticity. The variables such as bulk density of soil, stubble conditions, depth of fertilizer placement, and speed could accurately explain the draft requirement with mean squared deviation of 2.93 whereas the referred evaluator for the ASABE standard was 63.51. Forthcoming works may analyze the repeatability of the models considering different seeders under diverse configurations and operation condition

    Efecto de los parámetros de soldadura en mallas de acero electrosoldadas

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    El hormigón armado es el material utilizado por excelencia en la industria de la construcción. El refuerzo delhormigón es en general barras de acero nervuradas. En ciertas aplicaciones, resulta conveniente el empleo demallas y son empleadas en la mayoría de las estructuras de hormigón armado (edificios, carreteras, túneles ycomponentes prefabricados). Estas mallas de acero son en general electrosoldadas (PW: Projection Welding),donde el calor generado para producir la unión surge de la resistencia que oponen las piezas de trabajo alpaso de la corriente eléctrica, bajo la acción de presión mecánica. Dicho proceso presenta diversos parámetrosoperativos los cuales afectan la calidad de las uniones soldadas y la evolución microestructural que tienelugar durante la soldadura. La norma IRAM-IAS U 500-06 establece los requerimientos que deben cumplirdichas mallas electrosoldadas. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la influencia de los parámetros de procesosobre la evolución microestructural y las propiedades mecánicas de las uniones de mallas electrosoldadas.Para esto se soldaron alambres nervurados ATR 500M de 4 mm de diámetro mediante PW con diferentesparámetros de soldadura. Se evaluó la influencia de la corriente de soldadura, el tiempo de soldadura, la fuerzay el tiempo de presoldadura. Sobre las uniones soldadas, se caracterizó la macro y microestructura, se realizaronperfiles de microdureza y ensayos de arrancamiento. Se realizaron comparaciones con mallas comercialesy se verificó el cumplimiento de los requisitos de la mencionada norma. Se observó un fuerte efectodel tiempo y la corriente de soldadura y se obtuvo un procedimiento optimizado.Palabras clave: malla electrosoldada, parámetros de soldadura, propiedades mecánicas, macroestructur

    Selective photodynamic effects on cervical adenocarcinoma cells provided by F127 Pluronic®-based micelles modulating hypericin delivery

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    Cervical cancer is a leading cause of death among women. The endocervical adenocarcinoma (ECA) represents an aggressive and metastatic type of cancer with no effective treatment options currently available. We evaluated the antitumoral and anti-migratory effects of hypericin (HYP) encapsulated on Pluronic F127 (F127/HYP) photodynamic therapy (PDT) against a human cell line derived from invasive cervical adenocarcinoma (HeLa) compared to a human epithelial cell line (HaCaT). The phototoxicity and cytotoxicity of F127/HYP were evaluated by the following assays: colorimetric assay, MTT, cellular morphological changes by microscopy and long-term cytotoxicity by clonogenic assay. In addition, we performed fluorescence microscopy to analyze cell uptake and subcellular distribution of F127/HYP, cell death pathway and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. The PDT mechanism was determined with sodium azide and D-mannitol and cell migration by wound-healing assay. The treatment with F127/HYP promoted a phototoxic result in the HeLa cells in a dose-dependent and selective form. Internalization of F127/HYP was observed mainly in the mitochondria, causing cell death by necrosis and ROS production especially by the type II PDT mechanism. Furthermore, F127/HYP reduced the long-term proliferation and migration capacity of HeLa cells. Overall, our results indicate a potentially application of F127/HYP micelles as a novel approach for PDT with HYP delivery to more specifically treat ECA

    Investigação de Hiperplasia Endometrial em mulheres obesas na pré e pós menopausa: Uma Revisão Sistemática / Investigation of Endometrial Hyperplasia in obese pre and postmenopausal women: A Systematic Review

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    INTRODUÇÃO A obesidade é um dos principais fatores de risco de câncer de endométrio (CE) e este, por sua vez, apresenta-se como uma possível evolução fisiopatológica da hiperplasia endometrial (HE). O objetivo deste estudo consiste em analisar se a obesidade isoladamente teria o poder de indicar uma investigação complementar para HE e CE em mulheres na pré e pós menopausa, sintomáticas ou não. METODOLOGIA: Foi realizada uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura a partir de 21 artigos selecionados para responder a questão de pesquisa levantada. As bases de dados selecionadas foram PubMed, Scielo, LILACS, Cochrane, Scopus e Embase. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Mulheres obesas possuem de 2.7 a 17 vezes mais chances de desenvolver HE e CE em relação às não obesas. O ultrassom transvaginal (USTV) apresenta acurácia diminuída em obesas, sendo a videohisteroscopia (VH) seguida de biópsia o exame mais recomendado neste grupo, porém de acesso limitado. Não há consenso sobre quando iniciar propedêutica com estes exames complementares. Atualmente, a investigação não é recomendada em pacientes assintomáticas, independentemente do fator de risco. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da forte associação entre obesidade e HE, não há evidências suficientes para estabelecer o momento ideal de se investigar ou rastrear a doença e a forma de se fazer essa investigação

    Assessing Executive Dysfunction in Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Critical Review of Brief Neuropsychological Tools

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    Executive function (EF) has been defined as a multifaceted construct that involves a variety of high-level cognitive abilities such as planning, working memory, mental flexibility, and inhibition. Being able to identify deficits in EF is important for the diagnosis and monitoring of several neurodegenerative disorders, and thus their assessment is a topic of much debate. In particular, there has been a growing interest in the development of neuropsychological screening tools that can potentially provide a reliable quick measure of EF. In this review, we critically discuss the four screening tools of EF currently available in the literature: Executive Interview-25 (EXIT 25), Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), INECO Frontal Screening (IFS), and FRONTIER Executive Screen (FES). We first describe their features, and then evaluate their psychometric properties, the existing evidence on their neural correlates, and the empirical work that has been conducted in clinical populations. We conclude that the four screening tools generally present appropriate psychometric properties, and are sensitive to impairments in EF in several neurodegenerative conditions. However, more research will be needed mostly with respect to normative data and neural correlates, and to determine the extent to which these tools add specific information to the one provided by global cognition screening tests. More research directly comparing the available tools with each other will also be important to establish in which conditions each of them can be most useful.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimización del proceso RSW para acero DP 1000

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    En el último tiempo se han introducido nuevos materiales en la construcción de automóviles a fin de disminuirsu peso y consecuentemente el consumo de combustible y el nivel de emisiones. Entre ellos se encuentranlos Aceros Dual Phase (DP), constituidos por una matriz ferrítica con islas de martensita. La soldadurapor puntos de resistencia (RSW) es el proceso de soldadura más utilizado en la industria automotriz. Sin embargo,la soldadura de estos materiales presenta mayores desafíos, ya que los parámetros empleados para lasoldadura RSW de aceros convencionales no son aplicables a estos aceros avanzados. Asimismo, los ciclostérmicos de la soldadura degradan sus propiedades encontrándose el mínimo de dureza en la zona sub y/ointer crítica. A su vez, debido a las altas velocidades de enfriamiento impuestas por la fuerte refrigeración delos electrodos, en la zona de la lenteja se pueden generar estructuras de elevada dureza. En este sentido, laoptimización de los procedimientos de soldadura presenta un interés especial. Por otro lado, la productividades un aspecto de gran relevancia en estas aplicaciones por lo que la reducción de los tiempos de soldadura esun requerimiento. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el efecto de los parámetros de soldadura RSW enaceros DP1000 de forma de optimizar el mismo. A este fin, se soldaron mediante RSW probetas de aceroDP1000 de 1,2 mm de espesor, variando la corriente y el tiempo de soldadura. Sobre las uniones soldadas serealizó la caracterización macro y microestructural mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido,perfiles de microdureza Vickers y ensayos de arrancamiento tipo peel-test y shear-test. Las superficies defractura se analizaron mediante microscopía óptica. Se obtuvo un conjunto de parámetros que optimiza elprocedimiento de soldadura de aceros DP1000 mediante RSW. Se encontró que a partir de los 10 ciclos desoldadura y con niveles de corriente de 7 KA los puntos cumplen con los requerimientos dimensionales y depropiedades mecánicas adoptados por la industria automotriz