518 research outputs found

    The spin dependence of the Blandford-Znajek effect

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    The interaction of large scale magnetic fields with the event horizon of rotating black holes (the Blandford-Znajek [1977] mechanism) forms the basis for some models of the most relativistic jets. We explore a scenario in which the central inward "plunging" region of the accretion flow enhances the trapping of large scale poloidal field on the black hole. The study is carried out using a fully relativistic treatment in Kerr spacetime, with the focus being to determine the spin dependence of the Blandford-Znajek effect. We find that large scale magnetic fields are enhanced on the black hole compared to the inner accretion flow and that the ease with which this occurs for lower prograde black hole spin, produces a spin dependence in the Blandford-Znajek effect that has attractive applications to recent observations. Among these is the correlation between inferred accretion rate and nuclear jet power observed by Allen et al. (2006) in X-ray luminous elliptical galaxies. If the black hole rotation in these elliptical galaxies is in the prograde sense compared with that of the inner accretion disk, we show that both the absolute value and the uniformity of the implied jet-production efficiency can be explained by the flux-trapping model. The basic scenario that emerges from this study is that a range of intermediate values of black hole spins could be powering these AGN. We also suggest that the jets in the most energetic radio-galaxies may be powered by accretion onto {\it retrograde} rapidly-rotating black holes.Comment: ApJ accepte

    A reflection origin for the soft and hard X-ray excess of Ark 120

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    Over the last few years several models have been proposed to interpret the widespread soft excess observed in the X-ray spectra of type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN). In particular, reflection from the photoionized accretion disc blurred by relativistic effects has proven to be successful in reproducing both the spectral shape and the variability pattern of many sources. As a further test to this scenario we present the analysis of a recent ~100 ks long Suzaku observation of Arakelian 120, a prototypical 'bare' Seyfert 1 galaxy in which no complex absorption system is expected to mimic a soft excess or mask the intrinsic properties of this key component. We show that a reflection model allowing for both warm/blurred and cold/distant reprocessing provides a self-consistent and convincing interpretation of the broadband X-ray emission of Ark 120, also characterized by a structured iron feature and a high-energy hump. Although warm absorbers, winds/outflows and multiple Comptonizing regions may play significant roles in sources with more spectral complexity, this case study adds evidence to the presence of blurred disc reflection as a basic component of the X-ray spectra of type 1 AGN.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Re-examining the XMM-Newton Spectrum of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1652-453

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    The XMM-Newton spectrum of the black hole candidate XTE J1652-453 shows a broad and strong Fe K-alpha emission line, generally believed to originate from reflection of the inner accretion disc. These data have been analysed by Hiemstra et al. (2011) using a variety of phenomenological models. We re-examine the spectrum with a self-consistent relativistic reflection model. A narrow absorption line near 7.2 keV may be present, which if real is likely the Fe XXVI absorption line arising from highly ionised, rapidly outflowing disc wind. The blue shift of this feature corresponds to a velocity of about 11100 km/s, which is much larger than the typical values seen in stellar-mass black holes. Given that we also find the source to have a low inclination (i < 32 degrees; close to face-on), we would therefore be seeing through the very base of outflow. This could be a possible explanation for the unusually high velocity. We use a reflection model combined with a relativistic convolution kernel which allows for both prograde and retrograde black hole spin, and treat the potential absorption feature with a physical model for a photo-ionised plasma. In this manner, assuming the disc is not truncated, we could only constrain the spin of the black hole in XTE J1652-453 to be less than ~ 0.5 Jc/GM^{2} at the 90% confidence limit.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Where is the Radiation Edge in Magnetized Black Hole Accretion discs?

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    General Relativistic (GR) Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of black hole accretion find significant magnetic stresses near and inside the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO), suggesting that such flows could radiate in a manner noticeably different from the prediction of the standard model, which assumes that there are no stresses in that region. We provide estimates of how phenomenologically interesting parameters like the ``radiation edge", the innermost ring of the disc from which substantial thermal radiation escapes to infinity, may be altered by stresses near the ISCO. These estimates are based on data from a large number of three-dimensional GRMHD simulations combined with GR ray-tracing. For slowly spinning black holes (a/M<0.9a/M<0.9), the radiation edge lies well inside where the standard model predicts, particularly when the system is viewed at high inclination. For more rapidly spinning black holes, the contrast is smaller. At fixed total luminosity, the characteristic temperature of the accretion flow increases between a factor of over that predicted by the standard model, whilst at fixed mass accretion rate, there is a corresponding enhancement of the accretion luminosity which may be anywhere from tens of percent to order unity. When all these considerations are combined, we find that, for fixed black hole mass, luminosity, and inclination angle, our uncertainty in the characteristic temperature of the radiation reaching distant observers due to uncertainty in dissipation profile (around a factor of 3) is {\it greater} than the uncertainty due to a complete lack of knowledge of the black hole's spin (around a factor of 2) and furthermore that spin estimates based on the stress-free inner boundary condition provide an upper limit to a/Ma/M.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, accepted by MNRAS; major changes to original, including entirely new sections discussing characteristic temperature of black hole accretion flows and implications for measurements of black hole spin, along with substantially expanded conclusio

    An XMM-Newton view of the `bare' nucleus of Fairall 9

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    We present the spectral results from a 130 ks observation, obtained from the X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission-Newton (XMM-Newton) observatory, of the type I Seyfert galaxy Fairall 9. An X-ray hardness-ratio analysis of the light-curves, reveals a `softer-when-brighter' behaviour which is typical for radio-quiet type I Seyfert galaxies. Moreover, we analyse the high spectral-resolution data of the reflection grating spectrometer and we did not find any significant evidence supporting the presence of warm-absorber in the low X-ray energy part of the source's spectrum. This means that the central nucleus of Fairall 9 is `clean' and thus its X-ray spectral properties probe directly the physical conditions of the central engine. The overall X-ray spectrum in the 0.5-10 keV energy-range, derived from the EPIC data, can be modelled by a relativistically blurred disc-reflection model. This spectral model yields for Fairall 9 an intermediate black-hole best-fit spin parameter of α=0.390.30+0.48\alpha=0.39^{+0.48}_{-0.30}.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The paper contains 11 figures and 1 tabl

    Effects Of Circum-nuclear Disk Gas Evolution And The Spin Of Central Black Holes

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    Mass and spin are the only two parameters needed to completely characterize black holes in General Relativity. However, the interaction between black holes and their environment is where complexity lies, as the relevant physical processes occur over a large range of scales. That is particularly relevant in the case of super-massive black holes (SMBHs), hosted in galaxy centers, and surrounded by swirling gas and various generations of stars. These compete with the SMBH for gas consumption and affect both dynamics and thermodynamics of the gas itself. How the behavior of such fiery environment influence the angular momentum of the gas accreted onto SMBHs, and, hence, black-hole spins is uncertain. We explore the interaction between SMBHs and their environment via first 3D sub-parsec resolution simulations (ranging from 0.1 pc to 1 kpc scales) that study the evolution of the SMBH spin by including the effects of star formation, stellar feedback, radiative transfer, and metal pollution according to the proper stellar yields and lifetimes. This approach is crucial to investigate the impact of star formation processes and feedback effects on the angular momentum of the material that could accrete on the central hole. We find that star formation and feedback mechanisms can locally inject significant amounts of entropy in the surrounding medium, and impact on the inflow inclination angles and Eddington fractions. As a consequence, the resulting trends show upper-intermediate equilibrium values for the spin parameter, a, of about 0.6 - 0.9, corresponding to radiative efficiencies \epsilon = 9% - 15%. These results suggest that star formation feedback taking place in the circum-nuclear disk during the in-fall cannot induce alone very strong chaotic trends in the gas flow, quite independently from the different numerical parameters.Comment: Changes in title and updates in references. Inclusion of additional runs and parameter studies. Conclusions unaffected. Accepte

    Estimates of Black Hole Spin Properties of 55 Sources

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    Studies of black hole spin and other parameters as a function of redshift provide information about the physical state and merger and accretion histories of the systems. One way that black hole spin may be estimated is through observations of extended radio sources. These sources, powered by outflows from an AGN, allow the beam power and total outflow energy to be studied. In a broad class of models, the beam power of the outflow is related to the spin of the black hole. This relationship is used to estimate black hole spins for 55 radio sources. The samples studied include 7 FRII quasars and 19 FRII radio galaxies with redshifts between 0.056 and 1.79, and 29 radio sources associated with CD galaxies with redshifts between 0.0035 and 0.291. The FRII sources studied have estimated spin values of between about 0.2 and 1; there is a range of values at a given redshift, and the values tend to increase with increasing redshift. Results obtained for FRII quasars are very similar to those obtained for FRII galaxies. A broader range of spin values are obtained for the sample of radio sources associated with CD galaxies studied. The fraction of the spin energy extracted per outflow event is estimated and ranges from about 0.03 to 0.5 for FRII sources and 0.002 to about 1 for radio sources associated with CD galaxies; the data are consistent with this fraction being independent of redshift though the uncertainties are large. The results obtained are consistent with those predicted by numerical simulations that track the merger and accretion history of AGN, supporting the idea that, for AGN with powerful large-scale outflows, beam power is directly related to black hole spin.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in MNRA

    Constraints on the black hole spin in the quasar SDSS J094533.99+100950.1

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    The spin of the black hole is an important parameter which may be responsible for the properties of the inflow and outflow of the material surrounding a black hole. Broad band IR/optical/UV spectrum of the quasar SDSS J094533.99+100950.1 is clearly disk-dominated, with the spectrum peaking up in the observed frequency range. Therefore, disk fitting method usually used for Galactic black holes can be used in this object to determine the black hole spin. We develop the numerical code for computing disk properties, including radius-dependent hardening factor, and we apply the ray-tracing method to incorporate all general relativity effects in light propagation. We show that the simple multicolor disk model gives a good fit, without any other component required, and the disk extends down to the marginally stable orbit. The best fit accretion rate is 0.13, well below the Eddington limit, and the black hole spin is moderate, 0.3. The contour error for the fit combined with the constraints for the black hole mass and the disk inclination gives a constraint that the spin is lower than 0.8. We discuss the sources of possible systematic errors in the parameter determinations

    Multimessenger astronomy with pulsar timing and X-ray observations of massive black hole binaries

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    We demonstrate that very massive (>10^8\msun), cosmologically nearby (z<1) black hole binaries (MBHBs), which are primary targets for ongoing and upcoming pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), are particularly appealing multimessenger carriers. According to current models for massive black hole formation and evolution, the planned Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will collect gravitational wave signals from thousands of such massive systems, being able to individually resolve and locate in the sky several of them (maybe up to a hundred). By employing a standard model for the evolution of MBHBs in circumbinary discs, with the aid of dedicated numerical simulations, we characterize the gas-binary interplay, identifying possible electromagnetic signatures of the PTA sources. We concentrate our investigation on two particularly promising scenarios in the high energy domain, namely, the detection of X-ray periodic variability and of double broad K\alpha iron lines. Up to several hundreds of periodic X-ray sources with a flux >10^-13 erg s^-1 cm^-2 will be in the reach of upcoming X-ray observatories. Double relativistic K\alpha lines may be observable in a handful of low redshift (z<0.3) sources by proposed deep X-ray probes, such as Athena. (Abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRAS, minor revision of the reference lis