318 research outputs found

    Cytochemical techniques and energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy applied to the study of parasitic protozoa

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    The study of parasitic protozoa plays a major role in cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology. Numerous cytochemical techniques have been developed in order to unequivocally identify the nature of subcellular compartments. Enzyme and immuno-cytochemistry allow the detection of, respectively, enzymatic activity products and antigens in particular sites within the cell. Energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy permits the detection of specific elements within such compartments. These approaches are particularly useful for studies employing antimicrobial agents where cellular compartments may be destroyed or remarkably altered and thus hardly identified by standard methods of observation. In this regard cytochemical and spectroscopic techniques provide valuable data allowing the determination of the mechanisms of action of such compounds

    Lifetime cognition and late midlife blood metabolites: findings from a British birth cohort

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    Maintenance of healthy cognitive ageing is vital for independence and wellbeing in the older general population. We investigated the association between blood metabolites and cognitive function and decline. Participants from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD, the British 1946 birth cohort) were studied; 233 nuclear magnetic resonance circulating metabolite measures were quantified in 909 men and women at ages 60–64. Short-term and delayed verbal memory and processing speed were concurrently assessed and these tests were repeated at age 69. Linear regression analyses tested associations between metabolites and cognitive function at ages 60–64, and changes in these measures by age 69, adjusting for childhood cognition, education, socio-economic status and lifestyle factors. In cross-sectional analyses, metabolite levels, particularly fatty acid composition and different lipid sub-classes, were associated with short-term verbal memory (4 measures in females and 11 measures in the whole sample), delayed verbal memory (2 measures in females) and processing speed (8 measures in males and 2 measures in the whole sample) (p < 0.002). One metabolite was associated with change in cognition in females. Most of the observed associations were attenuated after adjustment for childhood cognition and education. A life course perspective can improve the understanding of how peripheral metabolic processes underlie cognitive ageing

    Uptake and transport of novel amphiphilic polyelectrolyte-insulin nanocomplexes by caco-2 cells - towards oral insulin

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    “The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com”. Copyright SpringerPurpose: The influence of polymer architecture on cellular uptake and transport across Caco-2 cells of novel amphiphilic polyelectrolyte-insulin nanocomplexes was investigated. Method: Polyallylamine (PAA) (15 kDa) was grafted with palmitoyl chains (Pa) and subsequently modified with quaternary ammonium moieties (QPa). These two amphiphilic polyelectrolytes (APs) were tagged with rhodamine and their uptake by Caco-2 cells or their polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) with fluorescein isothiocyanate-insulin (FITC-insulin) uptake were investigated using fluorescence microscopy. The integrity of the monolayer was determined by measurement of transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER). Insulin transport through Caco-2 monolayers was determined during TEER experiments. Result: Pa and insulin were co-localised in the cell membranes while QPa complexes were found within the cytoplasm. QPa complex uptake was not affected by calcium, cytochalasin D or nocodazole. Uptake was reduced by co-incubation with sodium azide, an active transport inhibitor. Both polymers opened tight junctions reversibly where the TEER values fell by up to 35 % within 30 minutes incubation with Caco-2 cells. Insulin transport through monolayers increased when QPa was used (0.27 ngmL-1 of insulin in basal compartment) compared to Pa (0.14 ngmL-1 of insulin in basal compartment) after 2 hours. Conclusion: These APs have been shown to be taken up by Caco-2 cells and reversibly open tight cell junctions. Further work is required to optimise these formulations with a view to maximising their potential to facilitate oral delivery of insulin.Peer reviewe

    Enhanced Secretion of Amylase from Exocrine Pancreas of Connexin32-deficient Mice

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    To determine whether junctional communication between pancreatic acinar cells contributes to their secretory function in vivo, we have compared wild-type mice, which express the gap junctional proteins connexin32 (Cx32) and connexin26, to mice deficient for the Cx32 gene. Pancreatic acinar cells from Cx32 (−/−) mice failed to express Cx32 as evidenced by reverse transcription–PCR and immunolabeling and showed a marked reduction (4.8- and 25-fold, respectively) in the number and size of gap junctions. Dye transfer studies showed that the extent of intercellular communication was inhibited in Cx32 (−/−) acini. However, electrical coupling was detected by dual patch clamp recording in Cx32 (−/−) acinar cell pairs. Although wild-type and Cx32 (−/−) acini were similarly stimulated to release amylase by carbamylcholine, Cx32 (−/−) acini showed a twofold increase of their basal secretion. This effect was caused by an increase in the proportion of secreting acini, as detected with a reverse hemolytic plaque assay. Blood measurements further revealed that Cx32 (−/−) mice had elevated basal levels of circulating amylase. The results, which demonstrate an inverse relationship between the extent of acinar cell coupling and basal amylase secretion in vivo, support the view that the physiological recruitment of secretory acinar cells is regulated by gap junction mediated intercellular communication

    Measurement invariance of the phubbing scale across 20 countries

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    Mobile phone addiction is a robust phenomenon observed throughout the world. The social aspect of mobile phone use is crucial; therefore, phubbing is a part of the mobile phone addiction phenomenon. Phubbing is defined as ignoring an interlocutor by glancing at one's mobile phone during a face-to-face conversation. The main aim of this study was to investigate how the Phubbing Scale (containing 10 items) might vary across countries, and between genders. Data were collected in 20 countries: Belarus, Brazil, China, Croatia, Ecuador, India, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, UK, Ukraine and USA. The mean age across the sample (N = 7696, 65.8% women, 34.2% men) was 25.32 years (SD = 9.50). The cross-cultural invariance of the scale was investigated using multigroup confirmatory factor analyses (MGCFA) as well as the invariance analyses. Additionally, data from each country were assessed individually via confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs). We obtained two factors, based on only eight of the items: (a) communication disturbances and (b) phone obsession. The 8 items Phubbing Scale

    Polarized P-glycoprotein expression by the immortalised human brain endothelial cell line, hCMEC/D3, restricts apical-to-basolateral permeability to rhodamine 123

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    P-glycoprotein (P-gp) expression at the blood-brain barrier prevents unwanted blood-borne toxins and signalling molecules from entering the brain. Primary and immortalised human brain endothelial cells (BECs) represent two suitable options for studying P-gp function in vitro. The limited supply of primary human BECs and their instability over passage number makes this choice unattractive for medium/high throughput studies. The aim of this study was to further characterise the expression of P-gp by an immortalised human BEC line, hCMEC/D3, in order to evaluate their use as an in vitro human blood-brain barrier model. P-gp expression was stable over a high passage number (up to passage 38) and was polarised on the apical plasma membrane, consistent with human BECs in vivo. In addition, hCMEC/D3 cell P-gp expression was comparable, albeit slightly lower to that observed in primary isolated human BECs although P-gp function was similar in both cell lines. The P-gp inhibitors tariquidar and vinblastine prevented the efflux of rhodamine 123 (rh123) from hCMEC/D3 cells, indicative of functional P-gp expression. hCMEC/D3 cells also displayed polarised P-gp transport, since both tariquidar and vinblasine selectively increased the apical-to-basolateral permeability of hCMEC/D3 cells to rh123. The results presented here demonstrate that hCMEC/D3 cells are a suitable model to investigate substrate specificity of P-gp in BECs of human origin

    Adjustment to fibromyalgia: the role of domain-specific self-efficacy and acceptance

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    Research in long-term conditions traditionally focuses on negative aspects of coping. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of positive factors such as selfefficacy and acceptance in the context of adjustment to fibromyalgia. The study employed a cross-sectional design using online questionnaires measuring self-efficacy, acceptance, kinesiophobia, coping, catastrophising, pain intensity and fibromyalgia impact. A total of 117 participants with fibromyalgia were recruited from fibromyalgia support-groups, organisations, and online forums. After controlling for other cognitive and demographic variables, pain self-efficacy remained a significant predictor of pain intensity (p=.003); symptom self-efficacy remained the best predictor of psychological fibromyalgia impact (p=.001); and function self-efficacy remained the best predictor of functional (p<.001) and total fibromyalgia impact (p<.001). However, the contribution of acceptance upon pain intensity and fibromyalgia impact was not significant. These results highlight the impact of different self-efficacy domains on pain intensity, and functional, psychological and total adjustment to fibromyalgia

    Personality Predicts Mortality Risk: An Integrative Data Analysis of 15 International Longitudinal Studies

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    This study examined the Big Five personality traits as predictors of mortality risk, and smoking as a mediator of that association. Replication was built into the fabric of our design: we used a Coordinated Analysis with 15 international datasets, representing 44,094 participants. We found that high neuroticism and low conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness were consistent predictors of mortality across studies. Smoking had a small mediating effect for neuroticism. Country and baseline age explained variation in effects: studies with older baseline age showed a pattern of protective effects (HR<1.00) for openness, and U.S. studies showed a pattern of protective effects for extraversion. This study demonstrated coordinated analysis as a powerful approach to enhance replicability and reproducibility, especially for aging-related longitudinal research.Funding support for this project was provided by the National Institute on Aging: P01-AG043362 (Integrative Analysis of Longitudinal Studies of Aging (IALSA), [Scott M. Hofer (PI)]), and Daniel K. Mroczek (CoInvestigator and Project Leader of the IALSA Personality & Health Project, as well as R01-AG018436 [Personality & Well-Being Trajectories in Adulthood, Daniel K. Mroczek, PI])