754 research outputs found

    L'ubiquité de la justice pénale, un mythe républicain

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    International audienceWhile indivisibility is promoted by the French Republic as a pillar of its legitimacy, its application has met difficulties in the judicial field. Yet Justice should, in the interests of this principle, be applied equally across the national territory. However, crosschecking a quantitative analysis with a series of interviews with public prosecutors, who are central actors in French courts, makes it clear that substantial differences exist in the implementation of national policy in cases of criminal offense. Initiatives taken by these judicial actors, sometimes as a result of the distribution of human and financial resources decided at a national level, fragment the French judicial territory and relegate the ubiquity of justice to the rank of mere Republican myth.Alors que l’indivisibilité est promue par la République comme un des piliers de sa légitimité, son application connaît des failles dans le domaine judiciaire. La justice devrait pourtant, au nom de ce principe, s’appliquer en tout lieu du territoire national, et ce de manière égale. Or, le croisement d’une analyse quantitative et d’une série d’entretiens auprès des procureurs de la République, acteurs centraux des juridictions françaises, force à constater qu’il existe de réelles disparités dans l’application de la politique nationale en matière de délit. Les initiatives de ces acteurs judiciaires parfois induites par la répartition des moyens humains et financiers décidée à l’échelle nationale morcellent le territoire judiciaire français et relègue l’ubiquité de la justice au rang de mythe républicain

    Accounting for the effects of AIDS on growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://centredeconomiesorbonne.univ-paris1.fr/bandeau-haut/documents-de-travail/Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2011.09 - ISSN : 1955-611XIn this paper, we first, perform a quantitative assessment of the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on growth. Second, we precisely account for the effects of the epidemic on income per capita through human and physical capital accumulations, population and labor force. That is, we disentangle the effect on the different sources of short and long run growth. Using a dynamic panel of 46 Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1981-2007, we show that HIV/AIDS has negative, significant and long-lasting effects on demography and growth. According to the estimates presented, GDP per working age population will be 12% lower in the long-run for the average African country than it should be if the epidemic had not spread out. However, the impact is huge for the countries experiencing a high prevalence rate. To tackle the endogeneity issue of HIV/AIDS, we provide a new series of HIV prevalence rate build from the estimation of the propagation dynamic of the epidemic.L'objectif de cet article est de mesurer l'impact du HIV/SIDA sur la croissance en Afrique Sub-Saharienne. Une comptabilité précise de l'effet du SIDA sur le revenu par tête à travers l'accumulation de capital humain et physique, et l'impact sur la population et l'offre de travail est effectuée. Il s'agit de distinguer les effets sur les sources de la croissance de court et long terme. En utilisant des données de panel de 46 pays d'Afrique Sub-Saharienne sur la période 1981-2007, nous montrons que le Sida a un impact négatif, significatif et persistant sur la démographie et la croissance. Selon nos estimations, le PIB par tête est 12% en dessous de son niveau de long terme dans le pays moyen par rapport à ce qu'il aurait été en l'absence du Sida. Cependant, l'impact est beaucoup plus important pour les pays connaissant un taux de prévalence du Sida très élevé. Pour répondre au biais d'endogénéité lié au Sida, nous avons construit une variable exogène de taux de prévalence du Sida en fonction de la dynamique de propagation de l'épidémie

    Digestive enzyme activity and food ingesta in juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) as a function of body weight

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    A study was conducted to evaluate variations of digestive enzyme activities in Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) reared in commercial ponds under semi-intensive conditions. Shrimp were collected at each body weight increase of 2 g. As the shrimp grew (2^12 g), signi¢cant increases in the activities of lipase and chymotrypsinwere observed. The total protease activity decreased from 6 g onwards. Trypsin activity showed a peak at 6 g and amylase activity increased two-fold after 2 g. Additionally, the stomach contents were analysed microscopically for shrimp between 2 and 10 g. Plant matter contributed above 30% of the total stomach content in 6-, 8- and 10-g shrimp. Detritus represented 58% and 62% of the total stomach content in 2- and 4-g shrimp, respectively, decreasing to 33^43% at greater shrimp weights. Arti¢cial feed showed amaximumcontribution of 20% in 6-g shrimp. The present results show changes in the enzyme activity after the shrimp reach 6 g in body weight, evidenced by a decrease in total protease and an increase in lipase and amylase activities. The amylase/protease ratio was 2.6 in 2-g shrimp and increased steadily to 9.6 in 12-g shrimp. These ¢ndings suggest an adaptation of the enzymatic activity to diets with lower protein content as body weight increases, and may be related to the variation of the di¡erent items found in the stomach

    Un témoin de la production du livre juridique à Oxford : Poitiers, Médiathèque François Mitterrand, ms. 122 (139)

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    Le manuscrit 122 (139) de la Médiathèque de Poitiers est un exemplaire médiéval de la collection de droit canonique des Décrétales de Grégoire IX. D’après l’étude codicologique et l’analyse du décor, ce manuscrit a été produit à Oxford au troisième quart du xiiie siècle et enluminé par un artiste qui s’inscrit dans la lignée de Guillaume de Brailes qui a exercé dans le quartier de Catte Street. Il présente un cycle peint qui révèle des spécificités propres à la tradition anglaise. La réception de ce manuscrit est tout à fait exceptionnelle. Des dessins à l’encre et des textes versifiés témoignent de la volonté du commanditaire d’assimiler un texte canonique complexe. L’étude du texte, du cycle peint et du décor marginal nous invite à penser que ce manuscrit pourrait avoir été produit pour Boniface de Savoye. Ce manuscrit commémore précisément les hauts faits de la carrière ecclésiale de l’archevêque de Canterbury au service du royaume d’Angleterre peu avant son départ pour la Savoie où il se retire en 1269.The manuscript 122 (139) is kept at the library of Poitiers. It is a medieval book from the collection of canon law called Decretalesof Gregorius IX. The codicological study and ornementation analysis reveal that the manuscript was produced in Oxford, during the third quarter of the 13th century and was illuminated by an artist in line with Willelmus of Brailes, whose practice was located in Catte Street area. The manuscript includes a painted cycle with typical English specifities. The manuscript reception is exceptional. Ink drawings and versified texts show the willing of the owner to learn a complex text of canon law. The study of the text, the painted cycle and the marginal decoration prove that this manuscript might have been written for Boniface of Savoye for it precisely commemorates the feats accomplished during the ecclesial career of the archbishop of Canterbury when he served the English kingdom, shortly before his departure for Savoye as a retirement place in 1269

    Le manuscrit 150 de la Bibliothèque municipale d’Avranches, un unicum ?

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    Les bibliothèques médiévales de Normandie ont conservé de nombreux livres de droit civil et canonique, qui témoignent de la place importante accordée à l’étude du droit dans cette région. La bibliothèque du Mont-Saint-Michel conserve, par exemple, de nombreux manuscrits juridiques. Parmi les manuscrits de droit canonique, nous pouvons ainsi dénombrer la présence de cinq manuscrits du Liber Extra. Ces manuscrits découlent principalement de donations, d’achats et de copies. Le Mont-Saint-Michel..

    Phosphorylation by Cdk1 Increases the Binding of Eg5 to Microtubules In Vitro and in Xenopus Egg Extract Spindles

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    BACKGROUND:Motor proteins from the kinesin-5 subfamily play an essential role in spindle assembly during cell division of most organisms. These motors crosslink and slide microtubules in the spindle. Kinesin-5 motors are phosphorylated at a conserved site by Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) during mitosis. Xenopus laevis kinesin-5 has also been reported to be phosphorylated by Aurora A in vitro. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We investigate here the effect of these phosphorylations on kinesin-5 from Xenopus laevis, called Eg5. We find that phosphorylation at threonine 937 in the C-terminal tail of Eg5 by Cdk1 does not affect the velocity of Eg5, but strongly increases its binding to microtubules assembled in buffer. Likewise, this phosphorylation promotes binding of Eg5 to microtubules in Xenopus egg extract spindles. This enhancement of binding elevates the amount of Eg5 in spindles above a critical level required for bipolar spindle formation. We find furthermore that phosphorylation of Xenopus laevis Eg5 by Aurora A at serine 543 in the stalk is not required for spindle formation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:These results show that phosphorylation of Eg5 by Cdk1 has a direct effect on the interaction of this motor with microtubules. In egg extract, phosphorylation of Eg5 by Cdk1 ensures that the amount of Eg5 in the spindle is above a level that is required for spindle formation. This enhanced targeting to the spindle appears therefore to be, at least in part, a direct consequence of the enhanced binding of Eg5 to microtubules upon phosphorylation by Cdk1. These findings advance our understanding of the regulation of this essential mitotic motor protein

    Prussian blue analogues for potassium-ion batteries: insights into the electrochemical mechanisms

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    A comprehensive description of the electrochemical mechanisms of the Prussian Blue Analogue (PBA) K1.67Mn0.65Fe0.35[Fe(CN)6]0.92\ub70.45H2O is obtained by combining several complementary ex situ and operando physico-chemical characterisation techniques. This particular PBA, which shows very good electrochemical performance as a cathode material in potassium-ion batteries (PIBs), undergoes three successive redox reactions during the (de-)potassiation that are hereby identified by ex situ57Fe M\uf6ssbauer spectroscopy and operando Mn and Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. These reactions come along with notable modifications of the crystal structure, which are followed in real time by operando X-ray diffraction. The correlation of these results, interpreted with the support of chemometric methods, also reveals the limitations of this PBA, probably related to the deactivation of the Mn undergoing extensive reversible Jahn-Teller distortion during cycling as well as possible dissolution in the electrolyte. These results underline that optimisation of the chemical composition of PBAs is a crucial step towards the preparation of reliable and stable PBA-based cathodes for PIBs

    Ontogeny of the digestive enzyme activity of the Amazonian pimelodid catfish Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (Castelnau, 1855)

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the functional ontogeny of the digestive system of Pseudoplatystoma punctifer through the analysis of the activity of the main intestinal (alkaline phosphatase, aminopeptidase N, maltase and leucine-alanine peptidase), pancreatic (trypsin, chymotrypsin, total alkaline proteases, bile-salt activated lipase and amylase) and gastric (pepsin) enzymes. Larvae were raised in triplicate in a recirculation system from 4 to 27 days post fertilization (dpf) at an initial density of 90 larvae L−1, 27.8 ± 0.7 °C and 0 L: 24D photoperiod. Larvae were fed from 4 to 17 dpf with Artemia nauplii and weaned onto an experimentally formulated feed (crude protein content ~ 45%; crude fat content ~ 10%; crude carbohydrate ~ 8%) within 3 days, then continued with the same diet until the end of the trial. P. punctifer showed an exponential growth pattern with two different growth rates: a slower one from hatching to 12 dpf followed by a faster one from 12 to 27 dpf. The specific and total activities of the pancreatic and intestinal enzymes were detected from hatching. The digestive system was functional at 12 dpf, indicating the transition from the larval to the juvenile stage (alkaline to acid digestion). Therefore individuals could be weaned from that day onwards. The variations observed in the enzymatic activity from 17 dpf reflected the adaptation of the enzymatic machinery to the new diet supplied. P. punctifer larvae showed a fast digestive system development with an enzymatic profile typical of a tropical and carnivorous species.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio