146 research outputs found

    Coordinated regulation of chromatophore differentiation and melanogenesis during the ontogeny of skin pigmentation of Solea senegalensis (Kaup, 1858)

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    Abnormal pigmentation of Senegalese sole has been described as one problem facing the full exploitation of its commercial production. To improve our understanding of flatfish pigmentation of this commercially important species we have evaluated eleven genes related to two different processes of pigmentation: melanophore differentiation, and melanin production. The temporal distribution of gene expression peaks corresponds well with changes in pigmentation patterns and the intensity of skin melanization. Several gene ratios were also examined to put in perspective possible genetic markers for the different stages of normal pigmentation development. Further, the phenotypic changes that occur during morphogenesis correspond well with the main transitions in gene expression that occur. Given the dramatic phenotypic alterations which flatfish undergo, including the asymmetric coloration that occurs between the ocular and the blind side, and the synchrony of the two processes of morphogenesis and pigmentation ontogenesis, these species constitute an interesting model for the study of pigmentation. In this study we present a first approximation towards explaining the genetic mechanisms for regulating pigmentation ontogeny in Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis.Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICIIN) of the Spanish Government [AGL2008-03897-C04-01/ACU]; European Community [FP7/2007-2013-222719-LIFECYCLE]; Spanish Governmentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    I mondi paralleli di Cortázar: l'Inferno metropolitano

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    Nella dimensione testuale ridotta del cuento Texto en una libreta trova spazio la proiezione infera della metropoli contemporanea vista dagli occhi di Cortázar. Declinando l’andamento circolare della storia attraverso il continuo passaggio dal mondo di sopra a quello di sotto, l’autore argentino propone una fotografia quasi allucinata, extrañante e del tutto inconsolatoria dell’intrinseca oscurità della vita umana, dalla quale nessuna fuga è concessa

    Neurotensin localization in adenomatoid cystic malformation versus normal lung: Preliminary report of six consecutive cases

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    Neuropeptides are considered a new class of neurotransmitters, several of which interact with the immune system as well as the macrophagic activity. Among these, neurotensin (NT) enhances the phagocitic response of macrophages and is the only neuropeptide that can enhance the cytolytic effects of activated macrophages. In this way, it may play a role as an inflammatory mediator. In order to investigate the possible relationship between NT and the defence mechanisms of the lung, we started to localize the presence of NT in pulmonary adenomatoid cystic malformation (CCAM). This series consists of 6 children affected by CCAM. In every case, at operation, we obtained specimens of both normal and pathological lung. Tissue sections from the pathological lung showed a significant increase of NT-like immunoreactivity in respect to sections of normal lung. NT influences and activates the macrophages, thus suggesting that it could represent a defence mechanism in children's lung activated in some malformative conditions. Finally, the increasing evidence of NT immunoreactivity in CCAM could explicate an in utero infectious pathogenesis of this malformation

    Characterization of the different behaviours exhibited by juvenile flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) under rearing conditions

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    Aim of study: To describe the common behaviour of flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) under rearing conditions. Area of study: Tepic, Mexico. Material and methods: Behaviours exhibited by mullets were videorecorded with submersible cameras installed inside of three tanks. A total of 690 min per day (07:30 - 18:30 h) were recorded per tank during a week. Afterwards, the different behaviours exhibited by juvenile M. cephalus were described, identified and characterized in an ethogram and grouped into two categories: a) locomotion, including three different observed behaviours (resting, swimming and fast swimming) and b) feeding, including three behaviours (surface feeding, bottom feeding and rubbing). Each of the behavioural variables were quantified. Main results: M. cephalus is a species with a constant locomotion associated to feeding, since fish showed continuous movement during most of day light period. On the contrary, fish exhibited reduced movement during dark periods. Mullets were observed to be a non-aggressive fish species under conditions of the present study, since the absence of dominance and aggression towards conspecifics was observed, which suggested a high predisposition for adaptation to captivity. Finally, behavioural frequencies of grey mullet juveniles were similar among the three tanks for most of the behavioural variables analysed (p>0.05) except for the variable bottom feeding (p=0.02). Research highlights: Results from this study could be of interest for the aquaculture industry to optimize rearing techniques and welfare for the production of grey mullet.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) coping styles are consistent over time: behavioural and physiological responses during ontogenesis

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    Individuals differ in how they cope with stressful situations along a behavioural continuum, being proactive and reactive at the extremes of this continuum. Proactive individuals are usually bold, highly active and take risks, while reactive organisms are generally shy, exhibit low activity and avoid risky situations. Definitions of stress coping styles state that proactive and reactive traits are consistent over time and across contexts. The present study evaluated the individual differences in stress coping style, physiological changes and reproductive status in Senegalese sole juveniles and breeders over three and two-years, respectively. To determine stress coping style, the fish were subjected to three individual (restraining, new environment, confinement) and one group screening test (risk taking). Both groups were tested on three occasions, juveniles were tested each year and adults were tested in the first year and twice (spring and autumn) in the second year. On the third year, a proportion of the juveniles initiated puberty and the reproductive status of all individuals was assessed and compared with their behavioural responses. Results demonstrated individual differences that were consistent with proactive and reactive traits in juveniles and breeders. Significant intra-individual repeatability and consistency of juveniles and breeder's behavioural responses were observed over time and across situations. In addition, glucocorticoid levels (cortisol) were consistent for individuals. Another result to highlight was that juveniles that past puberty and initiated gametogenesis had significant higher activity, risk predisposition and lower plasma cortisol levels compared to fish that remained immature (did not initiate puberty)

    Vitamin A affects flatfish development in a thyroid hormone signaling and metamorphic stage dependent manner

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    Vitamin A (VA) and retinoid derivatives are known morphogens controlling vertebrate development. Despite the research effort conducted during the last decade, the precise mechanism of how VA induces post-natal bone changes, and particularly those operating through crosstalk with the thyroid hormones (THs) remain to be fully understood. Since effects and mechanisms seem to be dose and time-dependent, flatfish are an interesting study model as they undergo a characteristic process of metamorphosis driven by THs that can be followed by external appearance. Here, we studied the effects of VA imbalance that might determine Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) skeletogenetic phenotype through development of thyroid follicles, THs homeostasis and signaling when a dietary VA excess was specifically provided during pre-, pro-or post-metamorphic stages using enriched rotifers and Artemia as carriers. The increased VA content in enriched live prey was associated to a higher VA content in fish at all developmental stages. Dietary VA content clearly affected thyroid follicle development, T3 and T4 immunoreactive staining, skeletogenesis and mineralization in a dose and time-dependent fashion. Gene expression analysis showed that VA levels modified the mRNA abundance of VA- and TH-specific nuclear receptors at specific developmental stages. Present results provide new and key knowledge to better understand how VA and TH pathways interact at tissue, cellular and nuclear level at different developmental periods in Senegalese sole, unveiling how dietary modulation might determine juvenile phenotype and physiology.Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) of the Spanish Government [AGL2005-02478]; [SFRH/BPD/82049/2011]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Histologic confirmation of huge pancreatic lipoma: a case report and review of literatures

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    Pancreatic lipomas are commonly diagnosed based on radiologic images, although the prevalence of lipomas has not been established. Histologic confirmation of pancreatic lipomas is extremely rare because surgical treatment is unnecessary in most cases. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology has been suggested to avoid unnecessary surgery to distinguish between a lipoma and a well-differentiated liposarcoma; however, surgery would be needed when the tumor is associated with symptoms or difficult to distinguish from a liposarcoma. We present a case of a pancreatic lipoma in a 54-year-old male patient that was histologically-confirmed by subtotal pancreatectomy

    Effect of varying dietary levels of LC-PUFA and vegetable oil sources on performance and fatty acids of Senegalese sole post larvae: Puzzling results suggest complete biosynthesis pathway from C18 PUFA to DHA

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    Lipid nutrition of marine fish larvae has focused on supplying essential fatty acids (EFA) at high levels to meet requirements for survival, growth and development. However, some deleterious effects have been reported suggesting that excessive supply of EFA might result in insufficient supply of energy substrates, particularly in species with lower EFA requirements such as Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). This study addressed how the balance between EFA and non-EFA (better energy sources) affects larval performance, body composition and metabolism and retention of DHA, by formulating enrichment emulsions containing two different vegetable oil sources (olive oil or soybean oil) and three DHA levels. DHA positively affected growth and survival, independent of oil source, confirming that for sole post-larvae it is advantageous to base enrichments on vegetable oils supplying higher levels of energy, and supplement these with a DHA-rich oil. In addition, body DHA levels were generally comparable considering the large differences in their dietary supply, suggesting that the previously reported ∆4 fatty acyl desaturase (fad) operates in vivo and that DHA was synthesized at physiologically significant rates through a mechanism involving transcriptional up-regulation of ∆4fad, which was significantly up-regulated in the low DHA treatments. Furthermore, data suggested that DHA biosynthesis may be regulated by an interaction between dietary n - 3 and n - 6 PUFA, as well as by levels of LC-PUFA, and this may, under certain nutritional conditions, lead to DHA production from C18 precursors. The molecular basis of putative fatty acyl ∆5 and ∆6 desaturation activities remains to be fully determined as thorough searches have found only a single (∆4) Fads2-type transcript. Therefore, further studies are required but this might represent a unique activity described within vertebrate fads

    Modulation of the expression of components of the stress response by dietary arachidonic acid in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae

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    This study reports for the first time in European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), larvae, the effect of different levels of dietary arachidonic acid (ARA; 20:4n-6) on the expression of genes related to the fish stress response. Copies of mRNA from genes related to steroidogenesis (StAR (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein), c-Fos, and CYP11β (11β- hydroxylase gene)), glucocorticoid receptor complex (GR (glucorticoid receptor) and HSP (heat shock proteins) 70 and 90) and antioxidative stress (catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX)) were quantified. Eighteen day-old larvae were fed for 14 days with three experimental diets with increasing levels of ARA (0.3, 0.6 and 1.2% d.w.) and similar levels of docosahexaenoic (DHA; 22:6n-3) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA; 20:5n-3) acids (5 and 3%, respectively). The quantification of stress-related genes transcripts was conducted by One-Step TaqMan real time RT-PCR with the standard curve method (absolute quantification). Increase dietary levels of ARA induced a significantly (p<0.05) down-regulation of genes related to cortisol synthesis, such as StAR and CYP11β and up-regulated genes related to glucocorticoid receptor complex, such as HSP70 and GR. No effects were observed on antioxidant enzymes gene expression. These results revealed the regulatory role of dietary ARA on the expression of stress-related genes in European sea bass larvae

    The role of dietary lipids and essential fatty acids in the processes of skeletogenesis and pigmentation in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae = Efecto de los lípidos y ácidos grasos esenciales de la dieta sobre el desarrollo esquelético y la pigmentación en larvas del lenguado senegalés (Solea senegalensis)

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    [spa]Las malformaciones esqueléticas y problemas pigmentarios son dos de los problemas más importantes que afectan actualmente a la producción masiva de juveniles de peces planos. Estas anomalías, que ocurren desde las etapas iniciales del desarrollo larvario, afectan su apariencia externa, disminuyen su precio final en el mercado y representan un importante cuello de botella para la acuicultura. Entre los factores implicados en la aparición de los citados desórdenes, la nutrición lipídica es uno de los parámetros más importantes afectando a la esqueletogénesis y a la pigmentación. Un desequilibrio en los niveles de lípidos y/o ácidos grasos esenciales (AGE) puede conducir a un desarrollo anormal del esquelético y despigmentación. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral investigó el efecto de los lípidos y AGE (particularmente el ácido araquidónico, ARA) administrados en la dieta, sobre la esqueletogénesis y pigmentación en larvas del lenguado senegalés (Solea senegalensis), especie de pez plano producido en la península Ibérica, con alto precio en el mercado. El efecto de diferentes productos comerciales con distintos perfiles de ácidos grasos (AG) usados comúnmente para enriquecer Artemia, fue evaluado sobre el crecimiento, la maduración del sistema digestivo, la deposición de lípidos en diversos tejidos objetivos, la osificación y la incidencia de deformaciones esqueléticas en larvas de lenguado senegalés, trabajos que fueron completados con el estudio de la regulación molecular de dichos procesos durante el proceso de metamorfosis. Los efectos de los lípidos oxidados en la dieta también fueron evaluados sobre el crecimiento larvario, la actividad de enzimas antioxidantes, la deposición intestinal de lípidos, la osificación y la incidencia de deformidades esqueléticas en el lenguado senegalés. Finalmente, los efectos del ARA de la dieta sobre el crecimiento, la osificación, la incidencia de malformaciones esqueléticas y los desórdenes pigmentarios fueron evaluados y relacionados con las proporciones de prostaglandinas PGE2 y PGE3. La ontogenia de la pigmentación de la piel del lado ocular fue estudiada a nivel morfológico y molecular con el fin de detectar posibles alteraciones de un perfil normal de desarrollo de la pigmentación, mientras que la aparición del fenotipo pseudo-albino inducido nutricionalmente por un exceso de ARA fue también caracterizada.[eng]Skeletal deformities and pigmentary disorders, occurring from the early larval stages, affect the external appearance of fish, downgrade the market value of the final product and reduce the intensive production of flatfish juveniles. Among other factors, lipid nutrition is known to be involved in skeletogenesis and pigmentation, and unbalanced levels of lipids or essential fatty acids (EFA) or their inappropriate form of supply in the diet during larval development may lead to skeletal deformities and pigmentary disorders. This thesis aimed to study the role of dietary lipids and EFA in the incidence of skeletal and pigmentary disorders in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis), a flatfish of high market value produced in the Iberian Peninsula. In a first part, larvae were fed different commercial enriching products for Artemia metanauplii, presenting distinct FA profiles. Absolute levels of DHA, EPA and ARA of 9.5, 3.1 and 0.7% TFA, respectively, and n−3/n−6 PUFA, DHA/EPA, ARA/ DHA and OA/PUFA ratios of 5.2, 3.0, 0.1, 0.5, respectively, were recommended as more suitable for Senegalese sole growth performance, larval development and ossification, although the incidence of skeletal deformities was not significantly affected by the dietary FA composition. A variation, even slight, of these proportions might have modified the metabolism of lipids and disrupted the profile of lipid accumulation in the target tissues, leading to severe intestinal and hepatic steatosis and reduced larval growth and development. In a second part, larvae were fed increasing amounts of dietary peroxidized lipids (34.5 to 78.8 nmol MDA g-1 w.w.). Although no physiological alterations were detected on their FA profile, oxidative stress status, survival, growth performance, metamorphosis and ossification, fish seemed to activate antioxidant defense mechanisms in response to the dietary oxidative stress, through the consumption of the dietary vitamin E and the activation of antioxidant enzymes. Feeding fish with highly oxidized diets caused an increase of fat accumulation in the enterocytes and a reduction in bone mineralization. Vitamin E was suggested to interact with ossifying cartilage. In a third part, the effects of dietary arachidonic acid (ARA) on the incidence of skeletal malformations and pigmentary disorders were evaluated on Senegalese sole larvae. The amount of 4.5% TFA of ARA fed to larvae during the Artemia feeding period was optimal for proper growth and ossification, whereas 1 and 7.5% TFA of ARA led to imbalanced ARA/EPA and n-6/n-3 ratios that was suspected to disrupt the relative proportions of prostaglandins PGE2 and PGE3, and significantly delayed somatic growth and skeletal ossification. None of the dietary ARA contents affected the incidence of skeletal deformities in vertebral and caudal regions, but feeding larvae with high levels of dietary ARA (10.2% TFA in rotifer and 7.1% in Artemia metanauplii) during the pre-, pro- and/or post-metamorphosis induced an impaired eye migration in larvae, altered their head shape and cranial bone remodeling and induced malpigmentations. The ontogeny of the pigmentation of the ocular side skin at both morphological and molecular levels was studied in Senegalese sole larvae and the appearance of the ARA-induced pseudo-albino phenotype was characterized. A high “sensitivity window” to ARA-induced malpigmentation was identified during pre- and pro-metamorphosis stages, resulting in pseudo-albino specimens characterized by the absence of differentiation of post-metamorphic populations of chromatophores and the inhibition of the melanogenesis, reflected by the disrupted expression of genes involved in these processes (asip, pax3, cKit, mitf, tyr, trp1 and slc24a5). Supplying high ARA amounts to larvae altered their dietary ARA/EPA ratio and relative concentrations of PGE2 and PGE3, causing pigmentary disorders. This work provides helpful knowledge to understand how dietary lipids and EFA affect skeletogenesis and pigmentation processes, to improve actual Senegalese sole larval rearing and juveniles’ quality