425 research outputs found

    Mobbing in the Workplace and Individualism: Antibullying Legislation in the United States, Europe and Canada

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    “Mobbing” refers to systematic behavior directed toward an employee over a long period of time that results in serious harm to the victim. Legislative responses to mobbing behavior in Sweden, France, Canada, and Belgium have responded in various ways to alleviate the conditions that create the psychological harm caused by this workplace phenomenon. The more muted response in the United States is linked to the individualistic assumptions prevalent in American culture that place responsibility for harmful conditions frequently on the choices of the person experiencing the harm

    Social network size, loneliness, physical functioning and depressive symptoms among older adults: Examining reciprocal associations in four waves of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA)

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    Previous research indicates that social isolation, loneliness, physical dysfunction and depressive symptoms are interrelated factors, little is known about the potential pathways among them. The aim of the study is to analyse simultaneously reciprocal relationships that could exist between the four factors to clarify potential mediation effects. METHODS Within a large representative sample of older people in the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA), participants aged 75 and over were followed up over a period of 11 years (four waves). We tested cross-lagged and autoregressive longitudinal associations of social network size, loneliness, physical functioning and depressive symptoms using structural equation modelling (SEM). RESULTS Several statistically significant cross-lagged associations were found: decreasing physical functioning (Coef.=-0.03; p<0.05), as well as social network size (Coef.=-0.02; p<0.05), predicted higher levels of loneliness, which predicted an increase in depressive symptoms (Coef.=0.17; p<0.05) and further reduction of social network (Coef.=-0.20; p<0.05). Decreasing physical functioning also predicted an increase in depressive symptoms (Coef.=-0.08; p<0.05). All autoregressive associations were statistically significant. CONCLUSION Interventions focused on promoting social activities among older adults after negative life events, such as loss of social contacts or declining physical function, may alleviate feelings of loneliness and act as mental health protector

    Modelling Primordial Gas in Numerical Cosmology

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    We have reviewed the chemistry and cooling behaviour of low-density (n<10^4 cm^-3) primordial gas and devised a cooling model wich involves 19 collisional and 9 radiative processes and is applicable for temperatures in the range (1 K < T < 10^8 K). We derived new fits of rate coefficients for the photo-attachment of neutral hydrogen, the formation of molecular hydrogen via H-, charge exchange between H2 and H+, electron detachment of H- by neutral hydrogen, dissociative recombination of H2 with slow electrons, photodissociation of H2+, and photodissociation of H2. Further it was found that the molecular hydrogen produced through the gas-phase processes, H2+ + H -> H2 + H+, and H- + H -> H2 + e-, is likely to be converted into its para configuration on a faster time scale than the formation time scale. We have tested the model extensively and shown it to agree well with former studies. We further studied the chemical kinetics in great detail and devised a minimal model which is substantially simpler than the full reaction network but predicts correct abundances. This minimal model shows convincingly that 12 collisional processes are sufficient to model the H, He, H+, H-, He+, He++, and H2 abundances in low density primordial gas for applications with no radiation fields.Comment: 26 pages of text, 4 tables, and 6 eps figures. The paper is also available at http://zeus.ncsa.uiuc.edu:8080/~abel/PGas/bib.html Submitted to New Astronomy. Note that some of the hyperlinks given in the paper are still under constructio

    Antigenic diversity is generated by distinct evolutionary mechanisms in African trypanosome species

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    Antigenic variation enables pathogens to avoid the host immune response by continual switching of surface proteins. The protozoan blood parasite Trypanosoma brucei causes human African trypanosomiasis ("sleeping sickness") across sub-Saharan Africa and is a model system for antigenic variation, surviving by periodically replacing a monolayer of variant surface glycoproteins (VSG) that covers its cell surface. We compared the genome of Trypanosoma brucei with two closely related parasites Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma vivax, to reveal how the variant antigen repertoire has evolved and how it might affect contemporary antigenic diversity. We reconstruct VSG diversification showing that Trypanosoma congolense uses variant antigens derived from multiple ancestral VSG lineages, whereas in Trypanosoma brucei VSG have recent origins, and ancestral gene lineages have been repeatedly co-opted to novel functions. These historical differences are reflected in fundamental differences between species in the scale and mechanism of recombination. Using phylogenetic incompatibility as a metric for genetic exchange, we show that the frequency of recombination is comparable between Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma brucei but is much lower in Trypanosoma vivax. Furthermore, in showing that the C-terminal domain of Trypanosoma brucei VSG plays a crucial role in facilitating exchange, we reveal substantial species differences in the mechanism of VSG diversification. Our results demonstrate how past VSG evolution indirectly determines the ability of contemporary parasites to generate novel variant antigens through recombination and suggest that the current model for antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei is only one means by which these parasites maintain chronic infections

    Detailed SZ study of 19 LoCuSS galaxy clusters: masses and temperatures out to the virial radius

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    We present 16-GHz AMI SZ observations of 19 clusters with L_X >7x10^37 W (h50=1) selected from the LoCuS survey (0.142<z<0.295) and of A1758b, in the FoV of A1758a. We detect 17 clusters with 5-23sigma peak surface brightnesses. Cluster parameters are obtained using a Bayesian cluster analysis. We fit isothermal beta-models to our data and assume the clusters are virialized (with all the kinetic energy in gas internal energy). Our gas temperature, T_AMI, is derived from AMI SZ data, not from X-ray spectroscopy. Cluster parameters internal to r500 are derived assuming HSE. We find: (i) Different gNFW parameterizations yield significantly different parameter degeneracies. (ii) For h70 = 1, we find the virial radius r200 to be typically 1.6+/-0.1 Mpc and the total mass M_T(r200) typically to be 2.0-2.5xM_T(r500).(iii) Where we have found M_T X-ray (X) and weak-lensing (WL) values in the literature, there is good agreement between WL and AMI estimates (with M_{T,AMI}/M_{T,WL} =1.2^{+0.2}_{-0.3} and =1.0+/-0.1 for r500 and r200, respectively). In comparison, most Suzaku/Chandra estimates are higher than for AMI (with M_{T,X}/M_{T,AMI}=1.7+/-0.2 within r500), particularly for the stronger mergers.(iv) Comparison of T_AMI to T_X sheds light on high X-ray masses: even at large r, T_X can substantially exceed T_AMI in mergers. The use of these higher T_X values will give higher X-ray masses. We stress that large-r T_SZ and T_X data are scarce and must be increased. (v) Despite the paucity of data, there is an indication of a relation between merger activity and SZ ellipticity. (vi) At small radius (but away from any cooling flow) the SZ signal (and T_AMI) is less sensitive to ICM disturbance than the X-ray signal (and T_X) and, even at high r, mergers affect n^2-weighted X-ray data more than n-weighted SZ, implying significant shocking or clumping or both occur even in the outer parts of mergers.Comment: 45 pages, 33 figures, 13 tables Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Phosphoinositide 3 kinase signalling may affect multiple steps during herpes simplex virus type-1 entry

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    Early interactions of herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) with cells lead to cytoskeletal changes facilitating filopodia formation and membrane fusion. Here, we demonstrate that phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3K) signalling may affect multiple steps during HSV-1 entry. An inhibitor of PI3K (LY294002) blocked HSV-1 entry and the blockage was cell-type- and gD receptor-independent. Entry inhibition was also observed with primary cultures of the human corneal fibroblasts and unrelated β- and γ-herpesviruses. Immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated that LY294002 negatively affected HSV-1-induced filopodia formation. Similar effects of the inhibitor were seen on HSV-1 glycoprotein-induced cell-to-cell fusion. Cells expressing HSV-1 glycoproteins (gB, gD, gH and gL) showed significantly less fusion with target cells in the presence of the inhibitor. Expression of a dominant-negative PI3K mutant negatively affected both entry and fusion. We also show that inhibition of PI3K signalling also affected RhoA activation required for HSV-1 entry into certain cell types