70 research outputs found

    Die Liebe und das Ferne?

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    Beziehungen ermöglichen es, Grenzen zu überwinden. Wer sich in jemanden aus einem anderen Land verliebt, muss nicht nur persönliche Fragen, sondern auch rechtliche, soziale, politische, ökonomische und organisatorische Aspekte klären. Wie kann ein gemeinsamer Alltag und Intimität über Distanz hinweg entstehen? Wie fühlt es sich an, für eine Beziehung zu migrieren? Was braucht es, um zusammenleben zu können? Wie gelingt Ankommen? Und welche Rolle spielen hierbei Visa- und Einreisebestimmungen? Diese Ethnografie untersucht die Migrationserfahrungen deutsch-russischer Paare. Über die ethnografische Darstellung von Fallbeispielen gibt sie Einblicke in die genannten Zusammenhänge. Aus der Paarperspektive heraus zeigt die Autorin wie Liebe als Konzept neu verhandelt wird– Liebe nicht nur als Emotion, sondern auch als Code, als Ideal, als Performanz. Neben qualitativen Interviews bieten vor allem Timelines, eine Methode, die der systemischen Therapie entlehnt ist, die Grundlage für diese facettenreiche ethnographische Analyse

    Die Liebe und das Ferne?

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    Beziehungen ermöglichen es, Grenzen zu überwinden. Wer sich in jemanden aus einem anderen Land verliebt, muss nicht nur persönliche Fragen, sondern auch rechtliche, soziale, politische, ökonomische und organisatorische Aspekte klären. Wie kann ein gemeinsamer Alltag und Intimität über Distanz hinweg entstehen? Wie fühlt es sich an, für eine Beziehung zu migrieren? Was braucht es, um zusammenleben zu können? Wie gelingt Ankommen? Und welche Rolle spielen hierbei Visa- und Einreisebestimmungen? Diese Ethnografie untersucht die Migrationserfahrungen deutsch-russischer Paare. Über die ethnografische Darstellung von Fallbeispielen gibt sie Einblicke in die genannten Zusammenhänge. Aus der Paarperspektive heraus zeigt die Autorin wie Liebe als Konzept neu verhandelt wird– Liebe nicht nur als Emotion, sondern auch als Code, als Ideal, als Performanz. Neben qualitativen Interviews bieten vor allem Timelines, eine Methode, die der systemischen Therapie entlehnt ist, die Grundlage für diese facettenreiche ethnographische Analyse

    Altered Dopamine Signaling in Naturally Occurring Maternal Neglect

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    Child neglect is the most common form of child maltreatment, yet the biological basis of maternal neglect is poorly understood and a rodent model is lacking.The current study characterizes a population of mice (MaD1) which naturally exhibit maternal neglect (little or no care of offspring) at an average rate of 17% per generation. We identified a set of risk factors that can predict future neglect of offspring, including decreased self-grooming and elevated activity. At the time of neglect, neglectful mothers swam significantly more in a forced swim test relative to nurturing mothers. Cross-fostered offspring raised by neglectful mothers in turn exhibit increased expression of risk factors for maternal neglect and decreased maternal care as adults, suggestive of possible epigenetic contributions to neglect. Unexpectedly, offspring from neglectful mothers elicited maternal neglect from cross-fostered nurturing mothers, suggesting that factors regulating neglect are not solely within the mother. To identify a neurological pathway underlying maternal neglect, we examined brain activity in neglectful and nurturing mice. c-Fos expression was significantly elevated in neglectful relative to nurturing mothers in the CNS, particularly within dopamine associated areas, such as the zona incerta (ZI), ventral tegmental area (VTA), and nucleus accumbens. Phosphorylated tyrosine hydroxylase (a marker for dopamine production) was significantly elevated in ZI and higher in VTA (although not significantly) in neglectful mice. Tyrosine hydroxylase levels were unaltered, suggesting a dysregulation of dopamine activity rather than cell number. Phosphorylation of DARPP-32, a marker for dopamine D1-like receptor activation, was elevated within nucleus accumbens and caudate-putamen in neglectful versus nurturing dams.These findings suggest that atypical dopamine activity within the maternal brain, especially within regions involved in reward, is involved in naturally occurring neglect and that MaD1 mice are a useful model for understanding the basis of naturally occurring neglect

    Elevational Patterns of Species Richness, Range and Body Size for Spiny Frogs

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    Quantifying spatial patterns of species richness is a core problem in biodiversity theory. Spiny frogs of the subfamily Painae (Anura: Dicroglossidae) are widespread, but endemic to Asia. Using spiny frog distribution and body size data, and a digital elevation model data set we explored altitudinal patterns of spiny frog richness and quantified the effect of area on the richness pattern over a large altitudinal gradient from 0–5000 m a.s.l. We also tested two hypotheses: (i) the Rapoport's altitudinal effect is valid for the Painae, and (ii) Bergmann's clines are present in spiny frogs. The species richness of Painae across four different altitudinal band widths (100 m, 200 m, 300 m and 400 m) all showed hump-shaped patterns along altitudinal gradient. The altitudinal changes in species richness of the Paini and Quasipaini tribes further confirmed this finding, while the peak of Quasipaini species richness occurred at lower elevations than the maxima of Paini. The area did not explain a significant amount of variation in total, nor Paini species richness, but it did explain variation in Quasipaini. Five distinct groups across altitudinal gradient were found. Species altitudinal ranges did not expand with an increase in the midpoints of altitudinal ranges. A significant negative correlation between body size and elevation was exhibited. Our findings demonstrate that Rapoport's altitudinal rule is not a compulsory attribute of spiny frogs and also suggest that Bergmann's rule is not generally applicable to amphibians. The study highlights a need to explore the underlying mechanisms of species richness patterns, particularly for amphibians in macroecology

    Long-standing nonkin relationships of older adults in the Netherlands and the United States

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    The main research questions of this study were (1) How long have adults in the Netherlands and the United States known members of their nonkin networks? (2) What are the predictors of long-standing nonkin relationships? and (3) Which predictors are recognizable in both societies? The data came from the NESTOR-LSN survey (3,229 adults aged 55 to 89 years in the Netherlands) and from the Northern California Community Study (n = 1,050, with 225 respondents aged 55 to 91 years in the United States). In both countries, the duration of nonkin relationships was related to the absence of network-disturbing variables (e.g., the number of years since the last move), network-sustaining variables (e.g., distance to nonkin), and other network properties (e.g., homogeneity). Nationally based differences were also observed (e.g., having a car was related to stable relationships only in the United States, and the special integrative functions of exclusive friendships were elicited only in Europe)

    Stem Cells, Self-Renewal, and Lineage Commitment in the Endocrine System

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    The endocrine system coordinates a wide array of body functions mainly through secretion of hormones and their actions on target tissues. Over the last decades, a collective effort between developmental biologists, geneticists, and stem cell biologists has generated a wealth of knowledge related to the contribution of stem/progenitor cells to both organogenesis and self-renewal of endocrine organs. This review provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of the role of tissue stem cells in the development and self-renewal of endocrine organs. Pathways governing crucial steps in both development and stemness maintenance, and that are known to be frequently altered in a wide array of endocrine disorders, including cancer, are also described. Crucially, this plethora of information is being channeled into the development of potential new cell-based treatment modalities for endocrine-related illnesses, some of which have made it through clinical trials

    La réactance psychologique et la différenciation sociale

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    Brehm Sharon S. La réactance psychologique et la différenciation sociale. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 37 n°365, 1984. Psychologie sociale. pp. 471-474

    Sosial psychologi

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